中国北方草地近300 万km2, 是中国乃至亚洲重要的畜牧业生产基地,在维持牧民生计、维系区域生态安全、维护地区稳定扮中演重要角色,但是由于长期放牧和牲畜规模化养殖对草原土壤中ARGs组成的影响机制和潜在威胁尚不清楚。鉴于此,中国科学院大学郝彦宾教授研究团队对内蒙古温性和新疆亚高山草原长期放牧及围封样地展开ARGs的系统研究,通过野外样地监测、样品收集,借助宏基因组学等现代分子生物学技术对其群组成种类、影响因子进行科学分析,并探讨了其潜在威胁机制。研究成果以“The composition of antibiotic resistance genes is not affected by grazing but is determined by microorganisms in grassland soils” 为题在线发表在环境领域顶级期刊《Science of the Total Environment》,IF=6.55。这项研究将对有效遏制抗生素抗性基因在环境中的传播和扩散,抑制潜在生态风险,实现牧区高质量发展提供重要科学支撑。

研究结果表明,长期放牧和围封相比,对我国内蒙古和新疆草原土壤中的ARGs没有显著影响,ARGs的结构和组成是由植物、土壤和微生物环境决定的。在放牧和围封草原土壤中均发现了378种ARGs,对14种主要抗生素具有耐药性(80%),其中与多药、四环素、大环内酯-林可酰胺-链霉菌素(MLS)抗生素耐药相关的ARG占主导地位(> 40%)。放线菌,变形杆菌和酸性细菌是这些土壤中最普遍预测的宿主,并且还显示出具有多重抗性的遗传能力。ARGs的丰富度与pH,土壤总氮和NO3-N呈极显着负相关,而与植物丰富度和土壤总碳呈正相关,表明这些ARGs是由影响草原土壤微生物分布的因素驱动的。细菌群落组成可以通过控制移动遗传元件(MGEs)对ARGs产生影响。土壤特性通过影响细菌间水平基因转移(HGT)的频率,对ARGs的组成产生直接影响。

Fig. 1. The relative abundances of ARG families in Grazing and Ungrazed plots. The pie charts show the proportions of ARG families to the total identified from ungrazed and grazing grassland soils.

Fig. 2. Donut plots showing the phylogenetic composition between the locations. Ungrazed (a) and grazing (b) grassland soils are shown. The inner and outer circle represent the distribution of bacteria (total ARGs) and the overall distribution of soil bacteria, respectively.

Fig. 3. Structural equation modelling of the direct and indirect effects of bacterial diversity and abundance, plant diversity, soil pH, grazed and MGEs on the richness of ARGs. Solid and dashed lines indicate positive and negative relationships, respectively. The width of the lines is proportional to the strength of path coe?cients expressed by the numbers adjacent to arrows (*P ≤ 0.05, **P ≤ 0.01). The hypothetical models are consistent with our data, consistent with χ2=1.877, P= 0.13, GFI= 0.98, AIC= 40.6 values.