潘兵,博士,北京航空航天大学教授、博士生导师、《Science China-Technological Sciences》中英文版编委、《实验力学》编委、美国实验力学学会(SEM)会员,从事先进实验固体力学方法基础理论、应用及其仪器化的研究。教育部“青年****(2015)”、国家自然科学基金委“优秀青年科学基金(2013)”、“教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划(2012)”、“北京市科技新星(2014)”。获第14届“中国力学青年科技奖(2015)”、第18届“茅以升北京青年科技奖(2015)”、国家技术发明二等奖(2016,排名第三)、教育部科技进步一等奖(2014年,排名第四)、教育部自然科学二等奖(2015年,排名第二)、美国实验力学学会(SEM) Hetenyi Awards(2017年度Experimental Mechanics最佳论文奖,自1967年设立该奖项首次授予中国学者)、英国皇家物理学会(IOP)“2018高被引中国作者奖”、2006-2016《力学学报》影响力提升优秀贡献奖(论文引用期刊排名第一)。主持国家自然科学基金、教育部、人事部、北京市科委、航空航天等纵向科研课题20余项,曾承担中国工程物理研究院、北京空天技术研究所、北京机电工程研究所、国防科技大学、北京航空材料研究院等重要国防科研院所课题30余项。
已在国内外正式学术期刊上发表学术论文160余篇,受国际实验力学领域权威专家瑞士洛桑理工学院教授Pramod Rastogi邀请为其主编的英文专著《Digital Optical Measurement Techniques》中撰写有关"Digital Image Correlation"一章,授权/受理发明专利10多项,登记软件著作权1项。在Optics Express、Optics Letters、Applied Optics、Experimental Mechanics、Measurement Science & Technology、Optics and Lasers in Engineering、Optics & Laser Technology、Optical Engineering、Composite Structures, Materials & Design、Propellants,Explosives,Pyrotechnics、Polymer Testing、Strain、Journal of Strain Analysis for Engineering Design、 NDT&E、 Sensors、Review of Scientific Instruments等20种国际学术期刊上发表SCI检索论文112篇。其中第一/通讯作者SCI论文90(第一作者论文49篇、唯一独立作者6篇),其它论文SCI论文22篇。
第一作者SCI论文中有8篇入选ESI(Essential Science Indicator)高引用论文,3篇被主编作为当期的封面文章(Cover feature)予以重点推荐(美国光学学会OSA顶级期刊Optics Letters,2009,24(4);英国物理学会IOP著名期刊Measurement Science and Technology, 2009,20(6);Science China-Technological Sciences,2018,62(1))。一篇获美国实验力学学会(SEM)Hetenyi奖(2017年度Experimental Mechanics最佳论文奖,自1967年设立该奖项第一次授予中国学者)。一篇入选英国物理学会IOP著名期刊Measurement Science and Technology(2012,22(1))“年度亮点(Hightlight 2012)”论文,一篇获2007-2016年《力学学报》影响力提升优秀贡献奖(期刊10年引用排名第1)、一篇入选“中国科技论文在线”亮点论文(2014)一篇入选中国精品科技期刊顶尖学术论文领跑者5000。2013年SPIE Newsroom(国际光学工程学会新闻)新闻报道介绍在数字图像相关方法研究上所取得的重要研究成果。研究成果受到国内外同行的高度重视和广泛引用,Google学术引用7800余次,SCI论文总被引5000余次,严格他引4000余次(第一作者论文SCI中有21篇单篇被引超过50次,12篇被引超100次,单篇最高SCI被引1016次, H-index:32)。
成功研制基于斜光轴数字图像相关方法原理(off-axis DIC)的远距离、高精度、多点、无靶标视频挠度仪(Video Deflectormeter),采用先进的图像跟踪和亚像素配准算法,现场桥梁挠度测量时的可实现117帧/秒、30点/帧的实时处理和显示速度,图像位移精度优于0.01pixels,已在武汉长江大桥、塑黄铁路桥、市政桥梁等众多工程桥梁安全监测中获得应用,获得良好的社会效益和经济效益。成功研制高精度、实时2D、2.5D及3D视频引伸计(Advanced Video Extensometer, AVE),采用先进的图像跟踪和亚像素配准算法,可实现117帧/秒的实时应变测量,应变误差小于30微应变,已获得良好的社会效益和经济效益。
# 第一及通讯作者SCI论文(*代表通讯作者):
90. Wang B, Sun LJ, Pan B*(潘兵). Mapping internal deformation fields in 3D printed polymers with digital volume correlation. Polymer Testing, (In press).
