魏劲松 男 博导 上海光学精密机械研究所
招生信息光学工程 博士或硕士研究生
材 料 学 博士或硕士研究生
招生方向 非线性超分辨纳米光学与光子学及光学仪器研制
教育背景 2001-03--2004-03 中国科学院研究生院 工学博士学位
1998-09--2001-03 西安理工大学 工学硕士学位
1994-09--1998-07 西安理工大学 工学学士学位
出国学习工作2006-2008 UNAM (Mexico) Cooperation and visiting
2009.5 AIST (Japan) Cooperationand visiting
工作经历2004.03-2005.10 中国科学院上海光学精密机械研究所 助理研究员
2005.11-2010.10 中国科学院上海光学精密机械研究所 副研究员
2010.11-至今 中国科学院上海光学精密机械研究所 研究员
奖励信息 (1) 上海科技启明星跟踪,一等奖,省级,2010
(2) 上海科技启明星(A类),一等奖,省级,2005
(3) 中国科学院刘永龄奖学金,特等奖,部委级,2003
(4) 上海应用材料与发展基金奖学金,一等奖,省级,2003
专利成果 (1) 激光直写微纳图形结构的方法,发明,2012,第2作者,专利号:ZL 2010 1 **.1
(2) 相变薄膜微区光谱测量装置和测量方法,发明,2010,第2作者,专利号:ZL 2008 1 **.X
(3) 双束多功能z-scan光学非线性测量装置,发明,2011,第2作者,专利号:ZL 2010 1 **.1
(4) 测量微纳米级薄膜线延伸率和薄膜面延展率的方法,发明,2013,第2作者,专利号:ZL 4.8
(5) 锑铋相变合金掩膜只读式超分辨光盘,发明,2010,第4作者,专利号:ZL 2008 1 **.2
(6) 超透镜薄膜结构的超分辨数字光盘,发明,2008,第1作者,专利号:ZL 2006 1 **.9
(7) 实时观察的单束双模功率脉冲可调型Z扫描装置,发明,2011,第2作者,专利号:ZL 2009 1 **.1
(8) 材料微区结构变化动力学过程的检测装置和检测方法,发明,2012,第2作者,专利号:ZL 2011 1 **.0
(9) 锑铋相变合金掩膜只读式超分辨光盘,发明,2010,第4作者,专利号:ZL 2008 1 **.2
(10) 相变薄膜微区光谱测量装置和测量方法,发明,2011,第2作者,专利号:ZL 2008 1 **.X
(11) 相变薄膜微区光谱测量装置,实用新型,2009,第2作者,专利号:ZL 2008 2 **.0
(12) 光磁混合存储记录的超分辨薄膜结构,发明,2009,第2作者,专利号:ZL 2008 1 **.X
1) Jingsong Wei*(专著), "Nonlinear Super-resolution Nano-Optics and Applications", Springer (Berlin Heidelberg, Germany) 2015. (ISBN-10: , ISBN-13: 70). (该书受到2014年“经典中国国际出版工程资助”)。
2) Jingsong Wei* (编著) "Nonlinear Performance and Characterization Methods in Optics”, Nova, N.Y., USA, 2013. (ISBN: 978-1-61209-835-7).
