--> --> --> -->2.1. Description of the ICM
The ICM used is an anomaly model consisting of an intermediate ocean model (IOM) and an empirical wind stress model (Fig. 1). One crucial aspect of the ocean component is the way in which the subsurface entrainment temperature in the surface mixed layer (T e) is explicitly parameterized in terms of the thermocline variability (as represented by the SL), written as T e=αT eFT e (SL), in which FT e is the relationship between the anomalies of T e and SL derived using statistical methods from historical data. A parameter, αT e, is introduced in the ICM to represent the intensity of thermal forcing associated with subsurface anomalies (Zhang et al., 2005a).The model has already been successfully used for ENSO simulations and predictions; see (Zhang and Gao, 2016a) for more details. Various model parameters exist within the ICM; here, we pay special attention to the parameter αT e, since it represents the intensity of the thermocline feedback, an important parameter to ENSO.
Figure1. Schematic diagram showing the components of IOCAS ICM, consisting of an IOM and various anomaly models for wind stress (τ), SST and T e. See the main text for more details.
2.2. Optimal parameter estimation based on the 4D-Var data assimilation system
Previously, we successfully implemented the 4D-Var method into the ICM and demonstrated that optimal initialization of the ocean state can improve ENSO simulation and prediction skill (Gao et al., 2016). However, the importance of variational estimation for major model parameters to ENSO in the ICM has not been demonstrated. Here, we aim to develop a modeling framework for optimizing model parameters using the 4D-Var method, which can be used further for improving real-time ENSO prediction.Variational methods (3D-Var and 4D-Var), as a sophisticated branch of data assimilation, convert the problem of seeking the optimal initial state to that of minimizing a cost function under the constraint of model dynamics. More specifically, optimal control theories are applied to ocean-atmosphere models, which act as a constraint in the minimization of the cost function representing the misfits between model simulation and observation (Courtier et al., 1994). For example, the 4D-Var data assimilation method utilizes observational data within a data insertion time window, seeking optimal values of model variables and parameters by minimizing the cost function under dynamical constraint. As the control variables are adjusted, the misfits are reduced accordingly between the model solution and observation.
Generally, an adjoint model is an efficient solution for evaluating the gradient of the cost function with respect to high-dimensional control variables in the 4D-Var data assimilation method. The adjoint model of the ICM is written coding-by-coding. First, the tangent linear model of the ICM is obtained by linearization. Then, the adjoint model of the ICM is achieved by transposing the tangent linear model; i.e., it features the reverse of the temporal and spatial integration and other characteristics. In fact, the tangent linear model does not directly participate in the 4D-Var assimilation system. It is only used to validate the correctness of the adjoint model of the ICM. More details can be seen in (Gao et al., 2016).
Optimal parameter estimation is realized through the 4D-Var assimilation of observational data under the constraint of model dynamics. Previously, a 4D-Var data assimilation system has already been successfully constructed in the ICM (Gao et al., 2016); model parameters can then be optimized. Specifically, the governing equations of the ICM can be expressed as follows (Kalnay, 2003): \begin{eqnarray} \label{eq1} \dfrac{\partial{X}}{\partial t}&=&F({X},{P})\nonumber\\ {X}\vert_{t_0}&=&{X}_0\\ {P}\vert_{t_0}&=&{P}_0 ,\nonumber \ \ (1)\end{eqnarray} where t is time and t0 is the initial time; X is the vector of control variables in the ICM; P=[p1,p2,…,pq] represents the model parameters to be optimized, in which q is the total number; X0 is the initial value of X; P0 is the initial value of P; and F is the nonlinear forward operator.
Figure2. Schematic diagram illustrating the procedure to optimize the ocean initial state (X0) and model parameters (P0) using the 4D-Var data assimilation system.
