电子邮件: gang.xiong@ia.ac.cn
通信地址: 自动化研究所智能化大夏1104
邮政编码: 100190
1. 智能理论:复杂系统智能控制与管理、人工智能/混合智能、平行控制与管理
2. 智能技术:动态感知(视频检测、交通遥感)、物联网、云计算与大数据、区块链
3.1 城市智能交通:道路交通、公共交通、轨道交通、综合交通
3.2 智能(制造)企业:企业管控一体化(ERP/MES/PCS)、3D打印与社会制造、智能机器人
3.3其他:智慧城市; 智慧物流;智慧能源等
1. 岗位1:智能交通 方向 中科院研究生/ 做科研实习生的在读大学生 (985/211高校IT专业前5名)
1.1 交通视频检测与智能监控
1.2 智能车/新能源车/车联网
1.3 道路交通系统
1.4. 公共交通系统
1.5. 轨道交通系统
1.6. 城市综合交通系统
1.7 交通遥感
2.岗位2: 智能系统 方向中科院研究生/ 做科研实习生的在读大学生 (985/211高校IT专业前5名)
2.2 3D扫描、建模,智能穿戴
2.3 智能制造:3D打印,社会制造,工业4.0
2.4 生产过程的平行(智能)控制与管理
2.5 智能机器人
4. 岗位3:博士后/助理研究员/副研究员 (2020年-2023年)
5. 岗位4: 博士后/助理研究员/副研究员
2008-01~2008-12, 中国科学院办公厅信息化工作处,副处长
2007-01~2007-12, Accenture USA,Team Lead
2001-09~2007-01, Nokia Finland,Specialist, Project Manager
1999-09~2001-09, Finnish Academy of Science,Research Scientist
1998-09~2001-09, Tampere Uni. of Technology,Senior Research Fellow
1996-12~1998-09, 浙江大学,博士后,副研究员
PCT授权. Method for detecting traffic violation. USA1. 2016-02-04
[1].基于可变区域划分的分布式交通仿真系统及仿真方法, 中国发明, 51. 授权公告日:2013-09-11
[2].基于工作流技术的分布式交通仿真平台及仿真方法, 中国发明, 8X. 授权公告日:2014-04-23
[3].视频中货运列车车厢自动检测方法. 中国发明. 1.4. 授权公告日:2015-11-18
[4].一种虚实互动的交通疏散控制方案的优化方法及其系统. 中国发明. 20**. 授权公告日:2016-02-03
[5].一种自适应学习的视频车辆检测方法. 中国发明. 6X. 授权公告日:2014-10-29
[6].一种基于高清视频的出租车识别方法及系统. 中国发明. 20**. 授权公告日:2016-03-02
[7].基于机器视觉的牧草饲料检测系统和方法. 中国发明. 2X. 授权公告日:2015-09-30
[8].基于无线充电奇数轴飞行器的智能巡航机器人. 中国发明. 20**. 授权公告日:2016-02-17
[9].3D打印机喷丝截面积可调结构.实用新型. 20**. 授权公告日:2014-12-17
[11].一种多喷嘴3D打印机.实用新型. 4X. 授权公告日:2014-12-03
[12].3D打印机喷丝截面积可调结构及其速度和精度控制方法. 中国发明. 20**. 授权公告日:2014-10-15,
[13].船舶智能防振3D打印机. 中国发明. 20**. 授权公告日:2016-08-24
[14].一种基于无线传感网的智能交通信息采集系统. 实用新型. 2X. 授权公告日:2015-01-07
[15].一种基于显著车辆部件模型的交通违章检测方法. 中国发明. 20**. 授权公告日:2016-04-27
[16].一种基于临场感的停车场自动停车实现方法. 中国发明. 20**. 授权公告日:2016-01-20
[17].一种基于临场感的自动停车场管理系统. 中国发明. 3X. 授权公告日:2015-09-23
[18].一种出租车识别方法. 中国发明. 20**. 授权公告日:2016-05-25
[19].一种公共交通供需状态检测与预测系统及方法. 中国发明. 20**. 授权公告日:2016-03-09
[20].一种交通事故辅助处理系统及方法. 中国发明. 20**. 授权日期:2015-12-02
[21].一种交通疏散诱导系统及其交通疏散方法. 中国发明. 2.6. 授权日期:2016-5-31
[22].一种基于会话管理服务器的云存储系统的安全管理方法. 中国发明. 20**. 授权日期:2016-03-23
[23].基于视频交通检测数据的机动车出行OD矩阵获取方法. 中国发明. 20**. 授权日期:2016-06-08
[24]. 一种3D打印机喷头及其速度和精度调控方法. 中国发明. 20**授权日期:2016-08-31
[25]. 一种基于人工交通系统的社交关系网络生成方法及装置. 中国发明. 2.9授权日期:2016-09-19
[26]. 基于机器视觉和场地防滑道的粪量检测方法. 中国发明. 9.X授权日期:2016-09-28
[27]. 一种基于嵌入式系统的实时出租车识别方法. 5.4 授权日期:2016-09-29
[28]. 基于嵌入式系统的遗留物和遗失物实时检测方法. 9.3授权日期:2016-10-09
[29]. 一种非法营运车辆检测系统及方法. 0.4授权日期:2016.11.28
[30]. 基于液体光固化成型的快速3D打印装置. 实用新型. 20**. 授权日期:2016-11-24
[31]. 一种机场出租车供需状态预测系统及方法. 中国发明. 9.3授权日期:2017-02-01
[32]. 一种基于无线传感网的智能交通信息采集系统及方法.中国发明. 2017-02-01
