

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-05-12

出生年月:1982.03 性 别:男
籍 贯:山东章丘 政治面貌:中共党员
毕业院校:中国石油大学(北京) 学 历:博士
专 业:化学工程与技术 E-mail:weiyc@cup.edu.cn
联系电话:** 博士招生专业:化学
09/2008- 07/2012 重质油国家重点实验室/化学化工学院 博士研究生
09/2001- 07/2008 化学化工学院/济南大学 本科、硕士研究生
07/2018–至今 应用化学系/理学院 教授
08/2017 –至今 应用化学系/理学院 校“优秀青年”(教授待遇)
04/2015–04/2016 化学与石油工程系 博士后
Kansas University(堪萨斯大学/美国)Prof. Franklin Tao
07/2014 –07/2018 应用化学系/理学院 副教授
06/2012- 06/2014 应用化学系/理学院 讲师
8. 移动源污染排放控制技术国家工程实验室开放基金项目(No. NELMS2017A05: 面向国六的高性能大孔基柴油炭烟燃烧催化剂涂层研究,2018.1-2020.12,20万元 在研
7. 中国石油大学(北京)“优秀青年培育计划” 项目 (No. 242017QNXZ02):高活性炭烟燃烧催化材料的设计、制备及其催化性能,2018.1-2020.12,30万元 在研
6. 国家自然科学基金面上1项(NO. **: 基于原位表征技术和活性位结构可控调变的多级孔炭烟燃烧催化剂研究,2017.1-2020.12,65 万元 在研
5. 国家自然科学基金1项(NO. **: 具有高密度活性位的三维有序大孔基催化剂设计、制备及对柴油炭烟催化燃烧性能研究,2014.1-2016.12,25 万元 已结题
4. 北京市科委“北京市科技新星”(No. Z**4072:新型大孔基催化剂的设计、制备及机动车排放颗粒物催化净化性能研究,2014.7-2017.6,35万元 已结题
3. 教育部高等学校博士学科点基金1(No. 20**1):铈基氧化物担载纳米金颗粒催化剂的制备及其对柴油炭烟催化燃烧反应机理的研究,2014.1-2016.12, 4万元 已结题
2. 中国石油大学(北京)科研启动基金1(No. **YJRC13):新型有序大孔氧化物担载Pt基催化剂的制备及其对柴油炭烟催化燃烧性能研究,2013.1-2015.12,10万元 已结题
1. 中国石油大学(北京)拔尖人才基金1(No. **BJRC003):高性能柴油炭烟燃烧大孔氧化物担载贵金属催化剂的制备及催化机理研究,2013.7-2016.6,20万元已结题
6. 国家高技术研究发展计划(863计划)主题项目课题,2015AA030903、致霾汽车尾气治理纳米催化材料的关键技术和工程应用、2015/01-2017/12、930 万元/承担40万元、在研、参加-研究骨干。
5. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,**、柴油车排放PM2.5氧化消除催化剂在过滤器表面的涂覆规律以及台架性能研究、2015/01-2018/12、90.00 万元、在研、参加-研究骨干。
4. 北京市优秀博士学位论文专项资助项目,、机动车尾气排放PM2.5催化消除的台架研究、2014/01-2015/012、50.00 万元、在研、参加-研究骨干。
3. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,**、新型三维有序大孔氧化物担载纳米Au-Mx合金催化剂的制备及其对才有炭烟颗粒物氧化反应的催化作用研究、2012/01-2015/12、60.00 万元、在研、参加-研究骨干。
2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,**、FCC 汽油选择性加氢脱硫新型L 沸石基催化剂及反应机理研究、2011/01-2013/12、37.00 万元、已结题、参加-研究骨干。
1. 国家高技术研究发展计划(863计划)专题项目,2009AA06Z313、柴油车尾气净化催化剂-两段组合四效催化技术研究、2010/06-2012/06、94.00 万元、已结题、参加-研究骨干。

22. 2017年刘坚,赵震,韦岳长,于富红,张鹏,王虹,宋卫余,中国石油和化学工业联合会科学技术奖,技术发明奖二等奖,高颗粒物浓度下氮氧化物还原的催化技术。
21. 2016年国际学术会议EECAT 2nd 2016的“Excellent Poster”
20. 2016年8月中国能源学会能源与环境专业委员会副秘书长
19. 2014年北京市科委“北京市科技新星”荣誉称号及人才类基金项目。
18. 2013年北京市教育委员会“优秀博士学位论文”。
17. 2013年获中国石油大学(北京)“青年拔尖人才”荣誉称号。
16. 2013年中国石油大学(北京)校级“优秀博士学位论文”。
15. 2012年获国际催化联合理事会“Young Scientist Award”(青年科学家奖)(15th ICC,慕尼黑,全世界每四年评一次)。
14. 2011年度中国科学技术发展基金会“孙越崎科技教育基金优秀学生奖”获得者,作为获奖学生代表发言。(本校博士仅一人
13. 2011年度北京中国石油大学教育基金会“王涛英才奖学金”获得者。(本校博士仅一人
12. 2010年第十七届全国稀土催化学术会议上被中国稀土学会催化专业委员会评选为“大会优秀论文”。
11. 2011年第十八届全国稀土催化学术会议上被中国稀土学会催化专业委员会评选为“优秀论文”。
10. 2011年第七届全国环境催化与环境材料学术会议被中国环境催化委员会评为“大会优秀论文”。
9. 2012年荣获北京市教委“北京市普通高等学校2012届优秀毕业生”荣誉称号。
8. 2010年度中国石油大学(北京)“校优秀博士论文培养基金资助”获得者。(共三人)
7. 2011年中国石油大学(北京)第七届研究生“学术之星”。(共五人)
6. 2011年中国石油大学(北京)第一届研究生学术论坛“优秀口头报告”。(共四人)
5. 2011年荣获2010-2011学年度中国石油大学(北京)“三好学生”荣誉称号。
4. 2010年荣获2009-2010年度中国石油大学(北京)一等奖学金—“神雾奖学金”和“三好学生” 荣誉称号。
3. 2010年荣获2009-2010学年度中国石油大学(北京)“优秀研究生”荣誉称号。
2. 2010年度“重质油国家重点实验室工作优秀奖”。
1. 2011年中国石油大学(北京)“中石大油气杯”第二届大学生节能减排社会实践与科技竞赛 二等奖 负责人。
(29) Yilong Zhao,? Yuechang Wei,?* (Co-first author) Xingxing Wu, Huiling Zheng, Zhen Zhao,* Jian Liu,* Jianmei Li, Graphene-wrapped Pt/TiO2 Photocatalysts with Enhanced Photogenerated Charges Separation and Reactant Adsorption for High Selective Photoreduction of CO2 to CH4, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2018, 226, 360-372. (IF: 9.446) JCR环境1
(30) Junbin Tan,? Yuechang Wei,? (Co-first author) Yuanqing Sun, Jian Liu,* Zhen Zhao, Weiyu Song, Jianmei Li, Xiao ZhangSimultaneous removal of NOxand soot particulates from diesel engine exhaust by 3DOM Fe-Mn oxide catalysts, In Press, doi.org/10.1016/j.jiec.2018.02.002
(28) WEI Yuechang,a,* WU Qiangqiang,a XIONG Jing,a LIU Jian,a ZHAO Zhena,*, Fabrication of ultrafine Pd nanoparticles on 3D ordered macroporous TiO2 enhanced catalytic activity for diesel soot combustion, Chinese Journal of Catalysis, Accepted.