For the parameter estimation in the 4D-Var data assimilation context, the cost function can be formulated as (Kalnay, 2003) \begin{eqnarray} \label{eq2} J({X}_0,{P}_0)&=&\dfrac{1}{2}[{X}(t_0)-{X}_b]^{\rm T}{B}^{-1}[{X}(t_0)-{X}_b]+\nonumber\\ &&\dfrac{1}{2}\sum_{i=1}^N\{{H}[{X}({P}(t_i),t_i)]-\nonumber\\ &&{Y}_{\rm o}(t_i)\}^{\rm T}{R}^{-1}\{{H}[{X}({P}(t_i),t_i)]-{Y}_{\rm o}(t_i)\} , \ \ (2)\end{eqnarray} where the first term on the right-hand side is the background error term and the second is the observation error term. The superscript "T" represents the transpose of a matrix and the subscripts "b" and "o" represent the background field and observation, respectively; N indicates the number of integrations in the minimization time window; Y o represents the observation; and B, R and H represent the background error covariance matrix, the observation error covariance matrix and the observation operator, respectively. In this study, B and R are simply set as diagonal matrices, which are the identity matrix multiplied by the standard deviation of the observation. The parameters P are implicitly expressed in the cost function, which are regarded as independent variables of X, and the gradient of the cost function with respect to X0 and P0 is calculated by the adjoint model of the ICM. Essentially, the process of parameter estimation based on the 4D-Var method is the same as the optimal initialization process for obtaining the initial conditions, which is detailed in (Gao et al., 2016).
Figure 2 illustrates the procedure involved with the 4D-Var algorithm in obtaining the optimized initial condition and parameters in the ICM. The specific steps are as follows: First, for a given initial guess X0 (model solution), model parameter P0 and observation Y, the ICM is integrated forward to obtain the cost function J (a misfit between the model solution and observation). Second, the ICM is integrated backward with the adjoint model to obtain the gradient of J with respect to X0 and P0, J(X0) and J(P0). Third, a minimization process is performed to obtain optimal analysis solutions of the initial condition and model parameters; here, the Limited-Memory Broyden-Fletcher-Glodfarb-Shanno (L-BFGS) algorithm (Liu and Nocedal, 1989) is adopted to minimize the cost function to reduce the misfit and obtain the optimal analysis field. When the gradient calculation converges to a value that satisfies a certain level of precision, the iteration is stopped and an optimal X0 field and P0 value are obtained; otherwise, the resultant X0 and P0 are used as a new estimate and the steps outline above are repeated.
2.3. Experimental setup
Our previous studies have shown that initial conditions can be optimized in the ICM through the 4D-Var assimilation of SST data to effectively improve ENSO simulation and prediction (Gao et al., 2016). Based on this, in this paper, a new application is demonstrated using the ICM-based 4D-Var system for optimal parameter estimation. As mentioned above, αT e is an empirically introduced scalar parameter representing the intensity of the subsurface thermal effect on SST, which has an important influence on ENSO evolution. Thus, as an example, αT e is chosen to demonstrate the feasibility and effectiveness of the 4D-Var-based optimization of parameter estimation in improving ENSO modeling.A twin-experiment strategy is adopted. Two basic experiments are performed first. A control run is conducted using the ICM with its standard parameters, including the coupling coefficient between interannual anomalies of SST and wind stress (τ), ατ=1.03; vertical diffusivity coefficient, K v=1.0× 10-3; thermal damping coefficient for SST anomalies, Λ=1/(100× 86400); and the coefficient between anomalies of T e and SL, αT e=1.0. As shown in (Gao et al., 2016), the control run simulates ENSO very well. A "biased" run is then conducted, in which some modifications are made to these model parameters, as follows: ατ=1.03× 1.01; K v=1.0× 10-3× 0.95; Λ=1/(100× 86400)× 1.01; and αT e=1.1. Here, the ICM with these modified parameters is referred to as the "biased" model, considering a situation in which model errors are erroneously produced by the changes in these model parameters. Here, the changes in these parameters (ατ, K v, Λ) are quite subtle, to guarantee the periodic oscillation of ENSO. If the changes in the parameters are excessive, it may break the balance of the dynamical processes, and the oscillation will not be maintained. Note that αT e is set to have its change a little bigger for testing how well the parameter optimization using the 4D-Var method will work.
Next, we examine the extent to which the ENSO evolution simulated using the "biased" model can be recovered through the 4D-Var assimilation of the SST data, which are taken from the control run. We refer to the control run as Expt. 1, which is integrated for 20 years using the "truth" model (with the default model parameters and "truth" initial condition) to generate the "truth" or "observed" data. The daily "observed" SST field is sampled from the "truth" model simulation with a Gaussian noise added to mimic the "observation" error. The mean and standard deviation of "observational" SST error are set to be zero and 0.2°C. The constructed "observation" of SST data from Expt. 1 is used for assimilation into the "biased" model. Note that the type of observational error approximated in this way is rather simple, and it is not the basic question to be focused on here; instead, a key focus is to demonstrate the effectiveness of parameter optimization using the 4D-Var method.
