本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-05-12
2002-2006 中国石油大学(华东)土木工程系 本科
2006-2009 同济大学建筑工程系 硕士
2008-2009 法国国立路桥学校 硕士
2009-2012 法国综合理工学校 博士
2013 法国综合理工学校 博士后
2013-2015 法国国立路桥学校 博士后、助理研究员
2016-现在 中国石油大学(北京) 教师
电子邮件: linlin.wang@cup.edu.cn
所在系所: 海洋油气工程系
[1]Wang, L.L., Bornert, M., Héripré, E., Chanchole, S., Pouya, A., Halphen, B. Micro-scale insight into the influence of humidity on the mechanical behavior of mudstones. Journal of Geophysical Research – Solid Earth120(15): 3173–3186.
[2]Wang, L.L., Yang, R.W.,Chanchole, S., Zhang, G.Q. 2017. The time-dependent swelling of argillaceous rock under resaturated conditions. Applied Clay Science, 146: 186-194.
[3]Wang, L.L., Bérest, P., Brouard, B. Mechanical behavior of salt caverns: closed-form solutions vs numerical computations. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering48(6): 2369-2382.
[4]Wang, L.L., Bornert, M., Héripré, E., Chanchole, S., Pouya, A., Halphen, B. The mechanisms of deformation and damage of mudstones: a micro-scale study combining ESEM and DIC. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering48(5):1913-1926.
[5]Wang, L.L., Bornert, M., Yang, D.S., Héripré, E., Chanchole. S., Halphen, B., Pouya, A. Microstructural insight into the nonlinear swelling of argillaceous rocks. Engineering Geology193: 435–444.
2014 Strain 杂志年度最佳论文奖
2014 法国岩石力学协会(CFMR)Pierre Londe 奖
Professor Linlin Wang
Ph.D. Mechanics Ecole Polytechnique (France) 2012
M.S. Geomechanics Ecole Nationale des Pontes et des Chaussées (France) 2009
M.S. Civil Engineering Tongji University 2009
B.S. Civil Engineering China University of Petroleum 2006
Research Interests:
Rock mechanics, Physics and mechanics of porous solids, Experimental mechanics
TEL: +86 **
Email: linlin.wang@cup.edu.cn
Wang, L.L., Yang, R.W.,Chanchole, S., Zhang, G.Q. 2017. The time-dependent swelling of argillaceous rock under resaturated conditions. Applied Clay Science, 146: 186-194.
Yang, R.W., Li, K.F., Wang, L.L.*, Bornert, M., Zhang, Z.L., Hu, T. 2016. A micro-experimental insight into the mechanical behavior of sticky rice slurry-lime mortar subject to wetting-drying cycles, Journal of Material Science, 51(18): 1-12
Wang, L.L., Bornert, M., Héripré, E., Chanchole, S., Pouya, A., Halphen, B. 2015. Micro-scale insight into the influence of humidity on the mechanical behavior of mudstones. Journal of Geophysical Research – Solid Earth120(15): 3173–3186.
Wang, L.L., Bérest, P., Brouard, B. 2015. Mechanical behavior of salt caverns: closed-form solutions vs numerical computations. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering48(6): 2369-2382.
Wang, L.L., Bornert, M., Héripré, E., Chanchole, S., Pouya, A., Halphen, B. 2015. The mechanisms of deformation and damage of mudstones: a micro-scale study combining ESEM and DIC. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering48(5):1913-1926.
Wang, L.L., Bornert, M., Yang, D.S., Héripré, E., Chanchole. S., Halphen, B., Pouya, A. 2015. Microstructural insight into the nonlinear swelling of argillaceous rocks. Engineering Geology193: 435–444.
Wang, L.L.,Pouya, A., Halphen, B., Bornert, M. 2014. Modeling the internal stress filed in argillaceous rocks under humidification/desiccation. International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics38(16): 1664–1682.
Wang, L.L., Bornert, M., Héripré, E., Yang, D.S., Chanchole, S. 2014. Irreversible deformation and damage in argillaceous rocks induced by wetting/drying. Journal of Applied Geophysics 107: 108-118.
Wang, L.L.,Bornert, M., Héripré, E., Chanchole, S., Tanguy, A. 2014. Full-field measurements on low-strained geomaterials using environmental scanning electron microscopy and digital image correlation: improved imaging conditions. Strain50(5): 370-380.
Wang, L.L., Bornert, M., Chanchole, S., Héripré, E., Yang, D.S. 2014. Micromechanical experimental investigation of mudstones. Géotechnique Letters4:306 –309.
