关键词:水稻; 抽穗期; 高温胁迫; 花粉数; 花药开裂系数; 柱头花粉量 Effects of High Temperature Stress at Heading Stage on Pollination and Fertilization of Different Types of Rice Variety ZHANG Zu-Jian1, WANG Qing-Qing2, LANG You-Zhong1, WANG Chun-Ge1, ZHU Qing-Sen1, YANG Jian-Chang1,* 1Key Laboratory of Crop Genetics and Physiology of Jiangsu Province / Key Laboratory of Crop Physiology, Ecology and Cultivation in Middle and Lower Reaches of Yangtze River of Ministry of Agriculture, Yangzhou University, Yangzhou 225009, China
2Suzhou Polytechnic Institute of Agriculture, Suzhou 215008, China
AbstractHigh temperature stress at heading stage is one of the important natural disasters causing the reduction of the seed setting rate of rice in the middle-lower reaches of Yangtze River. This study investigated the effects of high temperature stress at heading stage on fertilization rate of modern rice varieties and combinations, including modern inbredjaponica, three-line hybridindica rice and two-line hybridindica rice cultivars under the field condition. The modern inbredjaponica cultivar showed better high temperature tolerance at heading stage, while the hybrid rice, especially the two-line hybridindica rice cultivar, was susceptible to high temperature at heading stage, and their fertilization rate was close to zero under 39℃ at heading stage. Shanyou 63 showed well tolerance to moderate high temperature stress, which was decreased rapidly under the severely high temperature. The high temperature tolerance showed the great differences among cultivars under the same treatment. The pollen numbers per anther in the two tested super two-line hybrid rice was the highest, which was more than 1750. Ningjing 1 had the lowest pollen number, which was only 979.8 per anther. In general, the pollen number per anther in hybrid rice was higher than that in inbred rice, and that inindica higher than that injaponica. The correlation of pollen number per anther was not significant with high temperature tolerance. High temperature stress decreased the anther dehiscence coefficient significantly. Ningjing 1 could maintain certain extent of longitudinal fracture rate under the severely high temperature stress, and more pollen quantity on stigma after anthesis. The results indicated that high temperature tolerance at heading stage is not related with pollen production, but has close relationship with anther dehiscence and pollen quantity on stigma.
Keyword:Rice; Heading stage; High temperature stress; Pollen number; Anther dehiscence coefficient; Stigma pollen quantity Show Figures Show Figures
图1 高温处理期不同抽穗日形成的开花前后不同阶段高温胁迫处理Fig. 1 High temperature stresses around flowering stage based on different days of heading in treatment durations of high temperature
图4 开花期高温胁迫时段对受精率的影响(2007年)A、B、C和D为颖花开花前后不同阶段高温胁迫处理, 具体定义如图1。Fig. 4 Effect of stress stage of high temperature around the flowering stage on fertilization rate in 2007A, B, C, and D is the treatment of high temperature stresses around the flowering stage based on different days of heading, showed in Fig. 1.
2.2 开花期高温胁迫对水稻花药开裂及授粉量的影响2.2.1 花药形态及其单药花粉数 两年共观测7个品种的颖花形态、花药形态及其单药花粉数状况(表1)。供试品种有籼有粳, 各品种颖花长宽差异明显, 颖长最长的扬稻6号和最短的武香粳14相差2.7 mm, 差幅达27.4%。颖宽最大的宁粳1号比扬稻6号宽1.14 mm, 差幅达28.7%。花药形态也存在类似的差异, 药长最长的为扬稻6号, 达2.44 mm, 最短的武香粳14为1.72 mm, 两者差幅达29.5%, 药宽(花药宽度)最大者为扬稻6号, 最小者为武香粳14, 差幅为31.9%。各品种的单药花粉数差异更大, 最大差异达44.6%, 单药花粉数最多的品种为两优培九, 达每花药1768.5粒, 且供试的2个超级两系杂交稻表现一致, 花粉生产力均表现很高的水平。最少的品种宁粳1号为每花药979.8粒。总体趋势为杂交稻多于常规稻, 籼型品种多于粳型品种。测定结果还表明, 在供试品种中, 花药长度与充实花粉数之间存在极显著的正相关, 花药越长, 充实花粉越多(图5)。 图5 Fig. 5
4 结论供试粳型品种表现出较好的抽穗期高温耐性; 杂交稻特别是两系杂交稻抽穗期高温耐性相对较弱; 汕优63在较轻高温胁迫下表现较好耐性, 但在较强的高温胁迫下高温耐性迅速下降。水稻抽穗期高温耐性与单药花粉数没有相关关系, 与花药开裂和柱头捕获的花粉量关系较大。 The authors have declared that no competing interests exist. 作者已声明无竞争性利益关系。The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
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