关键词:旱地; 冬小麦; 地表覆膜; 氮肥利用效率; 产量; 氮肥减施 Effects of Nitrogen Fertilizer Management on Yield and Nitrogen Use Efficiency in Winter Wheat Growing on Dryland with Plastic Film Mulching LI Qiang1,4, WANG Zhao-Hui1,2,*, LI Fu-Cui1, DAI Jian1, LI Meng-Hua1, HE Gang1, CAO Qun-Hu3, DUAN Chang-Lin3, YU Chang-Wei3 1Key Laboratory of Plant Nutrition and Agri-environment in Northwest China, Ministry of Agriculture / College of Natural Resources and Environment, Northwest A&F University, Yangling 712100, China
2 State Key Laboratory of Crop Stress Biology in Arid Areas / Northwest A&F University, Yangling 712100, China
3 Agricultural Technology Extension Center of Changwu County of Shaanxi Province, Changwu 713600, China
4Wuwei Academy of Forestry Science, Wuwei 733000, China
AbstractWheat production in Northwest China is mainly restricted by insufficient and uneven distributed precipitation across seasons. Besides, luxurious and improper application of nitrogen (N) is an obvious problem. In a two-year field experiment from October 2010 to June 2012, we compared grain yield and N use efficiency of winter wheat with cultivation patterns of conventional fertilization (P), current farmer’s habitual fertilization (C), reducing N with early-spring topdressing (NT), NT + ridging and mulching with plastic film (NR), and NR+ high plant density (NRH). Compared with P treatment, C had no effect on stable increases of grain yield and N use efficiency, while NT, NR, and NRH treatments significantly increased yield and N use efficiency of wheat. However, N content in grain was reduced in NR and NRH treatments. In an overall view, NR was the optimal treatment for high-yield and high-efficient wheat production, and with the increases of grain yield, N partial factor productivity, and N physiological efficiency was increased by 38.6%, 49.6%, and 35.1% in the first cropping year and by 7.6%, 16.3%, and 25.7% in the second year, respectively. These results indicate that N management plus ridge mulching is an important technique for high-yield production in Northwest China, and suitable N supply after flowering should be considered for high quality also.
Keyword:Dryland; Winter wheat; Mulching with plastic film; Nitrogen use efficiency; Yield; Reducing nitrogen application Show Figures Show Figures
