

中国农业大学 免费考研网/2015-10-18

- 赵要风导师简介 -
姓名拼音ZHAO Yaofeng
民族汉族籍贯不公开参加何党派不公开加入党派时间不公开最高学历博士研究生最高学位博士毕业学校毕业时间最高学位授予国别中国最高学位授予单位中国农业大学最高学位授予专业最高学位授予时间1998-07-01外语语种英语外语熟练程度熟练来校时间不公开参加工作时间不公开在职状态不公开教师来源不公开职称教授职称评聘时间不公开职务无任职时间不公开证件类型不公开证件号码不公开办公电话**家庭电话不公开手机不公开传 真不公开通信地址北京市海淀区圆明园西路2号中国农业大学 生命科学研究中心邮政编码100193电子邮箱yaofengzhao@hotmail.com教师主页导师类型博导兼硕导是否外聘否兼职聘期起始日期兼职聘期终止日期兼职所在原单位是否在外单位担任兼职导师不公开主要兼职单位名称不公开专家类别国家杰出青年基金获得者从事学科专业1生物学071007-遗传学从事学科专业2首任导师时间研究方向1动物分子生物学与基因工程研究方向2动物分子数量遗传学研究方向3研究方向4备注

    博士研究生16人 (其中 2010级:2 2011级:3 2012级:2 2013级:3 2014级:3 2015级:3) 硕士研究生2人 (其中 2014级:1 2015级:1)
      博士研究生20人 (其中 2005级:1 2006级:1 2007级:6 2008级:7 2009级:4 2010级:1) 硕士研究生 0人
      赵要风,1970年生,博士,教授,博士生导师,国家杰出青年基金获得者。主要研究领域为动物分子遗传学。首次在低等脊椎动物中发现具有明确铰链区的抗体新类型并自己命名为IgF。首次在家养动物中发现IgD及其特殊的表达机制。在两栖类动物中发现IgD基因,为理解IgD在脊椎动物中的进化提供了重要线索。发现了猪促卵泡素b亚基(FSHβ)基因是影响猪产仔数(包括总产仔数、产活仔数)的主效基因或遗传标记。迄今为止,共在PNAS, Journal of Experimental Medicine, Journal of Immunology, JBC等刊物上发表SCI论文50余篇。

      39. Evidence of IgY subclass diversification in the reptilian snakes: evolutionary implications. Tao Wang, Yi Sun, Wenwei Shao, Gang Cheng, Lingxiao Li, Zubing Cao, Zhi Yang, Huiying Zou, Wei Zhang, Binyue Han, Yang Hu, Liming Ren, Xiaoxiang Hu, Ying Guo, Jing Fei, Lennart Hammarstrom, Ning Li and Yaofeng Zhao *. Journal of Immunology. In press (* Corresponding author)
      38. Extensive diversification of IgD-, IgY- and truncated IgY(ΔFc)-encoding genes in the red-eared turtle (Trachemys scripta elegans). Lingxiao Li , Tao Wang, Yi Sun, Gang Cheng, Hui Yang, Zhiguo Wei, Ping Wang, Xiaoxiang Hu, Liming Ren, Qingyong Meng, Ran Zhang, Ying Guo, Lennart Hammarstr?m, Ning Li and Yaofeng Zhao *. Journal of Immunology, In press (* Corresponding author)

      37. Expressional Analysis of Immunoglobulin D in Cattle (Bos taurus), a Large Domesticated Ungulate. Beilei Xu, Jing Wang, Min Zhang, Ping Wang, Zhiguo Wei, Yi Sun, Qiqing Tao, Liming Ren, Xiaoxiang Hu, Ying Guo, Jing Fei, Lei Zhang, Ning Li and Yaofeng Zhao*, Plos one. In press. (* Corresponding author)

      36. Immunoglobulin Genomics in the Guinea Pig (Cavia porcellus).Guo Y, Bao Y*, Meng Q, Hu X, Meng Q, Ren L, Li N, Zhao Y*. PLoS One. 2012;7(6):e39298. (*corresponding author)

      35. Analysis of immunoglobulin transcripts in the ostrich Struthio camelus, a primitive avian species. Huang T, Zhang M, Wei Z, Wang P, Sun Y, Hu X, Ren L, Meng Q, Zhang R, Guo Y, Hammarstrom L, Li N, Zhao Y*. PLoS One. 2012;7(3):e34346. (*corresponding author)

      34. Characterization of the MHC class II α-chain gene in ducks. Ren L, Yang Z, Wang T, Sun Y, Guo Y, Zhang Z, Fei J, Bao Y, Qin T, Wang J, Huang Y, Hu X, Zhao Y*, Li N*. Immunogenetics. 2011 Oct;63(10):667-78. (*corresponding author)

      33. A preliminary analysis of the immunoglobulin genes in the African elephant (Loxodonta africana). Guo Y, Bao Y*, Wang H, Hu X, Zhao Z, Li N, Zhao Y*. PLoS One. 2011 Feb 25;6(2):e16889. (*corresponding author)