[33]. 一种车路交互无线网络部署的测评方法及装置. 中国发明. 5.7. 授权日期:2017-03-29
[34].基于自然能蓄电的无线充电平台. 中国发明. 4. 授权日期:2017-04-12
[35].一种多喷嘴3D打印机及其速度和精度控制方法. 中国发明. 20**授权日期:2017-04-19
[36].一种基于镜像智能管理的安全虚拟化隔离方法. 中国发明. 4.1授权日期:2017-05-17
[37].一种基于视频监控图像的行人检测和计数方法. 中国发明. 2.1授权日期:2017-06-16
[38].基于机器视觉分析的牧业智能管理系统. 中国发明. 5.8授权日期:2017-06-16
[39].一种短程行驶时间预测方法. 中国发明. 7.1授权日期:2017-10-27
?[40] 基于Docker的人工交通系统大规模计算实验方法.中国发明. 9.6.授权日期:2018-02-16
[41]. 太空环境下的FDM 3D打印实现方法、打印系统及喷丝流量控制方法. 中国发明. 6.2. 授权日期:2018-03-09
[42]. 微重力环境下的3D打印实现方法、打印系统及喷丝流量控制方法. 中国发明. 0.9
[43]. 太空环境下的3D打印实现方法、打印系统及喷丝流量控制方法. 中国发明. 2.4
[44]. 3D打印装置及其系统控制方法. 中国发明. 20**.
[45]. 3D printing device and system control method thereof. 20**.
[46]. Method for detecting traffic violation. USA1. 2016-02-04
[47]. 3D printer head adjustable on cross-sectional area of extruded material and method for controlling speed and precision thereof. PCT/CN2014/082514.
[1]. 电力物资编码管理软件『简称:编码管理软件』 V1.0, 排名:第1
[2]. 企业物资超市管理软件『超市管理软件』V1.0 ,排名:第1
[3]. 企业物资关键绩效管理软件『物资绩效管理软件』V1.0, 排名:第1
[4]. 面向乙烯生产过程的平行培训与学习系统(实际版), 排名:第3
[5]. 面向乙烯生产过程的平行培训与学习系统(人工版) ,排名:第4
[6]. 面向乙烯生产过程的人员管理考核评估系统(实际版),排名:第2
[7]. 绿通人工交通系统TransWorld软件V1.0,排名:第5
[8]. 绿通平行实验与评估系统DynaCAS平行执行平台软件V1.0,排名:第3
[9]. 绿通平行实验与评估系统DynaCAS计算实验平台软件V1.0,排名:第2
[10]. 绿通交通视频监控与信息服务软件V1.0,排名:第3
[11]. 绿通交通管理与控制方案评估系统软件V1.0,排名:第5
[12]. 绿通交通路口机管理和控制软件V1.0,排名:第2
[13]. 绿通平行学习与培训系统(实际版)V1.0 ,排名:第2
[14]. 绿通交通视频检测系统V1.0,排名:第1
[15]. 绿通城市出租车管理平行评估系统V1.0,排名:第1
[16]. 绿通交通人流视频检测系统V1.0,排名:第4
[17]. 绿通电子警察系统软件V1.0,排名:第6
[18]. 绿通城市公共交通管理平行评估系统V1.0,排名:第5
[19]. 绿通体育场馆周边交通平行评估系统软件V1.0,排名:第3
[20]. 绿通快速公交系统线路监控系统软件 V1.0,排名:第5
[21]. 绿通人工交通系统三维展示平台软件 V1.0,排名:第2
[22]. 绿通人工交通系统展示监控平台软件 V1.0,排名:第5
[23]. 绿通人工交通系统设计平台软件V1.0,排名:第6
(4) 平行交通管理与控制关键技术与应用. 2018年中国自动化学会(CAA)科学技术奖,特等奖
(5) 3D人体智能测量及大数据应用服务. 2018年中国产学研合作创新成果奖,二等奖
(6) 桥梁自动检测无人机系统核心技术的应用与发展. ABB 杯全国自动化系统工程师论文大赛获奖论文(二等奖)
(7) Parallel Transportation Systems: Toward IoT-Enabled Smart Urban Traffic Control and Management. ABB 杯全国自动化系统工程师论文大赛获奖论文(优秀奖)
(8) 高精度DLP 3D打印技术及其设备研发. ABB 杯全国自动化系统工程师论文大赛获奖论文(优秀奖)
(9) 基于Sawyer的多模态移动机器人的研究与应用. ABB 杯全国自动化系统工程师论文大赛获奖论文(优秀奖)
(10) 医药冷链云服务系统设计及实现. ABB 杯全国自动化系统工程师论文大赛获奖论文(优秀奖)
(11) 基于SVM 和KNN 算法的魔方颜色识别应用研究*. ABB 杯全国自动化系统工程师论文大赛获奖论文(优秀奖)
(12) 四轴飞行器—倒立摆系统的控制算法研究*. ABB 杯全国自动化系统工程师论文大赛获奖论文(优秀奖)
奖励信息(1) 平行交通管理与控制关键技术与应用, 特等奖, 部委级, 2018(2) 3D人体智能测量及大数据应用服务, 二等奖, 部委级, 2018(3) 桥梁自动检测无人机系统核心技术的应用与发展, 二等奖, 部委级, 2018(4) 第五届ABB杯全国自动化系统工程师论文大赛一等奖, 一等奖, 其他, 2012(5) 乙烯长周期生产的平行系统技术研, 一等奖, 部委级, 2010(6) 酮苯脱钠回收系统的优化, 二等奖, 部委级, 1998
出版信息1. 熊刚.《中国至2050年先进制造科技发展路线图》第三章第六节,平行管理技术. 中文版本和英文版本.2009.
