1.CAS Key Laboratory of Regional Climate-Environment for Temperate East Asia, Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100029, China 2.Climate Change Research Center, Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100029, China 3.China University of Geosciences, Wuhan 430074, China Manuscript received: 2016-12-09 Manuscript revised: 2017-06-24 Manuscript accepted: 2017-07-07 Abstract:The role of winter sea-ice in the Labrador Sea as a precursor for precipitation anomalies over southeastern North America and Western Europe in the following spring is investigated. In general terms, as the sea ice increases, the precipitation also increases. In more detail, however, analyses indicate that both the winter sea-ice and the sea surface temperature (SST) anomalies related to increases in winter sea-ice in the Labrador Sea can persist into the following spring. These features play a forcing role in the spring atmosphere, which may be the physical mechanism behind the observational relationship between the winter sea-ice and spring precipitation anomalies. The oceanic forcings in spring include Arctic sea-ice anomalies and SST anomalies in the tropical Pacific and high-latitude North Atlantic. Multi-model Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 5 and Atmospheric Model Intercomparison Project simulation results show that the atmospheric circulation response to the combination of sea-ice and SST is similar to that observed, which suggests that the oceanic forcings are indeed the physical reason for the enhanced spring precipitation. Sensitivity experiments conducted using an atmospheric general circulation model indicate that the increases in precipitation over southeastern North America are mainly attributable to the effect of the SST anomalies, while the increases over Western Europe are mainly due to the sea-ice anomalies. Although model simulations reveal that the SST anomalies play the primary role in the precipitation anomalies over southeastern North America, the observational statistical analyses indicate that the area of sea-ice in the Labrador Sea seems to be the precursor that best predicts the spring precipitation anomaly. Keywords: winter Labrador sea ice, spring precipitation, air-sea interaction 摘要:当冬季拉布拉多海海冰增加时, 北美东南部和欧洲西部的春季降水会增加. 因此, 冬季拉布拉多海海冰可以作为春季降水的一个预测因子. 进一步的分析表明, 海冰异常和与之同时出现的海温异常都能够持续至春季, 并对春季大气环流产生影响, 从而导致降水异常. 这是冬季海冰和春季降水产生联系的主要原因, CMIP5的AMIP试验也证明了这一点. 在这一联系中, 海冰和海温各自起到何种作用呢?大气环流模式敏感性试验表明, 北美东南部的降水主要是由海温异常造成;欧洲西部的降水主要由海冰异常造成. 值得注意的是, 尽管模式试验表明海温异常主要造成北美东南部的降水异常, 但是冬季的拉布拉多海海冰异常是最好的统计预测因子, 因为我们无法从观测中分离出上述海温异常信号. 关键词:前兆因子, 拉布拉多海冬季海冰, 西欧和北美春季降水异常
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4.1. Sea-ice and SST anomalies
In winter, the sea ice decreases in the Greenland and Barents (G-B) seas (Fig. 5a), along with an increase in sea ice in the Labrador Sea. In the remote open oceans, there are significant SST anomalies in the North Atlantic and tropical Pacific. In the North Atlantic, the SST anomalies show a tripole pattern in winter, which is similar to that reported in (Wu et al., 2013). The physical mechanism behind the relationship between sea ice and SST in winter is not investigated because it is beyond the scope of the present study. Given that there are significant SST anomalies in the remote oceans, it is necessary to identify whether it is the sea ice in the Labrador Sea or the SST in the open oceans that is the better statistical precursor for the following-spring precipitation anomalies. First, the spring precipitation anomalies associated with the North Atlantic SST tripole are largely different from those associated with Lab-SIA (cf. Fig. S2 and Fig. 2). This means that the role played by North Atlantic SST anomalies in the linkage between winter Labrador Sea sea-ice and spring precipitation is weak. Second, the first three modes of the tropical Pacific SST anomalies are not the same as those related to winter Lab-SIA (cf. Fig. S3 and Fig. 5b). The first mode mainly reflects a traditional El Ni?o-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) event, and the correlation coefficient between ENSO and the Lab-SIA is only 0.15, which is below the 90% significance level. The correlation coefficient between the second mode and Lab-SIA is 0.12, which is also below the 90% significance level. The third mode is insignificant because it cannot be separated from the fourth mode. This means that the winter Labrador Sea sea-ice anomaly, rather than the SST anomaly, is a better index for predicting spring anomalies in southeastern North America and Western Europe. Figure5. Correlation coefficients of (a, c) SIC and (b, d) SST with winter Lab-SIA: (a, b) winter; (c, d) following spring. Panels (e, f) are the same as (c, d), but for the regression. The blue boxes are used to mark the regions where the SST anomalies are used in the model experiments. The black contours indicate statistical significance at the 95% confidence level.
