

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-12-25

蒋笑添, 杨富中
中国科学院大学物理科学学院, 北京 100049
2018年4月17日 收稿; 2018年5月9日 收修改稿
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(11475178,Y4JT01VJ01)资助
通信作者: 杨富中, E-mail:fzyang@ucas.ac.cn

摘要: 利用类型Ⅱ弦理论/F理论对偶,第一次在平行和重合相区计算一个具体的双D膜系统的超势,并提取Ooguri-Vafa不变量。平行D膜相与重合D膜相间的相变也对应着D膜世界叶上规范理论规范对称性的提升U(1)×…×U(1)→Un)。计算显示这两个相区的超势截然不同,并给出不同的Ooguri-Vafa不变量。这意味着相变的发生导致两个相区能谱结构的差异。
关键词: 类型Ⅱ弦理论/F理论对偶相变超势Ooguri-Vafa不变量
Parallel/coincident D-brane superpotentials, Ooguri-Vafa invariants, and Type Ⅱ/F theory duality
JIANG Xiaotian, YANG Fuzhong
School of Physical Sciences, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China

Abstract: The superpotential is very important physical observation in the topological string theory, and it determines the F-term of the low-energy effective theory and the string vacuum structure. Ooguri-Vafa invariants, as the counting number of BPS states, can be extracted from the superpotential, giving rise to the energy spectrum of the D-brane system. We compute the superpotentials and Ooguri-Vafa invariants for complicated D-brane system, namely double D-branes system, in the parallel and coincident phases using the Type Ⅱ/F theory duality for the first time. The coincidence of parallel D-branes leads to the enhancement of gauge symmetry U(1)×…×U(1)→U(n) in terms of gauge theory on the worldvolume of the D-branes being known as the phase transition between the parallel D-brane phase and the coincident D-brane phase. We find the difference between the Ooguri-Vafa invariants for the two phases giving rise to the distinct spectra. It can be viewed as an evidence of the phase transition.
Keywords: Type Ⅱ/F-theory dualityphase transitionsuperpotentialOoguri-Vafa invariants
考虑嵌入在Calabi-Yau三流形M3的除子D中的可约曲线$C = \sum\limits_i {{C_i}} $,将时空填充的D膜缠绕在C上面,那么有效超势可以由相对周期给出。相对周期即全纯(3, 0)形式Ω(3, 0) $ \left( {z, \hat z} \right)$在相对同调群H3(M3, D)中的元素γ上的积分:
${W_{N = 1}}(z,\hat z) = {\Pi _\gamma }(z,\hat z) = \int\limits_\gamma {{\Omega ^{(3,0)}}(z,\hat z)} ,$ (1)
式中:z${\hat z} $分别表示闭弦模参数和开弦模参数。因此四维有效超势可以表示为相对周期基矢的线性组合[1-2]
$\begin{array}{l}{W_{N = 1}}(z,\hat z) = \sum {{N_\alpha }} {\Pi _\alpha }(z,\hat z)\\\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\; = {W_{open}}(z,\hat z) + {W_{closed}}(z).\end{array}$ (2)
其中的组合系数Nα由D膜与背景流的拓扑荷决定,而$ {\Pi _\alpha }(z, \hat z)$表示开闭混合的相对周期积分。
$\begin{array}{l}{W_{{\rm{GVW}}}} = \int\limits_{{M_4}} {{G_4} \wedge {\Omega ^{(4,0)}}} \\\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\; = \sum\limits_\sigma {{N_\sigma }} \left( {{G_4}} \right){\Pi _\sigma }(z,\hat z) + O\left( {{g_s}} \right) + \\\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;O\left( {{{\rm{e}}^{ - 1/{g_s}}}} \right).\end{array}$ (3)
