Abstract:This study analyzes the microphysical properties of precipitating and nonprecipitating warm clouds based on seven-flight cloud measurements from 6 November 2014 to 25 December 2014 in Jiangxi Province. The autoconversion threshold function (T) represents the probability of collision–coalescence process occurrence in clouds, which is critical for determining the initial time and intensity of precipitation. The authors found that, in general, T increases with height above the cloud base, with the maximum value occurring in the middle and upper parts of clouds. The occurrence frequency of T>0.6 in the precipitating clouds is larger than that in the nonprecipitating clouds, indicating a stronger collision–coalescence process and a greater probability of raindrops generated by the condensation and collision–coalescence processes in the precipitating clouds. There is a negative relationship between the relative dispersion of cloud droplet size distribution (ε) and the number concentration of cloud droplets (Nc), and this negative relationship becomes more evident with increasing T. Compared with the average radius of cloud droplets (ra), the standard deviation of cloud droplet size distribution (σ) dominates the enhancement of the degree of the negative relationship between ε and Nc.
Key words:Stratiform warm clouds/
Microphysical parameters/
Cloud–Rain autoconversion threshold function