      32. The immunoglobulin δ gene in jawed vertebrates: a comparative overview. Sun Y, Wei Z, Hammarstrom L, Zhao Y*. Dev Comp Immunol. 2011 Sep;35(9):975-81. Epub 2010 Dec 21. Review. (*corresponding author)

      31. A comprehensive analysis of germline and expressed immunoglobulin repertoire in the horse.Sun Y, Wang C, Wang Y, Zhang T, Ren L, Hu X, Zhang R, Meng Q, Guo Y, Fei J, Li N, Zhao Y*. Dev Comp Immunol. 2010 Sep;34(9):1009-1020. (*corresponding author)

      30. Phylogeny, genomic organization and expression of lambda and kappa immunoglobulin light chain genes in a reptile, Anolis carolinensis. Wu Q, Wei Z, Yang Z, Wang T, Ren L, Hu X, Meng Q, Guo Y, Zhu Q, Robert J, Hammarstrom L, Li N*, Zhao Y*. Dev Comp Immunol. 2010 May; 34(5):579-89. (*corresponding author)
      29. The immunoglobulin gene loci in the teleost Gasterosteus aculeatus. Bao Y*, Wang T, Guo Y, Zhao Z, Li N, Zhao Y*. Fish Shellfish Immunol. 2010 Jan;28(1):40-8. (*corresponding author)
      28. Zhiguo Wei, Qian Wu, Liming Ren, Xiaoxiang Hu, Ying Guo,Gregory W. Warr, Lennart Hammarstrom, Ning Li*and Yaofeng Zhao*. Expression of IgM, IgD and IgY in a reptile, Anolis carolinensis. J Immunol. **(6): 3858-3864. (* corresponding author)
      27. Zhao Y*, Cui H, Whittington CM, Wei Z, Zhang X, Zhang Z, Yu L, Ren L, Hu X, Zhang Y, Hellman L, Belov K, Li N*, Hammarstr?m L*. Ornithorhynchus anatinus (platypus) links the evolution of immunoglobulin genes in eutherian mammals and nonmammalian tetrapods. J Immunol. 2009 183(5):3285-93. (* corresponding author) (First two authors contributed to the work)
      26. Butler JE, Lager KM, Splichal I, Francis D, Kacskovics I, Sinkora M, Wertz N, Sun J, Zhao Y, Brown WR, Dewald R, Dierks S, Muyldermans S, Lunney JK, McCray PB, Rogers CS, Welsh MJ, Navarro P, Klobasa F, Habe F, Ramsoondar J. The piglet as a model for B cell and immune system development. Vet Immunol Immunopathol. 2009, 128(1-3):147-70.

      25. Butler JE, Zhao Y, Sinkora M, Wertz N, Kacskovics I. Immunoglobulins, antibody repertoire and B cell development. Dev Comp Immunol. 2009 Mar;33(3):321-33.

      24. Lefvert AK, Zhao Y, Ramanujam R, Yu S, Pirskanen R, Hammarstr?m L. PTPN22 R620W promotes production of anti-ACHR autoantibodies and IL-2 in myasthenia gravis. J Neuroimmunol. 2008, 197(2):110-3.

      23. Qin T, Ren L, Hu X, Guo Y, Fei J, Zhu Q, Butler JE, Wu C, Li N, Hammarstrom L, Zhao Y*. (2008) Genomic organization of the immunoglobulin light chain gene loci in Xenopus tropicalis: Evolutionary implications. Dev Comp Immunol. 32(2):156-65 (* corresponding author)

      22.Lu W, Zhao Z, Zhao Y, Yu S, Zhao Y, Fan B, Kacskovics I, Hammarstr?m L, Li N.(2007) Over-expression of the bovine FcRn in the mammary gland results in increased IgG levels in both milk and serum of transgenic mice.

      21. Bender B, Bodrogi L, Mayer B, Schneider Z, Zhao Y, et al., (2007)
      Position independent and copy-number-related expression of the bovine neonatal Fc receptor alpha-chain in transgenic mice carrying a 102 kb BAC genomic fragment. Transgenic Res. 16(5):613-27.

      20. Qiang Pan-Hammarstrom, Yaofeng Zhao, Lennart Hammarstrom. (2007) Class switch recombination, a comparison between mouse and human. Advances in Immunology. 93:1-61

      19. Zhihui Zhao #, Yaofeng Zhao #, Qiang Pan-Hammarstr?m, Wei Liu, Zhaoliang Liu, Yonghui Zhao, Ning Li and Lennart Hammarstr?m. (2007) Physical mapping of the giant panda immunoglobulin heavy chain constant region genes. Developmental and Comparative Immunology.31(10):1034 (# contributed equally).

      18. Neha Pant, Anna Hultberg, Yaofeng Zhao, Lennart Svensson, et al., (2006) Lactobacilli expressing variable domain of llama heavy-chain antibody fragments (Lactobodies) confer protection against rotavirus-induced diarrhea. Journal of Infectious Disease. 194(11):1580-8.