(27) Long Tang, Zhen Zhao*, Yuechang Wei*, Jian Liu, Kaixiang Li, Study on the Coating of Nano-particle and 3DOM LaCoO3 Perovskite-type Complex Oxide on Cordierite Monolith and the Catalytic Performances for Soot Oxidation: The Effect of Washcoat Materials of Alumina, Silica and Titania, Catalysis Today, 2017, 297, 131-142. IF: 4.636
(26) Baofang Jin, Yuechang Wei*, Zhen Zhao*, Jian Liu, Yazhao Li, Renjie Li, Aijun Duan, Guiyuan Jiang, Three-dimensionally ordered macroporous CeO2/Al2O3-supported Au nanoparticle catalysts: effects of CeO2 nanolayers on catalytic activity in soot oxidation, Chinese Journal of Catalysis, 2017, 38: 1629-1641. JCR工程2区,IF: 2.813
(25) Yuechang Wei, Jinqing Jiao, Xindong Zhang, Baofang Jin, Zhen Zhao*, Jing Xiong, Yazhao Li, Jian Liu, Jianmei Li, The catalysts of self-assembled Pt@CeO2-δ-rich core-shell nanoparticles on 3D ordered macroporous Ce1-xZrxO2 for soot oxidation: Nanostructure-dependent catalytic activity, Nanoscale, 2017,9, 4558-4571. (IF: 7.367) JCR工程材料1区
(24) Jinqing Jiao,? Yuechang Wei,?* (Co-first author) Yilong Zhao, Zhen Zhao,* Aijun Duan, Jian Liu, Youyong Pang, Jianmei Li, Guiyuan Jiang, Yajun Wang, AuPd/3DOM-TiO2 Catalysts for Photocatalytic Reduction of CO2: High Efficient Separation of Photogenerated Charge Carriers, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2017, 209, 228-239. (IF: 9.446) JCR环境1
(23) Yazhao Li,Yuhao Du,Yuechang Wei,*Zhen Zhao,*Baofang Jin,Xindong ZhangandJian Liu, Catalysts of 3D ordered macroporous ZrO2-supported core–shell Pt@CeO2?xnanoparticles: effect of the optimized Pt–CeO2interface on improving the catalytic activity and stability of soot oxidation, Catalysis Science & Technology, 2017, 7, 968-981. (IF: 5.773) JCR化学2
(22) Jinqing Jiao,? Yuechang Wei,?*(Co-first author) Kebin Chi, Zhen Zhao,* Aijun Duan, Jian Liu, Guiyuan Jiang, Yajun Wang, Xilong Wang, Changcun Han, Peng Zheng, Photonic Crystal TiO2-Supported Pt Nanoparticles: Highly Active Photocatalysts for the Reduction of CO2 with H2O, Energy Technology, 2017, 5(6), 877-883. (EISCI、德国)JCR工程2区,IF: 2.789
(21) Baofang Jin, Yuechang Wei,* Zhen Zhao,* Jian Liu, Guiyuan Jiang, Aijun Duan, Effects of Au–Ce strong interactions on catalytic activity of Au/CeO2/3DOM Al2O3 catalyst for soot combustion under loose contact conditions. Chinese Journal of Catalysis, 2016, 37, 923-933. JCR工程3区,IF: 2.813
(20) Yuechang Wei, Jinqing Jiao, Zhen Zhao,* Wenjia Zhong, Jianmei Li, Jian Liu,* Guiyuan Jiang, and Aijun Duan, 3D ordered macroporous TiO2-supported Pt@CdS core-shell nanoparticles: Design, synthesis and efficient photocatalytic conversion of CO2 with water to methane, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2015, 3, 11074 - 11085. (IF: 8.867) JCR工程材料1
(19) Yuechang Wei,? Jinqing Jiao,? Zhen Zhao,* Jian Liu,* Jianmei Li, Guiyuan Jiang, Yajun Wang and Aijun Duan, Fabrication of Inverse Opal TiO2-Supported Au@CdS Core-Shell Nanoparticles for Efficient Photocatalytic CO2 Conversion, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2015, 179, 422-432. (IF: 9.446) JCR环境1
(18) Yuechang Wei, Zhen Zhao*, Jinqing Jiao, Jian Liu*, Aijun Duan, Guiyuan Jiang, Facile Synthesis of Three-Dimensionally Ordered Macroporous LaFeO3-Supported Gold Nanoparticle Catalysts with High Catalytic Activity and Stability for Soot Combustion, Catalysis Today, 2015, 245, 37-45. (IF: 4.636)
(17) Yuechang Wei, Zhen Zhao,* Baofang Jin, Xuehua Yu, Jinqing Jiao, Kaixiang Li, Jian Liu, Synthesis of AuPt alloy nanoparticles supported on 3D ordered macroporous oxide with enhanced catalytic performance for soot combustion, Catalysis Today, 2015, 251, 103-113. (IF: 4.636)
(16) Jinqing Jiao, Yuechang Wei,*,? (Co-first author) Zhen Zhao,* Wenjia Zhong, Jian Liu, Jianmei Li, Aijun Duan, Guiyuan Jiang, Synthesis of 3D ordered macroporous TiO2-supported Au nanoparticle photocatalysts and their photocatalytic performances for the reduction of CO2 to methane. Catalysis Today, 2015, 258, 319-326. (IF: 4.636)
(15) Baofang Jin, Yuechang Wei,* Zhen Zhao,* Jian Liu, Xuehua Yu, Yazhao Li, Jianmei Li, Synthesis of three-dimensionally ordered macroporous Al-Ce mixed oxide catalysts with high catalytic activity and stability for diesel soot combustion, Catalysis Today, 2015, 258, 487-497. (IF: 4.636)
(14) Xuehua, Yu, Zhen Zhao,* Yuechang Wei,* Jian Liu, Jianmei Li, Aijun Duan, Guiyuan Jiang, Three-dimensionally ordered macroporous SiO2-supported transition metal oxide catalysts: Facile synthesis and high catalytic activity for diesel soot combustion, RSC Advances, 2015, 5, 49780-49790. (IF: 3.108)
(13) Yuechang Wei, Zhen Zhao,* Jian Liu, Shetian Liu, Chunming Xu,* Aijun Duan, Guiyuan Jiang, Multifunctional catalysts of three-dimensionally ordered macroporous oxide-supported Au@Pt core-shell nanoparticles with high catalytic activity and stability for soot oxidation, Journal of Catalysis, 2014, 317, 62-74. (IF: 6.844) JCR工程材料1
(12) Yuechang Wei, Zhen Zhao,* Teng Li, Jian Liu, Aijun Duan, Guiyuan Jiang, The novel catalysts of truncated polyhedron Pt nanoparticles supported on three-dimensionally ordered macroporous oxides (Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu) with nanoporous walls for soot combustion, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2014, 146, 57-70. (IF: 9.446) JCR环境1
(11) Yuechang Wei, Zhao Zhen*, Jinqing Jiao, Liu Jian, Duan Aijun, Jiang Guiyuan, Preparation of Ultrafine Ce-based Oxide Nanoparticles and Their Catalytic Performances for Diesel Soot Combustion, Journal of Rare Earths, 2014, 32, 124-130. (IF: 2.429)
(10) Jinqing Jiao,? Yuechang Wei,*,? (Co-first author) Zhen Zhao,* Jian Liu, Jianmei Li, Aijun Duan, and Guiyuan Jiang, Photocatalysts of 3D Ordered Macroporous TiO2?Supported CeO2 Nanolayers: Design, Preparation, and Their Catalytic Performances for the Reduction of CO2 with H2O under Simulated Solar Irradiation, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2014, 53 (44), 17345–17354. (IF: 2.843)
(9) Xuehua Yu, Jianmei Li, Yuechang Wei,* Zhen Zhao,* Jian Liu, Baofang Jin, Aijun Duan, Guiyuan Jiang, Three-dimensionally Ordered Macroporous MnxCe1-xOδ and Pt/Mn0.5Ce0.5Oδ Catalysts: Synthesis and Catalytic Performance for Soot Oxidation, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2014, 53, 9653-9664. (IF: 2.843)