2 4.2. Forcing roles of sea-ice and SST anomalies in the atmosphere during spring -->
4.2. Forcing roles of sea-ice and SST anomalies in the atmosphere during spring
In spring, there are significant sea-ice and SST anomalies that persist from the previous winter (cf. Figs. 5a, b and c, d), and this persistence may be caused by the large heat content of the ocean. If these persistent features are the drivers of the atmospheric anomalies in spring, the linkage between the winter sea-ice and spring precipitation may be easy to understand. This aspect is investigated next. As a general speculation regarding the large-scale air-sea interaction, if the ocean does influence the atmosphere, there should be heat transfer from the ocean (atmosphere) to the atmosphere (ocean) where sea ice decreases (increases) or where SST is warmer (colder) than normal. Figure 6b shows that there is heat absorption in the Labrador Sea and the adjoining open oceans (blue box in Fig. 6b), and heat release in the G-B seas and the adjoining open oceans (red box in Fig. 6b). The consistent surface heat flux anomalies in the sea-ice region and the adjoining open oceans in spring differ from those in winter. This suggests that the overlying atmospheric conditions may be primarily driven by the sea ice, because the surface heat flux is opposite between the sea-ice region and the adjoining oceans when the sea-ice is forced by the atmosphere (e.g., Deser et al., 2000, Han et al., 2016a). Therefore, the sea-ice anomaly in winter is forced by the simultaneous atmosphere; when it persists into the ensuing spring, it seems to be the driver of the atmosphere. Figure6. As in Figs. 5a and c, but for surface heat fluxes. The blue and red rectangles contain the ocean covered by sea ice and the adjoining open ocean.
With respect to the extratropical SST anomalies in the North Atlantic, a cold anomaly at high latitudes can influence the atmosphere by absorbing heat from it, while a warm anomaly at midlatitudes seems to be forced by the atmosphere because warmer SSTs are related to heat absorption (cf. Figs. 5d and 6b). These results indicate that the role played by North Atlantic SST anomalies in the linkage between winter sea-ice and spring atmospheric conditions is weak, which is consistent with the results reported by (Frankignoul et al., 2014). In the tropical Pacific, there is heat release (more precipitation) in the western region and heat absorption (less precipitation) in the eastern region (not shown), which corresponds to warmer and cooler SSTs, respectively. This means that the tropical SST anomalies are forcing factors with respect to the atmosphere. Further proof of the forcing role played by the Pacific SST is provided by the SLP anomaly, which is above normal over regions with colder SSTs and below normal over regions with warmer SSTs (cf. Figs. 4a and 5d). Such atmospheric circulation anomalies are consistent with the direct thermal response of the atmosphere to tropical SST anomalies. Therefore, the possible oceanic forcings in spring include the sea-ice anomalies in the Labrador and G-B seas, an SST anomaly over the North Pole of the North Atlantic, and SST anomalies in the tropical Pacific. The results of the analyses carried out in section 4 indicate that both sea ice and SST might play roles in determining the atmospheric conditions during spring, and the winter Lab-SIA is a better observational precursor of spring precipitation than SST in the open oceans. However, the above analyses cannot clarify whether the spring atmospheric anomalies are really caused by collaborative roles of the sea-ice and SST anomalies. Atmospheric model simulations are a useful tool for solving such issues, which is discussed in the next section.
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