

研究生院 免费考研网/2006-09-27

李春俭 Li Chunjian
博士,教 授 Ph.D., Professor

研究方向:逆境营养生理,植物生长调节剂/ Physilogy of Plant Nutrition, Plant Growth Regulators                           Tel:01062893886  E-mail: lichj@cau.edu.cn


简 历

1978.02 - 1982.01 西北大学生物系,获理学学士学位
1982.02 - 1984.12 西北大学生物系,获理学硕士学位
1988.04 - 1993.02 德国Hohenehim大学, 获博士( Ph.D)学位


高级植物营养学, 硕士研究生学位课


国家重点基础研究项目:作物抗逆性与水分、养分高效利用的生理及分子基础(1999-2004) 课题副主持
国家自然科学基金项目: 烤烟体内钾循环、生长后期钾的再分配及其影响因素研究(2001.01-2003.12) 主持


2.Fan Jiang, Chunjian Li, W. Dieter Jeschke, Fusuo Zhang. (2001). Effect of Top Excision and Replacement by 1-naphthylacetic Acid on Partition and Flow of Potassium in Tobacco Plants. J. Exp. Bot. 52: 2143-2150.           
3.Li Chunjian, Heidrun Pfeffer, Frank Dannel, Volker Roemheld and Fritz Bangerth.(2001). Effects of boron starvation on boron compartmentation, and possibly hormone-mediated elongation growth and apical dominance of pea (Pisum sativum L.) plants. Physiol. Plant. 111(2):212-219              4.Bangerth F., Chunjian Li, and G. Gruber (2000). Mutual interaction of auxin and cytokinins in regulating correlative dominance. Plant Growth Regulation, 32:205-217                                 
5.Li Chun-jian, Xiao-ping Zhu, and Fu-suo Zhang (2000). Role of shoot in regulation of iron deficiency responses in cucumber and bean plants. J. Plant Nutrition, 23(11/12):1809-1813                       
6.Li CJ., Fritz Bangerth (1999), Autoinhibition of indoleacetic acid transport in the shoots of two-branched pea (Pisum sativum L.) plants and its relationship to correlative dominance, Physiol. Plant 106:415-420      
7.Li, CJ., Yuan HY., Zhang YG., Zhang FS. (1997). Growth of lateral buds versus changes of endogenous indoleacetic acid and zeatin/zeatin riboside content in pea plants grown under boron deficiency. In Bell PW., Rerkasem B. eds "Boron in Soil and Plants", Proceedings of the International Symposium on Boron in Soils and Plants held at Chiang Mai, Thailand, 7-11, September, 1997, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht/Boston/London           
8.Li, CJ., E. Guevara, J. Herrera and F. Bangerth. (1995). Effect of apex excision and replacement by 1-naphthylacetic acid on cytokinin concentration and apical dominance in pea plants. Physiol. Plant. 94∶465-469      
9.李春俭, 张福锁(2001). 植物营养胁迫。作物产量形成的生理学基础(国家攀登计划农业项目系列书),娄成后,王学臣主编,中国农业出版社180-188         
10.李春俭,张福锁 (2000). 营养胁迫及其适应性反应的调节。"植物营养研究-进展与展望",冯锋,张福锁,扬新泉编著, 中国农业大学出版社, 12-24          
11.庞欣,李春俭,张福锁 (2000). 部分根系供磷对小麦幼苗生长及同化物分配的影响。作物学报,26(6): 720-724                         
12.田中民,李春俭,王晨,赵紫娟 (2000). 缺磷白羽扇豆排根与非排根区根尖分泌有机酸的比较。植物生理学报。26(4): 317-322                    
13.庞欣,李春俭,张福锁 (1999). 缺磷胁迫对黄瓜体内磷运输及再分配的影响。植物营养与肥料学报,5(2): 137-143                         
14.李春俭,(1997). 乙烯在豌豆植株顶端优势中的作用.植物生理学报23(3):283-287 15.李春俭,(1997)。生长素极性运输的自动抑制。植物学报,39(8):737-741