

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-05-12

周辉,教授,博士生导师,博士学位。1966年生,江苏省启东市人。1985年考入长春地质学院应用地球物理系,1995年在该系获得博士学位,研究方向为地震勘探。1997年6月于中国海洋大学博士后流动站出站并留校任教。2008年3月以引进人才身份到中国石油大学(北京)资源与信息学院,信息科学与地球物理系工作。2010年4月成立地球物理与信息工程学院,担任地球物理与信息工程学院副院长至2015年12月。2016年1月至今,担任该院党委书记。2016年5月至今,担任中石油物探重点实验室主任。 主要从事地震勘探和地质雷达探测等地球物理资料的处理和正反演研究。负责以波动方程叠前偏移、吸收衰减补偿叠前偏移、波动方程非线性反演为研究主题的国家自然科学基金项目6项(其中1项为重点项目,3项面上项目,1项青年基金项目,1项日本学术振兴会基础研究项目),国家科技重大专项子课题3项,国家重点基础研究发展规划973项目课题1项,中石油创新基金1项,中石油“十二五”、 “十三五”新方法新技术研究项目子课题3项。
发表期刊学术论文80多篇,国际会议论文54篇,授权专利3项,软件著作权登记3项。发表论文中。收录论文的 SCI 引用 697 次(2018年4月查新结果)。
先后两次作为访问在日本的东北大学和长崎大学从事地球物理数据处理、采集、反演、解释和偏移成像等合作研究。 2000年入选“青岛市专业技术拔尖人才”, 2006年入选教育部“新世纪优秀人才支持计划”。获2015年度教育部科技进步二等奖1项。
电子邮件: huizhou@Xup.edu.Xn,其中大写字母X代表小写字母c。
电 话:010-X9731YY5 (O.) ,其中X代表8,Y代表0。
Mobile: Z5XZZ25572X,其中X代表8,Z代表1。
书 记,中国石油大学(北京)地球物理与信息工程学院,2016/01-。
副 院 长,中国石油大学(北京)地球物理与信息工程学院,2010/04-2015/12。
博 导,中国海洋大学,2002/03-2008/03。
教 授,中国海洋大学,2000/12-2008/03。
教 师,中国海洋大学,1997/07-2008/03。
博 士 后,中国海洋大学,1995/09-1997/06。
博 士 生,长春地质学院,地球物理系,1992/09-1995/07。
硕 士 生,长春地质学院,地球物理系,1989/09-1992/07。
本 科 生,长春地质学院,地球物理系,1985/09-1989/07。
[1] 2017-2021,变分数阶拉普拉斯算子粘滞声波方程正演、逆时偏移和全波形反演研究,国家自然科学基金重点项目。
[2] 2016-2020,油藏地球物理地震反演新技术与软件研制,“十三五”国家科技重大专项。
[3] 2016-2018,弹性波全波形反演与深度域成像技术(负责波形反演部分),中石油“十三五”前三年新方法新技术研究。
[4] 2015-2016,双气枪震源同步激发地震数据分离方法及软件编制,中国石油集团东方地球物理勘探有限责任公司。
[5] 2013-2017,深层波动方程反演综合建模与偏移成像,国家重点基础研究发展规划973项目课题。
[6] 2014-2015,弹性波地震成像与速度建模方法研究(负责速度建模部分),中石油“十二五”后三年新方法新技术研究。
[7] 2014-2015,时间域弹性波全波形反演方法研究,中国石油勘探开发研究院西北分院。
[8] 2011-2015,井资料约束非线性反演方法研究与软件模块研制,“十二五”国家科技重大专项。
[9] 2011-2015,三维三分量VSP处理技术及应用研究,“十二五”国家科技重大专项。
[10] 2011-2013,弹性波动方程全波形反演速度建模和保幅逆时偏移技术,中石油“十二五”前两年新方法新技术研究。
[11] 2012-2015,无天线耦合效应地质雷达数据时间域非线性反演效率研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目。
[1] 2017-2020,中国地球物理学会油气地球物理专业委员会委员
