北京航空航天大学 空间与环境学院 副研究员 博士生导师
2005年7月: 中国科学院空间科学与应用研究中心 (国家空间科学中心),研究生毕业
2009年4月至6月: 奥地利科学院空间研究所,学术访问
2019年2月至3月: 美国University of Texas at Dallas,学术访问
李柳元等人在2017年通过分析卫星观测数据和计算机模拟,发现哨声模电磁波对位于地球上空大约1.2至7个地球半径高度区域的辐射带高能电子(俗称卫星“杀手电子”)的动态调节过程。该结果被国际期刊《Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics》作为高闪光论文发表。同时,被美国地球物理学会(AGU)官网作为地球和空间科学新闻(EOS)报道(https://eos.org/research-spotlights/how-whistling-plasma-waves-shape-earths-radiation-belts)。另外,北航新闻网在2017年6月10号也做了详细的报道(http://news.buaa.edu.cn/info/1002/24615.htm)
[1] 近地空间环境扰动的触发和演化过程[2] 磁层物理
当前位置: 中文主页 >> 研究领域在信息化和智能化高度发达的当今社会,人们的生产生活越来越依靠于不同种类的航天器,譬如通信卫星、导航定位卫星、电视转播卫星和气象卫星等。这些卫星通常运行在几百公里到几万公里的近地空间轨道上。在不同高度上,卫星的运行姿态、电子线路和芯片可能会受到不同空间环境扰动的影响。例如,中高层中性大气成分(O、He、H等)的拖曳力会降低卫星的轨道、电离层冷等离子体(电子伏特(eV)能量的O+、He+、H+和e-等)密度的扰动会影响星地之间的通信、辐射带高能带电粒子(主要为几百keV能量以上的H+和e-)的激烈扰动会导致卫星表面带电、深层充电异常甚至完全毁坏等。一些爆发性太阳活动(日冕物质抛射(CME)和共转相互作用区(CIR)等)、强地磁暴或亚暴活动都会造成近地空间环境的激烈扰动,从而造成灾害性空间天气事件。
1、通过卫星长期观测和计算机模拟结果,首次展示了哨声模合声波(chorus)和嘶声波(hiss)联合对辐射带高能电子(俗称卫星“杀手电子”)空间分布的调控过程[Li et al.,JGR, 2017]。该结果被美国<<Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics>>作为高闪光论文发表, 同时被美国地球物理学会(AGU)官网作为地球和空间科学新闻(EOS)报道(https://eos.org/research-spotlights/how-whistling-plasma-waves-shape-earths-radiation-belts)。另外,北航新闻网在2017年6月10号也做了详细的报道(http://news.buaa.edu.cn/info/1002/24615.htm)。
当前位置: 中文主页 >> 开授课程[1]地球和空间探测数据处理方法
当前位置: 中文主页 >> 科研项目[1] 国家自然科学基金面上项目,数目: 3项
[2] 国家科技支撑计划子课题,数量: 1项
[3] 973项目子专题,数量:1项
[4] 国家自然科学基金青年项目,数量:1项
当前位置: 中文主页 >> 论文[1] J. Yu,L. Y. Li, et al..Effect of Hot He+ Ions on the Electron Pitch Angle Scattering Driven by H+, He+, and O+ Band EMIC Waves.Geophysical Research Letters.2019,46 :6306–6314
[2] J. Yu,L.Y. Li, et al..Combined Effects of Equatorial Chorus Waves and High‐Latitude Z‐Mode Waves on Saturn's Radiation Belt Electrons.Geophysical Research Letters.2019,46 :8624–8632
[3] J. Yu,L. Y. Li,J. Cui,J. B. Cao,J. Wang.Effect of Low‐Harmonic Magnetosonic Waves on the Radiation Belt Electrons Inside the Plasmasphere.Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics.2019,124 :3390-3401
[4] J. Yu,L. Y. Li,J. Cui,J. Wang.Ultrawideband Rising-Tone Chorus Waves Observed Inside the Oscillating Plasmapause.Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics.2018,123 :6670–6678
[5] Bin Liu,Liuyuan Li,Jiang Yu,Jinbin Cao.The Effect of Hot Protons on Magnetosonic Waves Inside and Outside the Plasmapause: New Observations and Theoretic Results.Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics.2018,123 :653–664
[6] L. Y. Li,Z. Q. Wang.The Effects of Solar Wind Dynamic Pressure Changes on the Substorm Auroras and Energetic Electron Injections on 24 August 2005.Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics.2018,123 :385–399
[7] L. Y. Li,B. Liu,J. Yu,J. B. Cao.The rapid responses of magnetosonic waves to the compression and expansion of Earth's magnetosphere.Geophysical Research Letters.2017,44 :11239–11247