(8) Yuechang Wei, Zhen Zhao*, Jian Liu, Chunming Xu*, Guiyuan Jiang, Aijun Duan, Design and Synthesis of 3D Ordered Macroporous CeO2-Supported Pt@CeO2-δ Core-Shell Nanoparticle Materials for Enhanced Catalytic Activity of Soot Oxidation, Small, 2013, 9, 3957-3963. (IF: 8.643) JCR工程材料1
(7) Yuechang Wei, Zhen Zhao,* Xuehua Yu, Baofang Jin, Jian Liu,* Chunming Xu, Aijun Duan, Guiyuan Jianga and Shuhua Ma*, One-Pot Synthesis of Core-Shell Au@CeO2-δ Nanoparticles Supported on Three-Dimensionally Ordered Marcoporous ZrO2 with Enhanced Catalytic Activity and Stability for Soot Combustion, Catalytic Science & Technology, 2013, 3, 2958-2970. (IF: 5.773) JCR化学2
(6) Yuechang Wei, Jian Liu, Zhen Zhao,* Aijun Duan, Guiyuan Jiang, Structural and synergistic effects of three-dimensionally ordered macroporous Ce0.8Zr0.2O2-supported Pt nanoparticles on the catalytic performance for soot combustion, Applied Catalysis A: General 2013, 453, 250-261. (IF: 4.339)
(5) Yuechang Wei, Jian Liu, Zhen Zhao,* Aijun Duan, Guiyuan Jiang, The catalysts of three-dimensionally ordered macroporous Ce1-xZrxO2-supported gold nanoparticles for soot combustion: The metal-support interaction, Journal of Catalysis, 2012, 287, 13-29. (IF: 6.844) JCR工程材料1
(4) Yuechang Wei, Xi-Kui Wang, Weilin Guo, Jingang Wang, The degradation of azo dye Reactive brilliant red K-2BP in water by ultrasound radiation combined with zero-valent iron, Environmental Engineering Science, 2012, 29: 399-405. (IF: 1.426)
(3) Yuechang Wei, Jian Liu*, Zhen Zhao*, Yongsheng Chen, Chunming Xu, Aijun Duan, Guiyuan Jiang, and Hong He, Highly Active Catalysts of Gold Nanoparticles Supported on Three-Dimensionally Ordered Macroporous LaFeO3 for Soot Oxidation, Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2011, 50, 2326-2329 & Angewandte Chemie, 2011, 123, 2374-2377. (IF: 11.994) JCR化学1
(2) Yuechang Wei, Jian Liu,* Zhen Zhao,* Aijun Duan, Guiyuan Jiang, Chunming Xu, Jinsen Gao, Hong He and Xinping Wang, Three-dimensionally ordered macroporous Ce0.8Zr0.2O2-supported gold nanoparticles: synthesis with controllable size and high catalytic performance for soot oxidation, Energy & Environmental Science, 2011, 4, 2959-2970. (IF: 29.518) JCR化学1
(1) Yuechang Wei, Jian Liu, Zhen Zhao,* Guiyuan Jiang, Aijun Duan, Hong He, Xinping Wang. Preparation and Characterization of Co0.2/Ce1-xZrxO2 Catalysts and Their Catalytic Activity for Soot Combustion. Chinese Journal of Catalysis, 2010, 31: 283~288. JCR工程3区,IF: 2.813

(71) Ying Cheng, Jian Liu?, Zhen Zhao, Weiyu Song, Yuechang Wei, A new 3DOM Ce-Fe-Ti material for simultaneously catalytic removal of PM and NOx from diesel engines, Journal of Hazardous Materials 342 (2018) 317–325.
(70) Yongheng Li?, Weiyu Song ?, Jian Liu*, Zhen Zhao, Manglai Gao, Yuechang Wei, Qi Wang, Jianlin Deng, The protection of CeO2 thin film on Cu-SAPO-18 catalyst for highly stable catalytic NH3-SCR performance, Chemical Engineering Journal 330 (2017) 926–935.
(69) Huadong Wu, Aijun Duan,* Zhen Zhao,* Chunming Xu, Guiyuan Jiang, Jian Liu, Yuechang Wei, Jianmei Li, Kebin Chi, Jia Guo, Restricted diffusion of model sulfides over a NiMo/ BK catalyst under hydrodesulfurization reaction conditions, RSC Advance, 2017, 7, 44340–44347.
(68) Xuehua Yu, Lanyi Wang, Prof. Zhen Zhao*, Xiaoqiang Fan, Maozhong Chen, Yuechang Wei, Jian Liu, 3DOM SiO2-Supported Different Alkali Metals-Modified MnOx Catalysts: Preparation and Catalytic Performance for Soot combustion, ChemistrySelect, 2017, 2, 10176–10185. 4区
(67) Zhichen Duan,Kebin Chi,Jian Liu*,Juan Shi,Zhen Zhao,Yuechang Wei,Weiyu Song,The catalytic performances and reaction mechanism of nanoparticle Cd/Ce–Ti oxide catalysts for NH3-SCR reaction, RSC Adv., 2017,7, 50127-50134.
(66) Jinqing Jiao, Jianye Fu, Yuechang Wei, Zhen Zhao, Aijun Duan, Chunming Xu, Jianmei Li, Hao Song, Peng Zheng, Xilong Wang, Yannan Yang, Yang Liu, Al-modified dendritic mesoporous silica nanospheres-supported NiMo catalysts for the hydrodesulfurization of dibenzothiophene: Efficient accessibility of active sites and suitable metal–support interaction, Journal of Catalysis 356 (2017) 269-282.
(65) Jiacheng Li, Jianmei Li, Zhen Zhao, Xiaoqiang Fan, Jian Liu, Yuechang Wei, Aijun Duan, Zean Xie, Qinglong Liu, Size effect of TS-1 supports on the catalytic performance of PtSn/TS-1 catalysts for propane dehydrogenation[J]. Journal of Catalysis, 2017, 352: 361-370.
(64) Qi Wang,Jian Liu*,Yongheng Li,Zhen Zhao,Weiyu Song,Yuechang Wei, Mesoporous Co3O4 supported Pt catalysts for low-temperature oxidation of acetylene[J]. RSC Advances, 2017, 7(30): 18592-18600.
(63) Honglei Zhang, Longnian Han, Aijun Duan *, Chunming Xu*, Zhen Zhao, Yuechang Wei, Guiyuan Jiang, Jian Liu, Dong Wang, Zesheng Xia, Synthesis of micro-mesoporous materials ZSM-5/FDU-12 and the performance of dibenzothiophene hydrodesulfurization[J]. RSC Advances, 2017, 7(45): 28038-28047.
(62) Jixing Liu, Jian Liu,* Zhen Zhao, Yuechang Wei, Weiyu Song, Fe-Beta@CeO2core-shell catalyst with tunable shell thickness for selective catalytic reduction of NOxwith NH3, AICHE Journal, 2017, 63, 4430–4441.
(61) Jixing Liu, Jian Liu*, Zhen Zhao, Yuechang Wei, Weiyu Song, Jianmei Li, and Xiao Zhang, A unique Fe/Beta@ TiO2 core-shell catalyst by small-grain molecular sieve as the core and TiO2 nano-size thin film as the shell for the removal of NOx[J]. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2017. 56(20): 5833-5842.
(60) Yajun Wang, Juan Chen, Quan Xu, Yan Li, Tie Fu, Guiyuan Jiang, Yuming Li, Zhen Zhao, Yuechang Wei, Novel visible-light-driven S-doped carbon dots/BiOI nanocomposites: improved photocatalytic activity and mechanism insight[J]. Journal of Materials Science, 2017, 52(12): 7282-7293.
(59) Ying Cheng , Jian Liu*, Zhen Zhao, Yuechang Wei, Weiyu Song, Chunming Xu, The simultaneous purification of PM and NOx in diesel engine exhausts over a single 3DOM Ce 0.9? x Fe 0.1 Zr x O 2 catalyst[J]. Environmental Science: Nano, 2017, 4(5): 1168-1177.