89. Li CZ, Dong B, Pan B*(潘兵). A flexible and easy-to-implement single-camera microscopic three-dimensional digital image correlation technique. Measurement Science and Technology,(In press).
88. Dong YL, Zhao JQ, Pan B*(潘兵). Ultraviolet 3D Digital image correlation applied for high-temperature deformation measurement of objects subjected to aerodynamic heating. Chinese Journal of Aeronautics, (In press).
87. Chen B, Pan B*(潘兵). Calibration-free single camera stereo-digital image correlation for small-scale underwater deformation measurement. Optics Express, 2019, 27(8): 10509-10523.
86. Genovese K*, Chi YX, Pan B*(潘兵). Stereo-camera calibration for large-scale DIC measurements with active phase targets and planar mirrors. Optics Express, 2019, 27 (6): 9040-9053. .
85. Dong B, Tian L, Pan B*(潘兵). Tensile testing of carbon fiber multifilament using an advanced video extensometer assisted by dual-reflector imaging. Measurement,2019, 138: 325-331.
84. Wang B, Pan B*(潘兵). Self-adaptive Digital Volume Correlation for Unknown Deformation Fields. Experimental Mechanics, 2019, 59(2): 149-162..
83. Dong YL, Pan B*(潘兵). In-situ 3D shape and recession measurements of ablative materials in arc-heated wind tunnel by UV stereo-digital image correlation. Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 2019,116: 75-81..
82. Chen B, Pan B*(潘兵). Mirror-Assisted Panoramic-Digital Image Correlation for Full-Surface 360-deg Deformation Measurement. Measurement, 2019,132:350-358.
81. Dong B, Zhang Y, Pan B*(潘兵). Enhancing the dynamic range of phase-sensitive optical coherence elastography by overcoming speckle decorrelation. Optics Letters, 2018, 43(23): 5805-5808.
80. Han J, Pan B*(潘兵). A novel method for measuring discontinuous deformation in digital image correlation based on partition and dividing strategy. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 2018,24:185-197.
79. Yu LP, Pan B*(潘兵). High-speed stereo-digital image correlation using a single color high-speed camera. Applied Optics,2018, 31(57):9257-9269.
78. Tian L, Yu LP, Pan B*(潘兵). Accuracy-enhancement of a video extensometer by real-time error compensation. Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 2018, 110: 272-278.
77. Yu LP, Pan B*(潘兵). Experimental Study of tensile properties and deformation evolutions of 2D and 2.5D woven SiO2f/SiO2 composites using single-camera stereo-digital image correlation. Composite Structures. 2018,200(15):589-598.
76. Pan B*(潘兵). Digital image correlation for surface deformation measurements: historical developments, recent advances and future goals. Measurement Science and Technology, 2018,29(8):082001(受MST期刊编委会特邀撰写).
75. Dong B, Pan B*(潘兵),et al. Microdefect identification in polymers by mapping depth-resolved phase-difference distributions using optical coherence tomography. Polymer Testing, 2018,68:233-237.
74. Chen B, Pan B*(潘兵). Plenoptic DIC: a novel technique for shape and deformation measurement. Experimental Mechanics, 2018, 58(5): 831-845.
73. Wang B, Pan B*(潘兵). Incremental digital volume correlation method with nearest subvolume offset: an accurate and simple approach for large deformation measurement. Advances in Engineering Software, 2018, 116: 80–88..
72. Zhang ZY,Pan B*(潘兵),Grediac M, Song WD. Accuracy-enhanced Constitutive Parameter Identification Using Virtual Fields Method and Special Stereo-Digital Image Correlation. Optics and Lasers in Engineering,2018, 103: 55–64.
71. Wang B, Pan B*(潘兵), Lubineau G*. In-situ systematic error correction for digital volume correlation using a reference sample. Experimental Mechanics, 2018,58:427-436.
70. Wang B, Pan B*(潘兵), Lubineau G. In-situ X-ray tomographic imaging and 3D deformation measurement during the compression of pomelo peel: Mechanical behavior and morphological change. Materials & Design, 2018, 137(5):305-315.
69. Pan B*(潘兵).Thermal error analysis and compensation for digital image/volume correlation. Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 2018, 101:1-15.
68. Chi YX, Yu LP, Pan B*(潘兵). A low-cost, portable, robust, and high-resolution stereo-digital image correlation system and its application to high-temperature deformation measurement. Optics and Laser in Engineering, 2018,104:141-148.
