姓名 陈明宇 性别 男
联系方式 cmy@.ict.ac.cn 职称 研究员
研究方向 高性能计算机体系结构和操作系统
1989.9-1994.7 中国科学技术大学电子工程与信息科学系学习,获学士学位
1994.9-1997.7 中国科学院计算技术研究所计算机体系结构专业学习,获硕士学位
1997.9-2000.7 中国科学院计算技术研究所智能中心在职攻读博士,获计算机体系结构专业博士学位
2000.9-2003.5 中国科学院计算技术研究所信息安全实验室工作
2003.6-2005.6 中国科学院计算技术研究所智能中心先进系统实验室,项目组长
2005.7-2011.10 中国科学院计算机系统结构重点实验室高性能计算机体系结构组组长。
2011年11月- 中国科学院计算技术研究所先进计算机系统研究中心系统结构组组长
Yongbing Huang, Licheng Chen, Zehan Cui, Yuan Ruan, Yungang Bao, Mingyu Chen, Ninghui Sun,”HMTT: A hybrid hardware/software tracing system for bridging the DRAM access trace’s semantic gap”,ACM Transactions on Architecture and Code Optimization (TACO),Volume 11(1),No.7,2014.2
Lei Liu, Zehan Cui, Yong Li, Yungang Bao, Mingyu Chen, Chengyong Wu,”BPM/BPM+: Software-based dynamic memory partitioning mechanisms for mitigating DRAM bank-/channel-level interferences in multicore systems”,ACM Transactions on Architecture and Code Optimization (TACO),Volume 11(1),No.5,2014.2
LiCheng Chen, MingYu Chen, Yuan Ruan, YongBing Huang, ZeHan Cui, TianYue Lu, YunGang Bao. “MIMS:Towards a Message Interface Based Memory System”,Journal of Computer Science and Technology(JCST) , 2014,V29(2): 255-272
WenTao Bao, BinZhang Fu, MingYu Chen, LiXin Zhang, “A High-Performance and Cost-Effcient Interconnection Network for High-Density Servers”,Journal of Computer Science and Technology(JCST) ,2014 Vol. 29 (2): 281-292
Erlin Yao, Yungang Bao, Mingyu Chen: What Hill-Marty model learn from and break through Amdahl’s law? Information Processing Letters(IPL),( 111(23-24): 1092-1095 (2011)
Jianwei Xu, Mingyu Chen, Gui Zheng, Zheng Cao, Huiwei lv, Ninghui Sun,“SimK: a Parallel Simulation Engine towards Shared-memory Mulitprocessor”, Journal of Computer Science and Technology 24(6):2009.11,p1048-1060
Yongbing Huang, Mingyu Chen, Lixin Zhang, Shihai Xiao,Junfeng Zhao,Zhulin Wei. “Intelligent Frame Refresh for Energy-Aware Display Subsystems in Mobile Devices.”, the International Symposium on Low Power Electronics and Design (ISLPED), La Jolla, CA., Aug. 11-13,2014.
Lei Liu, Yong Li, Zehan Cui, Yungang Bao, Mingyu Chen, Chengyong Wu, “Going Vertical in Memory Management: Handling Multiplicity by Multi-policy”, the 41st International Symposium on Computer Architecture (ISCA’14), June 14-18, Minneapolis,MN,USA 2014.
Zehan Cui, Sally A. McKee, Zhongbin Zha, Yungang Bao, and Mingyu Chen. 2014. DTail: a flexible approach to DRAM refresh management. In Proceedings of the 28th ACM international conference on Supercomputing (ICS ’14). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 43-52.
Fei Xia, Dejun Jiang, Jin Xiong, Mingyu Chen, Lixin Zhang, and Ninghui Sun. 2014. DWC: dynamic write consolidation for phase change memory systems. In Proceedings of the 28th ACM international conference on Supercomputing (ICS ’14). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 211-220.
Zehan Cui, Licheng Chen, Yungang Bao, and Mingyu Chen. 2014. A Swap-based Cache Set Index Scheme to Leverage both Superpage and Page Coloring Optimizations. In Proceedings of the The 51st Annual Design Automation Conference on Design Automation Conference (DAC ’14). ACM, New York, NY, USA, , Article 140 , 6 pages.
