

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-05-28


Institute of Atmos. Phys., CAS, Professor
研究兴趣:Stratospheric Dynamics and stratosphere-troposphere coupling , Air-sea interactions and their effects , Subtropical variabilities






    Dynamical Linkage between Cold Air Outbreaks and Intensity Variations of the Meridional Mass Circulation
    Yu Yueyue, Rongcai Ren, Ming Cai. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences: 2015 ,72 ,3214-3232 摘要
    Comparison of the Mass Circulation and AO Indices as Indicators of Cold Air Outbreaks in Northern Winter
    Yu Yueyue, Rongcai Ren, Ming Cai. Geophys. Res. Lett.: 2015 ,DOI: 10.1002/2015GL063676 摘要
    Understanding the global surface-atmosphere energy balance in FGOALS-s2 through an attribution analysis of the global temperature biases
    Yang, Y., Rongcai Ren*. Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters: 2015 ,8 ,107-112 摘要  下载全文
    孙舒悦,任荣彩*. 气象科技: ,待刊 摘要
    Location and variation of the summertime upper-troposphere temperature maximum over South Asia
    Wu GX, B. He*, YM Liu*, Q Bao and RC Ren. Climate Dynamics: ,DOI: 10.1007/s00382-015-2506-4 摘要
    Relationship between Warm Air Mass Transport into the Upper Polar Atmosphere and Cold Air Outbreaks in Winter
    Yu Yueyue, M. CAI, Rongcai Ren, H.M. Veb den Dool. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences: 2015 ,72 ,349-368
    Parallel Comparison of the Northern Winter Stratospheric Circulation in Reanalysis and in CMIP5 Models
    Rao Jian, Rongcai Ren* and Yang Yang. Adv. Atmos. Sci.: ,doi: 10.1007/s00376-014-4192-2 摘要
    Influences of ENSO on the Vertical Coupling of Atmospheric Circulation during the Onset of South Asian Summer Monsoon
    Liu Buoqi, G.X. Wu and Rongcai Ren*. Climate Dynamics: ,DOI: 10.1007/s00382-014-2439-3 摘要
    Seasonal Timing of Stratospheric Final Warming associated with the Intensity of Stratospheric Sudden Warming in preceding Winter
    Hu J G, R C Ren*, H M Xu,SY Yang. Science China: Earth Sciences: 2015 ,doi: 10.1007/s11430-014-5008-z 摘要
    胡景高,任荣彩*,徐海明,杨双艳. 中国科学: 2015 ,44 ,待刊 摘要
    An Emerging Precursor Signal in the Stratosphere in Recent Decades for the Indian Summer Monsoon Onset
    Ren Rongcai, Jinggao Hu. Geophys. Res. Lett.: 2014 ,41 ,7391–7396 摘要
    任荣彩,吴国雄,M. Cai, 孙舒悦,刘新,李伟平. 气象学报: 2014 ,75(2). doi: 10.11676/qxxb2014.076 摘要
    Understanding the Systematic Air Temperature Biases in a Coupled Climate System Model through a Process-Based Decomposition Method
    Ren*, R.-C., Y. Yang, M. Cai and J. Rao. Climate Dynamics: 2015 ,DOI: 10.1007/s00382-014-2435-7 摘要
    Attributing Analysis on the Model Bias in Surface Temperature in the Climate System Model FGOALS-s2 through a Process-Based Decomposition Method
    Yang, Y., Rongcai Ren*, M. Cai, J. Rao. Adv. Atom. Sci: ,doi: 10.1007/s00376-014-4061-z 摘要
    Relationship between Warm Air Mass Transport into the Upper Polar Atmosphere and Cold Air Outbreaks in Winter
    Yu Yueyue, M. CAI, Rongcai Ren, H.M. Veb den Dool. J. of Atmos. Sci.: ,acceptted 摘要
    Recent progress in the study of Tibetan Plateau climate dynamics
    Wu, GX., AM Duan, Yimin Liu; Jiangyu Mao; Rongcai Ren; Qing Bao; Bian He; Boqi Liu; Wenting Hu. National Science Review: ,doi: 10.1093/nsr/nwu045 摘要
    A Mass Budget Analysis on the Interannual Variability of the Polar Surface Pressure in Winter Season
    Yu Yueyue, Rongcai Ren*, JG Hu, GX Wu. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences: 2014 ,doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1175/JAS-D-13-0365.1 摘要
    Occurrence of Winter Stratospheric Sudden Warming Events and the Seasonal Timing of Spring Stratospheric Final Warming
    Hu Jinggao, Rongcai* Ren, Haiming Xu. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences: 2014 ,http://dx.doi.org/10.1175/JAS-D-13-0349.1 摘要
    胡景高,任荣彩*, 虞越越,徐海明. 中国科学: 2014 ,44 ,333-342 摘要
    Attribution of the summer warming since 1970s in Indian Ocean Basin to the inter-decadal change in the seasonal timing of El Niño decay phase
    Li, Qian, R.-C. Ren*, M. Cai and G. X. Wu. , Geophys. Res. Lett.: 2012 ,39 ,doi:10.1029/2012GL052150 下载全文
    The boreal spring stratospheric final warming and its interannual and interdecadal variability
    Hu Jinggao, Ren Rongcai*, Yu Yueyue, Xu Haiming. Science China: Earth Sciences: 2013 ,56 ,doi: 10.1007/s11430-013-4699-x
    李建平, 任荣彩*,齐义泉,等. 大气科学: 2013 ,37 (2) ,518–538 下载全文