Wang, L.L., Bornert, M., Chanchole. S., Héripré, E., Yang, D.S., Halphen, B., Pouya, A., Tanguy, A., Caldemaison, D. 2013. Micro-scale experimental investigation of the anisotropic swelling of COx argillaceous rocks. Clay Minerals48: 391-402.
Wang, L.L., Bornert, M., Chanchole. S., Héripré, E. 2013. Experimental investigation of the free swelling of crushed argillite. Geotechnique Letters3(2): 89-92.
Carrier, B.,Wang, L.L., Vandamme, M., Pellenq, R., Bornert, M., Van Damme, H. 2013. ESEM study of the humidity-induced swelling of clay films. Langmuir29: 12823-12833.
Yang, D.S., Bornert, M., Chanchole, S., Wang, L.L., Valli, P., Gatmiri, B., 2011. Experimental investigation of the delayed behavior of unsaturated argillaceous rocks by means of digital image correlation techniques. Applied Clay Science54 (1): 53-62.
Wang, L.L., Bornert, M., Chanchole, S. 2013. Micro-scale experimental investigation of deformation and damage of argillaceous rocks under hydric and mechanical loads. ASCEPoromechanics V: 1635-1643.
Qi, D.Q., Wang, L.L., Huang, B.H. 2007. Damage assessment of hydraulic structures. The Proceedings of China Association for Science and Technology 4.
Wang, L.L., Halphen, B., Bornert, M., Pouya, A., Yang, D.S., Héripré, E., Chanchole, S. 2011. Observation des micromécanismes de déformation et d’endommagement des argilites sous sollicitation hydrique. 20ème Congres Fran?ais de Mécanique, Besan?on.
Wang, L.L., Héripré, E., EI Outmani, S., Caldemaison, D., Bornert, M. 2010. A simple experimental procedure to quantify image noise in the context of strain measurement at the microscale using DIC and SEM images. Proceedings of 14th International Conference on Experimental Mechanics, Poitiers, Article Nr. 20104
Yang, D.S., Bornert, M., Gharbi, H., Valli, P., Wang, L.L.2010. Optimized optical setup for DIC in rock mechanics. Proceedings of 14th International Conference on Experimental Mechanics, Poitiers, Article Nr. 22019
2014 Fylde Strain Best Paper Prize for 2014
2014 Pierre Londe Prize (French society of rock mechanics)
相关话题/中国石油大学北京 海洋
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安晨男,1981年2月生,工学博士,中国石油大学(北京)海洋工程研究院副教授,硕士生指导教师。教育与工作经历:2016/07-至今,中国石油大学(北京),海洋工程研究院,副教授2013/05-2016/06,中国石油大学(北京),机械与储运工程学院,讲师2015/02-2015/03,巴西里约热内卢 ...中国石油大学北京师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-05-12中国石油大学北京安全与海洋工程学院导师教师师资介绍简介-张玉
联系方式电话:邮箱:zhangyu@cup.edu.cn1)主要简介张玉,女,1983年12月生,山东省济宁人,教授,机械工程硕士生导师、博士生导师,校青年拔尖人才。主要从事界面断裂力学、复合材料力学、海洋结构物的可靠性及失效分析等研究。海洋工程研究院海洋新材料研究中心主任,水下技术学会中国分会秘书 ...中国石油大学北京师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-05-12中国石油大学北京安全与海洋工程学院导师教师师资介绍简介-刘军鹏
联系方式办公室:新综合楼A座507电话:**邮箱:liujp@cup.edu.cn一、个人简介刘军鹏,男,汉族,1986年8月生,山东烟台人,理学博士,副教授,硕士研究生导师(机械工程)。2016年11月,毕业于巴西里约热内卢联邦大学工程研究生院(COPPE/UFRJ)海洋工程专业,获理学博士学位。 ...中国石油大学北京师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-05-12中国石油大学北京安全与海洋工程学院导师教师师资介绍简介-陈浩
陈浩,副教授(青年拔尖人才),博导;电子邮箱:chenhao@cup.edu.cn教育与工作经历:2015.07----至今中国石油大学(北京),海洋油气工程系,教师2013.11-2014.11TheUniversityofTexasatAustin,联合培养,导师:KeithJohnston(美 ...中国石油大学北京师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-05-12中国石油大学北京安全与海洋工程学院导师教师师资介绍简介-王懿
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个人简历王莹莹,女,博士,副教授,博士研究生导师,海洋油气工程,CNOOC&CUP海洋能源工程技术联合研究院综合室主任、水下生产系统研究室与海洋油气开发风险分析研究室骨干。2012年6月获得中国石油大学(北京)海洋石油装备设计及理论方向博士学位,2012年10月-2014年8月在巴西里约热内卢联邦大 ...中国石油大学北京师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-05-12