
中国石油大学北京非常规油气科学技术研究院导师教师师资介绍简介-梁天博 助理研究员

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-05-12

liangtianboo@163.com; btliang@cup.edu.cn

2012-2016美国University of Texas at Austin,石油工程,博士
2009-2011美国University of California at Davis,材料科学与工程,硕士
1.Liang, T.,Longoria, R.A., Lu, J., Nguyen, Q.P., DiCarlo, D.A., 2017. Enhancing Hydrocarbon Permeability After Hydraulic Fracturing: Laboratory Evaluations of Shut-Ins and Surfactant Additives.SPE J. doi:10.2118/175101-PA
2.Liang, T., Achour, S.H., Longoria, R.A., DiCarlo, D.A., Nguyen, Q.P., 2017. Flow physics of how surfactants can reduce water blocking caused by hydraulic fracturing in low permeability reservoirs.J. Pet. Sci. Eng.157, 631–642. doi:10.1016/j.petrol.2017.07.042
3.Liang, T., Zhou, F., Lu, J., 2017. Evaluation of wettability alteration and IFT reduction on mitigating water blocking for low-permeability oil-wet rocks after hydraulic fracturing.Fuel209, 650–660. doi:10.1016/j.fuel.2017.08.029
4.Liang, T., Luo, X., Nguyen, Q., DiCarlo, D., In Press. CT Measurements of Water Block in Low Permeability Rocks – Scaling and Remedying of Production Impairment.SPE J.
5. Longoria, R.A.,Liang, T., Huynh, U.T., Nguyen, Q.P., DiCarlo, D.A., 2017. Water Blocks in Tight Formations: The Role of Matrix/Fracture Interaction in Hydrocarbon-Permeability Reduction and Its Implications in the Use of Enhanced Oil Recovery Techniques.SPE J.doi:10.2118/185962-PA
6. Xu, K.,Liang, T., Zhu, P., Qi, P., Lu, J., Huh, C., Balhoff, M., 2017. A 2.5-D glass micromodel for investigation of multi-phase flow in porous media.Lab on a Chip17, 640–646. doi:10.1039/c6lc01476c
1.Liang, T., Longoria, R.A., Lu, J., Nguyen, Q.P., DiCarlo, D.A., Huynh, U.T., 2015. The Applicability of Surfactants on Enhancing the Productivity in Tight Formations. SPE-178584-MS. doi:10.2118/178584-MS
2.Liang, T., Longoria, R.A., Lu, J., Nguyen, Q.P., DiCarlo, D.A., 2015. Enhancing Hydrocarbon Permeability After Hydraulic Fracturing: Laboratory Evaluations of Shut-ins and Surfactant Additives. SPE-175101-MS. doi:10.2118/175101-MS
3. Longoria, R.A.,Liang, T., Nguyen, Q.P., DiCarlo, D.A., 2015. When Less Flowback Is More: A Mechanism of Permeability Damage and its Implications on the Application of EOR Techniques. SPE-178583-MS. doi:10.2118/178583-MS
4.Liang, T., Achour, S.H., Longoria, R.A., DiCarlo, D.A., Nguyen, Q.P., 2016. Identifying and Evaluating Surfactant Additives to Reduce Water Blocks after Hydraulic Fracturing for Low Permeability Reservoirs. SPE-179601-MS. doi:10.2118/179601-MS

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