(58) Ying Cheng, Weiyu Song, Jian Liu, Huiling Zheng, Zhen Zhao, Chunming Xu, Yuechang Wei, Emiel J. M. Hensen, Simultaneous NO x and Particulate Matter Removal from Diesel Exhaust by Hierarchical Fe-Doped Ce–Zr Oxide[J]. ACS Catalysis, 2017, 7(6): 3883-3892.
(57) Ying Cheng, Jian Liu, Zhen Zhao, Weiyu Song, Yuechang Wei, Highly efficient and simultaneously catalytic removal of PM and NO x from diesel engines with 3DOM Ce 0.8 M 0.1 Zr 0.1 O 2 (M= Mn, Co, Ni) catalysts[J]. Chemical Engineering Science, 2017, 167: 219-228.
(56) Xuehua Yu, Zhen Zhao*, Yuechang Wei, Jian Liu, Ordered micro/macro porous K-OMS-2/SiO2 nanocatalysts: Facile synthesis, low cost and high catalytic activity for diesel soot combustion. Sci. Rep. 7, 43894; doi: 10.1038/srep43894 (2017).
(55) Jixing Liu, Yuhao Du, Jian Liu, Zhen Zhao, Kai Cheng, Yongsheng Chen, Yuechang Wei, Weiyu Song, Xiao Zhang, Design of MoFe/Beta@CeO2 catalysts with a core-shell structure and their catalytic performances for the selective catalytic reduction of NO with NH3, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2017, 203, 704-714.
(54) Kai Cheng, Weiyu Song, Ying Cheng, Jian Liu, Zhen Zhao, Yuechang Wei, Selective catalytic reduction over size-tunable rutile TiO2 nanorod microsphere-supported CeO2 catalysts, Catalysis Science & Technology, 2016, 6, 4478-4490.
(53) Weiyu Song, Jian Liu, Huiling Zheng, Sicong Ma, Yuechang Wei, Aijun Duan, Guiyuan Jiang, Zhen Zhao, Emiel J. M. Hensen, A mechanistic DFT study of low temperature SCR of NO with NH3 on MnCe1-xO2(111), Catalysis Science & Technology, 2016, 6, 2120-2128.
(52) Jing Han, Guiyuan Jiang, Shanlei Han, Jia Liu, Yaoyuan Zhang, Yeming Liu, Ruipu Wang, Zhen Zhao, Chunming Xu, Yajun Wang, Aijun Duan, Jian Liu, Yuechang Wei, The Fabrication of Ga2O3/ZSM-5 Hollow Fibers for Efficient Catalytic Conversion of n-Butane into Light Olefins and Aromatics, Catalysis, 2016,6(1), 13.
(51) Qinglong Liu, Jianmei Li, Zhen Zhao, Manglai Gao, Lian Kong, Jian Liu, Yuechang Wei, Synthesis, characterization, and catalytic performances of potassium-modified molybdenum-incorporated KIT-6 mesoporous silica catalysts for the selective oxidation of propane to acrolein, Journal of Catalysis, 2016, 344, 38-52
(50) Xiaofeng Cui, Guiyuan Jiang, Zhen Zhao*, Chunming Xu, Weikun Bai, Yajun Wang, Aijun Duan, Jian Liu, Yuechang Wei, Facile regulation of crystalline phases and exposed facets on Ti3+ self-doped TiO2 for efficient photocatalytic hydrogen evolution, Journal of Materials Science, 2016, 51, 10819-10832
(49) Jixing Liu, Fuhong Yu, Jian Liu, Lifeng Cui, Zhen Zhao, Yuechang Wei, Qianyao Sun, Synthesis and kinetics investigation of meso-microporous Cu-SAPO-34 catalysts for the selective catalytic reduction of NO with ammonia, Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2016, 48, 45-58.
(48) Yongheng Li, Jianlin Deng, Weiyu Song, Jian Liu, Zhen Zhao, Manglai Gao, Yuechang Wei, Liang Zhao, Nature of Cu Species in Cu-SAPO-18 Catalyst for NH3-SCR: Combination of Experiments and DFT Calculations, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2016, 120, 14669-14680.
(47) Lian Kong, Jianmei Li, Qinglong Liu, Zhen Zhao, Qianyao Sun, Jian Liu, Yuechang Wei, Promoted catalytic performances of highly dispersed V-doped SBA-16 catalysts for oxidative dehydrogenation of ethane to ethylene, Journal of Energy Chemistry, 2016, 25, 577- 586.
(46) Jixing Liu, Jian Liu, Zhen Zhao, Weiyu Song, Yuechang Wei, Aijun Duan, Guiyuan Jiang, Synthesis of a chabazite-supported copper catalyst with full mesopores for selective catalytic reduction of nitrogen oxides at low temperature, Chinese Journal of Catalysis, 2016, 37, 750-759.
(45) Lian Kong, Jianmei Li, Zhen Zhao, Qinglong Liu, Qianyao Sun, Jian Liu, Yuechang Wei, Oxidative dehydrogenation of ethane to ethylene over Mo-incorporated mesoporous SBA-16 catalysts: The effect of MoOx dispersion, Applied Catalysis A: General, 2016, 510, 84-97.
(44) Qinglong Liu, Jianmei Li, Zhen Zhao, Manglai Gao, Lian Kong, Jian Liu, Yuechang Wei, Design, synthesis and catalytic performance of vanadium-incorporated mesoporous silica KIT-6 catalysts for the oxidative dehydrogenation of propane to propylene, Catalysis Science & Technology, 2016, 6, 5927-5941.
(43) Xia Xiao, Yaoyuan Zhang, Guiyuan Jiang, Jia Liu, Shanlei Han, Zhen Zhao, Ruipu Wang, Cong Li, Chunming Xu, Aijun Duan, Yajun Wang, Jian Liu, Yuechang Wei, Simultaneous realization of high catalytic activity and stability for catalytic cracking of n-heptane on highly exposed (010) crystal planes of nanosheet ZSM-5 zeolite, Chemical Communications, 2016, 52, 10068-10071.
(42) Jixing Liu, Weiyu Song, Chi Xu,a Jian Liu,* Zhen Zhao, Yuechang Wei, Aijun Duan and Guiyuan Jiang, The selective catalytic reduction of NOx over a Cu/ZSM-5/SAPO-34 composite catalyst, RSC Advance, 2015,5, 104923-104931
(41) Jianye Fu, Peng Zheng, Peng Du, Aijun Duan,* Zhen Zhao,* Guiyuan Jiang, Jian Liu, Yuechang Wei, Chunming Xu, Kebin Chi, Zirconium modified TUD-1 mesoporous catalysts for the hydrodesulfurization of FCC diesel, Applied Catalysis A: General, 2015, 502, 320-328.
(40) Xuehua Yu, Zhen Zhao, Yuechang Wei, Jian Liu, Jianmei Li, Aijun Duan, Guiyuan Jiang. Synthesis of K-doped three-dimensionally ordered macroporous Mn0.5Ce0.5Oδ catalysts and their catalytic performance for soot oxidation.Chinese Journal of Catalysis,2015, 36(11), 1957-1967.
(39) Chi Xu, Jian Liu, Zhen Zhao, Fei Yu, Kai Cheng, Yuechang Wei, Aijun Duan, Guiyuan Jiang, NH3-SCR denitration catalyst performance over vanadium-titanium with the addition of Ce and Sb, Journal of Environmental Sciences (China), 2015, 31, 74-80.
(38) Kai Cheng, Jian Liu, Zhen Zhao, Yuechang Wei, Guiyuan Jiang, Aijun Duan, Direct synthesis of V-W-Ti nanoparticle catalysts for selective catalytic reduction of NO with NH3, RSC Advances, 2015, 5, 45172-45183.
(37) Xiaoqiang Fan, Jianmei Li, Zhen Zhao, Yuechang Wei, Jian Liu, Aijun Duan, Guiyuan Jiang, Dehydrogenation of propane over PtSn/SBA-15 catalysts: effect of the amount of metal loading and state, RSC Advances, 2015, 5, 28305-28315.
