

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-05-12

銆銆鍒樺緱鍐涳紝鐢凤紝鍗氬+锛屾暀鎺堬紝鍗氬+鐢熷甯堛傛渤鍖楄縼瀹変汉锛?965骞村嚭鐢熴?985骞存瘯涓氫簬澶у簡鐭虫补瀛﹂櫌锛堢幇涓滃寳鐭虫补澶у锛夊湴鐞冪墿鐞嗘祴浜曚笓涓氾紝鑾峰澹浣嶏紱1991骞存瘯涓氫簬澶у簡鐭虫补瀛﹂櫌锛堢幇涓滃寳鐭虫补澶у锛夊簲鐢ㄥ湴鐞冪墿鐞嗕笓涓氾紝鑾风澹浣嶏紱2001骞存瘯涓氫簬鍝堝皵婊ㄥ伐涓氬ぇ瀛︾簿瀵嗕华鍣ㄥ強鏈烘涓撲笟锛岃幏鍗氬+瀛︿綅锛?005骞村寳浜寲宸ュぇ瀛﹀崥澹悗鍑虹珯銆傜編鍥絀EEE瀛︿細浼氬憳锛屼腑鍥界數瀛愬浼氶珮绾т細鍛樸備富瑕佷粠浜嬬數纾佹祴閲忕悊璁轰笌鏁板兼ā鎷熸妧鏈佷簳涓嬫暟鎹紶杈撴妧鏈笌绯荤粺璁捐銆佹补鐢版櫤鑳芥祴璇曚华鍣ㄥ紑鍙戜笌鐜颁唬淇℃伅澶勭悊鎶鏈佹ā寮忚瘑鍒笌鏅鸿兘绯荤粺銆佹満鐢电郴缁熸帶鍒朵笌浠跨湡绛夋柟闈㈢殑鏁欏涓庣爺绌跺伐浣溿傝繎骞存潵, 浣滀负璐熻矗浜轰富鎸佸浗瀹惰嚜鐒剁瀛﹀熀閲戦」鐩?椤癸紝涓绘寔鍥藉閲嶅ぇ绉戠爺瑁呭鐮斿埗椤圭洰瀛愯棰?椤癸紝涓绘寔鈥滃崄涓浜斺濇补姘旈噸澶х鎶涓撻」瀛愯棰?椤广備綔涓轰富瑕佺爺绌朵汉鍛樺厛鍚庡弬鍔犲浗瀹惰嚜鐒剁瀛﹀熀閲戦」鐩?椤癸紝骞惰礋璐e拰鍙備笌瀹屾垚浜?0浣欓」鐪佸競绾х爺绌堕」鐩傚熀浜庝笂杩扮爺绌舵垚鏋滃嚭鐗堣憲浣?閮紝鏁欐潗2閮紝鑾峰浗瀹跺彂鏄庝笓鍒?椤癸紝鐪佺骇鑷劧绉戝鎶鏈鏈垚鏋滀竴绛夊2椤癸紝甯傜骇鑷劧绉戝鎶鏈鏈垚鏋滀竴绛夊1椤癸紝灞绾ф妧鏈潻鏂版垚鏋滀竴绛夊1椤癸紝鍦↖EEE Wireless Communications Letters銆丒lectronics Letters銆両EEE Transactions on Broadcasting銆両EEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters銆両EEE Access銆丣ournal of Applied Geophysics銆丣ournal of Geophysics and Engineering銆両EEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement銆丮easurement Science and Technology銆丣ournal of Engineering Manufacture銆佹満姊板伐绋嬪鎶ャ佺數瀛愭祴閲忎笌浠櫒瀛︽姤绛夊浗鍐呭閲嶈鏈熷垔涓婂彂琛ㄧ鎶璁烘枃150浣欑瘒锛屽叾涓SCI銆丒I銆両STP妫绱?0浣欑瘒娆★紝琚浗鍐呭鍚岃瀛﹁呬粬浜哄紩鐢?30浣欐銆?/span>
銆銆Email:liudj65@163.com, liudejun@cup.edu.cn