Tianyue Lu ,Licheng Chen,Mingyu Chen,”Achieving Efficient Packet-based Memory System by Exploiting Correlation of Memory Requests”, Design,Automation&Test Europe(DATE),Mar 24-28,2014,Dresden,Germany
Yongbing Huang , Mingyu Chen,”Moby: A Mobile Benchmark Suite for Architectural Simulators”,2014 IEEE International Symposium on Performance Analysis of Systems and Software(ISPASS), Monterey, CA. USA, March 23-25, 2014
Licheng Chen, Zhipeng Wei, Zehan Cui, Mingyu Chen, Haiyang Pan, Yungang Bao,“CMD: Classification-based Memory Deduplication through Page Access Characteristics”,the 10th ACM SIGPLAN/SIGOPS International Conference on Virtual Execution Environments(VEE14),Salt Lake City, UT,March 1-2,2014
Licheng Chen, Yanan Wang, Zehan Cui, Yongbing Huang, Yungang Bao, Mingyu Chen,“Scattered Superpage: A Case for Bridging the Gap between Superpage and Page Coloring”,The 31st IEEE International Conference on Computer Design,(ICCD) October 6-9, 2013,Asheville, NC, USA
Licheng Chen, Yongbing Huang, Yungang Bao, Guangming Tan, Zehan Cui, Mingyu Chen,”A Study of Leveraging Memory Level Parallelism for DRAM System on Multi-Core/Many-Core Architecture”,The 11th IEEE International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing with Applications (ISPA-13),16-18 July, 2013 Melbourne, Australia
Jiajia Li, Guangming Tan, Mingyu Chen, Ninghui Sun: “SMAT: an input adaptive auto-tuner for sparse matrix-vector multiplication.”, 34th annual ACM SIGPLAN conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation(PLDI),June 17, 2013,Seattle, Washington, USA,117-126
Zehan Cui, Licheng Chen, Mingyu Chen, Yungang Bao, Yongbing Huang, Huiwei Lv,”Evaluation and Optimization of Breadth-First Search on NUMA Cluster”, IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing (Cluster 2012), Beijing, China, Sep.24-28,2012
Yongbing Huang, Zehan Cui, Licheng Chen, Wenli Zhang, Yungang Bao, Mingyu Chen, HaLock: Hardware-Assisted Lock Contention Detection in Multithreaded Applications, to appear in the International Conference on Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques (PACT), Sep 19-23. 2012.
Jiajia Li, Xingjian Li, Guangming Tan, Mingyu Chen, Ninghui Sun, An Optimized Large-Scale Hybrid DGEMM Design for CPUs and ATI GPUs, The 26th ACM International Conference on Supercomputing (ICS),San Servolo Island, Venice, Italy, 25-29 June 2012.
Huiwei Lv, Guangming Tan, Mingyu Chen and Ninghui Sun, “Understanding Parallelism in Graph Traversal on Multi-core Clusters”, International Supercomputing Conference(ISC), Hamburg, Germany, June 17–21, 2012.
Pengfei Zhu, Mingyu Chen, Yungang Bao, Licheng Chen, and Yongbing Huang,”Trace-driven Simulation of the Memory System Scheduling in Multithread application”, ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on Memory Systems Performance and Correctness , Beijing China, June 16 2012
Erlin Yao, Rui Wang, Mingyu Chen, Guangming Tan, Ninghui Sun,A Case Study of Designing Efficient Algorithm-based Fault Tolerant Application for Exascale Parallelism. Proceeding of the 26th IEEE International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS), ShangHai, China, May 22-24, 2012.
Licheng Chen, Zehan Cui,Yungang Bao, Mingyu Chen, Yongbing Huang, Guangming Tan, A Lightweight Hybrid Hardware/Software Approach for Object-Relative Memory Profiling, IEEE International Symposium on Performance Analysis of Systems and Software (ISPASS), New Brunswick, NJ, April 1-3, 2012
R. Wang, E. Yao, P. Balaji, D. Buntinas, M. Chen and G. Tan. Building Algorithmically Nonstop Fault Tolerant MPI Programs. Accepted by the IEEE Internaltional conference on High Performance Computing Conference (HiPC), Dec 2011.
