摘要:利用杭瑞高速公路洞庭湖大桥北岸测风塔的梯度风观测资料、三维超声风温仪资料以及岳阳气象站提供的逐小时气溶胶浓度和能见度观测资料,对湖南岳阳2017年1月28日的一次重度霾天气中的重污染过程的近地层物理量变化特征进行了分析,结果表明:(1)重污染来临前约130 min即28日01:50(北京时间,下同),水平风速、垂直风速、高低层风切变都出现零值,大气处于静稳状态。重污染结束前180 min即28日09:00,上述物理量和高低层温度切变出现零值。(2)湍流强度在重污染来临前有强烈异常信号,其中水平纵向湍流强度异常信号最明显,于重污染发生前130 min出现异常峰值4.15,重污染结束前180 min出现异常峰值3.24。(3)湍流动能和动量通量都在重污染来临前130 min接近0.0 m2/s2,即湍流交换最弱,有利于污染物在近地面的持续堆积和重污染过程的发生。近地层的平均物理量和湍流特征量的异常信号的出现时间有较好的一致性,即出现在重污染来临前的130 min和结束前的180 min。揭示了重度霾污染天气的近地层物理量时间变化规律,着重分析了霾污染的生成、发展、消亡全过程的边界层湍流异常的前期信号,为深入认识霾污染天气进行有益的探索并为这类天气的预测预警提供科学依据。
Abstract:Using 3D ultrasound anemometer data and aerosol data, several conclusions have been reached based on the analysis of wind field and turbulence variation characteristics in the near surface layer in Yueyang during a severe haze process on 28 January 2017. Major conclusions are as follows. (1) The horizontal wind speed, vertical wind speed, and wind shear all are zero at about 130 minutes ahead of the occurrence of the heavy pollution process (at 0150 LST 28 January), and the atmosphere remained in stable condition. (2) The turbulent intensity (Iv) exhibited an abnormal signal before the starting and ending of the heavy pollution. The abnormal value of Iv was 4.15 at 130 minutes ahead of the beginning of the heavy pollution and the value was 3.24 at 180 minutes ahead of the ending of the heavy pollution (at 0900 LST 28 January). (3) The turbulent kinetic energy and momentum flux decreased to 0.0 m2/s2 at 130 minutes ahead of the occurrence of the heavy pollution. There is a good agreement between the occurrence time of the anomalous signals of turbulence and average physical quantities. This paper is focused on the analysis of abnormal characteristics of boundary layer turbulence during the formation, development and dissipation of the severe haze. The abnormal signals of the occurrence and dissipation of the severe haze are detected through the above analysis. The aim of this paper is to get a better understanding of severe haze weather and provide scientific basis for its prediction.
Key words:Severe haze process/
Near-surface layer/
Physical quantities