2. 王飞跃,熊刚.《中国至2050年信息科技发展路线图》第七章第二节? 发展自主工业软件,以信息技术提升传统产业. 中文版本和英文版本.2009.
3. 熊刚,侯家琛,刘胜,张家麟,付满昌.《控制科学与工程学科发展报告》专题报告 核电自动化. 中国科学技术出版社. 2011. PP176-181
4. Gang Xiong, Zhong Liu, Xiwei Liu, Fenghua Zhu, Dong Shen. Service Science, Management and Engineering. 2012.4
发表论文(1)A Kind of Lean Approach for Removing Waste from Non-Manufacturing Process with Various Facilities,Acta Automatica Sinica,2019,通讯作者(2)From Mass Customization Manufacturing to Social Manufacturing: A Shoe Industry Case Study,International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing,2019,第3作者(3)State space finite element analysis for piezoelectric laminated curved beam with variable curvature,Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures,2018,第3作者(4)核能5.0: 智能时代的核电工业新形态与体系架构,自动化学报,2018,第7作者(5)Association of Per3 length polymorphism with susceptibility of Alzheimer disease (AD) in Chinese population,Biological Rhythm Research,2018,第5作者(6)教育用路径可规划智能车研发,软件,2018,第2作者(7)Cyber-Physical-Social Systems: The State of the Art and Perspectives,IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems,2018,第4作者(8)A Control Strategy Combined Thermostat Control with DC-Link Voltage Control for Series Hybrid Electric Vehicle,The 21st IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC 2018),2018,第4作者(9)From Mind to Product: Towards Social Manufacturing and Service,IEEE/CAA J. of Autom. Sinica,2018,第1作者(10)Social Manufacturing Cloud for High-end Apparel Customization,IEEE/CAA J. of Autom. Sinica,2018,通讯作者(11)Gaze-Aided Eye Detection via Appearance Learning,The 24th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR 2018).,2018,通讯作者(12)Research Progress of Parallel Control and Management,IEEE/CAA J. of Autom. Sinica,2018,第1作者(13)基于AHP模糊综合评价法的孵化器有效运作因素研究,软件,2017,第1作者(14)Modified Kbest Receiver for Multi-antenna Vehicular Networks,2017 IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC2017),2017,通讯作者(15)CPSS Models and Spatio-Temporal Collaborative Optimization of Urban Public Transport Dynamic Network,IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC2017),2017,第1作者(16)Big Data Platform & Typical APP Services for Urban Public Transportation,2017中国自动化大会(CAC2017)暨中国国际智能制造大会(CIMIC2017),2017,通讯作者(17)Foot modeling based on machine vision and social manufacture research,8th Pacific Rim Symposium on Image and Video Technology (PSIVT2017),2017,通讯作者(18)Research on Optimization of Point Cloud Registration ICP Algorithm,8th Pacific Rim Symposium on Image and Video Technology (PSIVT2017),2017,通讯作者(19)Parallel Transportation Management and Control System for Subways,IEEE Transaction on Intelligent Transportation Systems,2017,第1作者(20)A Parallel Transportation Management and Control System for Bus Rapid Transit using ACP Approach.,IEEE Transaction on Intelligent Transportation Systems,2017,通讯作者(21)Analysis of finite deformation of curved beams bonded with piezoelectric actuating layers,Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures,2017,第3作者(22)Analytical solution of thick piezoelectric curved beams with variable curvature considering shearing deformation,International Journal of Applied Mechanics,2017,第3作者(23)A GPU-based Parallel Slicer for 3D Printing,13th Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE 2017),2017,通讯作者(24)Novel ITS based on Space-Air-Ground Collected Big-data,IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine,2016,第1作者(25)Parallel Transportation Management and Control System and Its Applications in Building Smart Cities,IEEE Transaction on Intelligent Transportation Systems,2016,第4作者(26)Precise Deflection Analysis of Laminated Piezoelectric Curved Beam,Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures,2016,第3作者(27)A Parallel Transportation Management and Control System for Bus Rapid Transit using ACP Approach,IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Transactions,2016,通讯作者(28)Efficient Cloth-Body Penetration Handling for Garments Fitting,EUROGRAPHICS,2016,第3作者(29)A Kind of Adaptive Dynamic Transit Signal Priority Control Method,THE 12th WORLD CONGRESS ON INTELLIGENT CONTROL AND AUTOMATION,2016,第2作者(30)A Method of SMS Spam Filtering Based on AdaBoost Algorithm,THE 12th WORLD