$\begin{array}{l}\mathop {\lim }\limits_{{g_s} \to 0} {W_{{\rm{GVW}}}}\left( {{M_4}} \right) = \sum\limits_\sigma {{N_\sigma }} \left( {{G_4}} \right){\Pi _\sigma }(z,\hat z)\\\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\; = {W_{N = 1}}\left( {{M_3},D} \right).\end{array}$ (4)
迄今为止,对于靶空间紧致的大部分D膜系统的超势计算都只涉及一个开弦形变参数[4, 7-13]。我们利用类型Ⅱ弦理论/F理论对偶中开闭弦模等价于复结构参数,以及复结构等信息完全包含在F理论的紧化四流形的组合数据中的优点,研究包含两张D膜的复杂D膜系统。D膜系统的平行相区与重合相区分别对应于D膜世界叶上的U(1)×…×U(1)与U(n)非阿贝尔规范理论。本文利用类型Ⅱ弦理论/F理论对偶,计算以P(1, 1, 2, 2, 6)为靶空间的双D膜系统的超势,并提取对应于平行相与重合相的U(1)和U(2) Ooguri-Vafa不变量。
1 平行/重合相的对偶四流形构造本文讨论的Calabi-Yau流形为环簇环绕空间中的超曲面。篇幅所限,更详细的环簇的背景知识参见文献[14-17]。这里给出符号定义如下:$ \left( {{\nabla _4}, {\Delta _4}} \right)$是一对相互反射的多面体。(W3, M3)是一对镜像三流形,由环绕环簇$ \left(P_{\mathit{\Sigma}\left(\nabla_{4}\right)}, P_{\mathit{\Sigma}\left(\Delta_{4}\right)}\right)$中的超曲面定义。环簇${{P_{\mathit{\Sigma} \left( {{\Delta _4}} \right)}}} $由扇Σ(Δ4)给出,而扇由一组包含多面体Δ4各个面的锥构成。超曲面M3则由多面体$ {{\nabla _4}}$上的p个整点定义,即多项式P在环簇$ {{P_{\mathit{\Sigma} \left( {{\Delta _4}} \right)}}}$中的零截面:
$P = \sum\limits_{i = 0}^{p - 1} {{a_i}} \prod\limits_{{v_j} \in {\Delta _4}} {x_j^{\left\langle {{v_j},v_i^*} \right\rangle + 1}} ,$ (5)
式中:vi*$ {{\nabla _4}}$上的整点,vj是对偶多面体Δ4的顶点,而系数aj是与M3复结构参数相关的复参数。
$\begin{array}{l}Q(D) = \prod\limits_{m = 0}^{n - 1} {\left( {{\phi _m}{a_0}\prod\limits_{{v_j} \in {\Delta _4}} {{x_j}} + {a_i}\prod\limits_{{v_j} \in {\Delta _4}} {x_j^{\left\langle {v,v_i^*} \right\rangle + 1}} } \right)} \\\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\; = \sum\limits_{k = 0}^n {{b_k}} \prod\limits_{{\nu _j} \in {\Delta _4}} {x_j^{k\left( {v,v_i^*} \right) + n}} .\end{array}$ (6)
式中的不可约分支位于同一个单参数除子族${D_s} \equiv \phi {a_0}\prod\limits_{{v_j} \in {\Delta _4}} {{x_j}} + {a_{{_i}}}\prod\limits_{{v_j} \in {\Delta _4}} {x_j^{\left\langle {v, v_i^*} \right\rangle + 1}} $。参数bk描述n个D膜的开弦形变,而单个D膜的形变参数${\phi _m} $则分别描述n个平行D膜的位置状态。平行D膜相对应于规范理论的库伦分支,此时规范对称群为U(1)×U(1)×…×U(1), nU(1)相乘, 其中每个U(1)群描述包含库伦场的电磁理论。
类似于文献[13]中的构造,平行D膜的组合数据可以完全由一个高一维的多面体$ {{\tilde \nabla }_5}$记录。$ {{\tilde \nabla }_5}$则给出非紧的四流形${{\tilde W}_4} $。扩展多面体$ {{\tilde \nabla }_5}$的构造方式如下:
$\tilde v_j^* = \left\{ {\begin{array}{*{20}{l}}{\left( {v_j^*,0} \right)}&{j = 0, \cdots ,p - 1}\\{\left( {mv_i^*,1} \right)}&{j = p + m,0 \le m \le n}\end{array}} \right..$ (7)
当平行D膜相互靠近并重合在一起时,规范群U(1)×U(1)×…×U(1)提升为U(n)。几何上看,非阿贝尔规范群与新构造的Calabi-Yau流形上的奇异性有关。这里用环几何的语言来描述,奇异曲线对应于对偶多面体的一维棱上的整点。环几何意义下的奇点减消过程是标准化的[18],即将这些棱上的整点全部补入环簇的定义点集,而补入的每一个点都对应于一个奇点减消后的Calabi-Yau流形上的例外除子,这个过程被称为吹胀(blow up)。
注意到我们在构造库伦相的扩展多面体时,在一条棱上加了n+1个新点描述n个平行的D膜,而填充在中间的n-1个整点正好减消了忽略它们时带来的$ {{\mathbb{Z}}_{n}}$奇异性。反过来想,可以通过抹去这n-1个内点恢复四流形的奇异性,进而构造重合相对应的多面体,给出提升后的U(n)规范群[19]。值得一提的是$ {{\mathbb{Z}}_{n}}$曲线奇异性对应的例外除子的相交矩阵与An-1的卡丹矩阵只相差一个自交归一化参数-1。
