个人简历 [登录编辑]
何维明,研究生教育学历,博士学位 研 究 组 :植物适应策略与机制研究组
民 族:汉
籍 贯:四川省
职 称:研究员
职 务:无
办公电话:** 传真号码:** 电子邮件:weiminghe@ibcas.ac.cn
1997年9月—2000年6月 中国科学院植物研究所 博士研究生 (导师:张新时研究员)
1994年9月—1997年7月 西南师范大学(现西南大学) 硕士研究生 (导师:钟章成教授)
1990年9月—1994年7月 西南师范大学(现西南大学) 本科
2012年12月至今 中国科学院植物研究所 研究员岗位
2012年 7 月至今 中国科学院植物研究所 博士生导师
2008年11月—2012年11月 中国科学院植物研究所 研究员资格
(其间,2010年11月—2011年10月 英国谢菲尔德大学 访问****)
2003年1月—2008年10月 中国科学院植物研究所 副研究员
(其间,2005年10月—2006年11月 美国蒙大拿大学 访问****)
2002年3月—2002年12月 北京师范大学 讲师
2000年6月—2002年 3 月 北京师范大学 博士后
1、中国博士后科学基金项目“长江上游天然林生态公益价值评估”( 2001-2002)
3、973项目“纵向岭谷区生态系统变化及西南跨境生态安全” (首席科学家:云南大学何大明教授)专题“纵向岭谷区生态系统稳定性评价”(2003.12-2008.11)
1. He W-M, Sun Z-K. Convergent production and tolerance among 107 woody species and divergent production between shrubs and trees. Scientific Reports, 2016, 6, 20485.
2. He W-M, Xi W-M, Anten NPR. Chronic wind and plant communities in dunes: total biomass, inter-specific competition, and species abundance. Journal of Arid Environments, 2013, 90(3), 69-76.
3. He W-M, Shen Y, Cornelissen JHC. Soil nutrient patchiness and plant genotypes interact on the production potential and decomposition of root and shoot litter: evidence from short-term laboratory experiments with Triticum aestivum. Plant and Soil, 2012, 353: 145-154.
4. He W-M, Alpert P, Yu F-H, Zhang L-L, Dong M. Reciprocal and coincident patchiness of multiple resources differentially affect benefits of clonal integration in two perennial plants. Journal of Ecology, 2011, 99: 1202-1210.
5. He W-M, Yu G-L, Sun Z-K. Nitrogen deposition enhances Bromus tectorum invasion: biogeographic differences in growth and competitive ability between China and North America. Ecography, 2011, 34: 1059-1066.
6. He W-M, Yu F-H, Zhang L-L. Physiological integration impacts nutrient use and stoichiometry in three clonal plants under heterogeneous habitats. Ecological Research, 2010, 25: 967-972.
7. He W-M, Thelen GC, Ridenour WM, Callaway RM. Is there a risk to living large? Large size correlates with reduced growth when stressed for knapweed populations. Biological Invasions, 2010, 12: 3591-3598.
8. He W-M, Feng Y, Ridenour WM, Thelen GC, Pollock JL, Diaconu A, Callaway RM. Novel weapons and invasion: biogeographic differences in the competitive effects of Centaurea maculosa and its root exudate (?)-catechin. Oecologia, 2009, 159: 803-815.
9. He W-M, Zhang H, Dong M. Plasticity in fitness and fitness-related traits at ramet and genet levels in a tillering grass Panicum miliaceum under patchy soil nutrients. Plant Ecology, 2004, 172: 1-10.
10. He W-M, Dong M. Physiological acclimation and growth response to partial shading in Salix matsudana in the Mu Us Sandland in China. Trees, 2003, 17: 87-93.
11. He W-M, Zhang X-S. Responses of an evergreen shrub Sabina vulgaris to soil water and nutrient shortages in the semi-arid Mu Us Sandland in China. Journal of Arid Environments, 2003, 53: 307-316.
12. He W-M, Zhang X-S, Dong M. Gas exchange, leaf structure, and hydraulic features in relation to sex, shoot form, and leaf form in an evergreen shrub Sabina vulgaris in the semi-arid Mu Us Sandland in China. Photosynthetica, 2003, 41: 105-109.
13. He W-M, Dong M. Plasticity in physiology and growth of Salix matsudana in response to simulated atmospheric temperature rise in the Mu Us Sandland. Photosynthetica, 2003, 41: 297-300.
