--> --> --> -->2.1. Ka-band radar
A Ka-band polarimetric Doppler radar system was installed on the roof of a laboratory building at the Institute of Atmospheric Physics (39.967°N, 116.367°E) in 2010. This radar system measures the reflectivity, the Doppler velocity, the spectral width and the linear depolarization ratio (Table 1). The Ka-band radar has been working 24 hours a day since October 2012, except for unexpected accidents. It operates in a vertically pointing mode except during special events, such as heavy rain or short-term joint observations with other instruments.A data quality control approach combining the threshold and median filter methods has been implemented to reduce the effects of clutter and noise on the radar reflectivity (Xiao et al., 2018). Scatter and absorption in gases, water vapor, clouds and precipitation all attenuate radar reflectivity (Kollias et al., 2014). We calibrate the attenuation due to water vapor using the equation \begin{equation} Z_{\rm e}(r)=\frac{Z_{\rm m}(r)}{e^{-0.2\ln(10)\int_{0}^{f}k_{{\rm H}_{2}{\rm O}}(s){\rm d}s}} , \ \ (1)\end{equation} where r is the distance from the radar system, Zm is the measured reflectivity, and kH2 O(s) is the absorption coefficient of water vapor at the distance of s and pre-calculated for each month based on humidity data obtained from 2015 to 2017. The attenuation in clouds, precipitation and other gases has not yet been calibrated. However, these attenuations are limited because the radar system observes in a vertically pointing mode and the r should be within 16 km. For example, (Doviak and Zrni?, 1993) reported that two-way gaseous attenuation in a standard atmosphere should be no more than 0.5 dB within 25 km. Evaluations of the Doppler velocity, spectral width and linear depolarization ratio are being performed, but the accuracies are not yet available. They are not used in our algorithm.
2.2. Temperature
The temperature has a large effect on the cloud particle phase and size. There is no simultaneous measurement of temperature in the radar data. The temperature data used in this study are from the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) ERA-Interim dataset ( The ERA-Interim dataset presents six-hourly temperature profiles with a 0.125°× 0.125° spatial resolution. The temperature profile of the grid (40.0°N, 116.25°E) closest to the radar location is linearly interpolated and used in our classification algorithm.-->
4.1. Background
The World Meteorological Organization has recently published revised principles of cloud classification for observations of clouds from the Earth's surface (WMO, 2017). These principles use the forms, features, appearance and internal structures of clouds to classify them into ten genera: cirrus (Ci), cirrostratus (Cs), cirrocumulus (Cc), altocumulus (Ac), altostratus (As), stratus (St), stratocumulus (Sc), nimbostratus (Ns), cumulus (Cu) or cumulonimbus (Cb) clouds. Cb clouds are defined as heavy and dense clouds, with a considerable vertical extent, in the form of a mountain or huge towers. The term deep convective (Dc) cloud used in the 1956 edition of the World Meteorological Organization cloud classification principles (WMO, 1956) is no longer used and has been replaced by the term Cb.The International Satellite Cloud Climatology Project classifies clouds into Cs, Cc, Ac, As, St, Sc, Ns, Cu or Dc clouds based on a combination of the cloud-top pressure and the optical thickness of the cloud (Hahn et al., 2001). (Tag et al., 2000) developed a probabilistic neural network cloud classifier using imagery from the Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer and classified clouds into different types (Ci, Cc, Cs, Ac, As, Sc, St, Cu, Cb, and Cumulus Congestus clouds). These algorithms are developed for passive remote sensors. (Williams et al., 1995) developed an algorithm classifying precipitating clouds in the tropics using a 915 MHz wind profile radar system. (Wang and Sassen, 2001) presented a cloud classification method to classify clouds into St, Sc, Cu, Ns, Ac, As, Dc or high-level clouds using multiple remote sensors, including polarization LiDAR, millimeter-wave radar and infrared radiometers. The cloud classification products (2B-CLDCLASS-lidar) released jointly by the CloudSat and CALIPSO satellites are based on this cloud classification method and clouds are classified into St, Sc, Cu, Ns, Ac, As, Dc or high-level clouds (Sassen and Wang, 2008; Sassen et al., 2008).