另外为了得到真正的F理论紧化四流形,进一步紧化非紧四流形${{\tilde W}_4} $。在超平面$Y = \left\{ {v \in {{\mathbb{R}}^5}} \right.|{v_5} = 0\left. {} \right\} $下方补充一个点,加上描述原紧化空间的点与描述D膜的点,所有的点定义了多面体${\nabla _5} $,也给出了真正的F理论紧化四流形W4
2 Picard-Fuchs微分方程组,局域解与相对周期相对周期满足Picard-Fuchs微分方程组,而其微分算子可由GKZ系统较为方便地导出:
$\begin{array}{*{20}{r}}{L\left( {{l^a}} \right) = \prod\limits_{k = 1}^{l_0^a} {\left( {{\vartheta _0} - k} \right)} \prod\limits_{l_j^a > 0} {\prod\limits_{k = 0}^{l_j^a - 1} {\left( {{\vartheta _j} - k} \right)} } }\\{ - {{( - 1)}^{l_0^a}}{z_a}\prod\limits_{k = 1}^{ - l_0^a} {\left( {{\vartheta _0} - k} \right)} \prod\limits_{l_j^a < 0} {\prod\limits_{k = 0}^{ - l_j^a - 1} {\left( {{\vartheta _j} - k} \right)} } ,}\end{array}$ (8)
式中:$ \vartheta_{j}=a_{j} \frac{\partial}{\partial a_{j}}$是对aj的对数求导算符,la是环簇(${{P_{\mathit{\Sigma} \left( {{\nabla _5}} \right)}}}$)的Mori锥生成元[20-23]。这些生成元也被称为规范线性西格玛模型(GLSM)的荷矢量[24]a∈{1, …, k=h1, 1(W4)}。
一方面,荷矢量la对应于$ {\nabla _5}$的最大三角剖分,也就给出了M4模空间中大复结构极限点附近的局域坐标:
${z_a} = {( - 1)^{l_0^a}}\prod\limits_j {a_{{j^j}}^{{l^a}}} .$ (9)
在大复结构相区,非微扰瞬子修正被以指数形式压制在这些复结构参数中。这组代数坐标环操作不变,可以对该相区进行很好的描述。另一方面,Mori锥与Kahler锥相互对偶,Mori锥生成元la的选定也给出了Kahler锥的一组对偶基,记做JaH1, 1(W4)。将对应的局域坐标记为ka,由于大复结构极限点对偶于大半径极限点,ka即Kahler模空间中的大半径极限点附近坐标,也被称为平坦坐标。
${w_0}(z;\rho ) = \sum\limits_{{m_1}, \cdots ,{m_a} \ge 0} {\frac{{\Gamma \left( { - \sum\limits_a {\left( {{m_a} + {\rho _a}} \right)} l_0^a + 1} \right)}}{{\prod\limits_{1 \le i \le p} \Gamma \left( {\sum\limits_a {\left( {{m_a} + {\rho _a}} \right)} l_i^a + 1} \right)}}{z^{m + \rho }}} .$ (10)
$\mathit{\boldsymbol{ \boldsymbol{\varPi} }}\left( z \right) = \left( {\begin{array}{*{20}{c}}{{\mathit{\Pi }_0} = }&{{{\left. {{w_0}(z;\rho )} \right|}_{\rho = 0}}}&{}\\{{\mathit{\Pi }_{1,a}} = }&{{{\left. {{\partial _{{\rho _a}}}{w_0}(z;\rho )} \right|}_{\rho = 0}}}&{}\\{{\mathit{\Pi }_{2,n}} = }&{{{\left. {\sum\limits_{{a_1},{a_2}} {{K_{{a_1},{a_2};n}}} {\partial _{{\rho _{{a_1}}}}}{\partial _{{\rho _{{a_2}}}}}{w_0}(z;\rho )} \right|}_{\rho = 0}}}&{}\\{}& \vdots &{}\end{array}} \right).$ (11)
式中:n∈{1, …, h},h等于上同调群H4(M4)的维数。公式(11)中Ka1, a2; n为基本周期w0二阶导的组合系数。镜像对称猜想给出A模型一侧的对偶周期矢量如下:
${\mathit{\boldsymbol{ \boldsymbol{\varPi} }}^*}(k) = \left( {\begin{array}{*{20}{c}}{\mathit{\Pi }_0^* = }&1&{}\\{\mathit{\Pi }_{1,a}^* = }&{{k_a}}&{}\\{\mathit{\Pi }_{2,n}^* = }&{\sum\limits_{{a_1},{a_2}} {K_{{a_1},{a_2};n}^*} {k_{{a_1}}}{k_{{a_2}}} + {b_n} + F_n^{{\rm{inst}}}}&{}\\{}& \vdots &{}\end{array}} \right).$ (12)
式中:ka=Π1, a/Π即上文所提的平坦坐标,且K*a1, a2; n=Ka1, a2; n。领头阶的组合系数K*a1, a2; n决定了超势的经典项,它可以由对偶于四形式背景流G4的四维环π4*H4(W4, Z)上的积分得到。bn是与我们讨论无关的常数,Fninst为解的瞬子修正部分。
在D膜几何的相对周期这侧,取到弱耦合极限时,上面四流形对应的GKZ系统的解将给出对应于开闭镜像映射,体势能(bulk potential),超势的相对周期。相对周期矢量有如下形式