(36) Xiaoqiang Fan, Jianmei Li, Zhen Zhao, Yuechang Wei, Jian Liu, Aijun Duan, Guiyuan Jiang, Dehydrogenation of propane over PtSnAl/SBA-15 catalysts: Al addition effect and coke formation analysis, Catalysis Science & Technology, 2015, 5, 339-350.
(35) Xiaofeng Zhou, Shaotong Song, Aijun Duan, Zhen Zhao, Yanjun Gong, Xilong Wang, Jianmei Li, Yuechang Wei, Guiyuan Jiang, Jian Liu, Synthesis of Al-Containing Spherical Mesocellular Silica Foams with Different Pore Sizes and Their Applications as Catalyst Supports for Hydrodesulfurization of Dibenzothiophene, Chemcatchem, 2015, 7, 1948-1960.
(34) Bing Liu, Jian Liu, Teng Li, Zhen Zhao, Xue-Qing Gong, Yu Chen, Aijun Duan, Guiyuan Jiang, Yuechang Wei, Interfacial Effects of CeO2-Supported Pd Nanorod in Catalytic CO Oxidation: A Theoretical Study, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2015, 119, 12923-12934.
(33) Ying Liu, Sheng Zhou, Jianmei Li, Yajun Wang, Guiyuan Jiang, Zhen Zhao, Bing Liu, Xueqing Gong, Aijun Duan, Jian Liu, Yuechang Wei, Liqiang Zhang, Photocatalytic reduction of CO2 with water vapor on surface La-modified TiO2 nanoparticles with enhanced CH4 selectivity, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2015, 168, 125-131.
(32) Aijun Duan, Tianshu Li, Huan Niu, Xu Yang, Zugang Wang, Zhen Zhao, Guiyuan Jiang, Jian Liu, Yuechang Wei, Huifang Pan, Synthesis of a novel zeolite W and application in the catalyst for FCC gasoline hydro-upgrading, Catalysis Today, 2015, 245, 163-171.
(31) Aijun Duan, Tianshu Li, Zhen Zhao, Baijun Liu, Xiaofeng Zhou, Guiyuan Jiang, Jian Liu, Yuechang Wei, Huifang Pan, Synthesis of hierarchically porous L-KIT-6 silica-alumina material and the super catalytic performances for hydrodesulfurization of benzothiophene, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2015, 165, 763-773.
(30) Xu Yang, Aijun Duan, Zhen Zhao, Guiyuan Jiang, Jian Liu, Yuechang Wei, Jianmei Li, Synthesis of L/W Composite Zeolite and Its Application in FCC Gasoline Hydro-upgrading Catalyst, Chemical Journal of Chinese Universities-Chinese, 2015, 36, 336-343.
(29) Dinghong Qi, Aijun Duan, Zhen Zhao, Huadong Wu, Huili Fan, He Fang, Jianmei Li, Guiyuan Jiang, Jian Liu, Yuechang Wei, Xiao Zhang, Catalytic performance and sulfidation behaviors of CoMo/Beta-MCM-48 catalysts prepared with citric acid for FCC gasoline hydroupgrading, Journal of Porous Materials, 2015, 22, 127-135.
(28) Zugang Wang, Jianye Fu, Yunchuan Deng, Aijun Duan, Zhen Zhao, Guiyuan Jiang, Jian Liu, Yuechang Wei, Suoqi Zhao, Synthesis of aluminum-modified 3D mesoporous TUD-1 materials and their hydrotreating performance of FCC diesel, RSC Advances, 2015, 5, 5221-5230.
(27) Qian Liang, Zhen Zhao,* Jian Liu,* Yue-Chang Wei, Gui-Yuan Jiang, Ai-Jun Duan, Pd Nanoparticles Deposited on Metal-Organic Framework of MIL-53(Al): an Active Catalyst for CO Oxidation, ACTA PHYSICO-CHIMICA SINICA, 2014, 30(1), 129-134.
(26) 于学华(Xuehua Yu), 韦岳长(Yuechang Wei), 刘坚(Jian Liu), 赵震(Zhen Zhao)*,柴油车尾气排放 PM2. 5 氧化消除催化剂的设计, 制备与催化作用(Design, preparation and catalysis of the catalysts for oxidative elimination of soot particles (PM2.5) emitted from diesel-powered vehicle exhaust )[J]. 中国科学: 化学(Scientia Sinica Chimica), 2014, 12: 007.
(25) Tianshu Li , Aijun Duan, Zhen Zhao*, Baijun Liu*, Guiyuan Jiang, Jian Liu, Yuechang Wei, Huifang Pan, Synthesis of ordered hierarchically porous L-SBA-15 material and its hydro-upgrading performance for FCC gasoline. Fuel, 2014, 117, 974–980.
(24) Tao Zhang, Jian Liu,* Daxi Wang, Zhen Zhao,* Yuechang Wei, Kai Cheng, Guiyuan Jiang, Aijun Duan, Selective catalytic reduction of NO with NH3 over HZSM-5-supported Fe-Cu nanocomposite catalysts: the Fe-Cu bimetallic effect, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2014, 148-149: 520-531.
(23) Jian Liu, Bing Liu, Yu Fang, Zhen Zhao, Yuechang Wei, Xue-Qing Gong, Chunming Xu, Aijun Duan, Guiyuan Jiang, Preparation, Characterization and Origin of Highly Active and Thermally Stable Pd-Ce0.8Zr0.2O2 Catalysts via Sol-Evaporation Induced Self-Assembly Method, Environmental Science & Technology, 2014, 48, 12403-12410.
(22) Kai Cheng, Jian Liu, Tao Zhang, Jianmei Li, Zhen Zhao, Yuechang Wei, Guiyuan Jiang, Aijun Duan, Effect of Ce doping of TiO2 support on NH3-SCR activity over V2O5-WO3/CeO2-TiO2 catalyst, Journal of Environmental Science-China, 2014, 26, 2106-2113.
(21) Xiaoqiang Fan, Jianmei Li, Zhen Zhao, Yuechang Wei, Jian Liu, Aijun Duan, Guiyuan Jiang, Synthesis of a new ordered mesoporous NiMoO4 complex oxide and its efficient catalytic performance for oxidative dehydrogenation of propane, Journal of Energy Chemistry, 2014, 23, 171-178.
(20) Xiaoqiang Fan, Huimin Zhang, Jianmei Li, Zhen Zhao, Chunming Xu, Jian Liu, Aijun Duan, Guiyuan Jiang, Yuechang Wei, Ni-Mo nitride catalysts: Synthesis and application in the ammoxidation of propane, Chinese Journal of Catalysis, 2014, 35, 286-293.
(19) Jia Liu, Guiyuan Jiang, Ying Liu, Jiancheng Di, Yajun Wang, Zhen Zhao, Qianyao Sun, Chunming Xu, Jinsen Gao, Aijun Duan, Jian Liu, Yuechang Wei, Yong Zhao, Lei Jiang, Hierarchical Macro-meso-microporous ZSM-5 Zeolite Hollow Fibers With Highly Efficient Catalytic Cracking Capability, Scientific Reports, 2014, 4, 7276.
(18) Xiaofeng Zhou, Aijun Duan, Zhen Zhao, Yanjun Gong, Huadong Wu, Yuechang Wei, Guiyuan Jiang, Jian Liu, The influence of cosurfactants on the synthesis of hierarchically porous silica materials in a P123/cosurfactant/1,3,5-trimethylbenzene/water four-component microemulsion system, Materials Letters, 2014, 133, 228-231.
(17) Sheng Zhou, Ying Liu, Jianmei Li, Yajun Wang, Guiyuan Jiang, Zhen Zhao, Daxi Wang, Aijun Duan, Jian Liu, Yuechang Wei, Facile in situ synthesis of graphitic carbon nitride (g-C3N4)-N-TiO2 heterojunction as an efficient photocatalyst for the selective photoreduction of CO2 to CO, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2014, 158, 20-29.