CONGRESS ON INTELLIGENT CONTROL AND AUTOMATION,2016,第2作者(31)A Novel Method to Detect and Suppress Mechanical Resonance for Servo System,2016 9th International Symposium on Computational Intelligent and Design,2016,第4作者(32)A Novel Method to Detect and Suppress Mechanical Resonance for Servo System,2016 9th International Symposium on Computational Intelligent and Design,2016,第4作者(33)emperature Analysis in the Fused Deposition Modeling Process,2016 3rd International Conference on Information Science and Control Engineering (ICISCE 2016),2016,第3作者(34)A Framework of Future Innovative Urban Transport,2016 IEEE 19th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC 2016),2016,第5作者(35)Non-GPS Positioning Sensor Network in Social Manufacturing,2016 IEEE International Conference on Service Operations and Logistics, and Informatics.,2016,第4作者(36)Social manufacturing and business model innovation,2016 IEEE International Conference on Service Operations and Logistics, and Informatics,2016,第2作者(37)Social Manufacturing Realizing Personalzation Production: A state-of-the-art Review,2016 IEEE International Conference on Service Operations and Logistics, and Informatics,2016,第3作者(38)Change management on improvement project for success,2016 IEEE International Conference on Service Operations and Logistics, and Informatics,2016,第4作者(39)Contributions of Social Manufacturing to Sustainable Apparel Industry,2016 IEEE International Conference on Service Operations and Logistics, and Informatics,2016,第4作者(40)Smart Cloud-based Platform for Construction Sites,2016 IEEE International Conference on Service Operations and Logistics, and Informatics,2016,第4作者(41)Social Manufacturing Development with Sino-Finnish Innovative Cooperation,2016 IEEE International Conference on Service Operations and Logistics, and Informatics,2016,第2作者(42)Cloud Computing Platform and Big Data Service for Incubator Cluster,2016 IEEE International Conference on Service Operations and Logistics, and Informatics.,2016,第1作者(43)A Survey on Big Data for Human Body Shape,2016 IEEE International Conference on Service Operations and Logistics, and Informatics.,2016,通讯作者(44)The Application of the Depth Camera in the Social Manufacturing: A Review,2016 IEEE International Conference on Service Operations and Logistics, and Informatics.,2016,第4作者(45)Public Service Management System of Urban Placename for Sanya Case,2016 IEEE International Conference on Service Operations and Logistics, and Informatics.,2016,通讯作者(46)A Process Simulation-Based Quantitative HAZOP Analysis Method,2016 IEEE International Conference on Service Operations and Logistics, and Informatics.,2016,通讯作者(47)Two Intersections Traffic Signal Control Method Based on ADHDP,2016 IEEE International Conference on Service Operations and Logistics, and Informatics.,2016,第4作者(48)Continuous Travel Time Prediction for Transit Signal Priority Based on a Deep Network,The IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems,2015,第1作者(49)Cloud Operating System for Industrial Application.,2015 IEEE International Conference on Service Operations and Logistics, and Informatics.,2015,第1作者(50)A Design of Intelligent Route Guidance System Based on Shortest Path Algorithm,2015 IEEE International Conference on Service Operations and Logistics, and Informatics.,2015,第2作者(51)To Enhance Power Distribution Network Management of Local Power Service Enterprise by using Cloud Platform,(ICIST 2015) 5th International Conference on Information Science and Technology April 24–26,2015,第1作者(52)Identification of Vulnerability in Smart Grid Based on Complex Network Theory,(ICIST 2015) 5th International Conference on Information Science and Technology April 24–26,2015,通讯作者(53)Fast Discrete Intersection Detection for Cloth Penetration Resolution, BigMM 2015 : International Conference on Multimedia Big Data,2015,第3作者(54)Cyber-Physical-Social System in Intelligent Transportation,自动化学报英文版,2015,第1作者(55)AHP Fuzzy Comprehensive Method of Supplier Evaluation in Social Manufacturing Mode,the 11th World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation,2014,第1作者(56)Parallel Traffic Management System and Its Application to the 2010 Asian