$\mathop {\lim }\limits_{{g_s} \to 0} {\mathit{\boldsymbol{ \boldsymbol{\varPi} }}^*}(k) = \left( {1,t,\hat t,{F_t}(t),W(t,\hat t), \cdots } \right).$ (13)
式中:t$ {\hat t}$分别为开闭平坦坐标;$ F_{t}(t) \equiv \partial_{t} F ( t )$只依赖于闭弦模tF(t)为N=2预势,它在开弦部分的对应项为超势$W\left( {t, \hat t} \right) $。平坦坐标可以分别在A模型的大半径极限点与B模型的大复结构极限点附近找到,它们之间的对应关系定义了镜像映射如下
${k_a}(z) = \frac{{{\mathit{\Pi }_{1,a}}(z)}}{{{\mathit{\Pi }_0}}}.$ (14)
瞬子修正项可以写为$q_{i}=\exp \left(2 \pi \mathrm{i} t_{i}\right) $${{\hat q}_i} = \exp \left( {2\pi {\rm{i}}{{\hat t}_i}} \right) $的级数展开:
${F^{{\rm{inst}}}}(t,\hat t) = \sum\limits_{\vec r,\vec s} {{G_{\vec r,\vec s}}} {q^r}{\hat q^s} = \sum\limits_n {\sum\limits_{\vec r,\vec s} {\frac{{{N_{r,s}}}}{{{n^2}}}} } {q^{nr}}{\hat q^{ns}}.$ (15)
(15) 式中以相对同伦类$\boldsymbol{s} \in H_{1}(L), \boldsymbol{r} \in H_{2}\left(W_{3}\right) $为指标的{Gr, s}为Gromov-Witten不变量,{Nr, s}为Ooguri-Vafa不变量。
3 超势计算与Ooguri-Vafa不变量提取本节我们将以双D膜在P(1, 1, 2, 2, 6)上为例,利用类型Ⅱ弦理论/F理论对偶进行超势的计算与Ooguri-Vafa不变量的提取。三流形P(1, 1, 2, 2, 6)是由在环绕环簇$ {{P_{\mathit{\Sigma} \left( {{\Delta _4}} \right)}}}$中的多项式
$\begin{array}{l}P = {a_1}x_1^{12} + {a_2}x_2^{12} + {a_3}x_3^6 + {a_4}x_4^6 + {a_5}x_5^2 + {a_6}x_1^6x_2^6 + \\\;\;\;\;\;\;{a_0}{x_1}{x_2}{x_3}{x_4}{x_5}\end{array}$ (16)
$\begin{array}{*{20}{l}}{{v_1} = (1,1,1,1),{v_2} = ( - 11,1,1,1),}\\{{v_3} = (1, - 5,1,1),}\\{{v_4} = (1,1, - 5,1),{v_5} = (1,1,1, - 1).}\end{array}$ (17)
3.1 平行D膜相我们考虑由可约除子D=D1+D2描述的平行D膜。其定义多项式为
$\begin{array}{*{20}{c}}{Q = {b_0}{{\left( {{x_1}{x_2}{x_3}{x_4}{x_5}} \right)}^2} + {b_1}{x_1}{x_2}{x_3}{x_4}x_5^3 + {b_2}x_5^4}\\{ \sim \prod\limits_{i = 1}^2 {\left( {{\phi _i}{a_0}{x_1}{x_2}{x_3}{x_4}{x_5} + {a_2}x_5^2} \right)} .}\end{array}$ (18)
根据第2节阐述的构造方法,描述开闭系统的扩展多面体${{\tilde \nabla }_5} $顶点如下:
$\begin{array}{*{20}{l}}{\tilde v_0^* = (0,0,0,0,0),\tilde v_1^* = (1,2,2,6,0),\tilde v_2^* = ( - 1)}\\{0,0,0,0),\tilde v_3^* = (0, - 1,0,0,0),\tilde v_4^* = (0,0, - 1}\\{0,0),\tilde v_5^* = (0,0,0, - 1,0),\tilde v_6^* = (0,1,1,3,0)}\\{\tilde v_7^* = (0,0,0,0,1),\tilde v_8^* = (0,0,0, - 1,1),\tilde v_9^* = (0}\\{0,0, - 2,1).}\end{array}$ (19)
此时${{\tilde \nabla }_5} $对应的四流形非紧,为得到F理论紧化四流形W4对应的多面体${{\tilde \nabla }_5} $,除(19)中的顶点补充一个顶点$ \tilde{v}_{c}^{*}=(0, 0, 0, 0, -1)$
${{\tilde \nabla }_5} $对应的Mori锥生成元为:
$\begin{array}{*{20}{c}}{}&{}&{\begin{array}{*{20}{c}}0&1&2&3&4&5&6&7&8&9&c\end{array}}\\{{l^1}}& = &{\left( {\begin{array}{*{20}{c}}{ - 3}&0&0&1&1&0&1&{ - 3}&3&0&0\end{array}} \right)}\\{{l^2}}& = &{\left( {\begin{array}{*{20}{c}}0&1&1&0&0&0&{ - 2}&0&0&0&0\end{array}} \right)}\\{{l^3}}& = &{\left( {\begin{array}{*{20}{c}}0&0&0&0&0&0&0&1&{ - 2}&1&0\end{array}} \right)}\\{{l^4}}& = &{\left( {\begin{array}{*{20}{c}}{ - 1}&0&0&0&0&1&0&0&1&{ - 1}&0\end{array}} \right)}\\{{l^5}}& = &{\left( {\begin{array}{*{20}{c}}0&0&0&0&0&{ - 2}&0&0&0&1&1\end{array}} \right)}\end{array}.$ (20)