67. Dong YL, Zhang ZY, Pan B*(潘兵)."High-throughput, high-accuracy determination of coefficient of thermal expansion of carbon fibre-epoxy composites using digital image correlation". Strain, 2018, 54, e12259.
66. Pan B*(潘兵), Yu LP, Zhang QB. "Review of single-camera stereo-digital image correlation techniques for full-field 3D shape and deformation measurement". Science China-Technological Sciences, 2018, 61(1): 1-20 (封面论文).
65. Pan B*(潘兵),Wang B. "A flexible and accurate digital volume correlation method applicable to high-resolution volume images". Measurement Science and Technology, 2017,28(10):105007.
64. Dong YL, Pan B*(潘兵)."A review of speckle pattern fabrication and assessment for digital image correlation". Experimental Mechanics, 2017, 57(8): 1161-1181.
63. Dong YL, Shi XL, Zhang ZY, Pan B*(潘兵). In-situ bending behavior and failure characterization of 3D needle-punched C/SiC composites. Material Today Communications, 2017.12, 13: 378~385.
62.Yu LP, Pan B*(潘兵)."Full-frame, high-speed 3D deformation measurement using a single high-speed color camera". Optics and Laser in Engineering, 2017,95:17-25..
61.Yu LP, Pan B*(潘兵)."Single-camera high-speed stereo-digital image correlation for full-field vibration measurement". Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2017, 94(15): 374–383.
60.Wang Bo, Pan B*(潘兵), Ran T, Lubineau G*. "Systematic errors in digital volume correlation due to the self-heating effect of a laboratory X-ray CT scanner". Measurement Science and Technology, 2017,28,055402.
59.Yu LP, Pan B*(潘兵)."Color stereo-digital image correlation using a single 3CCD color camera". Experimental Mechanics, 2017,57(4): 649-657.
58.Pan B*(潘兵), Wang YJ, Tian L. "Automated initial guess in digital image correlation aided by Fourier-Mellin transform". Optical Engineering, 2017,56(1),014103.
57. Tian L, Pan B*(潘兵). "Remote bridge deflection measurement using an advanced video deflectometer and actively illuminated LED targets". Sensors,2016,16(9),1344..
56. Pan B*(潘兵), Yu LP, Yang YQ, Song WD, Guo LC. "Full-field transient 3D deformation measurement during ballistic impact using single-camera high-speed stereo-digital image correlation" Composite Structures, 2016, 157: 25-32.
55. Pan B*(潘兵), Tian L. "Advanced video extensometer for non-contact, real-time, high-accuracy strain measurement". Optics Express, 2016, 24(17): 19082-19093.
54. Yu LP, Pan B*(潘兵). "Structure parameters and measurement uncertainty analysis for single-camera stereo-digital image correlation with a four–mirror adapter". Applied Optics, 2016, 55(25): 6936-6946.
53. Pan B*(潘兵), Wang B. "Digital image correlation with enhanced accuracy, precision and efficiency: a comparison of two subpixel registration algorithms". Experimental Mechanics, 2016, 56(8): 1395-1409.
52. Yu LP, Pan B*(潘兵)."Single-camera stereo digital image correlation system using a four-mirror adapter: optimized design and validation". Optics and Laser in Engineering,(In press).
51. Pan B*(潘兵), Wang B, Lubineau G. "Comparison of subset-based local DIC and finite-element based global digital image correlation: theoretical error analysis and validation". Optics and Laser in Engineering, 2016, 87: 120-128.
50. Tao R, Moussawi A, Lubineau G*, Pan B*(潘兵). "Accurate kinematic measurement at interfaces between dissimilar materials using conforming finite-element-based digital image correlation". Optics and Laser in Engineering, 2016, 81: 103-112.
49. Pan B*(潘兵), Tian L, Song XL. "Real-time, non-contact and targetless measurement of multi-point deflection of bridges using off-axis digital image correlation". NDT & E international, 2016,79:73-80.
48. Pan B*(潘兵), Ma LJ, Xia Y. "A new technique for measuring 3D deformation of single lap joint". SCIENCE CHINA Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy, 2016,88(1):528-536.
47. Pan B*(潘兵), Yu LP, Yuan JY, Shen ZB, Tang GJ. "Determination of viscoelastic Poisson's ratio of solid propellants using an accuracy-enhanced 2D digital image correlation technique". Propellants, Explosives, Pyrotechnics, 2015, 40(6): 821–830.
