摘要:基于1959~2017年福清核电厂区龙卷风的调查资料,采用Rankine涡模型估算该区域超过某一特定风速的概率分布,通过概率值导出设计基准龙卷风和基准设计风速,按照压降模型计算出龙卷风的压降,研究结果表明:福清核电评价区域龙卷风的总压降为4.29 kPa;平移速度13.8 m/s,最大旋转风速57.6 m/s,最大压降速率为1.18 kPa/s,基准设计风速为71.4 m/s,属于F3级别的龙卷风;在125 kg下落的穿甲弹类和2.5 cm实心钢球两种不同情景下计算出的龙卷风产生的飞射物的最大水平碰撞速度均为24.99 m/s、碰撞动量依次为3123.75 kg m s?1和1.615 kg m s?1。这些计算结果,从龙卷风的角度,为政府相关部门在规划和建设福清核电厂时提供了可靠的理论依据。
Abstract:Based on the investigation data of tornadoes in the Fuqing Nuclear Power Plant area from 1959 to 2017, the probability distribution of exceeding a specific wind speed is calculated using the Rankine model. The design basis tornado wind speeds are derived from the probability values, and the pressure drop of tornadoes is calculated using the pressure drop model. Results show that the design basis wind speed of an F3 category tornado is 71.4 m/s, with a probability of 1 × 10?8. Moreover, the total pressure drop of an F3 category tornado is 4.29 kPa, the translation speed is 13.8 m/s, the maximum rotating wind speed is 57.6 m/s, and the maximum pressure drop rate is 1.18 kPa/s. Furthermore, the collision velocity and momentum of the projectile produced by the tornado in two different scenarios are calculated. These two scenarios involve an air penetrator with a weight of 125 kg and a solid steel ball with a radius of 2.5 cm. The maximum horizontal collision velocity of the projectile caused by the tornado is 24.99 m/s in both scenarios. The collision momentum is 3123.75 kg m s?1 in the air penetrator with a weight of 125 kg and 1.615 kg m s?1 in the solid steel ball with a radius of 2.5 cm. From the perspective of these scenarios, the calculations will provide the scientific and theoretical bases for the planning and construction of the Fuqing Nuclear Power Plant.
Key words:Tornado/
Nuclear power plant/
Design basis parameters/
Collision momentum