1) Jingsong Wei* and Fuxi Gan, “Nano-Optical Data Storage with Nonlinear Super-Resolution Thin Films” in Data Storage at the Nanoscale: Advances and Applications (Edited by Fuxi Gan and Yang Wang), Pan Stanford Publishing Pte. Ltd. (2015). (ISBN: 978-981-4613-19-4 (Hardcover), 978-981-4613-20-0 (eBook)
2) 魏劲松*, 干福熹, "功能薄膜的光学超分辨效应与应用", 在《光子学玻璃》, 干福熹等编著, 上海科技出版社(2012年出版). (ISBN: 978-7-5478-0613-5) (获得2012年华东地区优秀图书奖, 2012年中华图书协会优秀出版物图书奖)
3) Jingsong Wei* and Mufei Xiao, "Laser pulse patterning on phase change thin films" in Lasers-Applications in Science and Industry. Page 75-92, (Editor: Krzysztof Jakubczak) InTech-Open Access Publisher (Publication date: Dec. 2011). (ISBN: 978-953-307-755-0)
4) Jingsong Wei*, “Negative Refraction in the Materials with Magnetic and Electric Response”, in Metamaterials: Classes, Properties and Applications, Page 165-209, Ethan J. Tremblay (Editor) Nova Science Publishers Inc. (New York) (July 2010). (ISBN: 978-1-61668-958-2)
5) Jingsong Wei*, "Super-resolution optical effects of nanoscale nonlinear thin film structure and ultrahigh density information storage”, in Lecture Notes in Nanoscale Science and Technology Vol.(5)—Toward Functional Nanomaterials, Page 257-283, Wang, Z.M. (Ed.), Springer Publisher 2009. (ISBN: 978-0-387-77716-0)
72) Jingsong Wei*, Chenliang Ding, anf Xinghao Zhang, "The physical understanding on the dynamic readout/detection of super-resolution pits with nonlinear reverse saturation absorption thin films", Journal of Optics 2015 (in press)
71) Xinghao Zhang and Jingsong Wei*, "Direct detection of transient super-resolution effect of nonlinear saturation absorption thin films", Photonics Research 3(4), 100-105 (2015).
70) Jingsong Wei*, Yang Wang, and Yiqun Wu, “Manipulation of heat-diffusion channel in laser thermal lithography”, Optics Express 22(26), 32470-32481(2014).
69) Jingsong Wei*, and Hui Yan, “Strong nonlinear saturation absorption-induced optical pinhole channel and super-resolution effects: A multi-layer system model”, Optics Letters 39 (22), 6387-6390 (2014).
68) Jingsong Wei*, and Hui Yan, “Laser beam induced nanoscale spot through nonlinear thick samples: a multi-layer thin lens self-focusing model”, Journal of Applied Physics 116, 063107 (2014).
67) Hui Yan and Jingsong Wei*, “False nonlinear effect in z-scan measurement based on semiconductor laser devices: theory and experiments”, Photonics Research 2(2), 51-58 (2014).
66) Rui Wang, Jingsong Wei*, and Yongtao Fan, “Chalcogenide phase-change thin films used as grayscale photolithography materials”, Optics Express 22(5), 4973-4984 (2014). 该结果Nature Photonics在News and Views专栏中进行了报道了(Nature Photonics 8, 253 (2014); 以及《中国科学报》在2014-07-29 第一版要闻进行报道。
65) Jingsong Wei* and Rui Wang, “Maskless direct laser writing with visible light: breaking through the optical resolving limit with cooperative manipulations of nonlinear reverse saturation absorption and thermal diffusion”, Journal of Applied Physics 115, 123102 (2014).
64) Rui Wang, Jingsong Wei*, “Parabolic approximation analytical model of super-resolution spot generation using nonlinear thin films: theory and simulation”, Optics Communications,316, 220-227 (2014).
63) Jingsong Wei*, Rui Wang, Hui Yan, and Yongtao Fan, “Formation of super-resolution spot through nonlinear Fabry–Perot cavity structures: theory and simulation”, Optics Express 22(7),7883-7897 (2014).
62) Xiaolin Cai, and Jingsong Wei*, “Optical nonlinearity characteristics of crystalline InSb semiconductor thin films”, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 46, 435101 (2013).
61) Xiaolin Cai, and Jingsong Wei*, “Temperature dependence of the thermal properties of InSb materials used in data storage”, Journal of Applied Physics 114, 083507 (2013).
60) Jingsong Wei*, Qian Liu, and Mufei Xiao, “Laser pulse induced micro-patterning on sandwiched thin films”, Applied Surface Science 280, 89-92 (2013).
59) Jingsong Wei*, Yikun Zha, and Fuxi Gan, “Creation of super-resolution non-diffraction beam by modulating circularly polarized light with ternary optical element”, Progress In Electromagnetics Research 140, 589-598 (2013).
58) Yikun Zha, Jingsong Wei*, and Fuxi Gan, “Creation of ultra-long depth of focus super-resolution longitudinally polarized beam with ternary optical element”, Journal of Optics 15, 075703 (2013).
57) Yikun Zha, Jingsong Wei*, and Fuxi Gan, “A novel design for maskless direct laser writing nanolithography: combination of diffractive optical element and nonlinear absorption inorganic resists”, Optics Communications 304, 49-53 (2013).