Kahler形式可写为$ J=\sum\limits_{a} k_{a} J_{a}, \left\{J_{a}\right\}$对偶于Mori锥生成元(20),构成上同调群H1, 1(W4)的基。这里的ka即镜像四流形W4的Kahler模空间的平坦坐标。多面体${\nabla _5} $中的每个顶点$ \tilde v_i^*$对应一个环除子Di。遍历任意两个环除子的交$ D_{\mathrm{i}} \cap D_{\mathrm{j}}$,构造同调群H4(W4)的基。这里挑选出对应于预势与超势的群元:
${\gamma _1} = {D_1} \cap {D_{10}},{\gamma _2} = {D_7} \cap {D_8},{\gamma _3} = {D_8} \cap {D_9},$ (21)
${t_1} = {k_1} + 3\left( {{k_3} + {k_4}} \right),{t_2} = {k_2},{\hat t_1} = {k_3} + {k_4},{\hat t_2} = {k_4}.$ (22)
$\begin{array}{*{20}{l}}{\mathit{\tilde \Pi }_{2,1}^* = t_1^2,\mathit{\tilde \Pi }_{2,2}^* = 3{{\left( {{t_1} - {{\hat t}_1}} \right)}^2} + 3\left( {{t_1} - {{\hat t}_1}} \right){t_2},}\\{\mathit{\tilde \Pi }_{2,3}^* = 3{{\left( {{t_1} - {{\hat t}_2}} \right)}^2} + 3\left( {{t_1} - {{\hat t}_2}} \right){t_2}.}\end{array}$ (23)
其中$\mathit{\widetilde \Pi} _{2, 1}^* $仅依赖于闭弦模,对应于体势能(bulk potential)函数Ft(t)。而$\mathit{\widetilde \Pi} _{2, 2}^* $, $ \mathit{\widetilde \Pi} _{2, 3}^*$则即依赖开弦模也依赖闭弦模,即D模超势的领头项。
下面从GKZ系统的解中挑选出领头项与$\mathit{\widetilde \Pi} _{2, 1}^* $, $\mathit{\widetilde \Pi} _{2, 2}^* $$\mathit{\widetilde \Pi} _{2, 3}^* $匹配的解,得到完整的体势能与超势。使用代数坐标:
${z_1} = \frac{{{a_3}{a_4}{a_6}b_1^3}}{{a_0^3b_0^3}},{z_2} = \frac{{{a_1}{a_2}}}{{a_6^2}},{z_3} = \frac{{{b_0}{b_2}}}{{b_1^2}},{z_4} = \frac{{{a_5}{b_1}}}{{{a_0}{b_2}}}.$ (24)
$\begin{array}{*{20}{c}}{{\mathit{\Pi }_0}(z) = {w_0}(z;0),{\mathit{\Pi }_{1,i}}(z) = {{\left. {{\partial _{{\rho _i}}}{w_0}(z;\rho )} \right|}_{{\rho _i} = 0}},}\\{{\mathit{\Pi }_{2,n}}(z) = \sum\limits_{i,j} {{K_{i,j:n}}{{\left. {{\partial _{{\rho _i}}}{\partial _{{\rho _j}}}{w_0}(z;\rho )} \right|}_{\rho = 0}}} .}\end{array}$ (25)
${k_i} = \frac{{{\mathit{\Pi }_{1,i}}(z)}}{{{\mathit{\Pi }_0}(z)}} = \frac{1}{{2{\rm{ \mathsf{ π} i}}}}\log {z_i} + \cdots ,$ (26)
$ q_{i}=\exp \left(2 \pi \mathrm{i} k_{i}\right), i=1, 2, 3, 4$,则开闭混合镜像逆映射为:
$\begin{array}{l}{z_1} = {q_1} + 7{q_1}{q_2} + 21{q_1}q_2^2 + {q_1}{q_3} + 7{q_1}{q_2}{q_3} + \\21{q_1}q_2^q{q_3} - 2{q_1}{q_3}{q_4} + 6q_1^2{q_3}{q_4} - 14{q_1}{q_2}{q_3}{q_4} + \cdots ,\\{z_2} = {q_2} - 2q_2^2 - 2{q_1}{q_2}{q_3}{q_4} + 36{q_1}q_2^2{q_4} + \\5q_1^2{q_2}{q_3}q_4^2 - 140q_1^2q_2^2q_3^2q_4^2 + \cdots ,\\{z_3} = {q_3} - 2q_3^2 - {q_3}{q_4} + 5q_3^2{q_4} - 3q_3^2q_4^2 + \cdots ,\\{z_4} = {q_4} + {q_3}{q_4} + q_4^2 + q_3^2q_4^2 + \cdots .\end{array}$ (27)
