

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-04-29

1. Haodong Yuan,Jun Jin?, Yao Bai, Qiuxu Li, Ying Wang, Qinghua Wang,Organochlorine pesticides in tree bark and human hair in Yunnan Province, China: Concentrations, distributions and exposure pathway,Science of The Total Environment, 2017, 580: 1027-1033.
2. Yulong Ma, Peng Li,Jun Jin?, Ying Wang, Qinghua Wang,Current halogenated flame retardant concentrations in serum from residents of Shandong Province, China, and temporal changes in the concentrations.Environmental Research, 2017, 155: 116-122.
3. Qinghua Wang, Haodong Yuan,Jun Jin?, Peng Li, Yulong Ma, Ying Wang,Organochlorine pesticide concentrations in pooled serum of people in different age groups from five Chinese cities,Science of The Total Environment,2017, 586: 1012-1019.
4.Peng Li,Jun Jin*,Ying Wang,Jicheng Hu,Meng Xu,Yiming Sun,Yulong Ma,Concentrations of organophosphorus, polybromobenzene, and polybrominated diphenyl ether flame retardants in human serum, and relationships between concentrations and donor ages,Chemosphere, 2017,171: 654–660.
5. Yulong Ma,Jun Jin?, Peng Li, Meng Xu, Yiming Sun, Ying Wang and Haodong Yuan,Organophosphate ester flame retardant concentrations and distributions in serum from inhabitants of Shandong, China, and changes between 2011 and 2015,Environmental toxicology and chemistry, 2017: 36: 414–421.
6. Chang He,Jun Jin?, Ying Wang, et al.,Exchange of Organohalogen Compounds between Air and Tree Bark in the Yellow River Region.Chemosphere, 2016,153:478-484.
7. Yuan haodong,Jun Jin?, Yao Bai, Qiuxu Li, Ying Wang, Jicheng Hu.Concentrations and distributions of polybrominated diphenyl ethers and novel brominated flame retardants in tree bark and human hair from Yunnan Province, China,Chemosphere, 2016,154:319-325.
8. Yu Gao, Limei Chen, Caifeng Wang, Yijun Zhou, Yiwen Wang, Yan Zhang, Yi Hu, Lin Ji, Rong Shi, Chang Cui, Guodong Ding,Jun Jin, Ying Tian, Exposure to polybrominated diphenyl ethers and female reproductive function: A study in the production area of Shandong, China,Science of the Total Environment, 2016, 572: 9-15.
9. Shan Yi, Jian-Guo Liu,Jun Jin, Jing Zhu, Assessme nt of the occupational and environmental risks of hexabromocyclod odecane (HB CD) in China.Chemosphere, 2016, 150:431-437.
10. Qiuxu Li,Jun Jin?, Yao Lu, Guangyao Li, Chang He, Ying Wang, Peng Li, Jicheng Hu.Polybromingated diphenyl ethers and new polybrominated flame retardants in tree bark from western areas of China.Environmental toxicology and chemistry. 2016,35,1364-1370.
11. Qiuxu Li,Jun Jin?, Yao Lu, Guangyao Li, Chang He, Ying Wang, Peng Li, Jicheng Hu.Comparison of using polyurethane foam passive samplers and tree bark samples from Western China to determine atmospheric organochlorine pesticide.Journal of Environmental Sciences. 2016, 41, 90-98.
12. Peng Li, Hui Wu, Qiuxu Li,Jun Jin?, Ying Wang. Brominated flame retardants in food and environmental samples from a production area in China: concentrations and human exposure assessment.Environmental Monitoring and Assessment.(2015) 187:719 DOI 10.1007/s10661-015-4947-y.
13. Ying Wang, Meng Xu,Jun Jin?, Songjie He, Mingyuan Li, Yiming Sun, Concentrations and relationships between classes of persistent halogenated organic compounds in pooled human serum samples and air from Laizhou Bay, China.Science of the Total Environment, 2014, 482–483, 276–282.
14.Chang He,Jun Jin?, Ying Wanget al., Polybrominated diphenyl ethers, dechlorane plus, and polychlorinated biphenyls in tree bark near the Yellow River, China,Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 2014, 33,1732–1738.
15. Chang He,Jun Jin?, Bailin Xiang, Ying Wang, Zhaohui Ma, Upper Yellow River air concentrations of organochlorine pesticides estimated from tree bark, and their relationship with socioeconomic indices,Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2014,26, 593–600.
16. Songjie He, Mingyuan Li,Jun Jin?, Ying Wang, et al. Concentrations and trends of halogenated flame retardants in the pooled serum of residents of Laizhou Bay, China,Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 2013,32, 1242–1247.
17. Songjie He, Mingyuan Li,Jun Jin?, Ying Wang, et al.Determination of New Halogenated Flame Retardants in Human Serum by Gel Permeation Chromatography-Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry,Chinese Journal of Analytical Chemistry, 2012, 40, 1519-1523.
18.Cui C,Tian Y,Zhang L,Gao Y,Jun Jin,Wang P,Ding W,Wang X,Shi R,Wang Y. Polybrominated diphenyl ethers exposure in breast milk in Shanghai, China: levels, influencing factors and potential health risk for infants.Sci Total Environ.2012, 433:331-335.
19.Jicheng Hu,Jun Jin?, Ying Wang, Zhaohui Ma, Wanjing Zheng, Levels of polybrominated diphenyl ethers and hexabromocyclododecane in the atmosphere and tree bark from Beijing, China.Chemosphere. 2011, 84, 355-360.
20.Jun Jin?, Wang Y, Liu W Z, Yang C Q, Hu J C, Cui J, Polybrominated diphenyl ethers in atmosphere and soil of a production area in China: Levels and partitioning.Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2011, 23, 427-433.
21.Jun Jin?,Wang Ying, Yang Congqiao, Hu Jicheng, Liu Weizhi, Cui Jian, Human exposure to polybrominated diphenyl ethers at production area, China.Environemntal Toxicology and Chemistry, 2010, 29, 1031–1035.
22.Jun Jin?, Wang Ying, Yang Congqiao, Hu Jicheng, Liu Weizhi, Cui Jian, Tang Xiaoyan, Polybrominated diphenyl ethers in the serum and milk of the resident population from production area. China.Environment International, 2009, 35, 1048-1052.
23.Jun Jin?, Liu W.Z., Wang Y., Tang X.Y., Levels and distribution of polybrominated diphenyl ethers in plant, shellfish and sediment samples from Laizhou Bay in China.Chemosphere, 2008, 71, 1043-1050.
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