(16) Jianmei Li, Jian Liu, Liwei Ren, Qinglong Liu, Zhen Zhao, Yongsheng Chen, Pengyu Zhu, Yuechang Wei, Aijun Duan, Guiyuan Jiang, Selective oxidation of ethane to aldehydes over SBA-15 supported molybdenum catalyst, Journal of Energy Chemistry, 2014, 23, 609-616.
(15) Huadong Wu, Aijun Duan, Zhen Zhao, Dinghong Qi, Jianmei Li, Bing Liu, Guiyuan Jiang, Jian Liu, Yuechang Wei, Xiao Zhang, Preparation of NiMo/KIT-6 hydrodesulfurization catalysts with tunable sulfidation and dispersion degrees of active phase by addition of citric acid as chelating agent, Fuel, 2014, 130, 203-210.
(14) Jian Liu, Jiqiu Wang, Zhen Zhao, Chunming Xu, Yuechang Wei, Aijun Duan, Guiyuan Hang, Synthesis of LaxK1-xCoO3 nanorod and their catalytic performances for CO oxidation, Journal of Rare Earths, 2014, 32, 170-175.
(13) Xiaofeng Cui, Yajun Wang, Guiyuan Jiang, Zhen Zhao, Chunming Xu, Aijun Duan, Jian Liu, Yuechang Wei, Weikun Bai, The encapsulation of CdS in carbon nanotubes for stable and efficient photocatalysis, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2014, 2, 20939-20946.
(12) Zhengkai Cao, Aijun Duan, Zhen Zhao, Jianmei Li, Yuechang Wei, Guiyuan Jiang, Jian Liu, A simple two-step method to synthesize the well-ordered mesoporous composite Ti-FDU-12 and its application in the hydrodesulfurization of DBT and 4,6-DMDBT, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2014, 2, 19738-19749.
(11) Xiaofeng Zhou, Aijun Duan, Zhen Zhao, Yanjun Gong, Huadong Wu, Jianmei Li, Yuechang Wei, Guiyuan Jiang, Jian Liu, Ying Zhang, Synthesis of hierarchically porous silicas with mesophase transformations in a four-component microemulsion-type system and the catalytic performance for dibenzothiophene hydrodesulfurization, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2014, 2, 6823-6833.
(10) Xiaofeng Cui, Yajun Wang, Guiyuan Jiang, Zhen Zhao, Chunming Xu, Yuechang Wei, Aijun Duan, Jian Liu, Jinsen Gao, A photonic crystal-based CdS-Au-WO3 heterostructure for efficient visible-light photocatalytic hydrogen and oxygen evolution dagger, RSC Advances, 2014, 4, 15689-15694.
(9) Huichao Yao, Yu Chen*, Zhen Zhao, Yuechang Wei, Zhichang Liu, Dong Zhai, Baijun Liu, Chunming Xu*, Periodic DFT Study on Mechanism of Selective Catalytic Reduction of NO via NH3 and O2 over the V2O5 (001) Surface: Competitive Sites and Pathways, Journal of Catalysis, 2013, 305, 67-75. (IF: 6.921)
(8) Xiaofeng Cui, Guiyuan Jiang*, Ming Zhu, Zhen Zhao, Luchao Du, Yuxiang Weng, Chunming Xu*, Dekai Zhang, Quanlai Zhang, Yuechang Wei, Aijun Duan, Jian Liu, Jinsen Gao, TiO2/CdScomposite hollow spheres with controlled synthesis of platinum on the internal wall for the efficient hydrogen evolution, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2013, 38(22): 9065-9073.
(7) Qian Liang, Jian Liu, Yuechang Wei, Zhen Zhao* and Mark J. MacLachlan*, Palladium nanoparticles supported on a triptycene-based microporous polymer: Highly active catalysts for CO oxidation, Chemical Communications, 2013, 49, 8928-8930.
(6) Xikui Wang,* Yuechang Wei, Jingang Wang, Weilin Guo, Chen Wang, The kinetics and mechanism of ultrasonic degradation of p-nitrophenol in aquenous in aqueous solution with CCl4 enhancement, Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, 2012, 19, 32-37. (IF: 4.218)
(5) Hong Wang, Jian Liu, Zhen Zhao, Yuechang Wei, Chunming Xu, Comparative study of nanometric Co-, Mn- and Fe-based perovskite-type complex oxide catalysts for the simultaneous elimination of soot and NOx from diesel engine exhaust, Catalysis Today, 2012, 184, 288-300. (IF: 4.636)
(4) Huichao Yao, Yu Chen, Yuechang Wei, Zhen Zhao, Zhichang Liu, Chunming Xu, A periodic DFT study of ammonia adsorption on the V2O5 (001), V2O5 (010) and V2O5 (100) surfaces: Lewis versus Br?nsted acid sites, Surface Science, 2012, 606, 1739-1748. (SCI, IF: 1.838)
(3) Xi-Kui Wang,* Yue-Chang Wei, Chen Wang, Wei-Lin Guo, Jin-Gang Wang, Jie-Xiao Jiang, Ultrasonic degradation of reactive brilliant red K-2BP in water with CCl4 enhancement: Performance optimization and degradation mechanism, Separation and Purification Technology, 2011, 81, 69-76. (IF: 3.299)
(2) Longbao Yu, Yayu Shi, Zhen Zhao, Hengbo Yin, Yuechang Wei, Jian Liu, Wenbing Kang, Tingshun Jiang, Aili Wang, Ultrasmall silver nanoparticles supported on silica and their catalytic performances for carbon monoxide oxidation, Catalysis Communications, 12 (2011) 616–620. (SCI, IF: 3.699)
(1) Junjiang Zhu,* Yuechang Wei, Wenkai Chen, Zhen Zhao* and Arne Thomasaet. Graphitic carbon nitride as a metal-free catalyst for NO decomposition. Chemical Communications, 2010, 46, 6965~6967. (IF: 6.567)

(27) 韦岳长*,赵震*,熊靖,吴强强,李亚钊,刘坚,稀土基高活性炭烟燃烧催化剂表面活性位的结构演变:从纳米颗粒到核壳结构,第二十一届大气污染防治技术研讨会,2017年4月22日-23日,杭州,口头报告
(26) 韦岳长*,赵震,刘坚,高性能大孔基炭烟燃烧催化剂的设计、制备及其催化性能研究,2017 年12 月1日?2日,2017年能源环境化学学术研讨会,上海,邀请报告。
(25) 韦岳长*,基于大孔表面活性位构筑的大气污染控制化学,环境化学青年研讨会@北京,2017 年12 月19 日?20 日,北京,邀请报告。
(24) 韦岳长*,赵震*,熊靖,吴强强,李亚钊,刘坚,稀土基高活性炭烟燃烧催化剂表面活性位的结构演变:从纳米颗粒到核壳结构,中国稀土学会2017学术年会,2017年5月11-13日,北京,口头报告。
(23) 韦岳长*,赵震*,刘坚,炭烟燃烧催化剂表面活性位结构的调变:从纳米颗粒、核壳结构到单原子分散,环境化学青年研讨会@北京 2017 年1 月6 -8 日,北京,邀请报告。
(22) Yuechang Wei, Zhen Zhao*, Baofang Jin, Yazhao Li, Xindong Zhang, Dan Wu, Jian Liu, Design and Synthesis of Noble Metal-Oxides Active Structure Supported on 3DOM Oxides with Enhanced Catalytic Activity for Soot Combustion, 16th International Congress on Catalysis, PP: 3.02-1368, July 3-8, 2016, Beijing, China. Oral
(21) Xindong Zhang, Yuechang Wei* and Zhen Zhao*, High Efficient Catalysts of Pt@Co3O4 core-shell Nanoparticles Supported on 3DOM Oxides for Soot Combustion, 9th International Conference on Environmental Catalysis, Newcastle, Australia 10th-13th July 2016, 8E Oral
(20) 韦岳长*, 焦金庆, 赵震*, 刘坚, 黄晓彤, 赵一龙, 3DOM TiO2担载Pt(Au)@CdS催化剂的设计、制备及其光催化还原CO2性能, 第十五届全国太阳能光化学和光催化学术会议, 济南, 2016年08月20-24日, 口头报告
(19) 韦岳长*,赵震*,张新栋,李亚钊,熊靖,刘坚, 大孔Ce基氧化物表面活性位结构的设计、制备及其炭烟催化燃烧性能研究,第二十一届全国稀土催化会议,2016年9月9-11日,沈阳,口头报告,分会场主持人
(18) 韦岳长,赵震,刘坚,高活性炭烟燃烧催化剂表面活性位的结构调变:从纳米颗粒、核壳结构到单原子分散,第十届全国环境催化与环境材料学术会议,2016年11月4-6日,杭州,OF-10, 口头报告
(17) 韦岳长*,赵震*,张新栋,李亚钊,熊靖,刘坚,3DOM氧化物表面活性位结构的设计、制备及其炭烟催化燃烧性能研究,第十六届全国青年催化学术会议,2016年10月21-25日,湖南·长沙,口头报告,分会场主持人
(16) Xindong Zhang, Yuechang Wei,* and Zhen Zhao*, Design and Preparation of Pt-Transition Metal Oxides (TMO) Nanoparticles Supported on 3DOM Oxides with Enhanced Catalytic Activity for Soot Combustion, 12th European Congress on Catalysis, Kazan, Russia, August 30-September 4, 2015, II-OP49, Oral.
