

研究生院 免费考研网/2006-09-27

学 院 简 介
A Brief Introduction to the College

The College of Animal Science and Technology, China Agricultural University, was established in 1993, on the basis of the former Department of Animal Science, Beijing Agricultural University, which possesses a history of 80 years. The establishment of Animal Science discipline could date back in 1921 at Beijing Agricultural Professional School. In 1923, Beijing Agricultural Professional School was restructured to National Beijing Agricultural University, and the discipline of Animal Science was reformed to Department of Animal Science of the University, which was the earliest Department of Animal Science in China.(返回)

After the founding of The People"s Republic of China in 1949, the Agricultural Colleges of Peking University, Tsinghua University and Huabei Agricultural University and the Department of Agronomy of Furen University unified and formed Beijing Agricultural University, while the Departments of Peking University, Tsinghua University and Huabei Agricultural University formed Department of Animal Science of Beijing Agricultural University, under the direction of the Central People"s Government. Approved by Ministry of Agriculture, the College of Animal Science and Technology of China Agricultural University was established based on Department of Animal Science of Beijing Agricultural University in 1993. From Beijing Agricultural Professional School in 1921 to the present College of Animal Science and Technology, professors CUI Buying, ZHANG Zhi, WANG Guoxing, WU Zhongxian, ZHANG Zhongge, TANG Yiren, AN Min, WU Chnagtsin and ZHANG Yuan were successively the dean of the Department while professor WU Changtsin has been the dean of the College since 1993.

The College of Animal Science and Technology has three departments, i.e. Department of Animal Genetics, Breeding and Reproduction, Department of Animal Nutrition and Feed Science and Department of Grass Science, of which Animal Genetics, Breeding and Reproduction and Animal Nutrition and Feed Science are the National key disciplines while Grass Science is the Beijing municipal key discipline.

  学院现有中国科学院院士1人,教授23人,副教授27人,博士生导师21人,获“国家杰出青年科学基金”4人,国家“百千万人才工程”第一层次、第二层次专家3人。具有“****奖励计划”特聘教授岗位2个,硕士和博士研究生学位授予点各3个,是全国为数很少的博士学位授权一级学科,并设有博士后流动站。     Presently there are 1 academician, 20 professors and 35 associate professors in the College. Among them, 19 people are PhD supervisors, 4 The State Outstanding Young Scientist Foundation Projects owners, 3 the first and second levels of The National Bei Qian Wan Project specialists and 2 Changjiang Scholar Award Plan owners. The College has been authorized to award academic degrees of MSc. and PhD of three different specialties while the College has also set up postdoctoral research station.

  Four key laboratories, such as Laboratory of Animal Genetics, Breeding and Reproduction, Laboratory of Grassland Recovery and Reconstruction etc. and 4 National and Ministry level research centers, such as National Testing Center of Poultry Performance, National Feed Industry Center etc., have been established in the College. The scientists of the College have chaired or participated in more than 130 key research projects, such as “973” and “863” projects etc., mostly supported by Ministry of Science and Technology, China National Natural Science Foundation and Ministry of Agriculture etc.

  学院本科教育设“动物科学”、“草业科学”等两个专业;成人教育设动物科学、动物营养与饲料加工两个本、专科专业;研究生设动物遗传育种与繁殖、动物营养、草业科学等三个硕士、博士学位专业。此外,尚有农业推广硕士研究生班。改革开放20年来,培养研究生和本专科生达7000多人,大多已经成为我国畜牧业产业、教学、科研、技术推广等领域的骨干力量,部分已经成为企业或学科带头人。The undergraduate education program covers specialties of Animal Science and Grass Science whereas the continuing education has specialties of Animal Science and Animal Nutrition and Feed Science. The MSc. and PhD programs have specialties of Animal Genetics, Breeding and Reproduction, Animal Nutrition and Grass Science. The College also offers MSc. program of Agricultural Extension. During last 20 years, more than 7000 undergraduate students, MSc and PhD students have graduated from the College. Many of the graduates have been playing important roles in research, teaching, extension and production of animal husbandry while some of the graduates have become senior scientists in research and managers in animal industry.

  The international cooperation is an important part of academic activities of the College. During last 20 years, more than 60 teachers and students of the College have been to more than 10 countries to study for academic degrees or for cooperative research. The College has established close cooperative relationship with more than 10 universities and research institutes in USA, Germany, Canada, UK, New Zealand, Korea and Japan.


