本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-05-23
吴本宏 副研究员 硕士生导师
电子邮箱: bhwu@ibcas.ac.cn
09/2000-06/2003 中国农业大学 园艺学 博士
09/1997- 06/2000 沈阳农业大学 生物化学 硕士
09/1993-06/1997 沈阳农业大学 农学 学士 工作经历
06/2003- 中国科学院植物研究所 副研究员
11/2007 - 11/2008 美国肯塔基大学园艺系 合作研究
01/2003 - 03/2003、05/2004 - 10/2004、05/2001 - 05/2002 法国农科院Avignon园艺研究中心 合作研究
果实品质形成;果实碳水化合物代谢 。
Wu B.H., Niu N., Li J.H., Li S.H. 2013. Leaf:fruit ratio affects the proteomic profile of grape berry skins. J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 138:416-427.
Niu N., Wu B.H. 1, Yang P.F., Li S.H. 2013. Comparative analysis of the dynamic proteomic profiles in berry skin between red and white grapes during fruit coloration. 164: 238–248. Sci. Hort.(1co-author)
Niu N., Cao Y.G., Duan W., Wu B.H*, Li S.H.* 2013. Proteomic analysis of grape berry skin responding to sunlight exclusion. J Plant Physiol. 170: 748-757.
Li J.H., Guan L., Fan P.G., Li S.H. and Wu B.H*. 2013. Effect of sunlight exclusion at different phenological stages on anthocyanin accumulation in red grape clusters. Amer. J. Enol. Viticult. 64:349-356.
Zheng Y., Li J.H., Xin H.P., Wang N., Guan L., Wu B.H.*, Li S.H. 2013. Anthocyanin profile and gene expression in berry skin of two red V. vinifera grape cultivars that are sunlight-dependent versus -independent. Aust J Grape Wine Res 19: 238-248.
Wu B.H., Yang C.X., Liang Z.C., Liu W., Wang Y.Y., Liu C.Y., Li S.H. 2013. Inheritance of berry volatile compounds in two half-sib grape (Vitis vinifera) populations. Euphytica 189: 351-364
Wu B.H., Zhao J.B., Chen J., Xi H.F., Jiang Q., Li S.H. 2012. Maternal inheritance of sugars and acids in peach (P. persica (L.) Batsch) fruit. Euphytica 188: 333-345.
Guan L., Li J.H., Fan P.G., Chen S., Fang J.B., Li S.H., Wu B.H. *. 2012. Anthocyanin accumulation in various organs of a teinurier grape cultivar (V. vinifera L.) during growing season. Amer. J. Enol. Viticult. 63: 177-184.
Chen S., Fang L.C., Xi H.F., Guan L., Fang J.B., Liu Y.L., Wu B.H. *, Li S.H. *. 2012. Simultaneous qualitative assessment and quantitative analysis of flavonoids in various tissues of lotus (Nelumbo nucifera) using high performance liquid chromatography coupled with triple quad mass spectrometry. Anal. Chim. Acta 724: 127-135.
Wu* B.H., Quilot B., Génard M., Li S.H., Yang J., Zhao J.B., Wang Y.Q. 2012. Application of a SUGAR model to analyze sugar accumulation in peach cultivars that differ in glucose–fructose ratio. J. Agr. Sci. 150: 53-63.
Chai Q.Q., Wu B.H., Liu W.S., Wang L.J., Yang C.X., Wang Y.J., Fang J.B., Liu Y.C., Li S.H. 2012. Volatiles of plums evaluated by HS-SPME with GC-MS at the germplasm level. Food Chem. 130: 432-440.
Chen S., Wu B.H., Fang J.B., Liu Y.L., Zhang H.H., Fang L.C., Guan L., Li S.H. 2012. Analysis of flavonoids from lotus (Nelumbo nucifera) leaves using high performance liquid chromatography/photodiode array detector tandem electrospray ionization mass spectrometry and an extraction method optimized by orthogonal design. J. Chromatogr. A. 1227: 145-153.