Based on these basic runs, two optimizing experiments using the "biased" model are designed as follows (Table 1): Expt. 2 uses the "biased" model in which the initial conditions are optimized by assimilation of the "observed" SST data from Expt. 1. Expt. 3 is a combined optimizing experiment, in which the initial condition and model parameter (αT e) are simultaneously optimized through assimilating the "observed" SST data from Expt. 1. Note that daily "observed" SST data are assimilated into the "biased" model in Expt. 2 and Expt. 3 only at the first time-step of every month. The length of the assimilation window is set to be one month in consideration of the computational efficiency. The period of the experiments is 20 years, from model time 2060/01/01 to 2079/12/31. Comparisons of the ENSO evolution between these experiments (Expt. 1, Expt. 2 and Expt. 3) are made to show how the optimization works and its effect on the recovery of ENSO features. Furthermore, a series of one-year hindcast experiments are performed using the "biased" model, in which the optimized analyses (initial state and/or model parameter) are taken on the first day of each month when making hindcasts; the hindcast periods are from model time 2062/01/01 to 2079/12/01 after a 2-year spin-up period in the optimizing experiments.
3.1. Optimized estimate of the model parameter
The "truth" value of αT e is 1.0 in the control experiment (Expt. 1), and αT e is erroneously set to a "biased" value of 1.1 in Expt. 2 and Expt. 3 when using the "biased" model. The optimizing experiments are designed to see whether the "truth" αT e value (1.0) can be recovered from the "biased" αT e value in the "biased" model by the optimizing procedure using the 4D-Var assimilation of SST data taken from the "truth" model. Figure 3 shows the time series of αT e estimated from the first eight-year assimilation in Expt. 3. It is seen that the estimated αT e tends to approach the "truth" value through the optimization, which keeps a steady state after the first two-year spin-up period. In particular, the rescaled view shown for clarity in Fig. 3 indicates that, after a few years of optimization, the optimized αT e during the five- to eight-year simulation in Expt. 3 is in a steady state, being approximately 1.0. These results indicate that the model parameter can be effectively and reasonably well optimized by the 4D-Var-based method. The parameter estimation procedure is feasible and can give rise to the expected value.Figure3. Time series of αT e estimated optimally using the 4D-Var method during the first eight-year assimilation periods. For clarity, a rescaled (amplified) view is also embedded in the figure for the αT e estimated during the five- to eight-year assimilation periods.
3.2. Recovery of ENSO evolution
In this subsection, we examine the evolution of various anomaly fields. As described above, the "biased" model is used to perform the optimizing experiments, with assimilation of SST data for only the initial condition in Expt. 2, and the initial condition plus the model parameter in Expt. 3, respectively. Figure 4 shows the longitude-time sections of SST anomalies along the equator from the simulations in Expt. 1, Expt. 2 and Expt. 3 during the first 12-year simulation. The similarity indicates the effectiveness of the recovery. It is clearly illustrated that simulations based on Expt. 2 and Expt. 3 can both recover the basic characters of ENSO events well, including the period, spatial distribution, phase transition, and so on. For instance, after approximately the first two-year spin-up simulation period, the SST simulated in Expt. 2 (Fig. 4b) is recovered to its "truth" field (Fig. 4a) when the "observed" SST data are assimilated into the "biased" model. However, because of model parameter error, several departures still exist compared with the "truth" field. For example, the amplitude of the SST anomaly in Expt. 2 is much larger than the "truth" field, and the phase transition time is changed slightly. By contrast, the SST field in Expt. 3 (Fig. 4c) can recover to the "truth" field quickly (Fig. 4a) after a short spin-up period. Thus, comparing these three experiments clearly indicates that additionally optimizing this model parameter using the 4D-Var assimilation of SST data can further improve ENSO simulation.Figure4. Longitude-time sections of SST anomalies along the equator for (a) the "truth" field, (b) Expt. 2 and (c) Expt. 3 during the first 12-year simulation period. The contour interval is 0.5°C.
