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社会兼职2018-01-01-2021-12-31,中国土壤学会土壤工程专业委员会, 副主任
2014-10-01-今,中国自然资源学会第七届理事会, 理事
2009-06-01-今,黄土高原土壤侵蚀与旱地农业国家重点实验室, 实验室副主任、常务副主任
2008-10-01-今,中国土壤学会土壤-植物营养专业委员会, 副主任


奖励信息(1) 黄土高原旱地主要作物氮肥减施增效途径与技术, 二等奖, 省级, 2017
(2) 黄土高原旱地氮磷养分高效利用理论与实践, 二等奖, 国家级, 2011
(3) 氮钾甜菜碱提高玉米抗旱性的机理研究和抗旱型叶面肥开发与示范, 二等奖, 省级, 2011


发表论文(1)Architectural and anatomical responses of maize roots to agronomic practices in a semi-arid environment,Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science,2019,第11作者
(2)Maize Yield Response to Nitrogen Rate and Plant Density under Film Mulching,Agronomy Journal,2018,第11作者
(4)The role of maize plants in regulating soil profile dynamics and surface emissions of nitrous oxide in a semiarid environment,Biology and Fertility of Soils,2017,第11作者
(5)Carbon dioxide fluxes in soil profiles as affected by maize phenology and nitrogen fertilization in the semiarid Loess Plateau,Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environmen,2017,第11作者
(6)Seasonal dynamics of soil microbial activity after biochar addition in adryland maize field in North-Western China,Ecological Engineering,2017,第11作者
(7)Soil amendment with biochar increases maize yields in a semi-arid region by improving soil quality and root growth,Crop & Pasture Science,2016,第11作者
(8)Sensitivity of soil water retention and availability to biochar additionin rainfed semi-arid farmland during a three-year field experiment,Field Crops Research,2016,第11作者
(9)Labile soil organic C and N pools responsible for plastic film removal in semiarid farmland,Soil Use and Management,2016,第11作者
(10)The factors related to carbon dioxide effluxes and production in the soil pro?les of rain-fed maize ?elds,Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment,2016,第11作者
(11)Characteristics of N2O production and transport within soil profiles subjected to different nitrogen application rates in China,Science of the Total Environment,2016,第11作者
(12)Effects of plastic film mulching on soil greenhouse gases (CO2, CH4 and N2O) concentration within soil profiles in maize fields on the Loess plateau, China,Journal of Integrative Agriculture,2016,第11作者
(13)Effect of split application of nitrogen on nitrous oxide emissions from plastic mulching maize in the semiarid Loess Plateau,Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment,2016,第11作者
(14)Fate of 15N fertilizer under different nitrogen split applications to plastic mulched maize in semiarid farmland,Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems,2016,第11作者
(15)Soil mulching can mitigate soil water deficiency impacts on rainfed maize production in semiarid environments,Journal of Integrative Agriculture,2015,第11作者
(16)Sensitivity of soil organic carbon stocks and fractions to soil surface mulching in semiarid farmland,European Journal of Soil Biology,2015,第11作者
(17)Response of nitrogen use efficiency and soil nitrate dynamics to soil mulching in dryland maize (Zea mays L.) fields.,Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems,2015,第11作者
(18)The effect of adapting cultivars on the water use efficiency of dryland maize (Zea mays L.) in northwestern China,Agricultural Water Management,2015,第11作者
(19)Mulching effects on labile soil organic nitrogen pools under a spring maize cropping system in semiarid farmland,Agronomy Journal,2015,第11作者
(20)Changes in Phosphorus Requirement with Increasing Grain Yield for Winter Wheat,Agronomy Journal,2015,第11作者
(21)Yield Achieved for Plastic Film-mulched Maize in Response to Nitrogen Deficit,European Journal of Agronomy,2014,第11作者
(22)Understanding Dry Matter and Nitrogen Accumulation for High-Yielding Film-Mulched Maize,Agron. J.,2014,第11作者
(23)Response of nitrous oxide emission to soil mulching and nitrogen fertilization in semi-arid farmland,Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment,2014,第11作者
(24)Optimizing Plant Density and Plastic Film Mulch to Increase Maize Productivity and Water-use Efficiency in Semiarid Areas,Agronomy Journal,2014,第11作者
(25)Effects of Phosphorus Application in Different Soil Layers on Root Growth, Yield, and Water-Use Efficiency of Winter Wheat Grown Under Semi-Arid Conditions,Journal of Integrative Agriculture,2014,第11作者