    两个大气环流模式SAMIL/LASG GCM和BCC_AGCM对北半球冬季极涡振荡的模拟对比
    刘玉镇,任荣彩,何编. 大气科学: 2012 ,36(6) ,1191-1206 下载全文
    Changes of the Winter Stratospheric Circulation in CMIP5 Scenarios Simulated by the Climate System Model FGOALS-s2
    Ren, Rongcai and Yang Yang. Adv. Atom. Sci: 2012 ,29(6) ,1374–1389, doi: 10.1007/s00376-012-1184-y 下载全文
    Seasonality of the lagged relationship between ENSO and the Northern Hemispheric polar vortex variability
    Ren, Rongcai. Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters: 2012 ,5(2) ,113-118 下载全文
    任荣彩. 气象学报: 2012 ,70(3) ,520-535 下载全文
    Observational evidence of the delayed response of stratospheric polar vortex variability to ENSO SST anomalies
    Ren, R.-C., M. Cai, C. Xiang and G. Wu. Climate Dynamics: 2012 ,38(7) ,1345-1358, DOI: 10.1007/s00382-011-1137-7 下载全文
    Spatial Pattern and Zonal Shift of the North Atlantic Oscillation
    Dehai Luo, Zhihui Zhu, Rongcai Ren, Linhao Zhong, Chunzai Wang. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences: 2010 ,67(9) ,2805-2826 下载全文
    吕达仁,卞建春,陈洪滨,陈月娟,陈泽宇,胡永云,刘毅,刘煜,任荣彩,田文寿. 地球科学进展: 2009 , 24(3) 摘要  下载全文
    Spatial Pattern and Zonal Shift of the North Atlantic Oscillation. Part II: Numerical Experiments
    Dehai Luo, Linhao Zhong, Rongcai Ren, Chunzai Wang. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences: 2010 ,67(9) ,2827-2853 下载全文
    刘毅,陆春晖,管兆勇,任荣彩. 气象学报: 2010 ,68(3) ,376-386 下载全文
    任荣彩,向纯怡. 气象学报: 2010 ,67(5) ,285-295 下载全文
    向纯怡,何金海,任荣彩*. 地球科学进展: 2009 ,24(3) ,338-348 下载全文
    Winter Season Stratospheric Circulation in the SAMIL/LASG General Circulation Model
    Ren, Rongcai,Guoxiong Wu, Ming Cai and JingJing Yu. Adv. Atmos. Sci.: 2009 ,26/3 ,451-464. 下载全文
    Multi-scale forcing and the formation of subtropical desert and monsoon
    Wu, G. X., Liu, Y., Zhu, X., Li, W., Ren, R., Duan, A., and Liang, X. Ann. Geophys.: 2009 ,27 ,3631-3644 下载全文
    Meridional and Downward Propagation of Atmospheric Circulation Anomalies. PartⅡ: Southern Hemisphere Cold Season Variability
    Ren, R.-C., M. Cai,. J. of Atmos. Sci.: 2008 ,65 ,2343–2359 下载全文
    吴国雄,刘屹岷,宇婧婧,竺夏英,任荣彩. 大气科学: 2008 ,32(4) ,720~740. 下载全文
    Meridional and Downward Propagation of Atmospheric Circulation Anomalies. Part I: Northern Hemisphere Cold Season Variability, Vol 64
    Cai M., Ren R.-C.. J. of Atmos. Sci.: 2007 ,64/6 ,1880-1901 下载全文
    Meridional and vertical out-of-phase relationships of temperature anomalies associated with the Northern Annular Mode variability
    Ren, R.-C., M. Cai,. Geo. Res. Lett.: 2007 ,34, L07704, ,doi: 10.1029/2006GL028729 下载全文
    任荣彩 刘屹岷 吴国雄. 气象学报: 2007 ,Vol.65, No.2, ,183-197 下载全文
    WU Guo-xiong,吴国雄,李建平,周天军,陆日宇,俞永强,朱江,穆穆,段安民,任荣彩,丁一汇,李维京,何金海,王凡,于卫东,乔方利,袁东亮,齐义泉. 地球科学进展: 2006 , 21(11) 摘要
    40–70 day meridional propagation of global circulation anomalies
    Cai M., Ren R.-C.. Geophys. Res. Lett.: 2006 ,33 ,L06818, doi: 10.1029/2005GL025024 下载全文
    Polar Vortex Oscillation Viewed in an Isentropic Potential Vorticity Coordinate
    Ren, Rongcai, M. Cai,. Adv. Atmos. Sci: 2006 ,23/ 6 ,884-890 下载全文
    On the Short-term Variation of Subtropical Anticyclone over the Western Pacific Affected by Mid-High Latitude Circulation in July 1998
    Ren Rongcai, Liu Yimin and Wu Guoxiong. CHINESE J. of Atmos. SCI.: 2005 ,Vol. 29, No. 1 ,P.55-66 摘要
    任荣彩 刘屹岷 吴国雄. 大气科学: 2004 ,Vol.28, No.4, ,571~578 下载全文
    Relationship between the Subtropical Anticyclone and Diabatic Heating
    Yimin Liu, Guoxiong Wu, Rongcai Ren. J. Climate: 2004 ,17(4) ,682~698 下载全文
    吴国雄, 刘屹岷, 任荣彩, 刘平. 气象学报: 2004 ,62(05) ,587-597 下载全文
    任荣彩,吴国雄. 气象学报: 2003 ,61(2) ,180-195 下载全文
    吴国雄 刘屹岷 刘平 任荣彩. 气象学报: 2002 ,60(5) ,635~636 下载全文
    Heat Flux Boundary Conditions for a Lattice Boltzmann Equation Model
    FENG SHI-DE(冯士德),REN RONG-CAI(任荣彩) JI Zhong-Zhen (季仲贞). CHIN. PHYS. LETT.: 2002 ,Vol.19, No.1 ,79-82.
    冯士德,张琼,任荣彩. 物理学报: 2001 , 50(7) 摘要
    冯士德,任荣彩,毛江玉. 计算物理: 2001 , 18(5) 摘要
    Correction to the Collision Term in the BGK Boltzmann Equation, Chinese Physics,
    FENG SHI-DE(冯士德),REN RONG-CAI(任荣彩),CUI Xiao-Peng (崔晓鹏). Chinese Physics: 2001 ,Vol.10 , No.12 ,1106-1109.
    冯士德,毛江玉,任荣彩. 新世纪力学研讨会——钱学森技术科学思想的回顾与展望: 2001 摘要
    冯士德,任荣彩,毛江玉. 第五届全国水动力学学术会议暨第十五届全国水动力学研讨会: 2001 摘要
    任荣彩 景华,赵玉广,徐宝新. 气象: 1999 ,Vol.25, No.10 ,27-30 下载全文
    杜青文 任荣彩,康锡言. 气象: 1999 ,Vol.25, No. 7 ,25-28 下载全文
    王鹏云 潘在桃 徐宝新 任荣彩. 应用气象学报: 1992 ,3(3) ,257-265
    潘在桃 王鹏云 徐宝新 任荣彩. 气象: 1990 ,16(7) ,3-7