14. He W-M, Dong M. Root growth of the annual tillering grass Panicum miliaceum in heterogeneous nutrient environments. Acta Botanica Sinica, 2001, 43: 846-851.
15. Dong L-J, Yu H-W, He W-M. What determines positive, neutral, and negative impacts of Solidago canadensis invasion on native plant species richness? Scientific Reports, 2015, 5, 16804.
16. Dong L-J, Sun Z-K, Gao Y, He W-M. Two-year interactions between Solidago canadensis and soil decrease its subsequent growth and competitive ability. Journal of Plant Ecology, 2015, 8, 617-622.
17. Gao Y, Yu H-W, He W-M. Soil space and nutrients differentially promote the growth and competitive advantages of two invasive plants. Journal of Plant Ecology, 2014, 7: 396-402.
18. Li J-J, Peng P-H, He W-M. Physical connection decreases benefits of clonal integration in Alternanthera philoxeroides under three warming scenarios. Plant Biology, 2012, 14: 265-270.
19. Sui Y, Cui Q-G, Dong M, He W-M. Contrasting responses of legume and non-legume shrubs to soil water and nutrient shortages in the Mu Us Sandland. Journal of Plant Ecology, 2011, 4: 268-274.
20. Wang Y-H, Dong M, Yu F-H, Jiang H, Yu S-Q, Lin X-Q, He W-M. Mechanical shaking and soil water affect the growth of Psammochloa villosa in the Mu Us Sandland. Journal of Arid Environments, 2011, 75: 974-977.
21. Sun Z-K, He W-M. Evidence for enhanced mutualism hypothesis: Solidago canadensis plants from regular soils perform better. PLoS ONE, 2010, 5(11): e15418.
22. Wang Y-H, Yu F-H, Dong M, Lin X-Q, Jiang H, He W-M. Growth and biomass allocation of Lolium perenne seedlings in response to mechanical stimulation and water availability. Annales Botanici Fennici, 2010, 47: 367-372.
23. Cui Q-G, He W-M. Soil biota, but not soil nutrients facilitate the invasion of Bidens pilosa relative to a native species Saussurea deltoidea. Weed Research, 2009, 49: 201-206.
24. Wang Y-H, He W-M, Yu F-H, Zhang L-L, Cui Q-G, Chu Y, Dong M. Brushing effects on the growth and mechanical properties of Corispermum mongolicum vary with water regime. Plant Biology, 2009, 11: 694-700.
25. Yu H, He W-M, Liu J, Miao S-L, Dong M. Native Cuscuta campestris restrains exotic Mikania micrantha and enhances soil resources beneficial to natives in the invaded communities. Biological Invasions, 2009, 11: 835-844.
26. Zhang L-L, He W-M. Consequences of ramets helping ramets: no damage and increased nutrient use efficiency in nurse ramets of Glechoma longituba. Flora, 2009a, 204: 182-188.
27. Zhang L-L, He W-M. Spatial covariance in resources affects photosynthetic rate and water potential, but not the growth of Glechoma longituba fragments. Flora, 2009b, 204: 628-634.
28. Wang Y-H, He W-M, Dong M, Yu F-H, Zhang L-L, Cui Q-G, Chu Y. Effects of shaking on the growth and mechanical properties of Hedysarum laeve may be independent of water regimes. International Journal of Plant Sciences, 2008, 169: 503-508.
29. Zhang L-L, He W-M. Nutrient-patch contrast in relation to clonal integration, with special reference to Glechoma longituba. Journal of Plant Ecology, 2008, 1: 75-77.
30. Li R-Q, Dong M, Cui J-Y, Zhang L-L, Cui Q-G, He W-M. Quantification of the impact of land-use changes on ecosystem services: a case study in Pingbian County, China. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 2007, 128: 503-510.
31. Li R-Q, Dong M, Zhao Y, Zhang L-L, Cui Q-G, He W-M. Assessment of water quality and identification of pollution sources of plateau lakes in Yunnan (China). Journal of Environmental Quality, 2007, 36: 291-297.
32. Li R-Q, Dong M, Peng H, Zhang L-L, Cui Q-G, He W-M. Agricultural expansion in Yunnan Province and its environmental consequences. Chinese Science Bulletin, 2006, 51 (supp): 136-142.
33. 申艳, 杨慧玲, 何维明. 冬小麦生境中土壤养分对凋落物碳氮释放的影响. 植物生态学报, 2010, 34: 498-504.