These cloud classification methods serve diverse purposes and depend on the specialties of the instrument. There is no unified cloud classification standard suitable for all instruments. Algorithms based on cloud spectral and textural features are suitable for passive sensors due to their broad field of view. Ground-based radar systems have advantages in terms of measurements of cloud height, thickness and internal microphysical characteristics and provide accurate information about the internal structure of clouds. However, radar in the vertically pointing mode shows weaknesses in detecting the overall shape or appearance of clouds. Ci clouds are defined, based on appearance, as detached clouds in the form of white, delicate filaments or white or mostly white patches or narrow bands (WMO, 2017). Ka radar cannot distinguish Ci clouds by their appearance. Therefore, based on the strengths and limitations of the radar system and scientific requirements, our cloud classification algorithm is designed to classify clouds into nine types: Cs, Cc, Ac, As, St, Sc, Ns, Cu and Cb clouds.
4.2. Parameters used for classification
Temperature has a great impact on the phase and size of cloud particles. Atmospheric temperature is closely related to height. Height and temperature are therefore important indicators in cloud classification. Ice crystals dominate high-level clouds, whereas low-level Sc or St clouds are usually referred to as water clouds because liquid particles are in the majority. Mid-level As or Ac clouds are somewhere between low- and high-level clouds. Cumuliform clouds are generally more unstable than stratiform clouds. A non-uniformity coefficient representing the instability of clouds helps to distinguish cumuliform clouds from stratiform clouds. Reflectivity is also related to the cloud particle size and the water (ice) content, which are distributed differently in different types of cloud.Based on these physical parameters, nine characteristics were selected for cloud classification: the mean cloud-top height (Htp), the mean cloud-base height (Hbs), the maximum cloud depth (Dhm), the average cloud depth (Dav), the mean maximum Ze (Zem) (the maximum Ze is calculated for each profile), the non-uniformity coefficient (Inh), the cloud extent (Chr), precipitation (Pcp), and the cloud temperature (Tmp). Inh is defined as the standard deviation of the maximum Ze normalized by Zem. Precipitation (Pcp) is flagged when there are more than ten bins with a height <1 km, Ze>-10 dBZ, and a Doppler velocity >0. The extent of clouds (Chr) is defined as the time which the radar uses to detect the cloud cluster. These parameters can be derived directly or indirectly from radar measurements, guaranteeing the portability of the classification algorithm.
4.3. Methodology of classification
The threshold-based classification methods are simple, but the classification results are very sensitive to the choice of threshold. The neural network classification method (Bankert, 1994; Tag et al., 2000), which requires many samples for training, is complicated, time consuming and cannot satisfy the requirements of real-time operation. The fuzzy logic method, computing with a "degree of truth" rather than "true or false" (1 or 0), is flexible, tolerant of imprecise data, and based on the experience of experts (Zadeh, 1968; Penaloza and Welch, 1996). The fuzzy logic method is an appropriate option for cloud classification and has been used on CloudSat CPR data to classify clouds (Sassen and Wang, 2008). Our ground-based Ka-band radar system has different specialties and observing modes, and the fuzzy sets for different fuzzy variables need to be changed to apply to the local characteristics of clouds and the specialties of the instrument. In this study, a trapezoid-shaped fuzzy membership function is defined as follows: \begin{equation} P(a,A_1,A_2,A_3,A_4)=\left\{ \begin{array}{c@{\quad}c} 0, & a\leqslant A_{1}\\ \dfrac{a-A_{1}}{A_{2}-A_{1}}, & A_{1}<a<A_{2}\\ 1, & A_{2}\leqslant a\leqslant A_{3}\\ \dfrac{A_{4}-a}{A_{4}-A_{3}}, & A_{3}<a<A_{4}\\ 0, & a\geq A_{4} \end{array} \right\} , \ \ (2)\end{equation} where P is the degree of membership (between 0 and 1), 0 means definitely no, 1 means definitely yes, and a is the fuzzy variable (referring to the nine characteristic parameters). The fuzzy sets A1,A2,A3 and A4 determine the degree of membership of each fuzzy variable. A1-A4 for the nine characteristic parameters and the nine types of clouds are derived from a combination of the results of the following studies: (1) Htp, Hbs, Dhm and Dav were obtained from previously published research (Huo and Lu, 2014; Chen et al., 2015; Huo, 2015); (2) typical clouds of the nine different types of cloud were selected and analyzed to determine Zem and Chr and the statistical results were used as reference data (see Fig. 4 for example statistical histogram for Zem); and (3) reference values for Inh and Tmp were obtained from (Sassen and Wang, 2008) and (Ren et al., 2011), respectively. The final A1-A4 values of the nine characteristic parameters for the nine different types of cloud are given in Table 2.Figure4. Histograms of Zem for different cloud types: (a) Cs and Cc; (b) As and Ac; (c) Sc and St; (d) Ns; (e) Cu; and (f) Cb.