Figure5. As in Fig. 4 but for T e anomalies. The contour interval is 1°C.
It is expected that optimizing the model parameter αT e can have a direct influence on the T e field when assimilating the "observed" SST data. Figure 5 shows the longitude-time sections of T e anomalies along the equator for the "truth" field, Expt. 2 and Expt. 3, during the first 12-year simulations. For Expt. 2 (Fig. 5b), in which the model parameter αT e is not optimized, the T e field can be seen to recover through assimilating the "observed" SST data. However, several departures still exist compared with the "truth" field (Fig. 5a), which are induced by model parameter biases. It can be seen that a larger αT e (αT e=1.1) acts to produce a simulated T e field that is also larger——consistent with our previous studies indicating that the subsurface thermal effect is stronger when αT e is chosen to be larger (Zhang and Gao, 2016a). Therefore, when the subsurface effect on SST is stronger, the SST simulated in Expt. 2 is larger than that of the "truth" field (Fig. 4b). However, when αT e is optimized in Expt. 3 to the "truth" model parameter (αT e=1.0; Fig. 3) by parameter estimation based on assimilating the "observed" SST data, the simulated T e of Expt. 3 (Fig. 5c) closely resembles the "truth" field. All these results indicate that optimizing both model parameters and the initial state through 4D-Var-based SST assimilation can recover the ENSO evolution more effectively than just optimizing the initial state alone.
3.3. Quantification in terms of the RMSE
To quantify the effect on ENSO simulation of parameter estimation optimization, the RMSEs for some major variables are calculated. Here, the RMSE is defined as follows: \begin{equation} \label{eq3} {\rm RMSE}=\sqrt{\dfrac{1}{G}\sum_{i=1}^G({X}_i-{X}_{{\rm truth},i})^2} , \ \ (3)\end{equation} where X is the vector of a model variable; X truth is the corresponding "truth" field of X, which is simulated from Expt. 1; i is a grid-point number; and G is the total number of grid points.Figure6. Time series of RMSEs for anomalies of (a, e) SST, (b, f) zonal τ, (c, g) SL and (d, h) T e over the full model domain (30°N-30°S, 124°E-78°W). Here, the RMSEs are shown for the first two-year simulations (left-hand panels) and the three- to twelve-year simulations (right-hand panels) from Expt. 2 (blue) and Expt. 3 (red), respectively. The RMSEs are calculated on the first day of each month using the corresponding anomalies between Expt. 1 and Expt. 2 and between Expt. 1 and Expt. 3, respectively. The units are °C for SST and T e, dyn cm-2 for τ, and cm for SL.
Figure 6 shows the RMSE time series for the anomalies of SST, wind stress, SL and T e calculated over the full model domain (30°N-30°S, 124°E-78°W). Expt. 2 is a case in which only the initial condition is optimized by assimilating SST data; whereas, in Expt. 3, both the initial condition and the model parameter are optimized. The results shown in the left-hand panels are calculated on the first day of each month in the first two-year simulation, and those in the right-hand panels are for the 3-12-year simulation for Expt. 2 (blue) and Expt. 3 (red). It is clearly evident that the RMSEs of both experiments decline consistently and systematically, reaching a steady state. Nevertheless, compared to Expt. 2 without parameter estimation, the RMSEs of Expt. 3 decline faster, being more effective at reaching the steady state (left-hand panels in Fig. 6). Additionally, the values of the RMSEs are much smaller in Expt. 3 compared with those in Expt. 2 when reaching the steady state (right-hand panels in Fig. 6). As with previous research in which it was shown that optimal initialization based on the 4D-Var method can effectively reduce the RMSEs of some major variables for ENSO simulation (Gao et al., 2016), here, optimal initialization and parameter estimation combined, based on 4D-Var SST assimilation, work well too. Furthermore, it is also illustrated that parameter estimation based on assimilating SST data using the 4D-Var method can further improve the recovery of the simulation of the "truth" field using the "biased" model. Thus, ENSO simulations can be improved by simultaneously optimizing the initial conditions and model parameters through the 4D-Var assimilation of SST data.
