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社会兼职2015-05-01-今,SCI期刊《Scientific Reports》编委, 编委
2013-01-01-2018-12-31,中国遗传学会青年委员会, 副主任
2009-01-30-2010-12-31,SCI期刊《Human Biology》编委, 编委


奖励信息(1) , 国家级, 2016
(2) 云南省科学技术奖, 特等奖, 省级, 2014
(3) 国家自然科学奖, 二等奖, 国家级, 2014
(4) 吴旻人类与医学遗传创新奖, 专项, 2013
(5) 云南省中青年学术和技术带头人, 省级, 2012
(6) 中国科学院西部突出贡献奖, , 部委级, 2011
(7) 中国科学院卢嘉锡青年人才奖, , 部委级, 2008
(8) 全国百篇优秀博士学位论文奖, , 国家级, 2007
(9) 国家自然科学奖二等奖, 二等奖, 国家级, 2006
(10) 云南省科学技术奖一等奖, 一等奖, 省级, 2005
(11) 第四届云南省青年科技奖, , 省级, 2005
(12) 中国科学院院长奖学金特别奖, , 部委级, 2005

专利成果( 1 ) 一种大样本高通量生物数据关联分析方法, 2019, 第 2 作者, 专利号: ZL6.6

发表论文(1)River valleys shaped the maternal genetic landscape of Han Chinese,Molecular Biology and Evolution,2019,第11作者
(2)Cultural diffusion of IndoAryan languages into Bangladesh: A perspective from mitochondrial DNA,Mitochondrion,2018,第11作者
(3)Accelerated DNA methylation changes in middle-aged men define sexual dimorphism in human lifespans,Clinical Epigenetics,2018,第11作者
(4)Transcriptome evidence reveals enhanced autophagy-lysosomal function in centenarians,Genome Research,2018,第11作者
(5)Identification of four hub genes associated with adrenocortical carcinoma progression by WGCNA,PeerJ,2018,第11作者
(6)A Normalization-free and nonparametric method sharpens large-scale transcriptome analysis and reveals common gene alteration patterns in cancers,Theranostics,2017,第11作者
(7)Large-scale DNA methylation expression analysis across 12 solid cancers reveals hypermethylation in the calcium-signaling pathway,Oncotarget,2017,第11作者
(8)ERCC6L, a DNA helicase, is involved in cell proliferation and associated with survival and progress in breast and kidney cancers,Oncotarget,2017,第11作者
(9)Mitochondrial DNA plays an equal role in influencing female and male longevity in Chinese centenarians,Experimental Gerontology,2016,第11作者
(10)Exploring the maternal history of the Tai people,Journal of Human Genetics,2016,第11作者
(11)Progress on the role of DNA methylation in aging and longevity,Progress on the role of DNA methylation in aging and longevity,2016,第2作者
(12)Large-scale DNA methylation expression analysis across 12 solid cancers reveals hypermethylation in the calcium-signaling pathway,Oncotarget,2016,第11作者
(13)Insights into long noncoding RNAs of naked mole rat (Heterocephalus glaber) and their potential association with cancer resistance,Epigenetics & Chromatin,2016,第11作者
(14)ERCC6L, a DNA helicase, is involved in cell proliferation and associated with survival and progress in breast and kidney cancers,Oncotarget,2016,第11作者
(15)Familial longevity study reveals a significant association of mitochondrial DNA copy number between centenarians and their offspring,Neurobiology of Aging,2016,第11作者
(16)Improved lipids, diastolic pressure and kidney function are potential contributors to familial longevity: a study on 60 Chinese centenarian families,Scientific Reports,2016,第11作者
(17)Sex-specific association of rs** of VCL gene with hypertension in two Han populations from Southern China,Scientific Reports,2015,第11作者
(18)The whole mitochondrial genome of the Cynomolgus macaque (Macaca fascicularis),Mitochondrial DNA,2015,第11作者
(19)A dual origin of the Tibetans: evidence from mitochondrial genomes,Journal of Human Genetics,2015,第11作者
(20)Decline in blood hemoglobin concentrations is associated with familial longevity,Archives of Biological Sciences,2015,第11作者
(21)Absence of mutation in miR-34a gene in a Chinese longevity population,Zoological Research,2015,第11作者
(22)Discovery of the Fuyan teeth: challenging or complementing the out-of-Africa scenario?,Zoological Research,2015,第11作者
(23)Ancient inland human dispersals from Myanmar into interior East Asia since the Late Pleistocene,Scientific Report,2015,第11作者
(24)Agenetic contribution from the Far East into Ashkenazi Jews via the ancient Silk Road,Scientific Report,2015,第11作者
(25)A Genome-Wide Scan Reveals Important Roles of DNA Methylation in Human Longevity by Regulating Age-Related Disease Genes ,PLOS ONE,2015,第11作者
(26)Decreased thyroid function changes with age and may contribute to longevity in Chinese centenarians’ families,Journal of the American Geriatrics Society,2015,第11作者
(27)Mitochondrial DNA content contributes to healthy aging in Chinese: a study from nonagenarians and centenarians,Neurobiology of Aging,2014,第11作者
(28)The MNS16A polymorphism of TERT gene in peri-centenarians from Han Chinese Population,SCIENCE CHINA Life Sciences,2014,第11作者
(29)The reduction of vascular disease risk mutations contributes to longevity in Chinese,Meta Gene,2014,第11作者
(30)Reappraising the relationship between mitochondrial DNA variant m.16189T-C and type 2 diabetes mellitus in East Asian populations,Current Molecular Medicine,2014,第11作者
(31)Absence of A673T variant in APP gene indicates an alternative protectivemechanism contributing to longevity in Chinese individuals ,Neurobiology of Aging,2014,第11作者
(32) Association of the insulin-like growth factor binding protein 3 (IGFBP-3) polymorphism rs** with longevity in Chinese nonagenarians and centenarians,Aging-US,2014,第11作者
(33)Decreased thyroid function changes with age and may contribute to longevity in Chinese centenarians’ families,Journal of the American Geriatrics Society ,2014,第11作者
(34)A decrease of mitochondrial DNA copy number contributes to high-altitude adaptation in Tibetans,Mitochondrial DNA,2014,第11作者
(35)Evaluating the susceptibility of mitochondrial DNA germline mutations in Chinese cancer patients,Current Molecular Medicine,2014,第11作者
(36)Assessment of the health status of centenarians in the South of China: a cross-sectional study,Journal of the American Geriatrics Society ,2014,第11作者
(37)Deciphering the signature of selective constraints on cancerous mitochondrial genome,Molecular Biology and Evolution,2012,第11作者
(38)Revisiting the role of the Himalayas in peopling Nepal: new insights from mitochondrial DNA genomes,Journal of Human Genetics,2012,第11作者
(39)Uncovering the profile of somatic mtDNA mutations in colorectal cancer patients,PLoS ONE,2011,第11作者
(40)Large-scale mtDNA screening reveals a surprising matrilineal complexity in East Asia and its implications to the peopling of the Region,Molecular Biology and Evolution,2011,第11作者
(41)Inland post-Glacial dispersals in East Asia revealed by mitochondrial haplogroup M9a’b,BMC Biology,2011,第11作者
(42)Tracing the Austronesian footprint in mainland Southeast Asia: a perspective from mitochondrial DNA,Molecular Biology and Evolution,2010,第11作者
(43)Mitochondrial genome evidence reveals successful Late Paleolithic settlement on the Tibetan Plateau,PNAS,2009,第11作者
(44)Distilling artificial recombinants from large sets of complete mtDNA genomes,PLoS ONE,2008,第1作者
(45)Somatic mutations of mitochondrial genome in early stage breast cancer,International Journal of Cancer ,2007,第11作者
(46)Updating the East Asian mtDNA phylogeny: a prerequisite for the identification of pathogenic mutations,Human Molecular Genetics,2006,第11作者
(47)The dazzling array of basal branches in the mtDNA macrohaplogroup M from India as inferred from complete genomes,Molecular Biology and Evolution,2006,第1作者
(48)Different matrilineal contributions to genetic structure of ethnic groups in the Silk Road region in China,Molecular Biology and Evolution ,2004,第1作者
(49)Phylogeny of East Asian mitochondrial DNA lineages inferred from complete sequences,American Journal of Human Genetics,2003,第1作者


