姓 名:
张美根 性 别:
职 务:
职 称:
Meigen Zhang, I. Uno, S. Sugata, Z. Wang, D. Byun, and H. Akimoto: Numerical study of boundary layer ozone transport and photochemical production in east Asia in the wintertime. Geophys. Res. Lett., 10.1029/2001GL014368, 2002.
Meigen Zhang, I. Uno, G. R. Carmichael, H. Akimoto, Z. Wang, Y. Tang, J.-H. Woo, D. G. Streets, G. W. Sachse, M. A. Avery, R. J. Weber, and R. W. Talbot, Large-scale structure of trace gas and aerosol distributions over the western Pacific Ocean during TRACE-P. J. Geophys. Res., 108 (D21), 8820, doi:10.1029/2002JD002946, 2003.
Meigen Zhang, I. Uno, Y. Yoshida, Y. Xu, Z. Wang, H. Akimoto, T. Bates, T. Quinn, A. Bandy, and B. Blomquist: Transport and Transformation of Sulfur compounds over East Asia during the TRACE-P and ACE-Asia Campaigns. Atmos. Environ., 38(40), 6947-6959, 2004.
Meigen Zhang, H. Akimoto, and I. Uno: A three-dimensional simulation of HOx concentrations over East Asia during TRACE-P. J. Atmospheric Chemistry, 54(3), 233-254, 2006.
Meigen Zhang, I. Uno, R. Zhang, Z. Han, Z. Wang, and Y. Pu: Evaluation of the Models-3 Community Multi-scale Air Quality (CMAQ) modeling system with observations obtained during the TRACE-P experiment: Comparison of ozone and its related species. Atmos. Environ., 40(26), 4874-4882, 2006.
Meigen Zhang, Lijie Gao, Cui Ge and Y. Xu: Simulation of nitrate aerosol concentrations over East Asia with the model system RAMS-CMAQ. Tellus, 59B, 372-380, 2007.
Cui Ge, Meigen Zhang*, Lingyun Zhu, Xiao Han, and J. Wang: Simulated Seasonal Variations in Wet Acid Depositions over East Asia. J. Air & Waste Manage. Assoc., 61, 1246–1261, 2011.
Xiao Han, Meigen Zhang*, Z. Han, J. Xin, and X. Liu: Simulation of aerosol direct radiative forcing with RAMS-CMAQ in East Asia. Atmospheric Environment, 45(36), 6576-6592, 2011.
Xiao Han, Meigen Zhang*, Jinhua Tao, L. Wang, J. Gao, S. Wang and F. Chai: Modeling aerosol impacts on atmospheric visibility in Beijing with RAMS-CMAQ. Atmospheric Environment, 72, 177-191, 2013.
Xiao Han, Meigen Zhang*, J. Gao, S. Wang, and F. Chai, Modeling analysis of the seasonal characteristics of haze formation in Beijing. Atmos. Chem. Phys., 14, 10231–10248, 2014.
Yi Gao, Meigen Zhang*, and X. Liu: Change in Diurnal Variations of Meteorological Variables Induced by Anthropogenic Aerosols over the North China Plain in summer 2008. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, DOI 10.1007/s00704-015-1403-4, 2015.
Zhen Peng, Meigen Zhang*, Xingxia Kou, X. Tian, and X. Ma: A regional carbon flux data assimilation system and its preliminary evaluation in East Asia. Atmos. Chem. Phys., 15, 1087–1104, 2015.
Yi Gao, Meigen Zhang*, Z. Liu, L. Wang, P. Wang, X. Xia, M. Tao, and Lingyun Zhu: Modeling the feedback between aerosol and meteorological variables in the atmospheric boundary layer during a severe fog-haze event over the North China Plain. Atmos. Chem. Phys., 15, 4279–4295, 2015.
Jialin Li, Meigen Zhang*, F. Wu, Y. Sun, and G. Tang: Assessment of the impacts of aromatic VOC emissions and yields of SOA on SOA concentrations with the air quality model RAMS-CMAQ. Atmospheric Environment, 158, 105-115, 2017.
Rong Li, Meigen Zhang*, L. Chen, Xingxia Kou, and A. Skorokhod: CMAQ simulation of atmospheric CO2 concentration in East Asia: Comparison with GOSAT observations and ground measurements. Atmospheric Environment, 160. 176-185, 2017.
Lei Chen, Meigen Zhang*, J. Zhu, Y. Wang, and A. Skorokhod: Modeling impacts of urbanization and urban heat island mitigation on boundary layer meteorology and air quality in Beijing under different weather conditions. J. Geophys. Res., 123 (8), 4323–4344, 2018.
Hailing Liu, Meigen Zhang*, Xiao Han, Jialin Li, Lei Chen: Episode analysis of regional contributions to tropospheric ozone in Beijing using a regional air quality model, Atmosphere Environment, 199, 299-312,2019.
Jialin Li, Meigen Zhang*, G. Tang, Y. Sun, F. Wu, and Y. Xu: Assessment of dicarbonyl contributions to secondary organic aerosols over China using RAMS-CMAQ. Atmos. Chem. Phys., 19, 6481–6495, 2019.
本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-05-28
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