(26)The combination of localized phosphorus and water supply indicates a high potential for savings of irrigation water and phosphorus fertilizer,J. Plant Nutr. Soil Sci.,,2014,第11作者
(27)The effects of spatial coupling of water and fertilizer applications on root growth characteristics and water use of winter wheat.,Journal of Plant Nutrition.,2013,第11作者
(28)The effects of mulching on maize growth, yield and water use in a semi-arid region,Agricultural Water Management,2013,第11作者
(29)Nafulsella turpanensis gen. nov., sp. nov., a member of the phylum Bacteroidetes isolated from soil,International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology,2013,第11作者
(30)Nitrogen Mineralization Characteristic of Disturbed and Undisturbed Soil Samples for Four Main Soil Types on the Loess Plateau,Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis,2013,第1作者
(31)Effects of atmospheric ammonia enrichment and nitrogen status on the growth of maize,Soil Science and Plant Nutrition,2012,第11作者
(32)Impact of atmospheric ammonia on growth, C and N accumulation and photosynthesis of two maize cultivarswith different N root supply ,Plant Soil and Environment,2011,第11作者
(33)Nutrient effects on diurnal variation and magnitude of hydraulic lift in winter wheat,Agricultural Water Management ,2011,第11作者
(34)施氮水平与模拟降雨pH 值对玉米冠层NO3-N淋失的影响,Effects of N application and simulated rainfall pH value on NO3-N leaching lossfrom canopy of maize,农业工程学报,2011,第11作者
(35)Effects of the spatial coupling of water and fertilizer on the chlorophyll fluorescence parameters of winter wheat leaves,Journal of Integrative Agriculture,2011,第11作者
(36) Effect of mulch and irrigation practices on soil water, soil temperature and the grain yield of maize (Zea mays L) in Loess Plateau, Chin,African Journal of Agricultural Research,2011,第11作者
(37).Study on model of aroma quality evaluation for flue-cured tobacco based on principal component analysis,Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment,2011,第11作者
(38) Growth and development of maize (Zea mays L.) in response to different field water management practices: Resource capture and use efficiency,Agricultural and Forest Meteorology,2010,第11作者
(39) Soil water dynamics and water use efficiency in spring maize (Zea mays L.) fields subjected to different water management practices on the Loess Plateau,Agricultural Water Management,2010,第11作者
(40).Diurnal and seasonal soil CO2 flux patterns in spring maize fields on the Loess Plateau, China.,Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica, Section B - Plant Soil Science,2010,第11作者
(41) Effects of Elevated Ammonia Concentration and Nitrogen Status on the Growth and Yield of Winter Wheat,Agronomy Journal,2010,第11作者
(42) Study on Disturbed and Undisturbed Soil Sample Incubation for Estimating soil nitrogen supplying capacity.,Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis,2010,第11作者
(43)Effects of enhanced atmospheric ammonia on photosynthetic characteristics of two maize (Zea mays L.) cultivars with various nitrogen supply across long-term growth period and their diurnal change patterns,Photosynthetica,2010,第11作者
(44)Contributions of Organic Nitrogen Forms to Mineralized Nitrogen during Incubation Experiments of the Soils on the Loess Plateau,Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis,2009,第11作者
(45)Effects of increased ammonia on root/shoot ratio, grain yield and nitrogen use efficiency of two wheat varieties withvarious N supply,Plant Soil Environ,2009,第11作者
(46)Effect of Foliar Nitrogen Application on Nitrogen Metabolism, Water Status, and Plant Growth in Two Maize Cultivars under Short-term Moderate Stress. Journal of Plant Nutrition,Journal of Plant Nutrition,2009,第4作者

发表著作( 1 ) 黄土高原土壤有机氮及矿化,Soil Organic Nitrogen Mineralization on the Loess Plateau ,中国科学出版社,2009-11,第1作者

科研项目( 1 ) 主要粮食作物高产栽培与资源高效利用的基础研究, 主持,国家级,2009-01--2013-12
( 2 ) 最佳养分管理技术研究与应用, 主持,国家级,2009-01--2013-12
( 3 ) 水分限制条件下旱作覆膜春玉米高产及水氮高效利用研究, 主持,国家级,2013-01--2016-12
( 4 ) 覆膜旱地春玉米地上群体、地下根系及根层养分水分的互作与调控, 主持,国家级,2015-01--2020-12
( 5 ) 农作物最佳养分管理技术研究与应用, 主持,国家级,2011-01--2015-12
( 6 ) 土地复垦与土壤质量改良关键技术, 主持,部委级,2012-01--2015-12
( 7 ) 西北旱作玉米化肥农药减施增效技术集成与示范, 主持,国家级,2017-07--2020-12




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