Games,IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INTELLIGENT TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS, VOL. 14, NO. 1. P225-235,2014,第1作者(57)Novel ITS based on Space-Air-Ground Collected Big-data,The IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC2014),2014,第1作者(58)Model Predictive Control Implementation and Simulation for Urban Traffic Networks, 2014 IEEE International Conference on Service Operations and Logistics, and Informatics. October 8-10,2014,通讯作者(59)Parallel Transportation Management and Control System for Subway System based on ACP Approach,The IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC2014),2014,通讯作者(60)A Computational Experiment Method in ACP Framework for Complex Urban Traffic Networks,The IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC2014),2014,通讯作者(61)Real-Time Taxi Detection for Embedded System,The IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC2014),2014,第2作者(62)Research on Passenger Flow Counting based on Embedded System,The IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC2014),2014,第2作者(63)n Implementing Location-based Services in Guangzhou,2014 IEEE International Conference on Service Operations and Logistics, and Informatics,2014,第3作者(64)Automatic Road Detection for Highway Surveillance Using Frequency-Domain Information,IEEE International Conference on Service Operations and Logistics, and Informatics,2013,第3作者(65)Improved information feedback in symmetric dual-channel traffic,IEEE International Conference on Service Operations and Logistics, and Informatics,2013,第3作者(66)Embedded Technology and Algorithm for Video-based Vehicle Queue Length Detection,IEEE International Conference on Service Operations and Logistics, and Informatics,2013,第3作者(67)Design and Implementation of the Networked Video Surveillance and Management Platform in Suzhou Subway Line 1,IEEE International Conference on Service Operations and Logistics, and Informatics,2013,第3作者(68)Social Manufacturing Cloud Service Platform for the Mass Customization in Apparel Industry, IEEE International Conference on Service Operations and Logistics, and Informatic,2013,第3作者(69)A licence plate recognition system based on machine vision,IEEE International Conference on Service Operations and Logistics, and Informatics,2013,通讯作者(70)An Electronic Police System With Multiple Vehicle Parts Model,IEEE International Conference on Service Operations and Logistics, and Informatics,2013,通讯作者(71)Sensitive Keyword Spotting for Voice Alarm Systems,IEEE International Conference on Service Operations and Logistics, and Informatics,2013,第4作者(72)The Design of Boost Circuit in Small Wind Generation System,IEEE International Conference on Service Operations and Logistics, and Informatics,2013,第2作者(73)A Fast Recognition Algorithm for Detecting Common Broadcasting Faults,IEEE International Conference on Service Operations and Logistics, and Informatics,2013,第4作者(74)University in the Innovation System - Academia-Industry Collaborations and Intellectual Property Rights,IEEE International Conference on Service Operations and Logistics, and Informatics,2013,第2作者(75)Study on Intelligent Port under the Construction of Smart City, IEEE International Conference on Service Operations and Logistics, and Informatics,2013,第3作者(76)Environment Monitoring and Early Warning System of Facility Agriculture Based on Heterogeneous Wireless Networks,IEEE Int. Conf. on Service Operations and Logistics, and Informatics,2013,第2作者(77)A Vision-based Serial Number Recognition Algorithm for HSR Trains by Nearest Neighbor Chains of Connected Components,IEEE International Conference on Vehicular Electronics and Safety,2013,第4作者(78)On-road Vehicle Detection Method based on Multi-scale Active Basis Model,IEEE Int. Conf. on Vehicular Electronics and Safety,2013,第2作者(79)Design and Implementation of an Emergency Traffic Evacuation Management Platform for Urban Areas Based on Eclipse RCP,IEEE International Conference on Vehicular Electronics and Safety,2013,第2作者(80)Part-based Pedestrian Detection using Grammar Model and ABM-HoG Features,IEEE International Conference on Vehicular Electronics and Safety,2013,第4作者(81)The