[2] 2015,李国发, 周辉等,薄互层油气藏高分辨率地震成像与结构表征关键技术及其工业化应用,教育部,科技进步二等奖。
[3] 2014,第二届“东方杯”全国大学生勘探地球物理大赛优秀指导教师。
[4] 2006,教育部“新世纪优秀人才支持计划” 。
[5] 2000,青岛市专业技术拔尖人才。
[6] 2015,中国石化地球物理重点实验室第二届学术委员会委员。
[7] 2016,中国石油天然气集团公司物探重点实验室主任。
[1] 2017,赵学彬,第五届“东方杯”全国大学生勘探地球物理大赛全国三等奖。
[2] 2017,王玲谦,第五届“东方杯”全国大学生勘探地球物理大赛全国二等奖。
[3] 2016,夏木明,第四届“东方杯”全国大学生勘探地球物理大赛全国二等奖。
[4] 2016,祖绍环,中国石油大学(北京),优秀硕士学位论文。
[5] 2015,杨雅慧,第三届“东方杯”全国大学生勘探地球物理大赛全国二等奖。
[6] 2015,曲 杉,中国石油大学(北京),优秀硕士学位论文。
[7] 2014,张庆臣,北京市优秀毕业生。
[8] 2014,夏木明,第二届“东方杯”全国大学生勘探地球物理大赛全国一等奖。
[9] 2014,袁 江,第二届“东方杯”全国大学生勘探地球物理大赛全国一等奖。
[10] 2014,杨雅慧,第二届“东方杯”全国大学生勘探地球物理大赛全国二等奖。
[11] 2013,陈汉明,中国第四届李四光优秀硕士研究生奖。
[12] 2013,陈汉明,中国石油大学(北京),优秀硕士学位论文。
[13] 2013,陈汉明,北京市优秀毕业生。
[1] 周辉,张庆臣,陈汉明,张光超,一种弹性波全波形反演方法及装置, 申请人:中国石油天然气集团公司,中国石油大学(北京),专利号:ZL9.3, 授权时间2017.12.10.
[2] 周辉, 王杰, 张红静, 张庆臣, 2013, 基于时间域一阶弹性波动方程的全波形反演方法及装置,申请人:中国石油天然气集团公司,中国石油大学,专利号:ZL0.7,授权时间2015.9.23.
[3] 周辉, 林鹤, 陈汉明, 王颖, 李彦奇, 2013, 一种基于任意广角波动方程的成像方法及装置, 申请人:中国石油天然气集团公司,中国石油大学,专利号:ZL8.0,授权时间2015.10.28.
[1] 周辉,夏木明,陈汉明,李卿卿,张庆臣,窦玉照,王书成,基于弹簧网络模型的正演模拟方法及装置, 申请人:中国石油天然气集团公司,中国石油大学(北京),申请号:.9, 2016.12.14.
[2] 夏木明, 周辉,等,2016,一种地震波场数值模拟方法及装置,申请时间:申请号:8.5,2016.11.24.
[1] 2017,基于矩阵低秩分解和完美匹配层的波动方程数值模拟软件,申请人:中国石油大学(北京), 登记号:
[2] 2017,基于炮延迟的全波形反演软件,申请人:中国石油大学(北京), 登记号:2017SR147063.
[3] 2015,时间域不依赖子波的稳健弹性波全波形反演速度建模软件, 申请人:中国石油大学(北京),登记号:2015SR243612.
[4] 2013, 三维弹性波全波形反演速度建模软件,申请人:中国石油大学(北京),登记号:131118.
[1] Zu S.H., Zhou H.*, Mao W.J., Gong F., Huang W.L., Chen Y.K., 2018, 3D deblending of simultaneous source data based on 3D multi-scale shaping operator, Journal of Applied Geophysics, 151, 274–289.
[2] Fang J.W., Zhou H.*, Zhang Q.C., Chen H.M., Wang S.C. Wang N., Sun P.Y., 2018, Effect of surface-related Rayleigh and multiple waves on velocity reconstruction with time-domain elastic FWI, Journal of Applied Geophysics, 148, 33–43.