$\begin{array}{l}{F_t}(t) = t_1^2 + \frac{1}{{4{\pi ^2}}}\left( {2{q_2} + 2496{q_1}{q_2} + \frac{{q_2^2}}{2} + \frac{{2q_2^3}}{9} + } \right.\\\left. {\frac{{q_2^4}}{8} + \cdots } \right),\\{W_1}\left( {t,{{\hat t}_1}} \right) = 3{\left( {{t_1} - {{\hat t}_1}} \right)^2} - 3\left( {{t_1} - {{\hat t}_1}} \right){t_2} + \\\frac{1}{{4{\pi ^2}}}\left( {3744{q_1} + 3744{q_1}{q_2} - 2538{q_1}\hat q_1^{ - 1} - 2538{q_1}{q_2}\hat q_1^{ - 1} + } \right.\\\left. {108{{\hat q}_1} + 2538{q_1}{{\hat q}_1} + 2538{q_1}{q_2}{{\hat q}_1} + 27\hat q_1^2 + \cdots } \right),\\{W_2}\left( {t,{{\hat t}_2}} \right) = 3{\left( {{t_1} - {{\hat t}_2}} \right)^2} - 3\left( {{t_1} - {{\hat t}_2}} \right){t_2} + \\\frac{1}{{4{\pi ^2}}}\left( {3744{q_1} + 3744{q_1}{q_2} - 2538{q_1}\hat q_2^{ - 1} - 2538{q_1}{q_2}\hat q_2^{ - 1} + } \right.\\\left. {108{{\hat q}_2} + 2538{q_1}{{\hat q}_2} + 2538{q_1}{q_2}{{\hat q}_2} + 27{{\hat q}_2} + \cdots } \right).\end{array}$ (28)
式中:$q_{i}=\exp \left(2 \pi \mathrm{i} t_{i}\right), \hat{q}_{i}=\exp \left(2 \pi i \hat{t}_{i}\right)\{i=1, 2\} $。闭弦周期Ft(t)仅依赖于闭弦模参数t1t2。而D膜超势$ {W_1}\left( {t, {{\hat t}_1}} \right)$$ {W_2}\left( {t, {{\hat t}_2}} \right)$则同时依赖于开闭弦模参数,并在交换开弦模参数${{{\hat t}_1}} $$ {{{\hat t}_2}}$得到相同的超势的意义下,表现出Z2对称性。这与相互平行的两张D膜存在的位置上的Z2对称性相符。
表 1列出从平行相D膜超势$ {W_1}\left( {t, {{\hat t}_1}} \right)$中提取出的U(1)Ooguri-Vafa不变量。
Table 1
表 1 P(1, 1, 2, 2, 6)中平行D膜超势${W_1}\left( {t, {{\hat t}_1}} \right) $U(1)Ooguri-Vafa不变量$\left\{N_{n_{1}, n_{2}, n_{3}, n_{4}}\right\} $Table 1 The U(1) Ooguri-Vafa invariants $\left\{N_{n_{1}, n_{2}, n_{3}, n_{4}}\right\} $ for the superpotential ${W_1}\left( {t, {{\hat t}_1}} \right) $ of parallel D-branes on the P(1, 1, 2, 2, 6)
n1=0,n2\n3=n4 0 1 2 3 4
0 0 108 0 0 0
1 0 0 0 0 0
2 0 0 0 0 0
3 0 0 0 0 0
4 0 0 0 0 0
n1=1,n2\n3=n4 0 1 2 3 4
0 -90 756 -2538 3744 2538
1 -90 756 -2538 3744 2538
2 0 0 0 0 0
3 0 0 0 0 0
4 0 0 0 0 0
n1=2,n2\n3=n4 0 1 2 3 4
0 414 -5292 30078 -99360 220806
1 2322 -32616 210384 -806328 2135106
2 414 -5292 30078 -99360 220806
3 0 0 0 0 0
4 0 0 0 0 0
n1=3,n2\n3=n4 0 1 2 3 4
0 -3078 58752 -497502 2502900 -8444034
1 -49752 979992 -8990406 50786136 -198891234
2 -49752 979992 -8990406 50786136 -198891234
3 -3078 58752 -497502 2502900 -8444034
4 0 0 0 0 0

表 1 P(1, 1, 2, 2, 6)中平行D膜超势${W_1}\left( {t, {{\hat t}_1}} \right) $U(1)Ooguri-Vafa不变量$\left\{N_{n_{1}, n_{2}, n_{3}, n_{4}}\right\} $Table 1 The U(1) Ooguri-Vafa invariants $\left\{N_{n_{1}, n_{2}, n_{3}, n_{4}}\right\} $ for the superpotential ${W_1}\left( {t, {{\hat t}_1}} \right) $ of parallel D-branes on the P(1, 1, 2, 2, 6)

3.2 重合D膜相根据扩展多面体${\nabla _5} $,在B模型一侧的对偶四流形M4的定义多项式
$\begin{array}{*{20}{l}}{\tilde P = {a_1}x_1^{12}x_6^6 + {a_2}x_2^{12}x_7^6 + {a_3}x_3^6x_8^3 + {a_4}x_4^6x_9^3 + {a_5}x_5^2{x_6}{x_7}{x_8}{x_9}x_{10}^2 + }\\{{a_6}x_1^6x_2^6x_6^3x_7^3 + {a_7}x_1^2x_2^2x_3^2x_4^2x_5^2 + {a_8}x_5^3{x_1}{x_2}{x_3}{x_4}{x_{10}} + {a_9}x_5^4x_{10}^2 + }\\{{a_{10}}x_6^2x_7^2x_8^2x_9^2x_{10}^2 + {a_0}{x_1}{x_2}{x_3}{x_4}{x_5}{x_6}{x_7}{x_8}{x_9}{x_{10}}.}\end{array}$ (29)