在我国西北旱区, 合理和持续的水肥管理是作物高产栽培中的关键[ 1, 2], 旱地小麦是该地区粮食生产的主要模式, 起垄是常见种植方式, 以达到苗期保墒作用。长期以来, 小麦生长季的氮肥都是播种前一次性施入, 近年来, 为了追求高产农户更是习惯重施氮肥。在土壤水分不充足的条件下, 大量施氮不仅不能达到增产增效, 而且还造成成本提高和环境污染。很多****对这一地区小麦高产高效栽培技术进行了研究, 分别探讨了氮肥追施、减施氮肥、地膜覆盖、垄沟覆草、提高种植密度等措施的效果。在山西临汾, 氮肥基施105 kg hm-2+返青期追施 60 kg hm-2, 与农民习惯的一次基施氮肥128 kg hm-2相比, 冬小麦穗数增加13.7%, 水分利用效率提高30.2%, 产量提高38.5%[ 3]。在陕西长武, 施氮量由180 kg hm-2减到120 kg hm-2时, 垄上覆膜的平均小麦产量为4559 kg hm-2, 垄上覆膜结合沟内覆草的产量达4785 kg hm-2, 分别增产26.5%和32.8%, 水分利用效率提高24.2%和39.1%[ 4]。在渭北彬县旱塬, 冬小麦播量从180 kg hm-2增加到225 kg hm-2时, 平均产量达到3662 kg hm-2, 增产5.6%, 吸氮量和氮肥利用率增加7.8%和19.5%[ 5]。这些试验结果表明氮肥管理、地表覆盖和适当增大播量有利于提高小麦产量和水肥效率, 但试验也表明覆膜时间过长会使产量下降, 如在甘肃兰州春小麦覆膜20 d, 产量最高(8207 kg hm-2), 延长覆膜时间产量下降[ 6]。 另外, 不少研究也表明, 在一定密度下籽粒蛋白质含量和籽粒产量呈负相关[ 7, 8]。 由于西北地区特殊的生态环境, 水肥管理与保水栽培一直是旱地增产增效研究的重点, 但目前多集中于产量和水分利用效率, 对养分效率, 特别是对氮素利用效率的报道相对较少。我们选择陕西渭北典型旱作农业区进行田间定位试验, 进一步研究旱地调控氮肥用量、施肥方式、地表覆膜及增加种植密度对冬小麦产量、籽粒氮素含量和氮素利用效率的影响, 探讨多种技术的组合模式比常规和习惯种植模式的增产增效作用, 为旱地冬小麦增产增效优质生产提供依据。 1 材料与方法1.1 试验地基本状况黄土高原典型旱作农业区陕西省长武县丁家镇十里铺村(35°12′ N, 107°45′ E, 海拔1200 m), 多年平均降水量580 mm, 7、8、9月降水量占全年60%以上, 年均蒸发量1500 mm, 平均气温9.1℃, 无霜期172 d。自2008年开始, 在该地块上进行冬小麦夏季休闲种植的长期定位试验, 试验开始前土壤的基本理化特性见表1。本文采用2010—2011和2011—2012年度的数据, 两年度休闲期(7月至9月)的降雨量分别为457 mm和388 mm, 小麦全生育期降水量199 mm和234 mm。 表1 Table 1 表1(Table 1)
表1 试验田耕层土壤性质 Table 1 Basic nutrient status of plow-layer soil
土层 Soil layer
容重 Bulk density (g cm3)
有机碳 Organic carbon (g kg-1)
全氮 Total nitrogen (g kg-1)
有效磷 Olsen-phosphorus (mg kg-1)
速效钾 Available potassium (mg kg-1)
NO3-N (mg kg-1)
NH4-N (mg kg-1)
0-10 cm
10-20 cm
20-40 cm
表1 试验田耕层土壤性质 Table 1 Basic nutrient status of plow-layer soil
1.2 田间试验设计共6个处理(表2), 其中农户习惯施肥指当地农户目前普遍采用的施肥方式, 即所有肥料播前一次性施入, 不追肥; 根据当地4个乡调查结果, 确定施氮量为纯氮162 kg hm-2, P2O5 105 kg hm-2。传统施肥指过去常用的施肥方式, 施氮量与农民习惯一致, 除基肥外, 在早春土壤解冰时追肥一次; 其他3个处理根据目标产量通过测土调控氮肥施用量[ 9]。各处理磷肥为过磷酸钙, 氮肥为尿素, 基肥随整地施入, 追肥于2月20日返青前在小麦行间开沟施入。常规平作行宽20 cm, 小麦收获时秸秆全部移走, 收获后1周翻耕一次, 耕深为40 cm; 经过夏闲, 下一季小麦播前2周再旋耕整地一次, 耕深为15 cm。起垄沟播为播前起垄, 垄上覆膜, 垄高6 cm, 垄宽30 cm, 垄间沟宽30 cm, 沟内播种, 每沟2行, 行距20 cm; 小麦收获后不犁地、不揭膜且秸秆全部还田, 覆盖垄间; 经过夏闲, 下一季小麦播前1月揭膜后深犁地一次, 同时垄间秸秆随深犁地还田, 播前2周与其他处理同时旋耕整地。 表2 Table 2 表2(Table 2)
表2 各处理的种植方式、播种量和施肥量 Table 2 Field experimental design (kg hm-2)
处理 Treatment
播种量 Sowing rate
施氮量 N application rate
施磷量 P2O5 application rate
播前 Before sowing
返青前 Before regreening
不施肥对照(平作不覆膜) CK
农户习惯施肥(平作不覆膜) P
传统施肥(平作不覆膜) C
减氮追肥(平作不覆膜) NT
减氮覆膜(起垄沟播) NR
减氮覆膜增密(起垄沟播) NRH
CK: No fertilizer applied, flat land without plastic film coverage; P: Current farmer’s habitual fertilization, flat land without plastic film coverage; C: Conventional fertilization, flat land without plastic film coverage; NT: Reducing N application with topdressing, flat land without plastic film coverage; NR: Reducing N application in combination with ridging and mulching of plastic film; NRH: Reducing N application in combination with ridging and plastic film mulching and high planting density.