[3] Wang N., Zhou H.*, Chen H.M., Xia M.M., Wang S.C., Fang J.W., Sun P.Y., 2018, A constant fractional-order viscoelastic wave equation and its numerical simulation scheme, Geophysics, 83(1), T39-T48.
[4] Wang Y.F., Ma X., Zhou H.*, Chen Y.K., 2018, L1-2 minimization for exact and stable seismic attenuation compensation, Geophysical Journal International, Accepted.
[5] Xia M.M., Zhou H.*, Chen H.M., Zhang Q.C., Li Q.Q., 2018, A rectangular lattice spring model for modeling elastic waves in Poisson solids, Geophysics, Geophysics, 83(2), T69–T86.
[6] Wang Y.F., Zhou H.*, Chen H.M., Chen Y.K., 2018, Adaptive stabilization for Q-compensated reverse time migration, Geophysics, 83(1), S15-S32.
[7] Zu S.H., Zhou H.*, Mao W.J., Zhang D., et al., 2017, Iterative deblending of simultaneous-source data using a coherency-pass shaping operator, Geophysical Journal International, 2017, 211(1):541-557.
[8] Xia M.M., Zhou H.*, Li Q.Q., Chen H.M., Wang Y.F. Wang S.C., 2017, A general three- dimensional lattice spring model for modeling elastic waves, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 2017 , 107 (5) : 2194-2212.
[9] Xia M.M., Wang S.C., Zhou H.*, et al., 2017, Modelling viscoacoustic wave propagation with the lattice Boltzmann method, Scientific Reports, 7: 10169 | DOI:10.1038/s41598-017-10833-w.
[10] Wang Y.F., Zhou H., Zu S.H., Chen Y.K., Mao W.J.. 2017, Three-operator proximal splitting scheme for 3D seismic data reconstruction, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 14(10), 1380-1384.
[11] Zu S., Zhou H.*, Li Q.Q., Chen H.M., et al., 2017, Shot-domain deblending using least-squares inversion, Geophysics, 82(4), V241–V256.
[12] Zu S.H., Zhou H.*, Chen H.L., et al., 2017, Two field trials for deblending of simultaneous source: why we failed and why we succeeded? Journal of Applied Geophysics, 143, 182-194.
[13] Chen H.M., Zhou H.*, Xia M.M., 2017, Efficiency improved scalar wave low-rank extrapolation with an effective perfectly matched layer, Journal of Geophysics and Engineering, 14, 113-119.
[14] Chen H.M., Zhou H.*, Zhang Q.C., Chen Y.K., 2017, Modeling elastic wave propagation using K-Space operator based temporal high-order staggered-grid finite-difference method, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 55(2), 801-815.
[15] Wang Y., Zhou H.*, 2017, A fourth order accuracy summation-by-parts finite difference scheme for acoustic reverse time migration in boundary-conforming grids, Journal of Applied Geophysics, 136, 498-512.
[16] Zu S.H., Zhou H., Chen Y.K., Xie C.L., Pan Xiao, Gan S.W, 2016, Interpolating big gaps using inversion with slope constraint, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 13(9), 1369-1373.
[17] Zhang Q.C., Zhou H.*, Chen H.M., Wang J., 2016, Least-squares reverse time migration with and without source wavelet estimation, Journal of Applied Geophysics, 134, 1-10.
[18] Chen H.M., Zhou H.*, 2016, General rectangular grid based time-space domain high-order finite-difference methods for modeling scalar wave propagation, Journal of Applied Geophysics, 133, 141-156.
[19] Chen H.M., Zhou H.*, Li Q.Q., Wang Y.F., 2016, Two efficient modeling schemes for fractional Laplacian viscoacoustic wave equation, Geophysics, 81(5), T233-T249.
[20] Li Q.Q., Zhou H.*, Zhang Q.C., Chen H.M., Sheng S.B., 2016, Efficient reverse time migration based on fractional Laplacian viscoacoustic wave equation, Geophysical Journal International, 204 (1): 488-504, doi: 10.1093/gji/ggv456.
