- 郭岩导师简介 -
- 博士研究生13人 (其中 2011级:3 2012级:2 2013级:3 2014级:2 2015级:3) 硕士研究生4人 (其中 2014级:2 2015级:2)
- 博士研究生11人 (其中 2005级:2 2006级:1 2007级:1 2008级:1 2009级:2 2010级:4) 硕士研究生2人 (其中 2011级:1 2013级:1)
1988年 北京农业大学农学系学士
1999年 德国科隆大学遗传学系、科隆马普植物育种所博士
1988-1995年 中国科学院遗传所研究,研究实习员、助理研究员
1995-1999年 德国科隆大学遗传学系、科隆马普植物育种所 博士研究生
1999-2003年 美国亚利桑那大学植物科学系 博士后
2004-2009年 北京生命科学研究所 研究员
2009年- 中国农业大学,生物学院 教授
Zhou H, Zhao J, Yang Y, Chen C, Liu Y, Jin X, Chen L, Li X, Deng XW, Schumaker KS, and Guo Y. 2012. UBIQUITIN-SPECIFIC PROTEASE 16 modulates salt tolerance in Arabidopsis by regulating Na+/H+ antiport activity and serine hydroxymethyltransferase stability. The Plant Cell. In press
Zheng Y, Schumaker KS, and Guo Y. 2012. Sumoylation of transcription factor MYB30 by the small ubiquitin-like modifier E3 ligase SIZ1 mediates abscisic acid response in Arabidopsis thaliana. PNAS 109(31):12822-12827.
Hua D, Wang C, He J, Liao H, Duan Y, Zhu Z, Guo Y, Chen Z, and Gong Z. 2012 A Plasma Membrane Receptor Kinase, GHR1, Mediates Abscisic Acid- and Hydrogen Peroxide-Regulated Stomatal Movement in Arabidopsis. The Plant Cell 24:2546-2561.
Zhang W, Zhao Y, Guo Y, and Ye K. 2012. The plant actin-binding protein SCAB1 is a dimeric actin crosslinker with an atypical Pleckstrin homology domain. The Journal of Biological Chemistry 287(15):11981-11990.
Zhao Y,Zhao SS, Mao TL, Qu XL, Cao WH, Zhang L, Zhang W, He L, Li SD, Ren S, Zhao J, Zhu GL,HuangSJ, Ye KQ, Yuan M, and GuoY. 2011. Arabidopsis SCAB1 stabilizes actin filaments and regulates stomatal movement. Plant Cell 23:2314-2330.
Du WM, Lin HX, Chen S, Wu YS, Zhang J, Fuglsang AT, Palmgren MG, Wu WH, and Guo Y. 2011. Phosphorylation of SOS3-like Calcium Binding Proteins by their interacting SOS2-like Protein Kinases is a common regulatory mechanism in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiology 156:2235-2243.
Zhou Y, Zhang J, Guo GQ, and Guo Y. 2010. MOM1 is required to prevent aberrant RNA transcriptional read-through in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiology 154:1272–1280.
Zhang CG, Guo HP, Zhang J, Guo GQ, and Guo Y. 2010. Arabidopsis CSAat1A and CSAat1B Proteins Form a Complex with CULLIN4 and DDB1A and Regulate the Response to UV Irradiation. Plant Cell 22:2353-2369.
Yang Y, Qin Y, Xie C, Zhao F, Liu D, Chen S, Fuglsang AT, Palmgren MG, Schumaker KS, Deng XW, and Guo Y. 2010. AtJ3 regulates the plasma membrane H+-ATPase in Arabidopsis through interaction with the PKS5 kinase. Plant Cell 22:1313-1332.
Lin H, Yang Y, Quan R, Mendoza I, Wu Y, Du W, Zhao S, Schumaker KS, Pardo JM, and Guo Y, 2009.Phosphorylation of SOS3-LIKE CALCIUM BINDING PROTEIN8 by SOS2 Protein Kinase Stabilizes Their Protein Complex and Regulates Salt Tolerance in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell 21:1607-1619.
Zhao JF, Zhang WH, Zhao Y, Gong XM, Guo L, Zhu G, Wang X, Gong ZZ, Schumaker KS, and Guo Y. 2007. SAD2, an Importin -Like Protein, Is Required for UV-B Response in Arabidopsis by Mediating MYB4 Nuclear Trafficking.Plant Cell 19(11):3805-3818.
Quan R, LinH, Mendoza I, Zhang Y, Cao W, Yang Y, Shang M, Chen S, Pardo J M, and Guo Y. 2007. SCaBP8/CBL10, a Putative Calcium Sensor, Interacts with the Protein Kinase SOS2 to Protect Arabidopsis Shoots from Salt Stress. Plant Cell 19(4):1415-1431.