[8] L. Y. Li,J. Yu,J. B. Cao,J. Y. Yang,X. Li,D. N. Baker,G. D. Reeves,H. Spence.Roles of whistler mode waves and magnetosonic waves in changing the outer radiation belt and the slot region.J. Geophys. Res. Space Physics.2017,122 :5431–5448
[9] L. Y. Li,J. Yu,J. B. Cao,Z. Q. Wang,Y. Q. Yu,G. D. Reeves,X. Li.Effects of ULF waves on local and global energetic particles: Particle energy and species dependences.J. Geophys. Res. Space Physics.2016,121 :11,007–11,020
[10] L. Y. Li,J. Yu,J. B. Cao,Z. G. Yuan.Compression-amplified EMIC waves and their effects on relativistic electrons.Physics of Plasmas.2016,23
[11] L. Y. Li,J. B. Cao,J. Y. Yang,J. J. Berthelier,J.-P. Lebreton.Semiannual and solar activity variations of daytime plasma observed by DEMETER in the ionosphere-plasmasphere transition region.Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics.2015,120 (10):1640–10653
[12] L. Y. Li,J. B. Cao,J. Y. Yang,Y. X. Dong.Joint responses of geosynchronous magnetic field and relativistic electrons to external changes in solar wind dynamic pressure and interplanetary magnetic field.JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH: SPACE PHYSICS.2013,118 :1472–1482
[13] L. Y. Li,J. Yu,J. B. Cao,D. Zhang,X. H. Wei,Z. J. Rong,J. Y. Yang,H. S. Fu.Rapid loss of the plasma sheet energetic electrons associated with the growth of whistler mode waves inside the bursty bulk flows.JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH: SPACE PHYSICS.2013,118 :7200–7210
[14] L. Y. Li,J. B. Cao,G. C. Zhou,T. L. Zhang,D. Zhang,I. Dandouras,H. Rème,C. M. Carr.Multiple responses of magnetotail to the enhancement and fluctuation of solar wind dynamic pressure and the southward turning of interplanetary magnetic field.JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH.2011,116
[15] L. Y. Li,J. B. Cao,G. C. Zhou,X. Li.Statistical roles of storms and substorms in changing the entire outer zone relativistic electron population, J. Geophys. Res., 114, A12214, doi:10.1029/2009JA014333.JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH.2009,114 (A12214)
[16] Liuyuan Li,Jinbin Cao,Guocheng Zhou.Combined acceleration of electrons by whistler-mode and compressional ULF turbulences near the geosynchronous orbit.JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH.2005,110
[17] Li L Y,Yang J Y,Cao J B, et al..Statistical backgrounds of topside-ionospheric electron density and temperature and their variations during geomagnetic activity.Chinese J. Geophys. (in Chinese).2011,54 (10):2437-2444
[18] Li L Y,Cao J B,Zhou G C.Whistler-mode waves modify the high-energy electron slot region and the outer radiation belt.地球物理学报.2008,51 (2):316-324
[19] Li L Y,Cao J B,Zhou G C. et al..Shrinkage of magnetosphere observed by TC-1 satellite during the high-speed solar wind stream.Science in China Series E: Technological Sciences.2008,51 (10):1695-1703
[20] Li L Y,Cao J B,Zhou G C.Relation between the variation of geomagnetospheric relativistic electron flux and storm/substorm.地球物理学报.2006,49 (1):9-15
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