56) Rui Wang, Jingsong Wei*, “Accurate determination of optical nonlinear absorption coefficients by the combination of reflection and transmission open-aperture z-measurements”, Optics Communications 297, 121–124 (2013).
55) Yikun Zha, Jingsong Wei*, Fuxi Gan, “Performance improvement of super-resolving pupil filters via combination with nonlinear saturable absorption films”, Optics Communications 293, 139-148 (2013).
54) Rui Wang, Jingsong Wei*, and Mufei Xiao, “Pseudo-nonlinear absorption in z-scan measurement”, Journal of Optics 15, 025204, (2013).
53) Jingsong Wei*, “On the dynamic readout characteristic of nonlinear super-resolution optical storage”, Optics Communications 291, 143–149 (2013).
52) Yongtao Fan*, Jingsong Wei, Jianyong Ma, Yang Wang, and Yiqun Wu, "Tunable Twin Airy beams induced by Binary phase Patterns", Optics Letters 38(8), 1286-1288 (2013), (one of 10 Top Download papers in April, 2013).
51) Changmeng Deng, Yongyou Geng, Yiqun Wu*, Yang Wang, and Jinsong Wei, “Adhesion effect of interface layers on pattern fabrication with GeSbTe as laser thermal lithography film”, Microelectronic Engineering 103, 7-11 (2013).
50) Shuang Liu, Jingsong Wei*, and Fuxi Gan, “Nonlinear absorption of Sb-based phase change materials due to the weakening of the resonant bond”, Applied Physics Letters 100,111903 (2012).
49)Xinmiao Lu, Yiqun Wu*, Yang Wang and Jingsong Wei, “Super-resolution readout property of bismuth-doped antimony-based thin film as a functional mask for read-only memory”, Applied Physics A108, 765-769 (2012).
48) Aihuan Dun, Jingsong Wei, Hongxia Zhao, “Focused ion beam milled pattern structures induced by laser pulse on AgInSbTe phase change films”, Materials Letters 66, 324-327 (2012).
47) Shuang Liu, Jingsong Wei*, and Fuxi Gan, “Optical nonlinear absorption characteristics of crystalline Ge2Sb2Te5 thin films”, Journal of Applied Physics 110, 033503 (2011).
46) Jingsong Wei*, Shuang Liu, Yongyou Geng, Yang Wang, Xiaoyi Li, Yiqun Wu, and Aihuan Dun, “Nano-optical information storage induced by the nonlinear saturable absorption effect”, Nanoscale 3, 3233-3237 (2011).
45) Jingsong Wei*, Jing Liu, and Mufei Xiao, “Giant optical nonlinearity of silver-doped silicon thin film at low power input: Laser triggered cluster resonance”, Applied Physics A 104(4), 1031-1037 (2011).
44) Aihuan Dun, Jingsong Wei*, and Fuxi Gan, “Laser Direct Writing Pattern Structures on AgInSbTe Phase Change Thin Film”, Chinese Optics Letters 9(8), 082101 (2011).
43) Xiaoqing Ma, and Jingsong Wei*, “Nanoscale lithography with visible light: optical nonlinear saturable absorption effect induced nanobump pattern structures”, Nanoscale 3(4), 1489–1492 (2011).
42) Aihuan Dun; Jingsong Wei*; Fuxi Gan, “Patterned Structures Fabricated on Chalcogenide Phase-Change Thin Films by Laser Direct Writing”, Thin Solid Films 519, 3859-3864 (2011).
41) Aihuan Dun, Jingsong Wei*, and Fuxi Gan, “Marangoni Effect Induced Micro/Nano-patterning on Sb2Te3 phase Change Thin Film by Laser Pulse”, Applied Physics A 103(1), 139 (2011).
40) Aihuan Dun, Jingsong Wei, Fuxi Gan, “Elongation rate measurements of nanofilms by microbump method induced by laser pulse”, Applied Surface Sciences 257, 10674-10678 (2011).
39) Aihuan Dun, Xiaoqing Ma, Jingsong Wei, Fuxi Gan, “Laser-induced grayscale patterning in TeOx thin films”, Materials Chemistry and Physics 131, 406–412 (2011).