(15) Yuechang Wei, Zhen Zhao*, Jinqing Jiao, Jian Liu, Design and synthesis of single Pt atoms doped-CeO2-nanolayer coated on 3D ordered marcoporous ZrO2 catalysts with high activity for soot oxidation, 2nd International Conference on Clean Energy Science, 13-16 April 2014, Qingdao, China. Oral presentation
(14) Yuechang Wei, Zhen Zhao*, Jian Liu, Guiyuan Jiang, Aijun Duan, High Efficient Catalysts of Ordered Macroporous Ce1-xZrxO2-Supported Pt@CeO2-& Core-Shell Nanoparticles for Soot Oxidation, 8th International Conference on Environmental Catalysis, Asheville, North Carolina, America 2014, 08, 24-27, EC-O-40. Oral presentation
(13) Yuechang Wei, Zhen Zhao*, Jinqing Jiao, Jian Liu, One-pot synthesis of Core-Shell Pt(Au)@CeO2-δ Nanoparticles Supported on 3D Ordered Marcoporous ZrO2 with High Catalytic Activity for Soot Combustion, Seventh Tokyo Conference on Advanced Catalytic Science and Technology (TOCAT7 Kyoto2014), Kyoto, Japan, June 1-6, 2014, O-B17, Oral Presentation
(12) 韦岳长,赵震*,刘坚, 大孔稀土氧化物基催化剂的设计、制备以及催化炭烟燃烧性能, 中国化学会第29届学术年会. 北京, 2014年8月4日-7日, 06-O-008. 口头报告
(11) 韦岳长,赵震*,刘坚,于学华,靳保芳,焦金庆. 3DOM 氧化物担载贵金属(Au、Pt) 催化剂的设计、制备以及催化柴油炭烟燃烧性能研究. 第十七届全国催化学术会议,杭州, 2014/10/13-2014/1018, OF-11. 口头报告

(10) Yuechang Wei, Zhen Zhao, Jian Liu, Aijun Duan, Guiyuan Jiang, In situ synthesis of three-dimensionally ordered macroporous oxides-supported noble metal (Au, Pt) nanoparticle catalysts for diesel soot combustion, The 6th Asia-Pacific Congress on Catalysis, Mon-S18-03, October 13-17, 2013/Taipei, Taiwan. Oral presentation
(9) 韦岳长,赵震,靳保芳,于学华,刘坚,段爱军,姜桂元,3DOM ZrO2担载Au@CeO2核壳纳米颗粒催化剂的设计、制备以及催化柴油炭烟燃烧性能,第十九届全国稀土催化学术会议,2013年7月16-17日,甘肃 兰州,OA-04: 33. 口头报告
(8) 韦岳长,赵震*,刘坚,段爱军,姜桂元,新型3DOM氧化物担载Au、Pt催化剂的设计、制备以及催化柴油炭烟燃烧性能,第十四届全国青年催化学术会议,长春,2013年7月29-31日,OC-09. 口头报告
(7) 韦岳长, 赵震, 靳保芳, 于学华,刘坚, 段爱军, 姜桂元, 3DOM CeO2担载Pt@CeO2核壳纳米颗粒催化剂的设计、制备以及催化炭烟燃烧性能, 第八届全国环境催化与环境材料学术会议,江苏 镇江, 2013年8月23-26日,OB-13: 108. 口头报告
(6) Yuechang Wei, Jian liu, Zhen Zhao. Highly efficient catalysts of three-dimensionally ordered macroporous oxide-supported gold nanopartcles for soot combustion. The 6th International Conference on gold science, technology and its applications, 3E-081,Sep 5-8, 2012, Tokyo, Japan. Oral Presentation
(5) Yuechang Wei, Jian Liu,Zhen Zhao*, Super catalytic performance of 3D ordered macroporous oxides-supported Au catalysts for diesel soot oxidation, 第七届全国环境催化与环境材料学术会议. 北京, OB7, 67, 2011.08.13-15, 口头报告.
(4) 韦岳长, 刘坚, 赵震*, 载体对3DOM Aun/Ce1-xZrxO2催化炭烟燃烧性能的影响, 第十八届全国稀土催化学术会议. 南昌, OB-01: 59, 2011.10.23-25, 口头报告.
(3) 韦岳长, 刘坚, 赵震, 3DOM Aun/Ce1-xZrxO2催化剂的制备及其炭烟催化燃烧性能, 第十七届全国稀土催化学术会议. 上海, O-08: 22~23, 2010.09.18-20, 口头报告.
(2) 韦岳长, 刘坚, 赵震*, 3DOM Ce0.7Zr0.3O2固溶体担载Au催化剂的制备及其炭烟催化燃烧性能研究, 第十五届全国催化学术会议. 广州, OE-31, 2010,11.28-11.02, 口头报告.
(1) 韦岳长, 刘坚, 赵震, 等. 纳米CexZr1-xO2固溶体的制备及其对碳烟燃烧催化性能的研究, 第十六届全国稀土催化学术会议, 2009, 167~171. (2009年7月, 济南, 中国)口头报告
(6) 韦岳长,赵震,熊靖,赵一龙,刘坚, 一种铈锆复合氧化物担载铂的催化剂及其制备方法和应用,中国发明专利,申请号:8.3,2017年02月03日.
(5) 韦岳长,赵震,赵一龙,熊靖,刘坚,一种铈钇复合氧化物担载铂的催化剂及其制备方法和应用,中国发明专利,申请号:0.6,2017年01月24日.