銆銆1. Cheng Xing, Liu Dejun, Wang Chen, Yan Song, Zhu Zhengyu. Deep Learning-Based Channel Estimation and Equalization Scheme for FBMC/OQAM Systems. IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, 2019, 8(3): 881-884. (SCI, EI妫绱?.
銆銆2. Shi Wenzhe, Liu Dejun, Cheng Xing, Li Yang, Zhao Yang. Particle Swarm Optimization-Based Deep Neural Network for Digital Modulation Recognition. IEEE Access, 2019,7: 104591-104600. (SCI妫绱?.
銆銆3. Li Cai-Fang, Liu De-Jun, Zhai Ying, Xie Yuan, Sun Yu. The effect of parallel pipeline parameters on the characteristics of gravity and magnetic surveys. Journal of Applied Geophysics, 2019, 166: 77-88. (SCI, EI妫绱?.
銆銆4. Cheng, Xing, Liu Dejun, Feng Shuo, Pan Qi, Fang, Huafeng. PTS based on DisABC algorithm for PAPR reduction in OFDM systems. Electronics Letters, 2018, 54(6): 397-398. (SCI, EI妫绱?.
銆銆5. Shuo Feng, Dejun Liu, Xing Cheng, Huafeng Fang, Caifang Li. A new segmentation strategy for processing magnetic anomaly detection data of shallow depth ferromagnetic pipeline. Journal of Applied Geophysics, 2017, 139: 65-72. (SCI, EI妫绱?.
銆銆6. Qi Pan, De-Jun Liu, Zhi-Yong Guo, Hua-Feng Fang and Mu-Qun Feng. Magnetic anomaly inversion using magnetic dipole reconstruction based on the pipeline section segmentation method. Journal of Geophysics and Engineering, 2016, 13(3): 242-258. (SCI妫绱?.
銆銆7. Zhi-Yong Guo, De-Jun Liu, Qi Pan, Ying-Ying Zhang. Forward modeling of total magnetic anomaly over a pseudo-2D underground ferromagnetic pipeline. Journal of Applied Geophysics, 2015, 113: 14-30. (SCI, EI妫绱?.
銆銆8. Dejun LIU, Hui LI, Yingying ZHANG, Gengxue ZHU, and Qinghui AI. A study on directional resistivity logging-while-drilling based on self-adaptive hp-FEM. Acta Geophysica, 2014, 62(6): 1328-1351. (SCI, EI妫绱?.
銆銆9. Ying-Ying Zhang, De-Jun Liu, Qing-Hui Ai , Min-Jun Qin. 3D modeling and inversion of the electrical resistivity tomography using steel cased boreholes as long electrodes. Journal of Applied Geophysics, 2014, 109: 292-300. (SCI, EI妫绱?.
銆銆10.Liu Dejun, Che Rensheng, Li Zifang and Luo Xiaochuan. Research on the Theory and the Virtual Prototype of 3-DOF Parallel-link Coordinate-measuring Machine. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 2003, 52(1): 119-125. (SCI, EI妫绱?.
銆銆11. Cheng, Xing, Liu Dejun, Yan Song, Shi Wenzhe, Zhao Yang. Channel Estimation and Equalization Based on Deep BLSTM for FBMC-OQAM Systems. 2019 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC 2019), 2019, May 20-24, Shanghai, China. (EI妫绱?.
銆銆12.Xing Cheng, Dejun Liu, Jingfu Yan, Huafeng Fang and Jin Xu. A Channel Estimation Method for Underground High-Speed Cable Telemetry System Based on OFDM and Its Realization. 2016 International Conference on Information and Communication Technology Convergence (ICTC 2016), 2016, Oct. 19-21, Jeju Island, Korea. (EI妫绱?.
銆銆13.Pan Qi, Liu Dejun, Geng Min, Cheng Xing and Wang Xin.Euler Deconvolution of the Analytic Signals of Gravity Gradient Tensor for Underground Horizontal Pipeline. 78th EAGE Conference & Exhibition 2016, 2016, May 30-June 2, Vienna, Austria. (EI妫绱?.
銆銆14. Yingying Zhang, Dejun Liu, Yue Liu, Minjun Qin. 3D Modeling and Inversion of Borehole-surface Resistivity Data. 2013 AGU fall meeting, 2013, Dec. 9-13, San Francisco, California, USA. (EI妫绱?.
銆銆15.LiuDejun, Che Rensheng, Li Zifang and Luo Xiaochuan. Research on the Theory and the Virtual Prototype of 3-DOF Parallel-link Coordinate-measuring Machine. 18th IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference (IMTC/2001), 2001, May 21-23, Budapest, Hungary. (EI妫绱?.