38)Xinmiao Lu, Yiqun Wu, Yang Wang, and Jinsong Wei, “Optical characterization of antimony-based bismuth-doped thin films with different annealing temperatures”, Chinese Optics Letters, Vol. 9(10), 102101 (2011).
37) Jing Liu, Shuang Liu, and Jingsong Wei*, “Origin of the Giant Optical Nonlinearity of Sb2Te3 Phase Change Materials”, Applied Physics Letter 97 (26), 261903 (2010).
36) Jingsong Wei* and Jing Liu, “Direct observation of below-diffraction-limited optical spot induced by nonlinear saturable absorption of Ag-doped Si nanofilms”, Optics Letters 35(18), 3126-3128 (2010).
35) Aihuan Dun, Jingsong Wei*, and Fuxi Gan, “Pattern Structures Fabricated on ZnS-SiO2/AgOx /ZnS-SiO2Thin Film Structure by Laser Direct Writing Technology”, Applied Physics A 100(2), 401 (2010).
34) Jingsong Wei* and Mufei Xiao, “Negative refraction in ferromagnetic materials under external magnetic field: a theoretical analysis”, Chinese Physics B 19(5), 057801 (2010).
33) Jingsong Wei*, Jing Liu, and Xinbing Jiao, “Subwavelength direct laser writing by strong optical nonlinear absorption and melt-ablation threshold characteristics”, Applied Physics Letters 95, 241105(2009).
32) Xinbing Jiao, Jingsong Wei*, and Fuxi Gan, “Below-diffraction-limited hybrid recording using silicon thin film super-resolution structure”, Chinese Physics B 18(12), 5370 (2009).
31) Jing Liu and Jingsong Wei*, “Optical nonlinear absorption characteristics of AgInSbTe phase change thin films”, Journal of Applied Physics 106(8), 083112 (2009).
30) Jingsong Wei*, Zhi Jiang, Hongren Shi, and Fuxi Gan, “Near-Field Gaussian Lens Originating from Nonlinear Multilayer Structures: Application in ’’Dynamic Readout of Super-Resolution Pit Arrays on the Discs’’”, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 9, 982-984 (2009).
29) Xinbing Jiao, Jingsong Wei*, Fuxi Gan, and Mufei Xiao, “Temperature dependence of thermal properties of Ag8In14Sb55Te23 phase-change memory materials”, Applied Physics A 94(3), 627 (2009).
28)Jiang Lai-xin, Wu Yi-qun, Wang Yang, Wei Jing-song, and Gan Fu-xi, “Low-power super-resolution readout with antimony bismuth alloy film as mask layer”, Chinese Physics Letters 26(2), 024214 (2009).
27) Jingsong Wei*, and Mufei Xiao, “A Z-scan model for optical nonlinear nanometric films”,Journal of Optics A: Pure and Applied Optics 10, 115102 (2008).
26) Jingsong Wei*, and Mufei Xiao, “Laser tunable Toraldo super-resolution with a uniform nonlinear pupil filter”, Applied Optics 47(21), 3689-3693 (2008).
25) Jingsong Wei*,Xinbing Jiao, Fuxi Gan, and Mufei Xiao, “Laser pulse induced bumps in chalcogenide phase change films”, Journal of Applied Physics 103, 124516 (2008).
24) Jingsong Wei* and Mufei Xiao, “Super-resolution scanning laser microscopy with a third-order optical nonlinear thin film”, Applied Physics B: Laser and Optics 91, 337-341 (2008).
23) Jingsong Wei*, and Mufei Xiao, “The origin of the super-resolution via a nonlinear thin film”, Optics Communications 281, 1654 (2008).
22) Xinbing Jiao, Jingsong Wei*, and Fuxi Gan, “Si underlayer induced nano-ablation in AgInSbTe thin films”, Chinese Physics Letters 25, 209 (2008).
21)Qian Liu, Toshio Fukaya, Sihai Cao, Chuanfei Guo, Zhuwei Zhang, Yanjun Guo, Jinsong Wei, and Junji Tominaga, “Study on readout durability of super-RENS disk”, Optics Express 16, 213 (2008).
20) Huajun Sun, Lisong Hou, Yiqun Wu, and Jingsong Wei, “Structural change of laser-irradiated Ge2Sb2Te5 films studied by electrical property measurement”, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 354, 5563-5566 (2008).
