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社会兼职2012-01-01-今,南京市玄武区人民代表大会, 代表


奖励信息(1) 集约化养殖畜禽粪的农用风险与安全利用技术及推广应用, 一等奖, 其他, 2012
(2) 有机废弃物资源化安全农用技术研究与应用, 二等奖, 省级, 2012
(3) 江西省耕地保育与持续高效现代农业技术研究与示范, 二等奖, 省级, 2011
(4) 中国红壤退化与防治, 二等奖, 国家级, 2004

专利成果( 1 ) 利用碱渣促进农作物秸秆高效腐熟的方法及应用, 2011, 第 3 作者, 专利号: ZL5.2

发表论文(1)Long-term fertilization decreases chemical composition variation of soil humic substance across geographic distances in subtropical China,Soil & Tillage Research,2019,第11作者
(3)Rational dose of insecticide chlorantraniliprole displays a transient impact on the microbialmetabolic functions and bacterial community in a silty-loam paddy soil,Science of the Total Environment,2018,第11作者
(4)Shifts in bacterial and fungal diversity in a paddy soil faced with phosphorus surplus,Biology and Fertility of Soils,2018,第11作者
(5)Soil pH rather than nutrients drive changes in microbial community following long-term fertilization in acidic Ultisols of southern China,Journal of Soils and Sediments,2018,第11作者
(6)Responses of Soil Enzyme Activities and Microbial Community Composition to Moisture Regimes in Paddy Soils Under Long-Term Fertilization Practices,Pedosphere,2018,第11作者
(10)Improved nutrient status affects soil microbial biomass, respiration, and functional diversity in a Lei bamboo plantation under intensive management,J Soils Sediments,2017,第11作者
(11)Effects of duckweed (Spriodela polyrrhiza) remediation on the composition of dissolved organic matter in effluent of scale pig farms,Journal of Environmental Sciences,2017,第11作者
(12)Temporal dynamics of the compositions and activities of soil microbial communities post-application of the insecticide chlorantraniliprole in paddy soils,Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety,2017,第11作者
(13)Changes in soil aggregate-associated enzyme activities and nutrients under long-term chemical fertilizer applications in a phosphorus-limited paddy soil,Soil Use and Management,2017,第11作者
(15)Optimize nitrogen fertilization location in root-growing zone to increase grain yield and nitrogen use efficiency of transplanted rice in subtropical China,Journal of Integrative Agriculture,2017,第11作者
(16)Fertilization decreases compositional variation of paddy bacterial community across geographical gradient,Soil Biology & Biochemistry,2017,第12作者
(17)Shifts in microbial communities with increasing soil fertility across a chronosequence of paddy cultivation in subtropical China,Applied Soil Ecology,2017,第11作者
(18)Nitrogen Fertilizer Deep Placement for Increased Grain Yield and Nitrogen Recovery Efficiency in Rice Grown in Subtropical China,Frontiers in Plant Science,2017,第11作者
(19)Changes of soil ecological stoichiometric ratios under different land uses in a small catchment of subtropical China,Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica, Section B — Soil & Plant Science,2016,第11作者
(20)Long-term fertilization of P coupled with N greatly improved microbial activities in a paddy soil ecosystem derived from infertile land,European Journal of Soil Biology,2016,第11作者
(21)Changes in dissolved organic matter composition and metabolic diversity of bacterial community during the degradation of organic matter in swine effluent,Environ Sci Pollut Res,2016,第11作者
(22)Shifts in microbial biomass and community composition in subtropical paddy soils under a gradient of manure amendment,Biology and Fertility of Soils,2016,第11作者
(24)Fungicidal activities of soil humic/fulvic acids as related to their chemical structures in greenhouse vegetable fields with cultivation chronosequence,Scientific Reports,2016,第11作者