${a_i} = \left\{ {\begin{array}{*{20}{l}}{{a_i}}&{0 \le i \le 6,}\\{{b_{i - 6}}}&{7 \le i \le 9,}\\c&{i = 10.}\end{array}} \right.$ (30)
b12=4b0b2时,D膜的定义方程变为$Q \sim\left(\phi a_{0} x_{2} x_{3} x_{4} x_{5}+a_{5} x_{5}^{2}\right)^{2} $.这意味着两张平行D膜的位置参数相等$\phi_{1}=\phi_{2}=\phi $,即D膜重合。此时多项式$ \widetilde P$中出现完全平方项$ \left(x_{1} x_{2} x_{3} x_{4} x_{5} \pm x_{5}^{2} x_{10}\right)^{2}$,对应的在四流形M4上产生奇点。在A模型一侧,D膜重合对应着例外除子的吹落(blow down)并在W4上产生曲线奇异性。
注意到点$ \tilde{v}_{7}^{*}, \tilde{v}_{8}^{*}, \tilde{v}_{9}^{*}$位于同一条一维棱上,我们通过将点$\tilde v_8^* $抹去来恢复D膜重合时产生的奇异性。则重合D膜相区对应的荷矢量为:
$\begin{array}{*{20}{c}}{}&{}&{\begin{array}{*{20}{c}}0&1&2&3&4&5&6&7&9&c\end{array}}\\{{l^1}}& = &{\left( {\begin{array}{*{20}{c}}{ - 6}&0&0&2&2&0&2&{ - 3}&3&0\end{array}} \right)}\\{{l^2}}& = &{\left( {\begin{array}{*{20}{c}}0&1&1&0&0&0&{ - 2}&0&0&0\end{array}} \right)}\\{{l^3}}& = &{\left( {\begin{array}{*{20}{c}}{ - 2}&0&0&0&0&2&0&1&{ - 1}&0\end{array}} \right)}\\{{l^4}}& = &{\left( {\begin{array}{*{20}{c}}0&0&0&0&0&{ - 2}&0&0&1&1\end{array}} \right)}\end{array}.$ (31)
与平行相区类似,遍历任意两个环除子的交$ D_{\mathrm{i}} \cap D_{\mathrm{j}}$,构造同调群H4(W4)的基,并挑选出对应于预势与超势的群元:
${\gamma _1} = {D_1} \cap {D_9},{\gamma _2} = {D_2} \cap {D_8}.$ (32)
${t_1} = {k_1} + 3{k_3},{t_2} = {k_2},\hat t = {k_3}$ (33)
$\mathit{\tilde \Pi }_{2,1}^* = t_1^2,\mathit{\tilde \Pi }_{2,2}^* = 3{\left( {{t_1} - \hat t} \right)^2} + 3\left( {{t_1} - \hat t} \right){t_2}.$ (34)
注意到$\mathit{\widetilde \Pi} _{2, 1}^* $只依赖于闭弦模参数t1,即为闭弦周期的领头项,而$\mathit{\widetilde \Pi} _{2, 2}^* $则同时依赖于开闭弦模参数,即为我们感兴趣的重合D膜超势的领头项。
${z_1} = \frac{{a_3^2a_4^2a_6^2a_9^3}}{{a_0^6a_7^3}},{z_2} = \frac{{{a_1}{a_2}}}{{a_6^2}},{z_3} = \frac{{a_5^2{a_7}}}{{a_0^2{a_9}}}.$ (35)
$\begin{array}{*{20}{c}}{{\mathit{\Pi }_0}(z) = {w_0}(z;0),{\mathit{\Pi }_{1,i}}(z) = {{\left. {{\partial _{{\rho _i}}}{w_0}(z;\rho )} \right|}_{{\rho _i} = 0}},}\\{{\mathit{\Pi }_{2,n}}(z) = {{\left. {\sum\limits_{i,j} {{K_{i,j;n}}} {\partial _{{\rho _i}}}{\partial _{{\rho _j}}}{w_0}(z;\rho )} \right|}_{\rho = 0}}.}\end{array}$ (36)
${k_i} = \frac{{{\mathit{\Pi }_{1,i}}(z)}}{{{\mathit{\Pi }_0}(z)}} = \frac{1}{{2\pi {\rm{i}}}}\log {z_i} + \cdots .$ (37)
$ q_{i}=\exp \left(2 \pi \mathrm{i} k_{i}\right), i=1, 2, 3$,则开闭混合镜像逆映射为:
$\begin{array}{l}{z_1} = {q_1} + 90q_1^2 + 2{q_1}{q_2} + 540q_1^2{q_2} + {q_1}q_2^2 - 3{q_1}{q_3} - \\4230q_1^2{q_3} - 6{q_1}{q_2}{q_3} + 3{q_1}q_3^2 + \cdots ,\\{z_2} = {q_2} - 2q_2^2 + 3q_2^3 - 4q_2^4 + 166320{q_1}q_2^2q_3^3 - \\166320{q_1}q_2^3q_3^3 + \cdots ,\\{z_3} = {q_3} - 30{q_1}{q_3} + 3525q_1^2{q_3} - 120{q_1}{q_2}{q_3} + q_3^2 + \\1290{q_1}q_3^2 + \ldots .\end{array}$ (38)