19) Jingsong Wei*, and Mufei Xiao, “On the dynamic readout of sub-diffraction-limit pit arrays with a silver thin film”, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matters 19, 276208 (2007).
18) Jingsong Wei*, and Mufei Xiao, “Negative refraction via domain wall resonances in a homogeneous mixture of ferro- and nonmagnetic substances”, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matters (Fast Track Communication) 19, 072203 (2007).
17) Jingsong Wei*, and Mufei Xiao, “Electric and magnetic losses and gains in determining refractive handedness of media”, Optics Communications 270(2), 455-464 (2007).
16) Jingsong Wei*, Mufei Xiao, and Feng Zhang, “Super-resolution with a nonlinear thin film: Beam reshaping via internal multi-interference”, Applied Physics Letters 89, 223126 (2006).
15) Jingsong Wei*, and Mufei Xiao, “Optical transmission larger than one (T>1) through ZnS-SiO2/AgOx/ ZnS-SiO2 sandwiched thin films”, Applied Physics Letters 89, 101917 (2006).
14) Jingsong Wei*, and Fuxi Gan, “Dynamic readout of sub-diffraction-limited pit arrays with a silver superlens”, Applied Physics Letters 87(20), 211101 (2005).
13) Jingsong Wei*, Fei Zhou, Yang Wang, Fuxi Gan, yiqun Wu, and Donghong Gu, “Optical near-field simulation of Sb thin film thermal lens and its application in optical recording”, Journal of Applied Physics 97, 073102 (2005).
12) Jingsong Wei*, Zengrong Sun, Feng Zhang, Wendong Xu, Yang Wang, Fei Zhou, and Fuxi Gan, “Thermal melting of solid materials induced by ultrafast-laser pulse irradiation as explosively homogeneous nucleation”, Chemical Physics Letters 392, 415-418 (2004).
11) Zhang Feng,Xu Wendong,Wang Yang,Wei Jinsong,Zhou Fei,Gao Xiumin,Gan Fuxi,“Static recording characteristics of a super-resolution near-field structure”, Chinese Optics Letters 2(10),611-614 (2004)
10) Zhang Feng, Wang Yang, Xu Wendong, Shi Hongren, Wei Jingsong, Gan Fuxi, “High-density read-only memory disc with Ag11In12Sb51Te26 super-resolution mask layer”, Chinese Physics Letters 21 (10): 1973-1975 (2004)
9) Jingsong Wei* and Fuxi Gan, “Thermal lens model of Sb thin films in super-resolution near-field structure”, Applied Physics Letters 82(16), 2607–2609 (2003).
8) Jingsong Wei* and Fuxi Gan, “Time-resolved thermal lens effect of Sb thin films induced by structural transformation near melting temperature”, Optics Communications 219(1-6), 261-269 (2003).
7) Jingsong Wei* and Fuxi Gan, “Time response of optical switching properties of Sb thin films under focused laser pulses”, Optical Engineering 42(6), 1749-1753 (2003). Virtual J. Ultrafast Science 2(6) (2003).
6) Jingsong Wei* and Fuxi Gan, “Theoretical explanation of different crystallization processes between as-deposited and melted-quenched amorphous Ge2Sb2Te5 thin films”, Thin Solid Films 441(1-2), 292-297 (2003).
5) Jingsong Wei*, Yang Wang, Wendong Xu, Fei Zhou, Feng Zhang, and Fuxi Gan, “Working mechanism of Sb thin films in super-resolution near-field structure”, Optics Communications 224(4-6), 269-273 (2003).
4) Jingsong Wei*, Yang Wang, Wendong Xu, Zengrong Sun, Feng Zhang, Fei Zhou, and Fuxi Gan, “Readout of super-resolution pits with Ti thin films”, Chinese Optics Letters 1(7), 420-422 (2003).
3) Jingsong Wei* and Fuxi Gan, “Novel approach to super-resolution pits readout”, Optical Engineering (Letter), 41(9), 1073-1074 (2002).
2) Jingsong Wei*, Hao Ruan, Hongren Shi and Fuxi Gan, “Study on read-only optical disk with Sb mask super-resolution”, Chinese Science Bulletin 47(19), 1064-1066 (2002).
1) Jingsong Wei*, Hao Ruan, Hongren Shi and Fuxi Gan, “Readout of read-only super-resolution optical disc with Si mask”, Chinese Physics 11(10), 1073-1075 (2002).