Construction of Parallel Systems of Subway Stations based on ACP Approach,IEEE International Conference on Vehicular Electronics and Safety,2013,第4作者(82)Taxi Detection Based on Vehicle Painting Features for Urban Traffic Scenes,IEEE International Conference on Vehicular Electronics and Safety,2013,第4作者(83)T Vehicle Detection with a Part-based Model for Complex Traffic Conditions,IEEE International Conference on Vehicular Electronics and Safety,2013,第4作者(84)Vehicle Detection based on the Deformable Hybrid Image Template,IEEE International Conference on Vehicular Electronics and Safety,2013,通讯作者(85)Performance evaluation of IEEE 802.15.4 MAC layer,IEEE International Conference on Vehicular Electronics and Safety,2013,第3作者(86)Vehicle Detection Method Based on Active Basis Model and Symmetry in ITS,IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference,2013,第2作者(87) Parallel Traffic Management System and Its Application to the 2010 Asian Games,IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INTELLIGENT TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS,2013,第1作者(88)Developing Parallel Control and Management for Urban Traffic Systems,IEEE Intelligent Systems, VOL. 28, NO. 3. P 66-69,2013,通讯作者(89)Intelligent Ports Based on Internet of Things, IEEE International Conference on Service Operations and Logistics, and Informatics,2012,第2作者(90)Theorems and Application of Local Activity of CNN with Five State Variables and One Port,Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine (Taylor and Francis) ,2012,第1作者(91)Parallel Traffic Management System Helps 16th Asian Games , Parallel Traffic Management System Helps 16th Asian Games,IEEE Intelligent Systems,2012,第1作者(92)提高核电厂安全可靠性的平行系统方法,To improve safety and reliability of nuclear power plant with parallel system method,Systems Engineering — Theory and Practice,2012,第1作者(93)Real-time Manufacturing Integration and Intelligence Solution- Case Study in Global Chemical Company,Real-time Manufacturing Integration and Intelligence Solution- Case Study in Global Chemical Company,Journal of software (ISSN 1796-217X),2012,第1作者(94)Parallel Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) Operation Management System Based on ACP Approach,2012 9th IEEE International Conference on Networking, Sensing and Control (ICNSC),2012,第1作者(95)A New B2B Platform based on Cloud Computing,A New B2B Platform based on Cloud Computing,The IEEE Service Operations and Logistics, and Informatics (SOLI) 2012,2012,第1作者(96)Design and Development of Material Management System for Power Enterprise Group,Design and Development of Material Management System for Power Enterprise Group,IEEE International Conference on Automation and Logistics,2012,第1作者(97)Iterative learning control for non-linear systems with dead zone input and time delay in presence of measurement noise,Iterative learning control for non-linear systems with dead zone input and time delay in presence of measurement noise,IET Control Theory and Applications,2012,第3作者(98)Parallel System Method to Improve Safety and Reliability of Nuclear Power Plant,Parallel System Method to Improve Safety and Reliability of Nuclear Power Plant,WCICA 2011,2011,第1作者(99)Analysis and Simulation of HIV/AIDS Model Based on Local Activity of CNN.,Analysis and Simulation of HIV/AIDS Model Based on Local Activity of CNN.,Journal of Mathematics Research,2011,通讯作者(100)Research on the Construction of Artificial Power Systems,Research on the Construction of Artificial Power Systems,WCICA 2011,2011,通讯作者(101)Research on Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) and its Real-Time Scheduling,Research on Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) and its Real-Time Scheduling,IEEE SOLI 2011,2011,通讯作者(102)Analysis of Vulnerability of Power Grid Based on Multi-Agent Complex Systems,Analysis of Vulnerability of Power Grid Based on Multi-Agent Complex Systems,IEEE SOLI 2011,2011,通讯作者(103)An Optimized Modeling Method based on BPEL2WS,An Optimized Modeling Method based on BPEL2WS,IEEE SOLI 2011,2011,通讯作者(104)A Complementary Modularized Ramp Metering Approach Based on Iterative Learning Control and ALINEA,A Complementary Modularized Ramp