Linchuan Li, Xingjian Li, Guangming Tan, Peiheng Zhang, Mingyu Chen, Experience of Parallelizing cryo-EM 3D Reconstruction on a CPU-GPU Heterogeneous System, the 20th ACM Symposium on High Performance on Parallel and Distributed Computing (HPDC’11), June 2011.
Licheng Chen, Yongbing Huang, Yungang Bao, Onur Mutlu, Guangming Tan, Mingyu Chen, Poster: revisiting virtual channel memory for performance and fairness on multi-core architecture. 25th ACM International Conference on Supercomputing (ICS) June 2011,pp.379
Li Jiajia, Tan Guangming, Chen Mingyu, “Automatically Tuned Dynamic Programming with an Algorithm-by-Blocks”, 16th International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems (ICPADS), ShangHai, Dec. 2010
Huiwei Lv, Yuan Cheng, Lu Bai, Mingyu Chen, Dongrui Fan, and Ninghui Sun,”P-GAS: Parallelizing a Cycle-Accurate Event-Driven Many-Core Processor Simulator Using Parallel Discrete Event Simulation”, 24th ACM/IEEE/SCS Workshop on Principle of Advanced and Distributed Simulation (PADS 2010) Atlanta, USA,June 2010
Qingbo Yuan, Jianbo Zhao, Mingyu Chen, Ninghui Sun, GenerOS: An Asymmetric Operating System Kernel for Multi-core Systems, IEEE International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS’10) Atlanta, USA, April 2010
Dan Tang, Yungang Bao, Weiwu Hu, Mingyu Chen, DMA Cache: Using On-Chip Storage to Architecturally Separate I/O Data from CPU Data for Improving I/O Performance, the 16th IEEE International Symposium on High-Performance Computer Architecture (HPCA-16), Jan 2010
Yao, E., Bao, Y., Tan, G., and Chen, M. 2009. Extending Amdahl’s law in the multicore era. SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review (Oct. 2009), 24-26.
Guangming Tan, Ziyu Guo, Mingyu Chen, Dan Meng,“Single-particle 3D Reconstruction from Cryo-Electron Microscopy Images on GPU”,the 23rd ACM International Conference on Supercomputing (ICS’09) ,IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, Yorktown Heights, NY, USA,pp.380-389,June 2009
Zheng Cao, Jianwei Xu, Mingyu Chen, Gui Zheng, Huiwei Lv, Ninghui Sun. HPPNetSim: A Parallel Simulation of Large-scale Interconnection Network. 42nd Annual Simulation Symposium (ANSS),March 22 – 27, 2009 San Diago,USA
Yungang Bao, Mingyu Chen,Yuan Ruan, Li Liu, Qingbo Yuan, Bo Song, Jianwei Xu, Jianping Fan, “HMTT: A Platform Independent Full-System Memory Trace Monitoring System, ACM SIGMETRICS 2008
Li Liu, Mingyu Chen, Yungang Bao, Jianwei Xu, Jianping Fan, ”A Network Memory Architecture Model and Performance Analysis”, IEEE 2008 International Conference on Networking, Architecture, and Storages (NAS08 )
LI Lei,CAO Zheng,CHEN Ming-Yu, and FAN Jian-Ping, “A Reconfigurable Optical Interconnect System for DSAG”, the International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing, Applications and Technologies (PDCAT05),2005.12
Guozhong Sun , Huan Tang, Mingyu Chen, Jianping Fan,,"A Scalable Dynamic Network Memory Service System", the 8th International Conference on High Performance Computing in Asia Pacific region (HPCAsia2005), Beijing, 2005.11
Zhang Wenli, Chen Mingyu, Fan Jianping. “HPL Performance Prevision to Intending System Improvement” , International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing and Applications (ISPA 2004).
Mingyu Chen, Guoji Li,Yanbo Zhao,Xiaoxia Zhang,“The Design and implementation of a large scale E-Mail Server System”,Journal of Computer Research and Development(Chinese), July 2001
MingYu Chen, Wen Gao, Wensheng Zhang, Lihui Wu ,” The Design of High Availability in the Dawning Server Consolidation System”, Proc. Of IEEE 4th Inter. conf. on HPC in Asia-Pacific region, Beijing , May 2000
本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-05-26
相关话题/计算 中国科学院
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