34. 王艳红, 何维明, 于飞海, 江洪, 余树全, 董鸣. 植物响应对风致机械刺激研究进展. 生态学报, 2010, 30: 794-800.
35. 崔清国, 彭华, 李仁强, 王艳红, 张丽丽, 何维明. 生境类型对入侵植物肿柄菊种群和个体水平特征的影响. 生态学报, 2007, 27: 4671-4677.
36. 张丽丽, 董鸣, 李仁强, 王艳红, 崔清国, 何维明. 土壤养分斑块对比改变活血丹整合强度和方向. 植物生态学报, 2007, 31: 619-624.
37. 刘建, 何维明, 房志玲. 东灵山油松林和辽东栎林土壤资源和光资源的空间异质性. 生态学报, 2005, 25: 2955-2960.
38. 何维明, 董鸣. 升高气温对旱柳光合和生长的影响. 林业科学, 2003, 39: 160-164.
39. 何维明, 董鸣. 毛乌素沙地旱柳生长和生理特征对遮阴的反应. 应用生态学报, 2003, 14: 175-178.
40. 何维明. 为什么自然条件下沙地柏种群以无性更新为主? 植物生态学报, 2002, 26: 235-238.
41. 何维明, 董鸣. 分蘖型克隆植物黍分株和基株对异质养分环境的等级反应. 生态学报, 2002, 22: 169-175.
42. 何维明, 董鸣. 异质光环境中旱柳的光截取和利用反应. 林业科学, 2002, 38: 7-13.
43. 何维明, 张新时. 沙地柏对毛乌素沙地3种生境中养分资源的反应. 林业科学, 2002, 38: 1-6.
44. 何维明, 张新时. 沙地柏雌株与雄株的叶结构和功能比较. 云南植物研究, 2002, 24: 64-67.
45. 何维明. 水分因素对沙地柏实生苗水分和生长特征的影响. 植物生态学报, 2001, 25: 11-16.
46. 何维明. 黍气体交换对异质养分环境的反应. 植物生态学报, 2001, 25: 331-336.
47. 何维明. 沙地柏对除叶干扰的生理和生长响应. 应用生态学报, 2001, 12: 175-178.
48. 何维明, 董鸣. 不同气温条件下旱柳幼苗的水分和构型特征. 生态学报, 2001, 21: 1084-1090.
49. 何维明, 张新时. 水分共享在毛乌素沙地4种灌木根系中的存在状况. 植物生态学报, 2001, 25: 630-633.
50. 何维明, 张新时. 沙地柏叶型变化的生态意义. 云南植物研究, 2001, 23: 433-438.
51. 何维明, 钟章成. 外界支持物对绞股蓝种群觅养行为和繁殖对策的影响. 生态学报, 2001, 21: 47-50.
52. 何维明. 切断匍匐茎对沙地柏子株生长和资源利用效率的影响. 植物生态学报, 2000, 24: 391-396.
53. 何维明. 不同生境中沙地柏根面积分布特征. 林业科学, 2000, 36: 17-21.
54. 何维明, 马风云. 水分梯度对沙地柏幼苗荧光特征和气体交换的影响. 植物生态学报, 2000, 24: 630-634.
55. 何维明, 钟章成. 攀缘植物绞股蓝幼苗对光照强度的形态和生长反应. 植物生态学报, 2000, 24: 375-378.
56. 何维明, 钟章成. 不同地区绞股蓝中几种生化成分动态特征. 应用生态学报, 2000, 11: 158-160.
57. 何维明, 钟章成. 绞股蓝雌雄种群觅源行为和繁殖对策比较. 云南植物研究, 2000, 22: 57-61.
58. 何维明, 钟章成. 土壤肥力对绞股蓝种群行为的影响. 植物学通报, 1999, 16: 425-428.
59. 何维明, 钟章成. 绞股蓝种群次生代谢产物动态及其生态学意义. 云南植物研究, 1998, 20: 434-438.
60. 何维明, 钟章成. 绞股蓝枝种群数量动态的初步研究. 西南师范大学学报(自然科学版), 1998, 23: 311-316.
61. 何维明, 钟章成. 植物繁殖对策的概念及其研究内容. 生物学杂志, 1997, 16: 1-3.
62. 何维明, 钟章成. 遗传生态学透视. 生态学杂志, 1997, 16: 53-57.
本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-05-23
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