46. Pan B*(潘兵), Shi WT, Lubineau G. "Effect of camera temperature variations on stereo-digital image correlation measurements". Applied Optics, 2015, 54(34):10089-10095.
45. Pan B*(潘兵), Yu LP, Wu DF. "Thermo-mechanical response of superalloy honeycomb sandwich panels subjected to non-steady thermal loading". Materials & Design, 2015, 88: 528-536.
44. Wang B, Pan B*(潘兵). "Random errors in digital image correlation due to matched or overmatched shape functions". Experimental Mechanics, 2015, 55(9): 1717-1727..
43. Wang B, Pan B*(潘兵), Lubineau G. "Some practical considerations in finite element-based digital image correlation". Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 2015,75:22-32.
42. Pan B*(潘兵), Wang B, Lubineau G, Moussawi A. "Comparison of subset-based local DIC and finite-element based global digital image correlation". Experimental Mechanics, 2015, 55(5): 887-901.
41. Pan B*(潘兵), Tian L. "Superfast robust digital image correlation analysis using parallel computing". Optical Engineering, 2015,54(3):034106.
40. Yu LP, Pan B*(潘兵). "The errors in digital image correlation due to overmatched shape functions". Measurement Science and Technology, 2015,26(4):045202.
39. Pan B*(潘兵), Yuan JY, Xia Y. "Strain field denosing using a regularized cost-function for digital image correlation". Optics and Lasers in Engineering. 2015, 65: 9-17.
38. Pan B*(潘兵), Jiang TY, Wu DF. "Strain measurement of objects subjected to aerodynamic heating using digital image correlation: Experimental design and preliminary results". Review of Scientific Instruments. 2014,85(11):115102.
37. Yan H, Pan B*(潘兵). “Three-dimensional Displacement Measurement Based on the Combination of Digital Holography and Digital Image Correlation”. Optics Letters. 2014, 39(17):5166–5169.
36. Pan B*(潘兵), Yu LP, Wu DF. "Accurate ex-situ two-dimensional digital image correlation measurements using an ultra-stable imaging system". Applied Optics.2014, 53(19): 4216–4227.
35. Yu LP, Pan B*(潘兵). “In-plane displacement and strain measurements using a camera phone and digital image correlation”. Optical Engineering. 2014,53(5): 054107.
34. Pan B*(潘兵), Wu DF, Gao JX. "Full-field high-temperature strain measurement using active imaging digital image correlation and infrared radiation heating". The Journal of Strain Analysis for Engineering Design. 2014,49(4): 224-232.
33. Pan B*(潘兵), Wang B, Wu DF, Lubineau G. "An efficient and accurate 3D displacement tracking algorithm for digital volume correlation". Optics and Lasers in Engineering. 2014,58: 126-135.
32. Pan B*(潘兵), Yu LP, Wu DF. "High-accuracy 2D digital image correlation measurements with low-cost lenses: implementation of a generalized compensation method". Measurement Science & Technology.2014, 25(2): 025001.
31. Pan B*(潘兵). "An evaluation of convergence criteria for digital image correlation using inverse compositional Gauss-Newton algorithm". Strain. 2014, 50(1): 48-56.(被引次数: 2)
30. Pan B*(潘兵), Wang Q. "Single-camera microscopic stereo digital image correlation using a diffraction grating". Optics Express. 2013, 21:25056-25068.(被引次数: 4)
29. Pan B*(潘兵), Yu LP, Wu DF. "High-accuracy 2D digital image correlation measurements with bilateral telecentric lenses: error analysis and experimental verification". Experimental Mechanics.2013, 53(9): 1719-1733.(被引次数: 10)
**. Pan B. Accurate,fast and robust digital image correlation. SPIE Newsroom (http://spie.org/x102653.xml)
(2013年7月受SPIE Newsroom(国际光学工程学会新闻)邀请撰写新闻报道介绍在DIC方法研究上所取得的重要研究成果。SPIE Newsroom由SPIE于2006年创立,主要报道国际光学领域的重要研究成果,以各领域的知名研究学者推荐和在其所举办的各项会议所发表的重要论文为主,并刊登在SPIE Newsroom上,具有指标性意义。)
28. Pan B*(潘兵). "Bias error reduction of digital image correlation using Gaussian pre-filtering". Optics and Lasers in Engineering. 2013, 51(10): 1161-1167.(被引次数: 9)
27. Pan B*(潘兵), Li K, Tong W. "Fast,robust and accurate digital image correlation calculation without redundant computations". Experimental Mechanics. 2013, 53(7): 1277-1289.(被引次数: 14)
26. Pan B*(潘兵), Yu LP, Wu DF, Tang LQ. "Systematic errors in two-dimensional digital image correlation due to lens distortion". Optics and Lasers in Engineering. 2013, 51(2): 140-147.(被引次数: 14,入选ESI高引用论文)
25. Zhou YH, Pan B*(潘兵), Chen YQ. "Large deformation measurement using digital image correlation: a full automatic approach". Applied Optics, 2012, 51(31): 7674-7683.(影响因子: 1.916, 被引次数: 6).