△行政管理机构Administration Office


△系、所、中心设置Departments and Key Laboratories

动物遗传育种与繁殖学系Department of Animal Genetics, Breeding and Reproduction

农业部动物遗传育种重点开放实验室Ministry of Agriculture Key Laboratory of Animal Genetics, Breeding and Reproduction

动物营养与饲料科学系Department of Animal Nutrition and Feed Science

农业部动物营养重点开放实验室Ministry of Agriculture Key Laboratory of Animal Nutrition and Feed ScieNce

草业科学系Department of Grass Science

北京市草业科学重点开放实验室Beijing Municipal Key Laboratory of Grass Science


△院属机构Experimental farms and Extension centers

成人教育办公室Continuing Education Office

动物科技推广中心(北农大科技有限公司)Animal Science and Technology Extension Center

中国实验用小型猪场Experimental Farm of Chinese Minipigs

农大种鸡场University Breeding Chicken Farm

实验种鸡场Experimental Breeding Chicken Farm

实验兔场Experimental Rabbit Farm

肉牛研究中心China Agricultural University Beef Research Center

北京震亚预混饲料厂Beijing Zen Yaw Premix Mill

纯血马血液检测中心Testing Center of Pure Breed Horse(返回)

△挂靠单位Attached Institutions

国家家禽测定中心National testing Center of Poultry Performance

国家饲料工程技术研究中心National Feed Industry Research Center

农业部饲料工业中心Ministry of Agriculture Feed Industry Center

农业部饲料效价与安全监督检验测试中心Ministry of Agriculture Feed Safety and Efficiency Evaluation Center

农业部牧草与草坪草种子质量监督检验测试中心(北京)Ministry of Agriculture Grassland and Meadow Quality Testing Center(Beijing

草地学报编辑部Editorial Department of Journal of Grassland

中国畜牧杂志编辑部Editorial Office of Chinese Journal of Animal Science

中国马业协会秘书处Secretariat of Chinese Association of Horse Industry

中国草学会秘书处Secretariat of Chinese Grass Science Society









学院“动物遗传育种与繁殖学”和“动物营养与饲料科学”两个为国家重点学科,“草业科学”是北京市重点学科,学院在完成第一批国家“211工程”学科建设项目的基础上,“动物遗传育种与繁殖”、“动物营养与饲料”以及“草业科学”三个学科,均进入国家“211工程”第二期建设。学院已经形成了本科教育-研究生教育-成人教育三位一体的教育格局。现有“动物科学”和“草业科学”两个本科专业,以及“动物科学”和“动物营养与饲料科学”等两个成人教育本、专科专业;有“动物遗传育种与繁殖学”、“动物营养与饲料科学”、“草业科学”3个硕士和博士研究生学位授予点;具有1个畜牧学科博士后流动站。学院被首批批准为国家一级学科畜牧学科博士学位授权单位。学院每年还接受国内外高级进修人员和访问学者进行合作研究。据统计,自1949年—2002年,全院已累计培养本科生2600多人,成人专科生500多人。1978年恢复招生制度以来的23年间,已经培养硕士研究生451 人和博士研究生213人,他们已成为我国乃至世界动物科学与生产领域的骨干和中坚力量。(返回)


改革开放以来,学院已派出学生和访问学者60多人,到10多个国家进行学习和合作研究。目前与美国、德国、加拿大、英国、新西兰、韩国、日本等国的10多所大学保持着密切的科研合作关系。美国North Carolina州立大学农业与生院与我院签署了在科研、推广和人才培养方面的全面合作协议。

图为我院副院长呙于明教授在美国代表我院与美国North Carolina州立大学国际部主任G.L.Wilson教授(前排左三)、农业与生命科学院代理院长J.C.Wynne教授(后排左二)、家禽科学系系主任G.B.Havensteein教授(后排右二)及其研究生项目主任M.A.Qureshi教授(前排左二)、动物科学系系主任R.McCraw教授(前排右一)及其研究生项目主任E.J.Eisen教授(后排左一)和J.C.H.Shih(前排左一)教授在签署合作协议后合影。

 Memorandum of understanding between the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences,North Carolina State University,USA and the College of Animal Science and Technology,China Agricultural University has been signed regarding with mutually beneficial collaborations in the area of scientific,technical and educational activi
ties related to livestock and poultry production.(The Photo shows the leaders fr
om the two colleges after signing the collaboration agreement)


学术骨干 姓名 所属学科
中国科学院院士 吴常信 动物遗传育种与繁殖
“****计划”特聘教授 李 宁 动物遗传育种与繁殖教授
教授 吴常信 动物遗传育种与繁殖
教授 张 沅 动物遗传育种与繁殖
教授 张 劳 动物遗传育种与繁殖
教授 张 勤 动物遗传育种与繁殖
教授 杨 宁 动物遗传育种与繁殖
教授 朱士恩 动物遗传育种与繁殖
教授 王爱国 动物遗传育种与繁殖
教授 王楚端 动物遗传育种与繁殖
教授 连正兴 动物遗传育种与繁殖
教授 李德发 动物营养与饲料
教授 孟庆翔 动物营养与饲料
教授 呙于明 动物营养与饲料
教授 计 成 动物营养与饲料
教授 贾志海 动物营养与饲料
教授 赵广永 动物营养与饲料
教授 谯仕彦 动物营养与饲料
教授 韩建国 草业科学
教授 周 禾 草业科学
教授 王 堃 草业科学