      17. Yaofeng Zhao*, Qiang Pan-Hammarstrom, Shuyang Yu, Wertz Nancy, Xiaofeng Zhang, Ning Li, John Butler, Lennart Hammarstrom*. (2006) Identification of IgF, a hinge-region-containing Ig class, and IgD in Xenopus tropicalis. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 103(32):12087-92.(* corresponding author)

      16. Kacskovics I, Mayer B, Kis Z, Frenyo LV, Zhao Y, Muyldermans S, Hammarstrom L. (2006)Cloning and characterization of the dromedary (Camelus dromedarius) neonatal Fc receptor (drFcRn). Developmental and Comparative Immunology. 30 (2): 1203-15

      15. H. Marcotte, P.Koll-Klasis, A. Hultberg, Y. Zhao, R. Gmur, R. M?andar, M. Mikelsaar and L. Hammarstr?m. (2006). Expression of Single-chain antibody against RgpA protease of Porphyromonas gingivalis in Lactobacillus. Journal of Applied Microbiology, 100(2):256-63

      14. Qiang Pan-Hammarstr?m, Aleksi L?hdesm?ki, Yaofeng Zhao, Likun Du, Zhihui Zhao, Sicheng Wen, Victor L. Ruiz-Perez, Deborah K. Dunn-Walters, Judith A. Goodship, Lennart Hammarstr?m. (2006). Disparate roles of ATR and ATM in immunoglobulin class switch recombination and somatic hypermutation. Journal of Experimental Medicine, 203(1): 99-210

      13. Yaofeng Zhao, Stephen M. Jackson and Robert Aitken, (2006) The bovine antibody repertoire. Developmental and comparative immunology. 30 (1-2): 175-186

      12. Doleschall M, Zhao Y, Mayer B, Hammarstrom L, Kacskovics I. (2005) Isolation of the gene encoding the bovine neonatal Fc receptor. Vet Immunol Immunopathol. 108(1-2):145-50

      11. Vasco M. Barreto, Qiang Pan-Hammarstrom, Yaofeng Zhao, Lennart Hammarstrom, Ziva Misulovin, Michel C. Nussenzweig. (2005) AID from bony fish catalyzes class switch recombination: implications for evolution of the immunoglobulin switch reaction. Journal of Experimental Medicine. 202(6):733-738

      10. Yaofeng Zhao*, Qiang Pan-Hammarstr?m, Zhihui Zhao, Sicheng Wen, Lennart Hammarstr?m, (2005) Selective IgG2 deficiency due to a point mutation causing abnormal splicing of the Cg2 gene. International Immunology. 17(1): 95-101(* corresponding author)

      9. Yaofeng Zhao*, Qiang Pan-Hammarstr?m, Zhihui Zhao, Lennart Hammarstr?m. (2005) Identification of activation-induced cytidine deaminase from fish: an evolutionary analysis. Developmental and Comparative Immunology. 29: 61-71(* corresponding author)

      8. Qiang Pan-Hammarstr?m, Yaofeng Zhao, and Lennart Hammarstr?m (2004) Lack of association between human switch recombination breakpoints and the secondary structure of the targeted DNA regions. Journal of Immunology 172: 2727

      7. Yaofeng Zhao, Imre Kacskovics, Zhihui Zhao, Lennart Hammarstr?m, (2003) Presence of the di-leucine motif in the cytoplasmic tail of the pig FcRn a chain. Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology96: 229-233.

      6. Yaofeng Zhao, Imre Kacskovics, Hodjattallah Rabbani, Lennart Hammarstr?m. (2003) Physical mapping of the immunoglobulin heavy chain constant region gene locus. The Journal of Biological Chemistry, 278(37): 35024-32

      5. Yaofeng Zhao*, Qiang Pan-Hammarstr?m. Imre Kacskovics and Lennart Hammarstr?m. (2003) The porcine Ig delta gene: unique chimeric splicing of the first constant region domain in its heavy chain transcripts. The Journal of Immunology, 171(3): 1312-8(* corresponding author)

      4. Qiang Pan-Hammarstr?m, Shujing Dai, Yaofeng Zhao, Iris F. Van Dijk H?rd, Richard Gatti, Anne-Lise Borrensen-Dale and Lennart Hammarstr?m, (2003) ATM is not required in somatic hypermutation of VH, but is involved in the introduction of mutations in the switch mu region. The Journal of Immunology, 170: 3707-3716

      3. Yaofeng Zhao, Lennart Hammarstr?m, (2003) Cloning of the complete rat immunoglobulin d gene: evolutionary implications. Immunology, 108: 288-295.

      2. Yaofeng Zhao*, Imre Kacskovics, Qiang Pan, David A. Liberles, Janos Geli, Scott K, Davis, Hodjattallah Rabbani, and Lennart Hammarstr?m, (2002) Artiodactyl IgD: the missing link. The Journal of Immunology, 169(8): 4408-16(* corresponding author)

      1. Y. Zhao, H. Rabbani, A.Shimizu, L Hammarstr?m, (2000) Mapping of the chicken immunoglobulin heavy-chain constant region gene reveals an inverted a gene upstream of a condensed u gene. Immunology, 101:348-353.
      Immunology. 122(3):401-8.

      2. 863高科技计划(2006-2010)

      3. 自然科学基金(2007-2009)

      4. 教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划(2007-2010)

      5. 国家杰出青年基金(2008-2011)



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