

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-05-29

李栋博士 研究员 博士生导师 中科院生物物理所,生物大分子国家重点实验室,研究组长

简历:   2002 - 2006 浙江大学,光电信息工程学系学士
  2006 - 2011 香港科技大学,电子与计算机工程学系博士
  2011 - 2015 霍华德·休斯医学研究所,Janelia研究校园博士后
  2015 -至今 中国科学院生物物理研究所,研究员

获奖及荣誉:   2019年 掠入射结构光超分辨成像技术发展与应用(Cell, 2018)入选年度中国十大科学进展
  2015年 PicoQuant青年研究员奖,国际光学工程学会(SPIE)
  2011年 青年科学家奖获奖者,香港科学会

研究方向:   光学成像技术一直是生命科学研究的重要工具。近年来以超分辨率显微镜,单分子荧光成像与追踪,以及多光子非线性显微成像为代表的新技术发展,再次给生物学研究带来革命性突破。同时这些新技术的发明与发展也更加强调生物物理,光学工程,生物医学,化学等多学科的交叉与协同创新。本课题组致力于开发新型光学成像技术,特别是适于活体,高速,低漂白成像的超分辨率显微镜,以及多光子荧光组织成像技术,并结合单分子成像与追踪。这些技术将为探索从单细胞到复杂模式生物中的,例如细胞间的协同互作,细胞器的结构和动态变化,分子与分子间的相互作用,以及单分子行为等生物过程和功能提供精准度更高的观测手段。

代表论著:   1. Y.Guo#, D. Li#, S. Zhang, Y. Yang, J-J. Liu, X. Wang, C. Liu, D.E. Milkie, R.P. Moore, U.S. Tulu, D.P. Kiehart, J. Hu, J. Lippincott-Schwartz*, E.Betzig*, D Li*. Visualizing Intracellular Organelle and Cytoskeletal Interactions at Nanoscale Resolution on Millisecond Timescales, Cell,2018, V.175, 1430-1442 (2018).
  2. X. Han, P. Li, Z. Yang, X. Huang, G. Wei, Y. Sun, X. Kang, X. Hu, Q. Deng, L. Chen, A. He, Y. Huo, D. Li*, E. Betzig, & J. Cai*, “Zyxin regulates endothelial von Willebrand factor secretion by reorganizing actin filaments around exocytic granules”, Nature Communications, V. 8, 14639 (2017).
  3. D. Li, L. Shao, B-C. Chen, X. Zhang, M. Zhang, B. Moses, D. E. Milkie, J.R. Beach, J. A. Hammer, M. Pasham, T. Kirchhausen, M. A. Baird, M. W. Davidson, P. Y. Xu, & E. Betzig, “Extended resolution structured illumination imaging of endocytic and cytoskeletal dynamics”, Science, V.349, 6251 (2015).Cover article, highlighted by AAAS, MIT Technology Review, Faculty of 1000, Photonics, HHMI News, etc.
  4. N. Billington, J. R. Beach, S. M. Heissler, K. Remmert, S. Guzik-Lendrum, A. Nagy, Y. Takagi, L. Shao, D. Li, Y. Yang, Y. Zhang, M. Barzik, E. Betzig, J. A. Hammer, J. R. Sellers, “Myosin 18A coassembles with nonmuscle myosin 2 to form mixed bipolar filaments”, Current Biology, V.25, 942-948 (2015).
  5. J. R. Beach, L. Shao, K. Remmert, D. Li, E. Betzig, & J. A. Hammer, “Nonmuscle myosin II isoforms coassemble in living cells”, Current Biology, V.24, 1160-1166 (2014).Highlighted by Faculty of 1000
  6. D. Li, W. Zheng, Y. Zeng, Y. Luo,& J. Y. Qu, "Two-photon excited hemoglobin fluorescence provides contrast mechanism for label-free imaging of microvasculature in vivo", Optics Letters, V.36, 834-836 (2011).
  7. D. Li, W. Zheng, W. Zhang, S. K. Teh, Y. Zeng, Y. Luo, & J. Y. Qu, "Time-resolved detection enables standard two-photon fluorescence microscope for in vivo label-free imaging of microvasculature in tissue", Optics Letters, V.36, 2638-2640 (2011).Editor highlighted article
  8. D. Li, W. Zheng, Y. Zeng,& J. Y. Qu, "In vivo and simultaneous multimodal imaging: integrated multiplex CARS and two-photon microscopy", Applied Physics Letters, V.97, 223702 (2010).
  9. D. Li, W. Zheng,&J. Y. Qu, "Imaging of epithelial tissue in vivo based on excitation of multiple endogenous nonlinear optical signals", Optics Letters, V.34, 2853-2855 (2009).
  10. D. Li, W. Zheng,&J. Y. Qu, "Two-photon autofluorescence microscopy of multicolor excitation", Optics Letters, V.34, 202-204 (2009).
  11. D. Li, W. Zheng, &J. Y. Qu, "Time-resolved spectroscopic imaging reveals the fundamentals of cellular NADH fluorescence", Optics Letters, V.33, 2365-2367 (2008).

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