Metering Approach Based on Iterative Learning Control and ALINEA, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INTELLIGENT TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS,2011,通讯作者(105)Short Messages in Health Promotion,Short Messages in Health Promotion,IEEE SOLI 2011,2011,第2作者(106)Connected Health Services - Cloud, Internet, mobile and wireless technologies in healthcare,Connected Health Services - Cloud, Internet, mobile and wireless technologies in healthcare,IEEE SOLI 2011,2011,第2作者(107)提升乙烯长周期生产管理的平行评估方法,Parallel Evaluation Method to Improve Long Period Ethylene Production Management,控制工程,2010,第1作者(108)Parallel Traffic Management for 2010 Asian Games,Parallel Traffic Management for 2010 Asian Games,IEEE Intelligent Systems,2010,第1作者(109) Real-time Manufacturing Integration and Intelligence Solution Applied in Global Process Industry, Real-time Manufacturing Integration and Intelligence Solution Applied in Global Process Industry,IEEE SOLI 2010,2010,第1作者(110)Design and Improvement of KPI System for Materials Management in Power Group Enterprise,Design and Improvement of KPI System for Materials Management in Power Group Enterprise,IEEE SOLI 2010,2010,第1作者(111)Parallel Traffic Management for 2010 Asian Games,Parallel Traffic Management for 2010 Asian Games,IEEE Intelligent Systems,2010,第1作者(112)Mass Customization Manufacturing Solution for Cell Phone Production.,Mass Customization Manufacturing Solution for Cell Phone Production.,IEEE ICAL 2010,2010,第1作者(113)A Bibliographic Analysis of IEEE Intelligent Systems Publications,A Bibliographic Analysis of IEEE Intelligent Systems Publications,IEEE Intelligent Systems.,2010,通讯作者(114)Design and Improvement of the Material Coding Standardization for Power Group Enterprise,Design and Improvement of the Material Coding Standardization for Power Group Enterprise,IEEE ICAL 2010,2010,第1作者(115)To Enhance Power Distribution Network Management of Local Power Service Enterprise by using Cloud Platform,To Enhance Power Distribution Network Management of Local Power Service Enterprise by using Cloud Platform,ICCEE 2010,2010,第1作者(116)Identification of Vulnerability in Smart Grid Based on Complex Network Theory,Identification of Vulnerability in Smart Grid Based on Complex Network Theory,ICCEE 2010,2010,第1作者(117)Research on Viral Dynamic Models of HBV,Research on Viral Dynamic Models of HBV,Journal of Mathematics Research,2010,第3作者(118)A Bibliographic Analysis of IEEE Intelligent Systems Publications,A Bibliographic Analysis of IEEE Intelligent Systems Publications,IEEE Intelligent Systems ,2010,通讯作者
发表著作(1)《中国至2050年先进制造科技发展路线图》-“平行管理技术”章节,《中国至2050年先进制造科技发展路线图》-“平行管理技术”章节,科学出版社;Springer出版社 ,2009-09,第1作者(2)《中国至2050年信息科技发展路线图》-“发展自主工业软件,以信息技术提升传统产业”章节,《中国至2050年信息科技发展路线图》-“发展自主工业软件,以信息技术提升传统产业”章节,科学出版社;Springer出版社,2009-09,第2作者(3)《控制科学与工程学科发展报告》-“核电自动化”章节,《控制科学与工程学科发展报告》-“核电自动化”章节,中国科学技术出版社,2011-04,第1作者(4)服务科学、管理与工程,Service Science, Management and Engineering.,Elsevier Press,浙江大学出版社,2012-04,第1作者(5)Book: Cengiz Kahraman, Sezi CEVIK ONAR.“Intelligent Techniques in Engineering Management”,Chapter:Gang Xiong, Timo R. Nyberg, Xisong Dong, Xiuqing Shang. Intelligent Technologies and Systems of Material Management,Springer,2015-06,第1作者(6)大数据及智能服务系统,Big Data and Smart Service Systems,Elsevier Press,浙江大学出版社,2016-11,第3作者
(1)基于边缘计算的云制造资源/能力接入技术研究,国家重点研发计划项目(600万),课题负责人 , 2019.03-2022.02
(3) 基于自主云计算技术的东莞转型升级大数据服务平台及示范应用,广东科技厅产学研合作项目(资助:500万).项目负责人. 2014.11-2017.10
(4)面向孵化器行业的大数据预警平台,广东重大科技专项(资助:800万).项目负责人. 2014.12-2016.12
(5)社会制造(Social Manufacturing),芬兰TEKES项目,中方负责人,2015-2017
(1) 基于物联网的城市智能交通系统子课题,参与,国家级,2012-01--2014-12
(2) 基于物联网的城市智能交通系统,参与,院级,2011-07--2014-06
(3) 烯烃厂平行管的研发与应用,参与,院级级,2011-07--2011-12
(4) 广州市亚运会公共交通管理辅助决策系统,主持,市级,2010-12-2013-12
(5) 基于乙烯计算实验平台的平行控制与管理研究,主持,部级,2010-10--2012-12
(6) 智能控制与计算智能的方法及应用,参与,国家级,2010-10--2012-12
(7) 大城市交通拥堵瓶颈的基础科学问题研究中课题6:城市交通信息融合、集成与计算实验,参与,国家级,2010-02--2010-12
(8) 社会网络结构演化及其对非常规突发事件处置策略的影响规律,参与,国家级,2009-09--2012-08
(9) 国电物资管理系统性能优化、增强功能的开发、及关键技术研究,主持,市地级,2009-07--2012-07
(10) 乙烯生产过程的平行控制与管理系统原型研发 ,参与,市地级,2008-09--2010-09
(11) 基于物联网的园林生产平行管理系统研发,主持,北京科委,2011.12-2012.12
( 21 ) 基于ACP 方法的快速公交系统(BRT)协同优化研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目,2012-2015
