
信息与通信工程学院研究生导师介绍 通信网技术教研中心(4)

北京邮电大学 /2013-08-10


崔鸿雁: 副教授,硕士生导师,IEEE 会员,2006年获北京邮电大学电路与系统专业工学博士学位。2009年曾在墨尔本大学以及悉尼CSIRO ICT Centre进行短期访问。曾主持和参与973计划项目、国家863项目、国家重大专项、国家自然科学基金及企业合作项目10 余项,发表论文30 余篇,出版专著2 本,申请国家发明专利4项。目前是《电子学报》《通信学报》《北京邮电大学学报》,WCNC,VTC等学术期刊和会议的审稿人。研究方向为新型下一代网络,网络资源管控与测量,用户移动性管理。

Cui Hongyan,Associate Professor, Master Advisor. Prof.Cui received her Ph.D. degree in circuitry and systems from Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications in 2006. She has visited Melbourne University and Sydney CSIRO ICT Centre in 2009.She has been the project leader or primary researcher for more than 10 research projects granted by 973 plan, 863 project, national key program, the National Science Foundation of China (NSFC), and other company organizations. She has published over 30 papers and 2 teaching books, and submitted 4 national patent applications. Her recent research interests are in novel next generation networks, resource management and measure in core, and access network, and mobile management.



Yu Hao, male, born on July 1971, Associate Professor.

Prof.Chen’s interests are in width-band exchange, high speed routing and next generation networks. He has published over 20 papers and more than 10 programs. He recent research interests are in next generation networks and aptitude information system.


邓泽林:男, 1967年9月生,高工,兼职硕士生导师。现任北京汉铭信通科技有限公司总裁,长期从事通信网、智能网、ISDN技术、计算机软硬件、数据通信、交换系统等领域的研究和产品开发工作,发表论文8篇。目前主要研究方向为下一代网络。

Deng Zelin, male, born on Sep.1967, Advanced Engineer, Master Advisor.

He’s the president of Beijing Hanming Science and technology limited company. He interests are in communication network, aptitude network, ISDN, soft/hard-ware and exchanging technology. He has published 8 papers. He recent research interests are in next generation networks.






Yuefeng Ji, male. Ph. D. professor, deputy director of the Academic Committee of School, Chief Scientist of National 973 Program, National Distinguished Teacher, the member of National 863 Expert Group, the fellow of CIC, etc.. His research interests are primarily in the areas of broadband networks and information processing, with emphasis on the key theory, realization of technology, and applications. He has obtained many awards for his contributions in the field of science, technology and education.,including National Technology Invention Award,National Science and Technology Advanced Award,National Teaching Achievement Award, etc..



Prof. Hequan WU,Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering (CAE), adjunct Ph.D adviser for School of Information and Telecommunication Engineering, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications (BUPT). He has been involved in the research of broadband communication network. He is the Vice Director of National Informationization Advisory Committee, member of the expert group of National Basic Research Program of China (973 Program)。He is also Vice Board Chairman of Chinese Institute of Electronics (CIE), Vice Board Chairman of China Institute of Communications (CIC), Vice Board Chairman of China Communications Standards Association (CCSA).



Prof. Leping WEI, adjunct Ph.D adviser for School of Information and Telecommunication Engineering, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications (BUPT). His research interests include broadband communication network. He has published over 100 papers and eight books. He is one of the national middle-aged and young experts who have made outstanding contributions. Currently, he is Director of S&T Committee of China Telecommunications Corporation.