(27)Soil N transformation and microbial community structure as affected by adding biochar to a paddy soil of subtropical China,Journal of Integrative Agriculture,2016,第11作者
(28)Variation of dissolved organic matter composition in effluent from swine waste – retention basins: a case study of Yujiang County, China,Fresenius Environmental Bulletin,2016,第11作者
(31)Microbial community and functional diversity associated with different aggregate fractions of a paddy soil fertilized with organic manure and/or NPK fertilizer for 20 years,J Soils Sediments,2015,第11作者
(32)Changes in microbial properties and community composition in acid soils receiving wastewater from concentrated animal farming operations,Applied Soil Ecology,2015,第11作者
(35)Change in water extractable organic carbon and microbial PLFAs of biochar during incubation with an acidic paddy soil,Soil Research,2015,第11作者
(39)A long-term field experiment of soil transplantation demonstrating the role of contemporary geographic separation in shaping soil microbial community structure,Ecology and Evolution,2014,第11作者
(41)Peanut straw decomposition products promoted by chemical additives and their effect on enzymatic activity and microbial functional diversity in red Soil,Compost Science and Utilization,2013,第11作者
(42)Changes in soil microbial biomass and functional diversity with a nitrogen gradient in soil columns,Applied Soil Ecology,2013,第11作者
(43)不同施肥处理对红壤水稻土团聚体有机碳、 氮分布和微生物生物量的影响,中国农业科学,2013,第11作者
(52)Discrepancy in Response of Rice Yield and Soil Fertility to Long-Term Chemical Fertilization and Organic Amendments in Paddy Soils Cultivated from Infertile Upland in Subtropical China,Agricultural Sciences in China,2011,第11作者
(55)Differences in Organic C Mineralization Between Aerobic and Submerged Conditions in Paddy Soils of Southern Jiangsu Province, China,Agricultural Sciences in China,2011,第11作者
(56)Soil organic C, nutrients, microbial biomass, and grain yield of rice (Oryza sativa L.) after 18 years of fertilizer application to an infertile paddy soil,Biology and Fertility of Soils,2011,第11作者
(57)Effect of Intensive Inorganic Fertilizer Application on Microbial Properties in a Paddy Soil of Subtropical China,Agricultural Sciences in China,2011,第11作者
(59)Effect of elevated ultraviolet-B radiation on microbial biomass carbon and nitrogen in barley rhizosphere soil,Water Air Soil Pollut,2011,第3作者
(60)Effects of long-term chemical fertilization and organic amendments on dynamics of soil organic C and total N in paddy soil derived from barren land in subtropical China,Soil and Tillage Research,2010,第1作者
(61)Organic C and N mineralization as affected by dissolved organic matter in paddy soils of subtropical China,Geoderma,2010,第1作者
(64)Effects of glucose addition on N transformations in paddy soils with a gradient of organic C content in subtropical China,Agricultural Sciences in China,2010,第11作者

发表著作( 1 ) 中国畜禽养殖业产生的环境问题与对策,科学出版社,2015-08,第5作者

科研项目( 1 ) 东南山地丘陵酸化贫瘠红壤旱地改良技术集成示范, 主持,国家级,2012-01--2016-12
( 2 ) 水稻根际土壤团聚体中有机碳的分布和转化, 主持,国家级,2012-01--2015-12
( 3 ) 稻田猪粪安全消纳量与合理施用技术研究, 主持,国家级,2012-01--2016-12
( 4 ) 氮肥损失阻控与高效利用机理, 主持,国家级,2013-01--2017-12
( 5 ) 亚热带典型水稻土中秸秆降解的微生物代谢网络及其驱动机制, 主持,国家级,2015-01--2019-12
( 6 ) 南京市耕地地力提升项目实施效果评价, 主持,省级,2016-07--2018-06
( 7 ) 基于13C连续标记技术研究花生连作红壤中根际沉积碳的微 生物转化机制, 主持,国家级,2018-01--2021-12
( 8 ) 边际土地产能效益扩增机理与藏粮于地技术模式, 参与,部委级,2018-01--2019-12
( 9 ) 大棚蔬菜土传病害绿色防控技术研发, 主持,省级,2019-07--2022-06




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