

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-04-28

电子邮件: wangzhw@rcees.ac.cn
通信地址: 北京海淀区双清路18号中国科学院生态环境研究中心
邮政编码: 100085










发表论文(1)Concentrations and gas-particle partitioning of atmospheric reactive mercury at an urban site in Beijing China,Environmental Pollution,2019,第2作者
(2)Methylmercury concentrations and potential sources in atmospheric fine particles in Beijing China,Science of the Total Environment,2019,第11作者
(3)The regional variation of denitrification phenotypes under anoxic incubation with soils from eight forested catchments in different climate zones of China,Science of the Total Environment,2018,第11作者
(4)Mechanism of Accumulation of Methylmercury in Rice (Oryza sativa L.) in a Mercury Mining Area.,Environment Science & Technology,2018,第1作者
(5)Deposition and fate of mercury in litterfall, litter, and soil in coniferous and broad-leaved forests.,Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences,2018,第11作者
(6)Temporal variability of ammonia emission potentials for six plant species in an evergreen subtropical forest in southwest China,Environmental Science And Pollution Research,2017,第11作者
(7)Mercury concentrations and pools in four adjacent coniferous and deciduous upland forests in Beijing, China,Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences,2017,第11作者
(8)Observation of nitrous acid (HONO) in Beijing, China: Seasonal variation, nocturnal formation and daytime budget,Science of The Total Environment,2017,第4作者
(9)A relative method for measuring nitric oxide (NO) fluxes from forest soils,A relative method for measuring nitric oxide (NO) fluxes from forest soils,2017,第3作者
(10)Assessment of the maximum allowed acid deposition load at current stage in China,Joural of Environmental Science,2017,第2作者
(11)Investigation of factors affecting mercury emission from a subtropical forest soil: A field controlled study in southwestern China,Jounal of Geochemical Explortion,2016,第11作者
(12)Speciated atmospheric mercury in the marine boundary layer of the Bohai Sea andYellow Sea,Atmospheric Environment,2016,第11作者
(13)Spatial-temporal distributions of gaseous element mercury and particulate mercury in the Asian marine boundary layer,Atmospheric Environment,2016,第11作者
(14)Mercury in terrestrial forested systems with highly elevated mercury deposition in SWChina: the risk to insects and potential release from wildfires,Environmental Pollution,2016,第11作者
(15)Mercury in terrestrial forested systems with highly elevated mercury deposition in SWChina: the risk to insects and potential release from wildfires,Environmental Pollution,2016,第11作者
(16)Distribution and elevated soil pools of mercury in an acidic subtropical forest of southwestern China,Environmental Pollution,2016,第11作者
(17)Elemental carbon in snow at Changbai Mountain, Northeastern China: concentrations, scavenging ratios anddry deposition velocities,Atmos. Chem. Phys,2014,第1作者
(18)The linear accumulation of atmospheric mercury by vegetable and grass leaves: Potential biomonitors for atmospheric mercury pollution,The linear accumulation of atmospheric mercury by vegetable and grass leaves: Potential biomonitors for atmospheric mercury pollution,Environ Sci Pollut Res,2013,第11作者
(19)Elemental Carbon in Snow at Changbai Mountain, Northeastern China: Concentrations, Scavenging Ratios and Dry Deposition Velocities,Elemental Carbon in Snow at Changbai Mountain, Northeastern China: Concentrations, Scavenging Ratios and Dry Deposition Velocities,Atmospheric Chemistry and physics DIsccusion,2013,第1作者
(20)Phase speciation of mercury (Hg) in coastal seawater of the Yellow Sea, China,Phase speciation of mercury (Hg) in coastal seawater of the Yellow Sea, China,Marine Chemistry,2012,第3作者
(21)Field controlled experiments of mercury accumulation in crops from air and soil,Field controlled experiments of mercury accumulation in crops from air and soil,Environment Pollution,2011,第11作者
(22)Mercury in leaf litter in the typical suburban and urban broadleaved forests,Mercury in leaf litter in the typical suburban and urban broadleaved forests,Journal of Environment Science,2011,第11作者
(23)Distribution and air-sea exchange of mercury in the yellow sea,Distribution and air-sea exchange of mercury in the yellow sea,Atmos.Chem.Phys,2011,第3作者
(24)Dissolved gaseous mercury; Air-sea mercury flux; Total and reactive mercury, Yellow Sea;,Dissolved gaseous mercury; Air-sea mercury flux; Total and reactive mercury, Yellow Sea;,Atmospheric Environment,2010,第3作者
(25)Atmospheric gaseous elemental mercury (GEM) over a coastal/rural site downwind of East China: temporal variation and long-range transport. ,Atmospheric gaseous elemental mercury (GEM) over a coastal/rural site downwind of East China: temporal variation and long-range transport. ,Atmospheric Environment,2010,第3作者
(26)Mercury fluxes and pools in three subtropical forested catchments, Southwest China.,Mercury fluxes and pools in three subtropical forested catchments, Southwest China.,Environment Pollution.,2009,第1作者
(27)Effects of Rare Earth Fertilizer on the Emission of Nitrous Oxide from Agricultural Soil in China,Effects of Rare Earth Fertilizer on the Emission of Nitrous Oxide from Agricultural Soil in China,Atmospheric Environment, ,2008,第1作者
(28)Gaseous elemental mercury concentration in the atmosphere at urban and remote sites in China.,Gaseous elemental mercury concentration in the atmosphere at urban and remote sites in China.,Journal of Environment Science,,2007,第1作者
(29)Mercury concentrations in size fractionated airborne particulates at urban and suburban sites in Beijing,,Mercury concentrations in size fractionated airborne particulates at urban and suburban sites in Beijing,, Atmospheric Environment,2006,第1作者


科研项目( 1 ) 我国青海高原盐湖地区大气汞的日变化特征与影响研究, 主持,国家级,2009-01--2011-12
( 2 ) 典型农作物中汞的大气来源及通量研究, 主持,国家级,2011-01--2013-12
( 3 ) Long range transport of black carbon and the effec, 参与,研究所(学校),2010-01--2012-12
( 4 ) 典型小流域氮素循环过程及其环境影响, 参与,部委级,2010-07--2012-06
( 5 ) Forest in south China: An important sink for react, 参与,研究所(学校),2012-01--2014-12
( 6 ) 我国汞污染特征、环境过程及减排技术原理, 主持,国家级,2013-01--2017-12
( 7 ) 大气中汞的浓度水平对农作物中甲基汞富集的影响, 主持,国家级,2014-01--2017-12
( 8 ) 我国城市大气细颗粒物中甲基汞的富集及其影响因素, 主持,国家级,2017-01--2020-12
( 9 ) 影响区域排放与沉降响应的关键大气过程, 主持,国家级,2017-06--2020-12

参与会议(1)Annual Net Flux of Mercury from the Atmosphere to Biomass of Major Crops in ChinaZhangwei Wang, Charles Driscoll,Xiaoshan Zhang,ZhenchuanNiu2018-06-03
(2)A New Pathway for Methylmercury Accumulation in Rice Plant: Using a Stable Isotope Tracer Technique and Field Investigation 第十三届汞作为全球污染物大会2017-07-15
(3) 大气环境汞:过去、现在和未来第三届 全国气体标准物质大会2017-06-05
(4)Ambient Mercury Levels and Variations in Urban and Background Areas in ChinaZhangwei Wang2006-07-07



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