北半球和南半球极涡振荡(Polar Vortex Oscillation, PVO)指数

Polar Vortex Oscillation Indices for Northern and Southern Hemisphere







北半球/南半球的平流层极涡振荡 (PVO)指数来自于一个等熵-位涡(PV)坐标下的PV异常的主导EOF时间系数,它可以解释整个半球冬季PV异常变率的61% /44%,对应的 EOF空间场表现为中纬度与热带/极区PV异常的跷跷板型分布(Fig. a/b)。PVO指数每日一值,可有效表征平流层及极涡的变化。根据PVO指数,每年冬季有1~2个平流层极涡振荡事件。(参考文献:Ren and Cai, 2006, Adv. Atmos. Sci.; Caiand Ren, 2007, J. A.S, Ren and Cai, 2008, J. A. S.)

The Polar Vortex Oscillation (PVO) Index forNH/SH is the leading EOF timeseries of the daily Potential Vorticity (PV)anomalies in a θ-PVLAT coordinate, which explains about 61% /44% of the totalvariance of daily PV anomalies over the entire Hemispheres, and is related to aseesaw pattern between the mid-latitude PV anomalies and the tropical/polar PVanomalies (Fig. 1/2). It has single daily value and effectively measures thevariability of the stratospheric polar vortex. Positive phase of PVO index correspondsto a stronger polar vortex and the negative a weaker polar vortex.  Generally1~2 oscillation events could beidentified in each winter season based on the PVO index.  (Reference: Ren and Cai, 2006, Adv. Atmos. Sci.; Cai and Ren, 2007, J. A.S; Ren andCai, 2008, J. A. S.)



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    姓名:孙建华性别:女职务:研究室副主任职称:研究员通讯地址:北京9804信箱云降水物理与强风暴实验室邮政编码:100029电子邮件:个人主页:简历:女,研究员,博士,1972年生。主要从事中尺度气象学和高影响天气(涉及夏季暴雨、冬季暴雪、冻雨、春季沙尘暴等)的发生、发展机理与预测理论的研究。  大学 ...
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