[21] Zhang Q.C., Zhou H.*, Chen H.M., Wang J., Yang Y.H., Li Y.Q., 2016, Robust source- independent elastic full waveform inversion in the time domain, Geophysics, 81(2), R13-R28.
[22] Chen H.M., Zhou H.*, Zhang Q.C., Xia M.M., 2016, A k-space operator based least-squares staggered-grid finite-difference method for modeling scalar wave propagation, Geophysics, 81(2), T39-T55.
[23] Zu S.H., Zhou H.*, Chen Y.K., Qu Shan, Zou X.F., Chen H.L., Liu R.W., 2016, A periodically variational code for improving deblending of simultaneous sources in marine acquisition, Geophysics, 81(3), V213-V225.
[24] Qu Shan, Zhou H.*, Liu R.W., Chen Y.K., Yu Sa, Yuan J., Yang Y.H., 2016, Deblending of simultaneous-source seismic data using fast iterative shrinkage-thresholding algorithm with firm-thresholding, Acta Geophysica, 64(4), 1064-1092, DOI: 10.1515/acgeo-2016-0043.
[25] 罗文山, 陈汉明, 王成祥, 周辉*, 王狮虎, 2016, 时间域黏滞波动方程及其数值模拟新方法, 石油地球物理勘探, 51(4), 715-721.
[26] 张保庆, 周辉, 陈汉明, 盛善波, 2016, 时-空域高阶有限差分波动方程数值模拟方法, 地球物理学报, 59(5), 1804-1814.
[27] 王颖, 周辉*, 盛善波, 2016, 贴体坐标系二维声波方程SBP有限差分法的稳定性分析, 石油物探, 55(1), 33-40.
[28] 祖绍环, 周辉*, 陈阳康, 曲杉, 刘仁武, 陈浩林, 2016, 基于整形正则化分离不规则采样的多震源数据, 石油地球物理勘探, 51(2), 247-235.
[29] Wang Ying, Zhou H.*, Yuan S.Y., Chen H.M., 2015, Acoustic reverse time migration and perfectly matched layer in boundary-conforming grids by elliptic method, Journal of Applied Geophysics, 122, 53-61.
[30] Qu Shan, Zhou H., Chen Y.K., et al., 2015, An effective method for reducing harmonic distortion in correlated vibroseis data, Journal of Applied Geophysics, 115, 120-128.
[31] Chen H.M., Zhou H.*, Li Y.Q., 2014, Application of unsplit convolutional perfectly matched layer for scalar arbitrarily wide-angle wave equation, Geophysics,79(6), T313-T321.
[1] Wang L.Q., Yu B., Zhou H., Chen X.Y., 2017, Predicting S-wave velocity based on three well logging curves, SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, USA, 27-30 Sept.
[2] Chen H.M., Zhou H., 2017, Estimating velocity and Q by fractional Laplacian constant-Q wave equation-based full waveform inversion, SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, USA, 27-30 Sept.
[3] Wang S.C., Xia M.M., Zhou H., 2017, Modeling seismic P waves with lattice Boltzmann method, SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, USA, 27-30 Sept.
[4] Zhao X.B., Zhou H., Li Q.Q., Wang Y.F., 2017, An efficient weighted method for absorbing boundary reflection in seismic modeling, 79th Annual International Meeting, EAGE, Paris, 12-15 June.
[5] Chen H.M., Zhou H., 2017, Simultaneous inversion of velocity and Q using a fractional Laplacian constant-Q wave equation, 79th Annual International Meeting, EAGE, Paris, 12 June -15 June.
[6] Wang N., Zhou H., Chen H.M., Yu B., 2017, Modelling viscoelastic waves using constant fractional-order spatial derivatives, 79th Annual International Meeting, EAGE, Paris, 12 June -15 June.
[7] Yu B., Zhou H., Wang N., Wang H.Y., 2017, Seismic inversion combining Kriging interpolation and multiple-point geostatistics, 79th Annual International Meeting, EAGE, Paris, 12 June -15 June.