24. Pan B*(潘兵), Wu DF, Yu LP. "Optimization of a three-dimensional digital image correlation system for deformation measurements in extreme environments". Applied Optics. 2012, 52(19): 4409-4419.(影响因子: 1.916, 被引次数: 14).
23. Pan B*(潘兵), Wu DF, Wang ZY. "Internal displacement and strain measurement using digital volume correlation: A least squares framework". Measurement Science and Technology. 2012, 23, 045002.(2012年年度亮点论文, 被引次数: 10)
22. Pan B*(潘兵), Wu DF, Xia Y. "Incremental Calculation for Large Deformation Measurement Using Reliability-guided Digital Image Correlation". Optics and Lasers in Engineering. 2012, 50(4): 586-592(影响因子: 1.916, 被引次数: 19).
21. Pan B*(潘兵), Wu DF, Xia Y. "An Active Imaging Digital Image Correlation Method for Deformation Measurement Insensitive to Ambient Light". Optics & Laser Technology, 2012, 44(1): 204-209 (影响因子: 1.616, 被引次数: 12).
20. Pan B*(潘兵). "Recent Progress in Digital Image Correlation". Experimental Mechanics. 2011, 51(7): 1223-1235. (影响因子: 1.854, 被引次数: 41) .
19. Pan B*(潘兵), Li K. "A Fast Digital Image Correlation Method for Deformation Measurement". Optics and Lasers in Engineering. 2011, 49(7): 841-847. (影响因子: 1.567, 被引次数: 43,入选ESI高引用论文))
18. Pan B*(潘兵), Wu DF, Wang ZY, Xia Y. "High-temperature Digital Image Correlation for Full-field Deformation Measurement at 1200oC". Measurement Science and Technology. 2011, 22(1),015701. (影响因子: 1.350, 被引次数: 29)
17. Pan B*(潘兵), Xie HM, Wang ZY. "Equivalence of Digital Image Correlation Criteria for Pattern Matching". Applied Optics. 2010, 49(28): 5501-5509. (影响因子: 1.410, 被引次数: 41).
16. Pan B*(潘兵), Wu DF, Xia Y. "High-temperature Field Measurement by Combing Transient Aerodynamic Heating System and Reliability-guided Digital Image Correlation". Optics and Lasers in Engineering. 2010(9),48:841-848. (影响因子: 1.262, 被引次数: 28)
15. Pan B*(潘兵), Lu ZX, Xie HM. "Mean Intensity Gradient: An Effective Global Parameter for Quality Assessment of the Speckle Patterns Used in Digital Image Correlation". Optics and Lasers in Engineering. 2010, 48(4): 469-477. (影响因子: 1.262, 被引次数:51)
14. Pan B*(潘兵), Wang ZY, Lu ZX. "Genuine Full-field Deformation Measurement of An Object with Complex Shape using Reliability-guided Digital Image Correlation". Optics Express. 2010, 18(2):1011-1023 (影响因子: 3.278, 被引次数:27) .
13. Pan B*(潘兵), Wang ZY, Xie HM. “Generalized Spatial-gradient Based Digital Image Correlation for Displacement and Shape Measurement with Sub-pixel Accuracy”. Journal of Strain Analysis for Engineering Design. 2009, 44: 659-669. (影响因子: 0.626, 被引次数: 9)
12. Li K, Pan B*(潘兵). "Frequency-guided Windowed Fourier Ridges Technique for Automatic Demodulation of a Single Closed Fringe Pattern". Applied Optics. 2010, 49(1): 56-60. (影响因子: 1.410, 被引次数:3).
