电话:010-6442 3413
E-mail: gaoyy@mail.buct.edu.cn or gaoyy135@126.com
目前以第一作者或者通讯作者发表论文22篇,包括 Journal of Physical Chemistry C, Journal of Physical Chemistry B, Soft Matter, Polymer, Composites Science and Technology, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys.等国际权威期刊。
学术论文:1. Fanzhu Li, Feng Liu, Jun Liu, Yangyang Gao*,Yonglai Lu, Jianfeng Chen, Haibo Yang,Liqun Zhang. Thermo-mechanical coupling analysis of transient temperature and rollingresistance for solid rubber tire: Numerical simulation and experimentalverification. Composites Science and Technology. 2018, 167, 404-410.
2. Yangyang Gao*,Florian Müller-Plathe.Molecular Dynamics Study on the Thermal Conductivity of the End-grafted Carbon Nanotubes Filled Polyamide-6.6 Nanocomposites.Journal of Physical Chemistry C.2018, 122, 1412-1421.
3. Fanzhu Li,Xiaohui Duan,Huan Zhang,Bin Li,Jun Liu,Yangyang Gao*,Liqun Zhang. Molecular dynamics simulation of the electrical conductive network formation of polymer nanocomposites with polymer-grafted nanorods. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2018, 20, 21822-21831.(封面文章)
4. Fanzhu Li, Huan Zhang, Tiantian Li, Jun Liu, Yangyang Gao*, Liqun Zhang*.Effect of the nanofiller shape on the conductive network formation of polymer nanocomposites via a coarse-grained simulation. Rubber Chemistry and Technology, 2018, Accepted.
5. Yangyang Gao, Ruibin Ma, Huan Zhang, Jun Liu, Xiuying Zhaoand Liqun Zhang*. Controlling the electrical conductive networkformation in nanorod filled polymernanocomposites by tuning nanorod stiffness. RSC Advances. 2018, 8, 30248-30256.
6. Xiuying Zhao, Tiantian Li, Lan Huang, Bin Li, Jun Liu, Yangyang Gao*, Liqun Zhang. Uncovering the rupture mechanism of carbonnanotube filled cis-1,4-polybutadiene viamolecular dynamics simulation. RSC Advances. 2018, 8, 27786-27795.
7. YangyangGao,Feng-YanHu, JunLiu,ZhaoWang. Molecular dynamics simulation of the glass transition temperature of fullerene filledcis-1,4-polybutadiene nanocomposites. Chinese Journal of Polymer Science. 2018, 36, 119-128.
8. Yangyang Gao, Fengyan Hu, Youping Wu, Jun Liu, Liqun Zhang*. Understanding the structural evolution under the oscillatory shear field to determine the viscoelastic behavior of nanorod filled polymer nanocomposites. Computational Materials Science. 2018, 142, 192-199.
9. Yangyang Gao, Youping Wu, Jun Liu, and Liqun Zhang*. Effect of chain structure on the glass transition temperature and visco-elastic property of cis-1,4-Polybutadiene via molecular simulation. Journal of Polymer Science Part B: Polymer Physics. 2017, 55, 1005-1016.
10. Wenhui Wang, Zhiyu Zhang, Theodoros Davris, Jun Liu,Yangyang Gao*, Liqun Zhang and Alexey V. Lyulin. Simulational insights into the mechanicalresponse of prestretched double networkfilled elastomers. Soft Matter. 2017,13, 8597-8608.
11. Yangyang Gao*,Florian Müller-Plathe.Effect of grafted chains on the heat transfer between carbon nanotubes in a polyamide-6.6 matrix: A molecular dynamics study.Polymer.2017, 129, 228-234.
12. Yangyang Gao,Florian Müller-Plathe*.Increasing the Thermal Conductivity of Graphene-Polyamide-6,6 Nanocomposites by Surface-Grafted Polymer Chains Calculation with Molecular Dynamics and the Effective-Medium Approximation.Journal of Physical Chemistry B.2016, 120, 1336-1346.
13. Yangyang Gao, Jun Liu, Dapeng Cao, Youping Wu and Liqun Zhang*. Destruction and recovery of a nanorod conductive network in polymer nanocomposites via molecular dynamics simulation. Soft Matter. 2016, 12, 3074-3083.
14. Yangyang Gao, Dapeng Cao,Jun Liu, Youping Wu and Liqun Zhang*. Controlling the conductive network formation of polymer nanocomposites filled with nanorods through the electric field. Polymer. 2016, 101,395-405.
15. Yangyang Gao, Youping Wu, Jun Liu and Liqun Zhang*.Controlling the electrical conductive networkformation of polymer nanocomposites viapolymer functionalization. Soft Matter. 2016, 12, 9738-9748.
16. Yangyang Gao,Jun Liu, Liqun Zhang* and Dapeng Cao. Existence of a Glassy Layer in the Polymer-Nanosheet Interface Evidence from Molecular Dynamics. Macromolecular theory and simulation. 2014, 23, 36-48.
17. Yangyang Gao, Jun Liu, Jianxiang Shen, Liqun Zhang* and Dapeng Cao. Molecular dynamics simulation of dispersion and aggregation kinetics of nanorods in polymer nanocomposites. Polymer. 2014, 55, 1273-1281.
18. Yangyang Gao,Jun Liu, Liqun Zhang* and Dapeng Cao. Uniaxial deformation of nanorod filled polymer nanocomposites a coarse-grained molecular dynamics simulation. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2014, 16, 16039-16048.
19. Yangyang Gao,Jun Liu, Jianxiang Shen,Youping Wu and Liqun Zhang*. Influence of various nanoparticle shapes on the interfacial chain mobility a molecular dynamics simulation. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2014, 16, 21372-21382.
20. Yangyang Gao,Jun Liu, Jianxiang Shen, Dapeng Cao andLiqun Zhang*.Molecular dynamics simulation of the rupture mechanism in nanorod filled polymer nanocomposites. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2014, 16, 18483-18492.
21. Yangyang Gao,Jun Liu, Dapeng Cao, Jianxiang Shen, Youping Wu and Liqun Zhang*.Molecular dynamics simulation of the conductivity mechanism of nanorod filled polymer nanocomposites.Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2015, 17, 22959-22968.
22. Yangyang Gao,Jun Liu, Jianxiang Shen, Dapeng Cao and Liqun Zhang*.Microstructure and intercalation dynamics of polymerchains in layered sheets.RSC Advances. 2013, 3, 21655-21665.
科研项目:1. 国家自然科学青年基金;
2. 轮胎胎面材料结合胶含量提升基因分析及研究(横向);
3. 聚合物纳米复合材料断裂机理的分子动力学模拟研究(横向);
4. 北京化工大学人才启动基金;
本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-05-11
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