(4) 韦岳长,赵震,焦金庆,张新栋,李亚钊,刘坚,段爱军,姜桂元,一种炭烟颗粒物燃烧用催化剂及其制备方法与应用,中国发明专利,专利号:ZL 8.7 授权日:201753日。
(3) 韦岳长、赵震、吴丹、李亚钊、张新栋、靳保芳、刘坚,一种有序大孔-有序介孔复合孔道铈锆金属氧化物催化剂,中国发明专利,申请号:7.0。2015-12-30
(2) 韦岳长,赵震,于学华,靳保芳,刘坚,段爱军,姜桂元。大孔氧化物担载核壳结构纳米颗粒的催化剂及其制备方法,中国发明专利,专利号:ZL 1.5。授权时间:201517
(1) 韦岳长,张鹏,吴平易,赵秦峰,兰玲,赵震,刘坚,一种催化裂化再生烟气助燃催化剂及其制备方法,中国发明专利,专利号:ZL 5.2。授权时间:2015-09-23
(3) 赵震,韦岳长,唐龙,刘坚,李凯祥,一种将大孔钙钛矿氧化物催化剂涂覆在堇青石表面的方法,申请号:1.5 申请日:2015-12-29
(2) 赵震,韦岳长,于学华,刘坚,李建梅,段爱军,姜桂元,3DOM担载钾锰铈复合氧化物的催化剂及制备和应用,专利号:ZL 0.4申请日:2015-01-06。授权时间:2017-06-16
(1) 赵震,韦岳长,于学华,刘坚,李建梅,段爱军,姜桂元,3DOM氧化物担载碱/锰金属氧化物催化剂及制备应用,专利号:ZL 6.7,申请日:2014-12-08.授权时间:2017-02-22
(2) 赵震,刘坚,韦岳长,段爱军,姜桂元,徐春明。柴油碳烟净化用三维有序大孔铈基氧化物担载金的催化剂,2013.01,中国,专利号:ZL 4.6,授权公告号:CN B2013.01.09
(1) 刘坚,赵震,韦岳长,段爱军,姜桂元,徐春明。催化燃烧用三维有序大孔复合氧化物担载金催化剂,2012.09,中国,专利号:4.3,授权公告号:CN B
(27) 姜桂元,赵震,赵丹,袁美华,张耀远,王淑婷,徐春明,段爱军,王雅君,刘坚,韦岳长,金属铬骨架掺杂分子筛催化裂解正丁烷制低碳烯烃的方法,申请号:3.8 申请日:2016-06-20
(26) 赵震,李建梅,刘清龙,刘坚,孔莲,高芒来,韦岳长,钒掺杂氧化硅基介孔分子筛催化剂及其制备方法与应用,申请号:2.6 申请日:2016-03-04
(25) 刘坚,程颖,赵震,于富红,崔丽凤,韦岳长,宋卫余,张潇,李建梅,一种同时消除NO和炭烟颗粒物的三维复合氧化物催化剂及其制备方法和用途,申请号:7.2 申请日:2016-02-02
(24) 刘坚,周燕,赵震,于富红,崔丽凤,史恒昌,宋卫余,韦岳长,李建梅,张潇,一种FCC再生烟气脱硝用氧化锰/二氧化钛催化剂及其制备方法和用途,申请号:6.X 申请日:2015-09-07
(23) 刘坚,程颖,赵震,于富红,崔丽凤,韦岳长,宋卫余,张潇,李建梅,一种同时消除NH3、NO和碳烟颗粒的复合氧化物催化剂及其制备方法和用途,申请号:5.7 申请日:2015-09-01
(22) 姜桂元,赵震,刘佳,徐春明,张耀远,韩善磊,王雅君,段爱军,刘坚,韦岳长,ZSM-5分子筛骨架铝分布的调控方法及分子筛和应用,申请号:7.8 申请日:2015-08-21
(21) 段爱军,方鹤,张明会,高善彬,赵震,姜桂元,刘坚,韦岳长,王喜龙,一种氧化铝基加氢精制催化剂及其制备方法与应用,申请号:1.6 申请日:2015-05-21
(20) 赵震,李建梅,刘清龙,刘坚,范晓强,韦岳长,段爱军,姜桂元,丙烷选择氧化制丙烯醛和烯烃用催化剂及其制备与应用,申请号:4.6 申请日:2015-03-26
(19) 赵震,李建梅,孔莲,孙乾耀,刘坚,范晓强,韦岳长,段爱军,姜桂元,一种乙烷选择氧化制乙烯用催化剂及其制备方法与应用,申请号:5.6 申请日:2015-03-23
(18) 刘坚,于富红,赵震,石娟,韦岳长,崔丽凤,史恒昌,史曾昌,冯大庆,一种FCC再生烟气脱硝用催化剂、制备方法及其用途,专利号:8.X 申请日:2015-01-29授权日:2017-04-26
(17) 李玉龙,刘坚,王斯晗,赵震,褚洪岭,范晓强,杜龙弟,韦岳长,邓旭亮,徐显明,王薇,张志翔,苑慧敏,张忠涛,王凤荣,镍钼双金属氧化物催化剂及其制备方法和应用,申请号:6.0 申请日:2014-12-11
(16) 刘坚,赵震,张涛,于富红,韦岳长,一种脱硝铜基分子筛催化剂、制备方法及其用途,专利号:4.3,申请日:2014-06-19 授权日:2017.02.15
(15) 李建梅,赵震,范晓强,刘坚,韦岳长,段爱军,姜桂元,一种脱氢催化材料及其制备方法和应用,2014-02-13,专利号:2.4,授权日:2016-05-11
(13) 刘坚,赵震,石娟,于富红,张涛,程凯,韦岳长,一种催化裂化再生烟气净化用钒钛介孔微球固溶体催化剂、制备方法及其用途,专利号:6.0,授权日:2016-06-22
(12) 刘坚,赵震,许驰,于富红,程锴,韦岳长,段爱军,姜桂元,一种FCC再生烟气脱硝用铜基微孔复合分子筛基催化剂、制备方法及其用途,专利号:8.8,授权日:2016-05-18
(11) 李玉龙,赵震,刘坚,梁倩,王斯晗,韦岳长,杜龙弟,邓旭亮,肖光,王志双,韩会君,赵玉梅,王薇,一种Pd/MIL-53(Al)催化剂及其制备和应用,申请号:5.7 申请日:2013-09-13
(10) 赵震,刘坚,李飞,韦岳长,段爱军,姜桂元,一种乙烷选择氧化制乙醛和乙烯用催化剂及制备和应用,2013-09-26,专利号:2.9。授权日:2015-10-28
(9) 刘坚,赵震,谭小玉,韦岳长,徐春明,段爱军,姜桂元,一种大孔-介孔铈锆固溶体载银催化剂及制备方法和应用,2013-09-26,专利号:2.X,授权日:2016-01-20
(8) 刘坚,赵震,刘晓飒,徐春明,韦岳长,段爱军,姜桂元,一种介孔镍钼氧化物催化剂及其制备方法和应用,2013-09-26,专利号:6.9,授权日:2015-11-18
(7) 刘坚,赵震,谭小玉,徐春明,韦岳长,段爱军,姜桂元,一种大孔碳化铁催化剂及其制备方法和应用,2013-09-26,专利号:0.5 ,授权日:2015-05-06
(6) 刘坚,赵震,谭小玉,徐春明,韦岳长,段爱军,姜桂元,一种大孔碳化镍催化剂及其制备方法和应用,2013-09-26,专利号:5.6,授权日:2015-11-18
(5) 赵震,姜桂元,李祥虎,刘佳,徐春明,段爱军,刘坚,韦岳长,高金森,多级孔ZSM-5/SiO2催化剂及制备方法和正辛烷催化裂解方法,2013-08-14,专利号:5.4,授权日:2015-05-13
(4) 姜桂元,马骁,赵震,蒋志强,崔晓峰,徐春明,段爱军,刘坚,韦岳长,一种光催化分解水制氢用催化剂及其制备方法,2013-06-28,专利号:8.7,授权日:2015-07-15
(3) 姜桂元,崔晓峰,徐春明,赵震,段爱军,刘坚,韦岳长,一种采用氟离子调变二氧化钛晶相的方法,2013-06-18,专利号:2.X授权日:2015-02-11
(2) 姜桂元,张全来,崔晓峰,赵震,徐春明,段爱军,刘坚,韦岳长,光催化分解水用TiO2/MIL-101复合催化剂及制备方法和应用,2013-05-21,专利号:0.2,授权日:2015-03-11
(1) 刘坚,赵震,徐俊峰,郑建雄,韦岳长,段爱军,姜桂元。三维有序大孔-介孔铁基钙钛矿氧化物催化剂及其制备方法,2012.08,中国,专利号:3.4,授权公告号:CN B

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