Once a cloud cluster has been distinguished, each characteristic parameter is calculated and input into the fuzzy membership function to obtain the membership value. The rule to obtain the final type is given by: \begin{equation} T_{i}=\sum_{j=1}^{9}w_{j}P_{i,j} , \ \ (3)\end{equation} where the subscript i represents the cloud type, the subscript j represents the characteristic parameter, and wj is the weight coefficient. We use different weight coefficients for the nine characteristic parameters because they play distinct parts in the classification method. For example, the position of clouds (Htp and Hbs) determines the cloud level, whereas the cloud depth (Dhm and Dav) is primarily used to distinguish Cb clouds from Cu clouds. The value of Inh represents the homogeneity of clouds. The temperature obtained from the ECMWF dataset may not quite reflect the actual situation. In these causes, wj is set as 1.0, 1.0, 0.5, 0.8, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.5 and 0.8, respectively (also listed in Table 2). Based on Eq. (3), the final cloud type is that with a maximum value of T.
5.1. Comparison experiment
To evaluate the performance of the classification algorithm, a comparison experiment with an all-sky imager (Huo and Lu, 2009) accompanying the Ka-band radar is performed. The all-sky imager, located about 8 m from the Ka-band radar system, took all-sky pictures every five minutes during the day from January to June 2014. We distinguished the cloud types from the all-sky images to compare with the clouds detected by the radar system. Because the Ka-band radar detects in the vertically pointing mode, clouds around the zenith in the images are examined closely. The radar system needs much more time than the imager to detect cloud clusters, so cloud types from the all-sky images collected during the radar observation period were counted and the cloud type in the majority was used as the final type (Table 3). A total of 270 clusters was available for comparison and 234 (86.7%) were determined as the same type using both classification methods. The classification accuracy varied from 73.7% (Cu) to 90% (As). The classification algorithm shows good performance through this comparison.Six months of data from the all-sky imager are what we can use at present for ground-based comparison and evaluation. More data will help verify the evaluation result. Satellite data might be an option. However, the qualities of satellite cloud classification products also need evaluation. In addition, the temporal and spatial resolution and detection mode are very different. Direct evaluation via satellite data is inaccessible. In the future, more comparisons will be made to evaluate and improve the classification algorithm if more suitable data are accessible.
5.2. Classification of clouds with precipitation
Clouds with a complex distribution were analyzed to show the performance of the cloud clustering and classification algorithm. Figure 5a shows the radar reflectivity from 0000 LST 6 February to 0810 LST 7 February 2014. The times are given as Local Standard Time (LST, LST= UTC+8) At 0815 LST 7 February 2014, the radar changed to the plan position indicator mode. Over the 32-hour period in Fig. 5a, the clouds change from high to low, from thin to thick, and from double layer to single layer. The surface temperature varies between 0°C and -4° and the surface wind speed was <4 m s-1.Figure5. Application of the clustering and classification algorithm: (a) radar reflectivity (dBZ) detected from 0000 LST 6 February to 0810 LST 7 February 2014; and (b) cloud types colored after clustering and classification.
Accurate clustering is a prerequisite for successful classification. In Fig. 5a, the clouds from the 16th hour to the 32nd hour (from 1600 LST 6 February to 0810 LST 7 February) challenge the clustering algorithm because there are two cloud layers, which show such large differences in horizontal and vertical extent that the smaller and lower cloud clusters are likely to be neglected. Figure 5b shows a preliminary result of the clustering and classification algorithm. Each individual cloud cluster is correctly separated and the clusters are classified into four types: Cc, Ac, Sc, and "Cb" when the cloud base height (CBH) of precipitation is considered as zero.
