

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-05-12



1. 国家重点研发计划“国家石油及天然气储备库安全保障技术与装备研发”专题:石油和天然气储罐多灾种耦合效应与事故反演技术研究
2. 中海石油(中国)有限公司湛江分公司:高温高压裸眼测试工艺可行性评估及配套技术研究
3. 中海石油(中国)有限公司湛江分公司:南海远海勘探作业应急保障体系
4. 中石油“一带一路”海外长输管道完整性关键技术研究与应用专题:基于大数据的海外管道完整性评价技术及软件研发
5. 工信部高技术船舶科研项目“水下井口及其配套工具工程化技术研究”任务:水下井口可靠性与风险分析技术研究
1. Wenpei Zheng*, Laibin Zhang, Yinao Su, Taian Fang. Optimization Design of Alternating Current Field Measurement Inducer. International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics. 2015, 49:133-143.
2. Wenpei Zheng*, Laibin Zhang, Yinao Su, Taian Fang.Numerical Simulation of a U-Shaped ACFM Inducer. Materials Transactions. 2015, 56(5): 743-748.
3. He M, Zheng W, Li W, et al. Research on temperature distribution law around crack using the moving mode of eddy current thermography. Infrared Physics & Technology, 2019, 102: 102993.
4. Wu S, Zhang L, Zheng W, et al. Reliability modeling of subsea SISs partial testing subject to delayed restoration[J]. Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 2019, 191: 106546.
5. Wu, S., Zhang, L., Fan, J., Zheng, W., & Zhou, Y. Real-time risk analysis method for diagnosis and warning of offshore downhole drilling incident. Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, 2019, 62: 103933.
6. He M, Li W, Zheng W, et al. Study on a combined NDT method based on ACFM and eddy current thermography. Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation, 2019, 34(2): 147-163.
7. Feng Y, Zhang L, Zheng W. Simulation analysis and experimental study of an alternating current field measurement probe for pipeline inner inspection. NDT & E International, 2018, 98: 123-129.
8. Laibin Zhang, Shengnan Wu, Wenpei Zheng, Jianchun Fan. A dynamic and quantitative risk assessment method with uncertainties for offshore managed pressure drilling phases. Safety Science, 2018, 104, 39-54.
9. Wu, S., Zhang, L., Barros, A., Zheng, W., Liu, Y. . Performance analysis for subsea blind shear ram preventers subject to testing strategies. Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 2018, 169, 281-298.
10. Wu, S., Zhang, L., Lundteigen, M. A., Liu, Y., Zheng, W.*. Reliability assessment for final elements of SISs with time dependent failures. Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries. 2018, 51, 186-199.
11. He, M., Zhang, L., Li, J., Zheng, W.*. Methods for suppression of the effect of uneven surface emissivity of material in the moving mode of eddy current thermography. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2017, 118, 612-620.
12. He, M., Zhang, L., Zheng, W.*, Feng, Y. . Crack detection based on a moving mode of eddy current thermography method. Measurement, 2017, 109, 119-129.
13. He, M., Zhang, L., Zheng, W.*, Feng, Y. . Investigation on a new inducer of pulsed eddy current thermography. AIP Advances, 2016, 6(9), 095221.
14. Shengnan Wu, Laibin Zhang, Wenpei Zheng, Yiliu Liu, Mary Ann Lundteigen. A DBN-based risk assessment model for prediction and diagnosis of offshore drilling incidents. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 34 (2016): 139-158.
15. 郑文培*,王德国,梁伟,帅健.中美安全学科研究生教育比较研究.中国石油大学学报(社会科学版)2014.S1.
16. 郑文培*,苏义脑,周志雄,方太安.交流电磁场检测技术的探头激励装置优化设计. 无损检测,2013,35(6),44-48.
17. 郑文培*,苏义脑,方太安,韩兴.基于LabVIEW的交流电磁场检测实验台.石油机械, 2012, 40(10):22-25.
18. 魏嘉怡,张来斌,郑文培*,贺敏. 涡流热成像动态检测模式的缺陷信号重构方法研究,中国安全生产科学技术,2017.10.30,(10):104~109.
19. 魏嘉怡, 张来斌, 郑文培, 等. 基于蝴蝶结模型的海上钻井井漏事故分析. 中国海洋平台, 2017, 6: 012.
20. 陈萌,张来斌,郑文培*,刘书杰,冯桓榰. “三高” 气田钻井过程硫化氢泄漏动态风险分析. 中国安全生产科学技术, 2016, 12(11), 17-23.
21. 陈萌,张来斌,郑文培,柴亚军,段梦兰,李荣. 油管悬挂器及下放工具性能鉴定试验方法. 石油机械, 2016, 44(10), 68-71.
22. 武胜男,张来斌,郑文培,赵战江,张超. HFL 模型在海上压裂工艺过程风险评估中的应用. 中国安全科学学报, 2015, 25(2):153-158.
23. Wenpei Zheng*. Alternating Current Field Measurement Inducer Design for ILI of Pipelines. 12th Pipeline Technology Conference, 2-4 May 2017, Berlin, Germany.
24. Wenpei ZHENG*. Numerical Simulation in Alternating Current Field Measurement. 19th World Conference on Non-Destructive Testing (WCNDT 2016), 13-17 June 2016, Munich, Germany.
25. J Li, L Zhang, W Zheng, Y Feng. Design of the Detection Probe Based on ACFM, 2019 Annual Reliability and Maintainability Symposium (RAMS), 28-31 January 2019, Orlando, USA.
26. J Wei, L Zhang, W Zheng and M He. A method for signal reconstruction in the moving mode of eddy current thermography, 56th Annual British Conference of Non-Destructive Testing, 5-7 September 2017, Telford, UK.
27. Shengnan Wu, Laibin Zhang, Wenpei Zheng, Yiliu Liu, Anne Barros, Mary Ann Lundteigen. Reliability assessment for subsea HIPPS valves with partial stroke testing, 2016 European Safety and Reliability conference, 25-29 September 2016, Glasgow, Scotland.
28. Yijing Feng, Wenpei Zheng, Laibin Zhang. A New Inducer for Pipeline Inner Inspection based on ACFM, IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics and Automation, 7-10 August 2016, Harbin, China.
29. Zhixiong Zhou, Wenpei Zheng*. Numerical Simulation in ACFM Inducer Design, 43rd Annual Review of Progress in Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation (QNDE), 17-22 July 2016, Atlanta, USA.
30. Min He, Wenpei Zheng, Laibin Zhang, Fan Zhou. Numerical Study on Distribution Law of Magnetic Field and Temperature Field around the Crack Induced by Eddy Currents. 42nd Annual Review of Progress in Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation, 26-31 July 2015, Minneapolis, USA.
1. 郑文培,冯一璟,张来斌,用于管道内检测的交流电磁场检测装置,6.0
2. 郑文培,冯一璟,张来斌,用于管道内检测的交流电磁场检测探头,6.7
1. 海洋深水优快钻井关键技术研究与应用. 中国石油和化学工业联合会科技进步一等奖. 2017.9
2. 油气站场动力机组精确诊断预警技术开发及应用. 中国石油和化学工业联合会科技进步一等奖. 2014.11.
Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation, Measurement, Infrared Physics and Technology, 《安全与环境工程》审稿人

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