科研项目( 1 ) 东亚人群源流历史及演化研究, 主持,市地级,2009-09--2012-08
( 2 ) 东亚人群线粒体DNA系统基因组学研究, 主持,市地级,2011-01--2012-12
( 3 ) 缅甸人群的族源历史研究——来自线粒体DNA的证据, 主持,国家级,2010-01--2012-12
( 4 ) 基因组尺度的动物适应性进化, 参与,国家级,2011-01--2013-12
( 5 ) 衰老的机制与干预的基础研究, 参与,国家级,2007-01--2011-12
( 6 ) 云南乳腺癌分子机理及诊治研究与技术中心建设, 参与,省级,2009-01--2011-12
( 7 ) 基于线粒体基因组研究云南长寿人群的遗传基础, 主持,省级,2011-10--2014-09
( 8 ) 人类进化遗传学, 主持,国家级,2014-01--2016-12
( 9 ) 科技创新交叉与合作团队-老年痴呆症研究团队, 主持,部委级,2013-01--2015-12
( 10 ) 高原低氧环境的快速习服与长期适应机制研究, 参与,国家级,2012-01--2016-12
( 11 ) 食管癌呼吸链编码核基因的体细胞突变模式及其自然选择信号研究, 主持,国家级,2013-01--2016-12
( 12 ) 适应性进化的分子机制研究, 参与,国家级,2012-01--2015-12
( 13 ) 中国人群精准医学研究计划, 参与,部委级,2015-09--2016-06
( 14 ) 健康长寿人群维持良好线粒体功能的分子机制研究, 主持,部委级,2016-01--2018-12
( 15 ) 基于线粒体基因组和Y染色体遗传信息追溯美洲印第安人的源流历史, 主持,国家级,2017-01--2021-12
( 16 ) 健康长寿人群基因组表观修饰模式及功能作用研究, 主持,部委级,2016-08--2020-12
( 17 ) 中国健康长寿人群基因组DNA甲基化修饰模式及其功能作用 研究, 主持,国家级,2018-01--2020-12
( 18 ) 中国科学院昆明动物研究所健康衰老分子机理研究与应用省创新团队, 主持,省级,2017-08--2020-08
( 19 ) 昆明市健康衰老分子机理研究及应用重点实验室, 主持,研究所(学校),2018-01--2020-12
( 20 ) 人类早期活动及其对高寒环境的适应策略, 主持,部委级,2018-01--2022-12
( 21 ) 中国健康长寿大人群多队列的系统研究, 主持,国家级,2018-12--2022-12

(2)Transcriptomic insights into the protective factors in Chinese centenarians亚洲衰老研究研讨会2018-03-18
(4)Deciphering the signature of selective constraints on cancerous mitochondrial genome全球华人遗传学大会孔庆鹏2012-07-06
(5)mtDNA phylogenomics in East Asia第三届国际线粒体生物医学学术会议孔庆鹏2009-08-10



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