参与会议(1)General Chair2012 IEEE International Conference on Service Operations and Logistics, and Informatics Gang Xiong2013-07-28(2)General Chair2012 IEEE International Conference on Service Operations and Logistics, and Informatics General Chair2012-07-09(3)General Chair2011 IEEE International Conference on Service Operations and Logistics, and Informatics General Chair2011-07-01
1. 北京交通大学
2. 广州交通信息化建设投资营运有限公司
3. 江苏中科智能工程有限公司
4. 江苏中科物联网科技发展有限公司
5. 中国科技大学
6. 深圳佳信捷电子有限公司
8. 华南理工大学
9. 东莞市公安局
1. 国云科技股份有限公司
2. 东莞市依时利科技有限公司
2. 中国石化茂名分公司
3. 中国石化齐鲁分公司
4. 北京化工大学
5. 浙江大学
6. 西北农林科技大学
7. 东莞理工学院
1. Aalto University:Social Manufacturing
2. Oulu Unversity: Intelligent Transportation Systems
3. Oulu University: IoT& 6G
2010级,北京航空航天大学郭智超 (Zhichao Guo)的校外导师。2013年,全国工程硕士专业学位研究生教育指导委员会、中国学位与研究生教育学会工程专业学位工作委员会授予郭同学第二届“工程硕士实习实践优秀成果获得者”
2011级,姚彦洁(Yanjie Yao)/博士毕业
2012级,亢文文 (Wenwen Kang)/硕士毕业
2012级,杨 坚(Jiang Yang) /博士毕业
2013级,陈亚冉(Yaran Chen)/转博
2014级,郭 超 (Chao Guo)/转博
2015级,张淅鹏 (Xipeng Zhang)/硕士毕业
2016级,曹 琳(Lin Cao)/硕士毕业
2017级,李志帅 (Zhishuai Li)/硕士生
2018级,赵美华 (Meihua Zhao)/直博生
亚细尔 阿里(Yasir ALi) /International Ph.D. Student博士生
付海军 (Haijun Fu)/ AI学院 硕士生
牛璐璐 (LuLuNiu)/ AI学院 硕士生
2019级,Tariku Sinshaw Tamir /International Ph.D. Student 博士生
李志帅 (Zhishuai Li)/转博生
陈筱语 (Xiaoyu Chen)/硕士生
奚帮文 (Bangwen Xi)/AI学院 硕士生
李 伟 (Wei Li) /AI学院 硕士生
2020级,方启航(Qihang Fang) /直博生
Wanted /International Ph.D. Student
期待中(Wanted) /硕士生
期待中(Wanted) /AI学院 硕士生
期待中(Wanted) /AI学院 硕士生
2015 College Students' innovation and practice training program of CAS:
曹琳(Lin Cao)、刘中基(Jizhong Liu)、陈剑龙(Jianlong Chen)、张弛(Chi Zhang)、王昕(Xin Wang)、彭泓力(Hongli Peng)、倪振梁(Zhenliang Ni)、刘玮(Wei Liu)、刘健(Jian Chen)
2016 College Students' innovation and practice training program of CAS:
欧阳丽炜(Liwei Ouyang)、赵伊瑶(Yiyao Zhao)
2018 College Students' innovation and practice training program of CAS:
王卉(Hui Wang)、吴国良(Guoliang Wu)、崔楷欣(Kaixin Cui)、柴家俊(Jiajun Chai)、
王适未(Shiwei Wang)、杜学峰(Xuefeng Du)、于铭瑞(Mingrui Yu)
贾瑞雯(Ruiwen Jia)、柳溢文(Yiwen Liu);合作者:北京工业大学 王志海教授等
2019 College Students' innovation and practice training program of CAS:
孔令辉(Linghui Kong)、韩智涵(Zhihan Han)、王宇霄(Yuxiao Wang)
唐浩天(Taotian Tang)、李枼芊(Yingqin Li )、 李奇杰(Qijie Li);合作者:北京工业大学 张立国教授等
OtherCollege Students' innovation and practice training program:
张锐(Rui Zhang 2014):北京钢铁侠科技有限公司创始人 http://www.artrobot.com/
王冕(Mian Wang 2016-2017)
谢怿(Yi Xie 2016-2017)
白子豪(Zihao Bai 2016)
杨舒展(Shuzhan Yang 2016-2017)
张星佳丽(Xingjiali Zhang 2017-2018)
李雨勍(Yuqing Li 2018)
徐佳(Jia Xu 2018)
廖家伟(Jiawei Liao 2018-2019)
杨静(Jing Yang2018-2019)
王琦(Qi Wang 2018-2019)
贾凡 (Fan Jia 2018-2019)
刘泽宇 (Zeyu Liu2018-2019)等.
本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-04-28
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基本信息熊兵男硕导上海药物研究所电子邮件:bxiong@mail.shcnc.ac.cn通信地址:邮政编码:研究领域招生信息招生专业100701-药物化学070303-有机化学招生方向教育背景学历--研究生学位--博士工作经历工作简历社会兼职教授课程专利与奖励奖励信息专利成果出版信息发表论文发表著作科研活动科研项目参与会议合作情况项目协作单位指导学生已指导学生薛梦竹硕士研究生077901-药物化学 ...中国科学院大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-04-28中国科学院大学研究生导师教师师资介绍简介-熊斌
基本信息熊斌男博导中国科学院上海微系统与信息技术研究所电子邮件:bxiong@mail.sim.ac.cn通信地址:长宁路865号邮政编码:200050研究领域招生信息招生专业080903-微电子学与固体电子学085208-电子与通信工程招生方向MEMS及相关技术教育背景1998-09--2001-12中科院上海微系统与信息技术研究所博士1993-09--1997-12中科院上海微系统与信息技术研 ...中国科学院大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-04-28中国科学院大学研究生导师教师师资介绍简介-邢志忠
基本信息邢志忠男博导中国科学院高能物理研究所电子邮件:xingzz@ihep.ac.cn通信地址:北京市玉泉路19号乙邮政编码:100049办公电话:研究领域基本粒子物理学与粒子天体物理学理论。主要从事的研究方向和课题包括中微子物理学、中微子天文学、中微子宇宙学、重味(B与D介子)物理理论、轻子和夸克的质量起源问题、CP对称性破坏以及TeV能标的新物理唯象学。招生信息硕士研究生1名,博士研究生1名 ...中国科学院大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-04-28中国科学院大学研究生导师教师师资介绍简介-邢云绯
基本信息邢云绯女硕导中国科学院力学研究所电子邮件:xingyunfei@imech.ac.cn通信地址:北京市海淀区北四环西路15号中科院力学所邮政编码:研究领域招生信息招生专业080103-流体力学080701-工程热物理招生方向发动机热防护教育背景2005-07--2010-01德国斯图加特大学工学博士学位学历学位工作经历工作简历2005-07~2010-01,德国斯图加特大学,工学博士学位社 ...中国科学院大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-04-28中国科学院大学研究生导师教师师资介绍简介-邢雪青
基本信息邢雪青女硕导中国科学院高能物理研究所电子邮件:xingxq@ihep.ac.cn通信地址:北京市石景山区玉泉路19号乙院12号厅202室邮政编码:100049部门/实验室:多学科中心研究领域招生信息招生专业070205-凝聚态物理招生方向新型纳米材料的同步辐射研究蛋白质结构和功能的研究教育背景2006-09--2012-06中国科学院高能物理研究所博士学位2002-09--2006-06武 ...中国科学院大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-04-28