Figure7. Horizontal distributions of RMSEs for anomalies of (a, f) SST, (b, g) zonal τ, (c, h) meridional τ, (d, i) SL, and (e, j) T e. Here, the RMSEs are calculated from the first 20-year simulations for Expt. 2 (left-hand panels) and Expt. 3 (right-hand panels), respectively. The units are °C for SST and T e, dyn cm-2 for τ, and cm for SL.
Next, the spatial distributions of the RMSEs are examined for some major model variables. Here, the RMSEs for each grid are calculated as follows: \begin{equation} \label{eq4} {\rm RMSE}_{i,j}=\sqrt{\dfrac{1}{M}\sum_{m=1}^M({X}_{i,j,m}-{X}_{{\rm truth},i,j,m})^2} , \ \ (4)\end{equation} where X is the vector of a model variable; X truth is the corresponding "truth" field of X simulated from Expt. 1; i and j represent the (i,j)th grid point; m is time; and M is the total m.
Figure 7 shows the spatial distributions of the RMSEs for the anomalies of SST, zonal wind stress, meridional wind stress, SL and T e. Here, the RMSEs are calculated from Eq. (5) for the first 20-year simulations from Expt. 2 (left-hand panels) and Expt. 3 (right-hand panels). The results show that the spatial distributions of the RMSEs for all variables in Expt. 3 (right-hand panels in Fig. 7) are all smaller than those in Expt. 2 (left-hand panels in Fig. 7); whereas, the spatial patterns of the RMSEs are similar to each other in Expt. 2 and Expt. 3. For the SST field, the regions with maximum RMSE for Expt. 2 and Expt. 3 are both centered in the central and eastern Pacific; the maximum value is 0.25°C in Expt. 3 (Fig. 7f), which is smaller than that in Expt. 2 at 0.66°C (Fig. 7a). For the zonal wind stress field, the larger RMSE regions are located in the central equatorial Pacific, with a maximum value of 0.1 dyn cm-2 (1 dyn cm-2 = 0.1 N m-2) for Expt. 2 (Fig. 7b) and 0.042 dyn cm-2 Expt. 3 (Fig. 7g). For the meridional wind stress, the RMSEs have the same spatial pattern in Expt. 2 and Expt. 3, with a maximum value of 0.095 dyn cm-2 in Expt. 2 (Fig. 7c) and 0.032 dyn cm-2 in Expt. 3 (Fig. 7h). For the SL, the maximum RMSE values are 9 cm and 8 cm, with similar spatial distribution patterns for Expt. 2 (Fig. 7d) and Expt. 3 (Fig. 7i). For the T e field, the maximum regions are both centered in the central equatorial Pacific, with a maximum value of 2°C in Expt. 2 (Fig. 7e) and 0.55°C in Expt. 3 (Fig. 7j). This represents a reduction in RMSEs by about 71% in Expt. 3 compared with Expt. 2.
In general, the RMSE differences in the SST, wind stress and T e fields between Expt. 2 and Expt. 3 are much larger than those in the SL field. This is because, compared with Expt. 2, the model parameter αT e is additionally optimized in Expt. 3, leading to a T e field that is effectively recovered. Since the subsurface thermal effect is very important to the evolution of SST anomalies, the improved T e field in Expt. 3 can further affect the simulation of the SST field. So, the biases in SST between the optimizing experiments and the "truth" field decrease faster in Expt. 3 than in Expt. 2. Thus, the modeled SST field is more likely to recover in Expt. 3 compared with Expt. 2. Furthermore, the wind stress anomaly field is constructed based on the relationship between the anomalies of SST and wind stress (τ): τ=ατFτ (SST). Therefore, the optimized SST field further improves the simulation of the wind stress anomaly. However, the SL anomaly field needs to be adjusted through dynamic processes when assimilating SST data in the ICM. Consequently, even though the SL field is adjusted to recover to its "truth" field, the biases between the optimizing experiments and the "truth" field are still large compared with other fields.
All in all, additionally optimizing the model parameter αT e using the 4D-Var assimilation of SST data in the ICM can effectively recover the simulation of major variables, especially for the T e, SST and wind stress fields. Simulation errors induced by biases in the model parameter can be effectively reduced by optimizing the parameter estimation using the 4D-Var method. As such, the optimization procedure can produce an adequate initial condition and model parameter that can be used for ENSO predictions.