The "Cb" cloud starts from the 16th hour (1600 LST 6 February) at a height of about 6 km, develops gradually downwards, and reaches the ground at the 27th hour (0300 LST 7 February). Precipitation starts from the 28th hour and the maximum cloud depth is >10 km. The cloud depth is determined by Htp minus Hbs. The preliminary CBH of precipitation for this "Cb" cloud is considered to be zero for simplicity, although the CBH is generally greater than zero. Therefore, the cloud depth must have been overestimated. At present, we have no applicable method to estimate the CBH of precipitation. A combination of reflectivity and the Doppler velocity may be useful in distinguishing droplets from cloud particles, although more studies are required to determine an accurate value of the CBH because precipitation sometimes occurs inside clouds. If profiles with precipitation are not considered, then the "Cb" cloud will be classified as a Cu because there is a large change in Hbs. Therefore, cloud clusters with precipitation may be classified differently as a result of the undetermined CBH. Based on our analysis, the cloud classification results may be more reliable if precipitation profiles are removed from the cloud cluster. This might be reasonable because the CBH of the cloud profile immediately ahead of precipitation is likely to be (or to be close to) the CBH of precipitation.
A meteorological observer needs several minutes to observe cloud types, whereas the all-sky (or whole-sky/total-sky) imager only needs a few milliseconds to take a picture. Ground-based radar in the vertically pointing mode needs comparatively more time to detect cloud clusters, and detection depends on the horizontal scale and speed of movement of the clouds. When clouds are passing over the radar system, radar detection can be considered as a two-dimensional scan of the clouds, whereas when the clouds do not move, radar detection can be considered as recording a process of evolution. Clouds with a long lifetime may undergo several stages of development and it may not be appropriate to group cloud profiles at different stages into one cluster and output only one cloud type. This presents a new problem of how to automatically distinguish each stage of the development process. At present, a manual check of the classification for large-scale clouds with precipitation lasting for more than five hours is suggested to ensure accuracy.
5.3. Summer and winter cirrus clouds over Beijing
According to the definition in the Glossary of Meteorology of the American Meteorological Society (Huschke, 1959; Seguin et al., 2012), the term "cirrus" is often used for all types of cirriform clouds (Ci, Cc and Cs clouds), and we use this definition here. Based on this definition of Ci, Cc and Cs clouds and the principle of our classification algorithm, Ci clouds are mostly classified as Cs clouds by our algorithm.Figure7. Distribution of cloud types in spring, summer, autumn and winter in Beijing: (a) number histogram for different cloud types, where the y-axis is the percentage of one type of cloud to all nine types of cloud; (b) time histogram for different types of cloud, where the y-axis is the percentage of one type of cloud to all nine types of cloud (the occurrence frequency).
Figure 6 shows two cirrus clouds that occurred over Beijing in summer and winter. The cirrus cloud in Fig. 6a occurred on 4 July 2014 from 1500 to 2000 and lasted for about five hours. The cirrus cloud in Fig. 6b occurred on 21 November 2014 from 0200 to 0800 and lasted for about six hours. The macroscopic and microscopic characteristics of the two examples are very different. The cirrus cloud in Fig. 6a at 8.4 km Hbs was higher and thicker than the cloud in Fig. 6b with a height of 6.5 km Hbs. The mean Ze in Fig. 6a is also considerably larger than that in Fig. 6b, indicating a larger cloud particle size or ice water content. Figure 6e shows the temperatures for the two examples. The mean temperatures of both clouds are lower than -20°C, indicating that most of the particles are solid. The winter cirrus cloud has a lower mean temperature than the summer cirrus cloud. These two examples reflect the seasonal variations between the summer and winter in Beijing, which are related to local weather processes and the characteristics of the regional climate. There is more water vapor and stronger convection in summer than in winter. Cirrus clouds in summer in Beijing are usually higher than those in winter as a result of the difference in temperature.
Figure6. Cirrus clouds in Beijing in winter and summer: (a) Cirrus cloud from 1500 LST to 2000 LST 4 July 2014; (b) cirrus cloud from 0200 LST to 0800 LST 21 November 2014; (c) classification results of (a); (d) classification results of (b); (e) temperature profiles of the two clouds.
The cloud profiles are grouped into four clusters in Fig. 6d, two of which are classified as Cc clouds, whereas the other two are classified as Cs clouds. The cloud type flips between Cs and Cc depending on Ihn. The value of Ihn is 0.31 and 0.48, respectively, for the two Cc clouds and 0.1 and 0.22, respectively, for the two Cs clouds. The value of Ihn determines the cloud type when the clouds have a similar temperature, extent and height.