[8] Zu S.H., Zhou H., Mao W.J., Zhang D., et al., 2017, Deblending of simultaneous source with rank-reduction and thresholding constraints, 79th Annual International Meeting, EAGE, Paris, 12 June -15 June.
[9] Wang Y.F., Zhou H., Zhao X.Z., et al., 2017, Regularized Q-RTM using time-variant filtering in the k-space, 79th Annual International Meeting, EAGE, Paris, 12 June -15 June.
[10] Wang Y.F., Zhou Hui, Zhao X.Z., Zhang Qingchen, Zhou Zheng, An Yong, 2017, Wavefield reconstruction in attenuating media using time-reversal checkpointing and k-space filtering, 79th Annual International Meeting, EAGE, Paris, 12 June -15 June.
[11] Wang Y.F., Zhou Hui, Li Q.Q., Zhao X.B., 2017, The k-space Green’s functions for decoupled constant-Q wave equation and its adjoint equation, 79th Annual International Meeting, EAGE, Paris, 12 June -15 June.
[12] Zhou H., Chen H.M., Wang N., An Y., 2016, Modelling decoupled elastic wave propagation using a quasi-stress-velocity wave equation and temporal fourth-order staggered-grid finite-difference method, 78th Annual International Meeting, EAGE, Vienna, 29 May -3 June.
[13] Li Q.Q., Zhou H., Du N.N., Chen H.M., 2016, High-efficiency and accurate attenuation compensation in reverse-time migration, 78th Annual International Meeting, EAGE, Vienna, 29 May -3 June.
[14] Li Q.Q., Zhou H., Du N.N., Chen H.M., An Y., 2016, Stable and high-efficiency attenuation compensation in reverse-time migration, 78th Annual International Meeting, EAGE, Vienna, 29 May -3 June.
[15] Zu S.H., Zhou H., et al., 2016, A marine field trial for iterative deblending of simultaneous sources, SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, USA, 15-22 Oct.
[16] Zu S, Zhou H, Pan X, Gan S, et al. 2016, Recovering the most from big gaps using least-squares inversion. SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, USA, 15-22 Oct.
[17] Yu B., Zhou H., et al., 2016, Pre-stack multi-wave joint inversion for Young’s modulus and Poisson ratio based on stochastic kriging interpolation, SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, USA, 15-22 Oct.
[18] Chen G., Zhou H., et al., 2016, Sparse spike prestack elastic impedance inversion based on orthogonal matching pursuit algorithm, SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, USA, 15-22 Oct.
[19] Zu S.H., Zhou H., Chen Y.K., Liu Y., Qu S., 2015, A periodically variational dithering code for improving deblending performance, SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, USA.
[20] Chen H.M., Zhou H., Zhang Q.C., Zhang Qi, 2015, Optimized time-space domain staggered-grid finite-difference methods based on new finite-difference stencils, SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, USA.
[21] Wang Y.F., Zhou H., Li Q.Q., Chen H.M., Gan S.W., 2015, An unsplit convolutional perfectly matched layer for visco-acoustic wave equation with fractional time derivatives, SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, USA.
[22] Xia M.M., Zhou H., Zhang Q.C., et al., 2015, Modeling elastic waves with Lattice Spring Model, SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, USA.
[23] Chen Y.H., Zhou H., Li Y.Q., Yang Y.H., Zou X.F., Zhang G.C., 2015, Bayesian prestack inversion with a Huber-Markov random-field constraint, SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, USA.
[24] Yang Y.H., Zhou H., Chen Y.H., et al., 2015, Estimating surface wave dispersion curve based on waveform calculation examination, SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, USA.
[25] Zhang Q.C., Zhou H., Chen H.M., Yang Y.H., Li Y.Q., 2015, Robust source-independent elastic full waveform inversion in the time domain, 77th Annual International Meeting, EAGE, Madrid, 1-4 June.
[26] Zhang Q.C., Zhou H., Chen H.M., et al., 2015, Source-independent least-squares reverse-time migration, 77th Annual International Meeting, EAGE, Madrid, 1-4 June.
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