本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-05-23
邢立静 研究员
2020至今: 研究员,中国科学院植物研究所;2013-2014:美国加州大学伯克利分校植物与微生物学系访问****;2009-2019:副研究员,中国科学院植物研究所;2004-2009:助理研究员,中国科学院植物研究所;2000-2003:博士后,中国科学院植物研究所;1997-2000:博士,中国农业大学;1994-1997:硕士,河北农业大学;1990-1994:本科,河北农业大学。
.Xiao J, Zhang H, Xing LJ, Xu S, Liu H, Chong K, Xu YY. 2013. Requirement of histone acetyltransferases HAM1 and HAM2 for epigenetic modification of FLC in regulating flowering in Arabidopsis. Journal of Plant Physiology, 170:444-51.Xing LJ, Li J, Xu YY, Xu Z, Chong K. 2009. Phosphorylation modification of wheat lectin VER2 is associated with vernalization-induced O-GlcNAc signaling and intracellular motility, PLoS ONE, 4:e4854.Jiang JF, Han Y, Xing LJ, Xu YY, Xu ZH, Chong K. 2006. Cloning and expression of a novel cDNA encoding a mannose-specific jacalin-related lectin from Oryza sativa. Toxicon, 47,133-139.Xing LJ, Chong K, Xu ZH, Wang R, Tan KH. 2004. Protein immunocytochemistry localization by using antibody prepared with synthesized polypeptide. Progress in Biochemistry and Biophysics, 31:150-153.Xing LJ, Hua BG, Lou CH. 2002. Spectrin-like protein in the phloe