- 田长富导师简介 -
- 博士研究生3人 (其中 2015级:3) 硕士研究生1人 (其中 2014级:1)
- 博士研究生 0人 硕士研究生 0人
研究性文章(*通讯作者; #同等贡献):
Li Y, Tian* C.F., Chen W.F., Wang L., Sui X.H., Chen W.X.. 2013.High-resolution Transcriptomic Analyses of Sinorhizobium sp. NGR234 Bacteroidsin Determinate Nodules of Vigna unguiculata and Indeterminate Nodules ofLeucaena leucocephala. PLoS ONE (doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.**)
Tian*# C.F., Zhou# Y.J., Zhang# Y.M., Li# Q.Q., Zhang# Y.Z., LiD.F., Wang S., Wang J., Gilbert L.B., Li* Y.R., Chen W.X., 2012. Comparativegenomics of rhizobia nodulating soybean suggests extensive recruitment oflineage-specific genes in adaptations. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 109, 8629–8634.
Tian# C.F. , Garnerone# A.-M., Mathieu-Demazière C., Masson-Boivin C.,Batut* J., 2012. Plant-activated bacterialreceptor adenylate cyclases modulate epidermal infection in the Sinorhizobiummeliloti-Medicago symbiosis. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A.. 109, 6751–6756.
Zhang Y.M., Tian* C.F., Sui X.H., Chen W.X. 2012. Robust MarkersReflecting Phylogeny and Taxonomy of Rhizobia. PLoS ONE. 7, e44936.
Tian C.F., Young J.P.W., Wang E.T., Tamimi S.M., Chen* W.X., 2010.Population mixing of Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. viciae nodulating Vicia faba:the role of recombination and lateral gene transfer. FEMS Microbiol Ecol. 73,563–576.
Tian C.F., Wang E.T., Wu L.J., Han T.X., Chen W.F., Gu C.T., Gu J.G., Chen* W.X., 2008. Rhizobium fabae sp nov., a bacterium that nodulates Vicia faba. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol.. 58, 2871–2875.
Tian C.F., Wang E.T., Han T.X., Sui X.H., Chen* W.X., 2007. Genetic diversity of rhizobia associated with Vicia faba in three ecological regions of China. Arch Microbiol. 188, 273–282.
Zhang J.J., Lou K., Jin X., Mao P.H., Wang E.T., Tian C.F., Sui X.H., Chen* W.F, Chen W.X., 2012. Distinctive Mesorhizobium populations associated with Cicer arietinum L. in alkaline soils of Xinjiang, China. Plant Soil. 353, 123–134.
Zhang Y.M., Li Jr. Y., Chen* W.F., Wang E.T., Tian C.F., Li Q.Q., Sui X.H., Chen W. X. 2011. Biodiversity and biogeography of rhizobia associated with soybean plants grown in the North China Plain. Appl Environ Microbiol. 77, 6331–6342.
Li Q.Q., Wang E.T., Zhang Y.Z., Zhang Y.M., Tian C.F., Sui X.H., Chen* W.F., Chen W.X., 2011. Diversity and Biogeography of Rhizobia Isolated from Root Nodules of Glycine max Grown in Hebei Province, China. Microb Ecol. 61, 917–931.
Wu L.J., Wang H.Q., Wang E.T., Chen* W.X., Tian C.F., 2011. Genetic diversity of nodulating and non-nodulating rhizobia associated with wild soybean (Glycine soja Sieb. & Zucc.) in different ecoregions of China. FEMS Microbiol Ecol. 76, 439–450.
Han T.X., Tian C.F., Wang E.T., Chen* W.X., 2010. Associations Among Rhizobial Chromosomal Background, nod Genes, and Host Plants Based on the Analysis of Symbiosis of Indigenous Rhizobia and Wild Legumes Native to Xinjiang. Microb Ecol. 59, 311–323.
Zhang Y.F., Wang E.T., Tian C.F., Wang F.Q., Han L.L., Chen W.F., Chen* W.X., 2008. Bradyrhizobium elkanii, Bradyrhizobium yuanmingense and Bradyrhizobium japonicum are the main rhizobia associated with Vigna unguiculata and Vigna radiata in the subtropical region of China. FEMS Microbiology Letters. 285, 146–154.
Jia R.Z., Gu J., Tian C.F., Man C.X., Wang E.T., Chen* W.X., 2008. Screening of high effective alfalfa rhizobial strains with a comprehensive protocol. Annal Microbiol. 58, 731–739.
Gu C.T., Wang E.T., Tian C.F., Han T.X., Chen W.F., Sui X.H., Chen* W.X., 2008. Rhizobium miluonense sp. nov., a symbiotic bacterium isolated from Lespedeza root nodules. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol. 58, 1364–1368.
Han T.X., Wang E.T., Wu L.J., Chen W.F., Gu J.G., Gu C.T., Tian C.F., Chen* W.X., 2008. Rhizobium multihospitium sp. nov., isolated from multiple legume species native of Xinjiang, China. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol. 58, 1693–1699.
Kan F.L., Chen Z.Y., Wang E.T., Tian C.F., Sui X.H., Chen* W.X., 2007. Characterization of symbiotic and endophytic bacteria isolated from root nodules of herbaceous legumes grown in Qinghai-Tibet plateau and in other zones of China. Arch Microbiol. 188, 103–115.
陈文新(主编),汪恩涛(主编),陈文峰(副主编),田长富(副主编). 《中国根瘤菌》北京:科学出版社. 2011
田长富,陈文新. 根瘤菌的进化:核心基因组与附属基因组. 喻子牛,邵宗泽,孙明. 《中国微生物基因组研究》北京:科学出版社. 2012. 144-150
主持 国家自然基金委青年基金 慢生与快生大豆根瘤菌生物地理分布差异的遗传进化机制(2013.1-2015.12) 25万元
主持 中央高校基本科研业务费 费氏中华根瘤菌多效转录因子MucR1的分子调控机制研究(2012.10-2014.12) 10万元
参加 国家自然基金委面上项目 大豆快生根瘤菌多样性形成机制及竞争结瘤的分子基础研究(2012.1-2015.12) 60万元
参加 国家自然基金委-英国皇家学会合作交流项目 根瘤菌比较基因组与进化(2012.4-2014.4) 7.8万元
参加 国家自然科学基金面上项目 锦鸡儿属根瘤菌生态适应性和分子进化研究 (2013.1-2016.12) 80万元
参加 国家自然科学基金面上项目 黄淮海区域花生根瘤菌的种群分布及其土壤生态适应性研究 (2012.1-2015.12) 60万元
参加 农业部948项目 土壤微生物功能基因组学中法合作平台 (2013.1-2013.12) 50万元