表2 各处理的种植方式、播种量和施肥量 Table 2 Field experimental design (kg hm-2)
图1 不同施氮和覆膜处理对小麦产量、生物量和籽粒含氮量的影响误差线上不同字母表示处理间存在显著差异( P<0.05)。Fig. 1 Yield, biomass, and nitrogen content in grain of wheat under different treatments of nitrogen application and film mulchingDifferent letters above error bars indicate significance among treatments at P< 0.05.
表3 氮肥调控与地膜覆盖对氮肥偏生产力、氮生理利用率的影响 Tabl e 3 Effects of nitrogen fertilizer regulation and plastic film mulching on N partial factor productivity, physiological nitrogen use efficiency of winter wheat (kg kg-1)
处理 Treatment
氮肥偏生产力 N partial factor productivity
氮肥生理利用率 N physiological efficiency
氮肥偏生产力 N partial factor productivity
氮肥生理利用率 N physiological efficiency
25.6 d
22.8 c
40.0 c
36.2 b
29.6 c
24.8 bc
42.1 c
38.5 b
33.8 b
25.4 bc
45.7 b
38.4 b
38.3 a
30.8 ab
46.5 ab
45.5 a
34.5 b
36.9 a
48.6 a
45.2 a
同列数据后不同小写字母表示LSD检验在 P<0.05水平上差异显著。 Different small letters following values in the same column show significant difference at P<0.05 level.
表3 氮肥调控与地膜覆盖对氮肥偏生产力、氮生理利用率的影响 Tabl e 3 Effects of nitrogen fertilizer regulation and plastic film mulching on N partial factor productivity, physiological nitrogen use efficiency of winter wheat (kg kg-1)
表4 氮肥调控与地膜覆盖对冬前分蘖、开花期生物量、0~100 cm土层贮水量和硝态氮累积量的影响 Table 4 Effects of nitrogen fertilizer regulation and plastic film mulching on tillering before winter, biomass of winter wheat, and water storage and nitrate N in 0-100 cm soil layers at flowering stage
处理 Treatment
冬前每株分蘖 Tillers per plant before winter
生物量 Biomass (kg hm-2)
贮水量 Water storage in soil (mm)
NO3-N累积 NO3-N accum. (kg hm-2)
冬前每株分蘖 Tillers per plant before winter
生物量 Biomass (kg hm-2)
贮水量 Water storage in soil (mm)
NO3-N累积 NO3-N accum. (kg hm-2)
3.8 b
8711 b
142.5 c
66.4 ab
4.0 a
8996 b
141.0 b
38.0 a
3.8 b
8967 ab
146.2 bc
72.1 a
4.1 a
8980 b
143.1 b
35.0 ab
3.6 b
9783 ab
143.6 c
55.1 b
4.1 a
10574 a
151.0 a
28.3 ab
4.4 a
10099 a
154.5 ab
35.2 c
4.4 a
9579 b
150.8 a
27.1 b
4.0 ab
9516 ab
161.4 a
31.3 c
4.2 a
10517 a
152.2 a
27.0 b
同列数据后不同小写字母表示LSD检验在 P<0.05水平上差异显著。 Different small letters following values in the same column show significant difference at P<0.05 level. Accum.: accumulation.
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