Liang Z.C, Sang M., Wu B.H., Ma A.H., Zhao S.J., Zhong G.Y., Li S.H. 2012. Inheritance of anthocyanin content in the ripe berries of a tetraploid × diploid grape cross population. Euphytica. 186: 343-356
Nosarzewski M., Downie A.B., Wu B.H., Archbold D.D. 2012. The role of SORBITOL DEHYDROGENASE in Arabidopsis thaliana. Funct. Plant Biol. 39: 462-470.
Wu B.H., Liu H.F., Guan L., Fan P.G., Li S.H. 2011. Carbohydrate metabolism in grape cultivars that differ in sucrose accumulation. Vitis 50: 51-57.
Yang C.X., Wang Y.J., Wu B.H., Fang J.B., Li S.H. 2011. Volatile compounds evolution of three table grapes with different flavour during and after maturation. Food Chem. 128: 823-830.
Wu B.H., Li S.H., Nosarzewski M., Archbold D.D. 2010. Sorbitol Dehydrogenase gene expression and enzyme activity in apple: tissue specificity during bud development and response to rootstock vigor and growth manipulation. J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 135: 379-387
Liang Z.C., Wu B.H., Fan P.G., Yang C.X., Duan W., Zheng X.B., Liu C.Y., Li S.H. 2008. Anthocyanin composition and content in grape berry skin in Vitis germplasm. Food Chem. 111: 837-844.
Wu B.H., Huang H.Q., Fan P.G., Liu G.J., Li S.H. 2008. Photosynthetic responses to sink-source manipulation in five peach cultivars varying in maturity date.J Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 133: 278-283.
Liu H.F., Wu B.H., Fan P.G., Xu H.Y., Li S.H. 2007. Inheritance of sugars and acids in berries of grape (Vitis vinifera L.). Euphytica 153: 99-107.
Wu B.H., Génard M., Lobit P., Longuenesse J.J., Lescourret F., Habib R., Li S.H. 2007. Analysis of citrate accumulation during peach fruit development via a model approach. J. Exp. Bot.,58: 2583-2594.
Li X.D., Wu B.H., Wang L.J., Li S.H. 2006. Trans-resveratrol concentrations in seed and berry skin in Vitis evaluated at the germplasm level. J. Agric. Food Chem. 54: 8804-8811.
Liu H.F., Wu B.H., Fan P.G., Li S.H., Li L.S. 2006. Sugar and acid concentrations in 98 grape cultivars analyzed by principal component analysis.J. Sci. Food Agric. 86: 1526-1536.
Wu B.H., Quilot B., Génard M., Kervella J., Li S.H. 2005. Seasonal changes of sugar and organic acid concentrations in cultivated and wild peaches, and their hybrids analyzed by Principal Component Analysis. Sci. Hort. 103: 429-439.
Wu B.H., Li S.H., Quilot B., Génard M., Kervella J., Gomez L. 2005. Sugar and acid concentrations associated with several qualitative traits in unselected P. Persica × P. davidiana progenies. J. Hort. Sci. Biotech. 80: 335-339.
Wu B.H., Ben Mimoum M., Génard M., Lescourret F., Besset J., Bussi C. 2005. Peach fruit growth in relation to the leaf to fruit ratio, early fruit size and fruit position. J. Hort. Sci. Biotech. 80: 340-345.
Quilot B., Wu B.H., Kervella J., Génard M., Foulongne M., Moreau K. 2004. QTL analysis of quality traits in an advanced backcross between P. persica cultivars and the wild relative species P. davidiana. Theor. Appl. Genet. 109: 884-897.
Wu B.H., Génard M., Kervella J., Li S.H., Laurent R. 2003. Relationship between skin speckle, soluble solids content and transpiration rate in nectarines. Europ. J. Hort. Sci. 68: 83-85.
Wu B.H., Quilot B., Kervella J., Génard M., Li S.H. 2003. Analysis of genotypic variation of sugar and acid contents in peaches and nectarines through the Principle Component Analysis. Euphytica 132: 375-384.
Lobit P., Génard M., Wu B.H., Soing P., Habib R. 2003. Modelling citrate metabolism in fruits: responses to growth and temperature. J. Exp. Bot. 54: 2489-2501.
Wu B.H., Génard M., Lescourret F., Gomez L., Li S.H. 2002. Influence of the assimilate and water supply on seasonal variation of acids in peach (cv. Suncrest). J. Sci. Food Agric. 82: 1829-1836.
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