科研项目 (1) 基于高速旋转式的亚波长微纳结构蓝紫光激光刻写装置系统,主持,部委级,2012-01--2013-12
(2) 蓝光激发SbTe基半导体薄膜材料光学非线性效应诱导的亚波长光斑形成特性与纳米光刻应用的基础研究,主持,国家级,2012-01--2015-12
(3) 超分辨纳米光信息存储及器件的基础研究,参与,国家级,2012-01--2016-12
(4) 周期性结构对磁性金属薄膜中表面等离子体共振和磁光效应的调制,参与,省级,2012-01--2014-12
(5) 基于硫系合金薄膜强的光学非线性吸收和相变阈值特性诱导的超分辨纳米图形激光直写研究,主持,省级,2010-04--2012-03
(6) 基于硫系合金薄膜的激光直写超分辨纳米图形与信息存储,主持,国家级,2010-01--2012-12
(7) 聚焦激光诱导非线性薄膜结构的高斯透镜效应研究,主持,国家级,2008-01--2010-12
(8) 基于纳米结构的相变机理及嵌入式PCRAM应用基础研究,参与,国家级,2007-08--2010-12
(9) 蓝光激发新型超分辨近场结构纳米光存储及掩膜层结构与记录层结构的工作原理和相互间的物理作用机制研究,主持,国家级,2006-01--2008-12
(10) 蓝光激发新型超分辨近场结构纳米光存储及掩膜层结构与记录层结构物理作用机制研究,主持,省级,2005-07--2007-07
博士研究生姓 名 入 学 时 间
丁晨良 (直博生, 来自上海大学) 2013年09月
白 震(直博生, 来自山东大学)2014年09月
李奇松 (博士生,吉林大学) 2015年09月
硕士研究生姓 名 入 学 时 间
周奇军 (来自长春理工大学) 2013年09月
梁 鑫 (来自合肥工大学) 2014年09月
俞小哲 (浙江大学) 2015年09月
已毕业的博士研究生(获得博士学位)姓 名毕业时间
焦新兵 (硕博连读生, 来自齐鲁工业大学, 原山东轻工业学院) 2009年
顿爱欢(博士生, 来自浙江工业大学) 2011年
刘 爽(硕博连读生, 来自湘潭大学) 2012年
查一昆 (博士生, 来自北京邮电大学) 2013年
王 睿 (硕博连读生, 来自华东师范大学) 2014年
已毕业硕士研究生(获得硕士学位)姓 名 毕业时间
刘 静 (来自南京大学) 2010年
马晓晴 (来自合肥工业大学) 2011年
蔡晓林 (来自四川大学)2013年
严 辉 (来自华东师范大学) 2014年
张兴昊(中国计量学院) 2015年
本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-04-28
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基本信息魏江春男博导微生物研究所电子邮件:weijc2004@126.com通信地址:中关村929--405邮政编码:110000部门/实验室:生命科学学院研究领域招生信息招生专业071005-微生物学招生方向地衣系统生物学及资源生物学教育背景1958-12--1962-09苏联科学院研究生院苏联科学院科学副博士(1962)、博士(1995)1955-09--1955-09西北农学院获学士学位学历 ...中国科学院大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-04-28中国科学院大学研究生导师教师师资介绍简介-魏建彦
基本信息魏建彦男博导中国科学院国家天文台电子邮件:wjy@nao.cas.cn通信地址:中国科学院国家天文台邮政编码:100012部门/实验室:国家天文台教育处研究领域招生信息招生专业070401-天体物理0704Z1-天文技术与方法招生方向活动星系核,伽玛暴光学天文仪器教育背景1990-10--1994-06中国科学院北京天文台天体物理专业博士1987-09--1990-09中国科学院北京天文台 ...中国科学院大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-04-28中国科学院大学研究生导师教师师资介绍简介-魏建明
基本信息魏建明男博导中国科学院上海高等研究院电子邮件:wjm@sari.ac.cn通信地址:上海市浦东新区海科路99号邮政编码:201210研究领域招生信息招生专业081002-信号与信息处理081001-通信与信息系统085208-电子与通信工程招生方向安全与应急技术传感网/物联网技术数字信息处理与系统教育背景2002-03--2005-06上海大学博士学位学历学位工作经历工作简历2005-06 ...中国科学院大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-04-28中国科学院大学研究生导师教师师资介绍简介-魏宏刚