銆銆1. 鍒樺緱鍐? 鍒樺溅鏄? 鍒樺叴鏂? 绛? 鐑剦鍐叉椂宸紡娌规按涓ょ浉娴侀噺娴嬮噺浼犳劅鍣? 鍥藉鍙戞槑涓撳埄, ZL 2014 1 **.7.
銆銆2. 鍒樺緱鍐涜憲, 銆婂苟鑱斿潗鏍囨祴閲忔満寤烘ā鐞嗚鍙婂叾铏氭嫙鍘熷瀷鐮旂┒銆? 榛戦緳姹熺瀛︽妧鏈嚭鐗堢ぞ锛?002锛?2.
銆銆3. 鏋楃珛, 寮犱繆浜? 鏇规棴涓?鍒樺緱鍐涚紪钁? 銆婂崟鐗囨満鍘熺悊鍙婂簲鐢ㄢ斿熀浜嶱roteus鍜孠eil C銆? 鐢靛瓙宸ヤ笟鍑虹増绀? 2009, 7.

銆銆1. 鍦颁笅绠$嚎纾佸紓甯镐笁灞傚垎閲忚仈鍚堝弽婕旀垚鍍忔帰娴嬫柊鏂规硶鐮旂┒ (璐熻矗浜?, 鍥藉鑷劧绉戝鍩洪噾椤圭洰.
銆銆2. 楂樼簿搴﹁嚜閫傚簲鐩爣瀵煎悜hp鏈夐檺鍏冮殢閽荤數娴嬩簳鍝嶅簲鏁板兼ā鎷?(璐熻矗浜?, 鍥藉鑷劧绉戝鍩洪噾椤圭洰.
銆銆3. 浜曚笅楂橀熺數缂嗕紶杈撶郴缁熺爺鍒?(璐熻矗浜?, 鍥藉閲嶅ぇ绉戠爺瑁呭鐮斿埗椤圭洰瀛愯棰?
銆銆4. 鍌ㄦ皵搴撲紭鍖栬繍琛岃妭鑳芥妧鏈爺绌跺強绯荤粺寮鍙?(璐熻矗浜?.
銆銆5. 鐑ず韪浉鍏虫祦閲忚瀹為獙鏍锋満绯荤粺寮鍙?(璐熻矗浜?.
銆銆6. 浜曗斿湴鐢典綅鏁板兼ā鎷熶笌浠櫒鍙傛暟浼樺寲璁捐 (璐熻矗浜?.
銆銆7. 鎺㈠湴闆疯揪寮忕绾挎帰娴嬩华鐨勭爺鍒?(璐熻矗浜?.
銆銆8. 鍩轰簬PDA浜曞満鏁版嵁杩滀紶涓庡彂甯冪郴缁熺爺鍒?(璐熻矗浜?.
銆銆9. 鍩轰簬鏀寔鍚戦噺鏈虹殑浣庨樆娌规皵灞傝瘑鍒柟娉曠爺绌?(璐熻矗浜?.
銆銆10. 鏃犵嚎鍙橀佸櫒鏁版嵁浼犺緭娴嬭瘯鍙婇獙璇?(璐熻矗浜?.
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