$\begin{array}{l}{F_t}(t) = t_1^2 + \frac{1}{{4{\pi ^2}}}\left( {2214144{q_1} + 8{q_2}} \right. + \\22366944{q_1}{q_2} + 2q_2^2 - 1368144{q_1}q_2^2 + \frac{{8q_2^3}}{9} + \\\left. {73266624{q_1}q_2^3 + \frac{{q_2^4}}{2} - 1351896{q_1}q_2^4 + \cdots } \right),\\{W_c}(t,\hat t) = 3{\left( {{t_1} - \hat t} \right)^2} - 18\left( {{t_1} - \hat t} \right){t_2} + 27t_2^2 + \\\frac{1}{{4{\pi ^2}}}\left( {\frac{{8972596{q_1}}}{5} + 12{q_2} + \frac{{389037924{q_1}{q_2}}}{5} + 3q_2^2} \right. - \\2532276{q_1}{{\hat q}^{ - 1}} - 10903464{q_1}{q_2}{{\hat q}^{ - 1}} + 216\hat q + \\\left. {\frac{{394081848{q_1}\hat q}}{7} + 63{{\hat q}^2} + \cdots } \right).\end{array}$ (39)
式中:$q_{i}=\exp \left(2 \pi \mathrm{i} t_{i}\right), \hat{q}=\exp (2 \pi \mathrm{i} \hat{t})\{i=1, 2\} $。闭弦周期Ft(t)仅依赖于闭弦模参数t1t2。而D膜超势${W_{\rm{c}}}\left( {t, \hat t} \right) $则同时依赖于开闭弦模参数,表 2列出从重合D膜超势${W_{\rm{c}}}\left( {t, \hat t} \right) $中提取出的U(2)Ooguri-Vafa不变量。
Table 2
表 2 P(1, 1, 2, 2, 6)中重合D膜超势$ {W_c}\left( {t, \hat t} \right)$U(2)Ooguri-Vafa不变量$\left\{ {{N_{{n_1}, {n_2}, {n_3}}}} \right\} $Table 2 The U(2) Ooguri-Vafa invariants $\left\{ {{N_{{n_1}, {n_2}, {n_3}}}} \right\} $ for the superpotential ${W_{\rm{c}}}\left( {t, \hat t} \right) $ of coincident D-branes on the P(1, 1, 2, 2, 6)
n1=0,n2\n3 0 1 2 3 4
0 0 216 9 36/5 117/35
1 12 0 0 0 0
2 0 0 0 0 0
3 0 0 0 0 0
4 0 0 0 0 0
n1=1,n2\n3 0 1 2 3 4
0 -3348 170910 -2532276 89727696/5 394081848/7
1 -14472 732240 -10903464 389037924/5 1633957272/7
2 -4968 243810 -3693816 71953326/5 464809428/7
3 0 0 0 8189352 0
4 0 0 0 -97083 0
n1=2,n2\n3 0 1 2 3 4
0 475902 -74368368 2145346020 -32662588500 2658555788292/7
1 9693000 -1341934128 39364805520 -598483399680 45342343984824/7
2 414 -5292 30078 -99360 220806
3 23368068 -3211210008 93999954060 -1427242984560 107934649634916/7
4 11881800 -1617528528 47142598320 -715850841600 4770486095562/7
n1=3,n2\n3 0 1 2 3 4
0 -606532212/5 206725740408/5 -10561116492612/5 252235104726006/5 -27677073447524736/35
1 -30606305112/5 8732757430368/5 -451295788803552/5 11083486520689776/5 -1217662170543665496/35
2 -42519459060 11653973149320 -602863030313460 14880114395505900 -1633807099939708620/7
3 -80315447832 21853797373440 -1128740102713440 27842988341756880 -3054042321024346560/7
4 -48803336460 13260576931920 -683089098471360 16819047974336400 -1846575308296356480/7

表 2 P(1, 1, 2, 2, 6)中重合D膜超势$ {W_c}\left( {t, \hat t} \right)$U(2)Ooguri-Vafa不变量$\left\{ {{N_{{n_1}, {n_2}, {n_3}}}} \right\} $Table 2 The U(2) Ooguri-Vafa invariants $\left\{ {{N_{{n_1}, {n_2}, {n_3}}}} \right\} $ for the superpotential ${W_{\rm{c}}}\left( {t, \hat t} \right) $ of coincident D-branes on the P(1, 1, 2, 2, 6)

4 总结本文就双D膜在紧化空间P(1, 1, 2, 2, 6)上为例,用环簇的语言具体地构造了对应于平行D膜相与重合D膜相的对偶四流形。利用类型Ⅱ弦理论/F理论对偶得到了平行与重合时D膜贡献的超势,并分别提取对应的Ooguri-Vafa不变量。
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