基本信息魏宏刚男硕导中国科学院光电技术研究所电子邮件:**@qq.com通信地址:四川成都双流350信箱邮政编码:610209研究领域主要从事信号处理研究工作,包括光学图像处理,数字信号处理,嵌入式系统设计开发及光度学方面的研究。招生信息招生专业081002-信号与信息处理招生方向信号处理教育背景学历学位工作经历工作简历社会兼职教授课程专利与奖励奖励信息专利成果出版信息发表论文发表著作科研活动科研 ...中国科学院大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-04-28中国科学院大学研究生导师教师师资介绍简介-魏红
基本信息魏红女博导中国科学院物理研究所电子邮件:weihong@iphy.ac.cn通信地址:北京市海淀区中关村南三街8号邮政编码:部门/实验室:纳米实验室研究领域招生信息招生专业070205-凝聚态物理招生方向纳米光学、等离激元光子学、纳光子器件、表面增强光谱、表面等离激元增强的光与物质相互作用教育背景学历学位工作经历工作简历社会兼职教授课程专利与奖励奖励信息专利成果出版信息发表论文发表著作科研 ...中国科学院大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-04-28中国科学院大学研究生导师教师师资介绍简介-魏海成
基本信息魏海成男硕导中国科学院青海盐湖研究所电子邮件:hcwei@isl.ac.cn通信地址:青海省西宁市新宁路18号邮政编码:部门/实验室:盐湖地质与环境重点实验室研究领域招生信息招生专业070902-地球化学招生方向地球化学教育背景2006-09--2011-07中国科学院青海盐湖研究所理学博士2000-09--2004-07青海师范大学理学学士学历学位工作经历工作简历2016-05~现在,中 ...中国科学院大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-04-28中国科学院大学研究生导师教师师资介绍简介-魏国齐
基本信息魏国齐男博导中国科学院渗流流体力学研究所电子邮件:weigq@petrochina.com.cn通信地址:河北省廊坊市44信箱邮政编码:研究领域招生信息招生专业080103-流体力学085217-地质工程招生方向非牛顿流体力学油气田地质描述教育背景1997-09--2000-10南京大学博士1982-09--1986-07江汉石油学院学士学历学位工作经历工作简历2008-01~现在,中石油 ...中国科学院大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-04-28中国科学院大学研究生导师教师师资介绍简介-魏广叶
基本信息魏广叶女硕导中国科学院过程工程研究所电子邮件:gywei@ipe.ac.cn通信地址:北京市海淀区中关村北二街1号邮政编码:部门/实验室:04资源环境绿色过程工程研究部研究领域湿法冶金,无机非金属材料教育背景2010-09--2014-01北京科技大学博士2006-09--2008-06北京科技大学硕士2002-09--2006-06河北理工大学学士学历研究生学位博士专利与奖励专利成果(1 ...中国科学院大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-04-28中国科学院大学研究生导师教师师资介绍简介-魏高峡
基本信息魏高峡女博导中国科学院心理研究所电子邮件:weigx@psych.ac.cn通信地址:北京市朝阳区林萃路16号院邮政编码:100101研究领域研究兴趣为人类运动行为、大脑与健康。主要探讨运动行为对认知发展与情绪健康促进的神经机制,特别是身体活动对儿童青少年的大脑发育的影响,以及体育锻炼延缓衰老的脑机制等。招生信息欢迎具有心理学、运动人体科学或生物医学工程背景的同学报考硕士、博士!招生专业0 ...中国科学院大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-04-28中国科学院大学研究生导师教师师资介绍简介-魏刚
基本信息魏刚男博导中国科学院上海营养与健康研究所电子邮件:weigang@picb.ac.cn通信地址:岳阳路320号邮政编码:部门/实验室:计算生物学伙伴研究所研究领域招生信息招生专业0710Z2-计算生物学招生方向表观遗传组学教育背景2000-09--2005-07北京大学博士1996-09--2000-07北京大学学士学历学位工作经历工作简历2012-01~现在,中科院上海生命科学研究院计算 ...中国科学院大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-04-28