11. Pan B*(潘兵), Qian KM, Xie HM, Asundi A. "Two-dimensional Digital Image Correlation for In-plane Displacement and Strain Measurement: A Review". Measurement Science and Technology. 2009, 20: 062001. (影响因子: 1.493, 被引次数: 307,入选ESI高引用论文) . (Cover paper; Top 3% downloaded paper across all IOP journals in 2009; Most cited paper in last four years across all papers published in MST).
10.Pan B*(潘兵), Asundi A, Xie HM, Gao JX. "Digital Image Correlation using Iterative Least Squares and Pointwise Least Squares for Displacement Field and Strain Field Measurements". Optics and Lasers in Engineering. 2009, 47(7-8):865-874. (影响因子: 1.103, 被引次数: 105,入选ESI高引用论文).
9. Pan B*(潘兵). "Reliability-guided Digital Image Correlation for Image Deformation Measurement". Applied Optics, 2009, 48(8): 1535-1542. (影响因子: 1.732, 被引次数: 39)
8. Pan B*, Xie HM, Yang LH, Wang ZY. “Accurate Measurement of Satellite Antenna Surface using Three-dimensional Digital Image Correlation Technique”. Strain, 2009,45(2):194-200.(影响因子: 1.154, 被引次数: 17)
7. Pan B*(潘兵), Qian KM, Huang L, Asundi A. "Phase Error Analysis and Compensation for Non-sinusoidal Waveforms in Phase-shifting Digital Fringe Projection Profilometry". Optics Letters, 2009, 34(4): 416–418 (影响因子: 3.711, 被引次数: 63).(封面文章)
6. Pan B*(潘兵), Xie HM, Hua T, Asundi A. "Measurement of Coefficient of Thermal Expansion of Films using Digital Image Correlation Method". Polymer Testing, 2009, 28:75-83. (影响因子: 1.357, 被引次数: 32).
5. Pan B*(潘兵), Xie HM, Gao JX, Asundi A. "Improved Speckle Projection Profilometry for Out-of-plane Shape Measurement". Applied Optics, 2008, 47(29): 5527-5533. (影响因子: 1.732, 被引次数: 15) (Selected for December, 2008 issue of Virtual Journal for Biomedical Optics).
4. Pan B(潘兵), Xie HM, Wang ZY, et al. "Study of Subset Size Selection in Digital Image Correlation for Speckle Patterns". Optics Express, 2008, 16(10):7037-7048. (影响因子: 4.009, 被引次数: 74).
3. Pan B(潘兵), Xie HM, Guo ZQ, Hua T. "Full-field Strain Measurement using a Two-dimensional Savitzky-Golay Digital Differentiator in Digital Image Correlation". Optical Engineering, 2007, 46(3): 033601.2. (影响因子: 0.897, 被引次数: 60,2007年至今OE所有发表论文被引用次数第一).
2. Pan B(潘兵), Xie HM, Xu BQ, Dai FL. "Performance of Sub-pixel Registration Algorithms in Digital Image Correlation". Measurement Science and Technology, 2006, 17 (6): 1615-1621. (影响因子: 1.228, 被引次数: 142, 入选ESI高引用论文,2006年至今MST所有发表论文被引用次数第二).
1. Pan B(潘兵), Xie HM, Kishimoto S, Xing YM. "Experimental Study of Moire Method in Laser Scanning Confocal Microscopy" Review of Scientific Instruments, 2006, 77 (4): 043101. (影响因子: 1.541, 被引次数: 8).
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 航空科学与工程学院 | 北京航空航天大学 
A flexible and accurate digital volume correlation method applicable to high-resolution volumetric images
A low-cost, portable, robust, and high-resolution stereo-digital image correlation system and its application to high-temperature deformation measurement
In-situ X-ray tomographic imaging and 3D deformation measurement during the compression of pomelo peel: Mechanical behavior and morphological change
本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-04-24
相关话题/北京航空航天大学 信息
个人简历赖李媛君,女,博士,2009年、2012年、2015年于北京航空航天大学自动化科学与电气工程学院获学士、硕士、博士学位,2016年1月至今任北京航空航天大学自动化科学与电气工程学院讲师。入选2016年中国科协青年人才托举工程计划,曾获国际仿真学会颁发的青年科学家奖,中国仿真学会优秀博士论文奖,三次获得北京航空航天大学优秀毕业生奖。目前研究方向包括可配置智能优化算法及其并行化,面向再制造的机 ...北京航空航天大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-04-24北京航空航天大学导师教师信息介绍简介-孙剑飞
个人信息:PersonalInformation研究生导师:性别:男毕业院校:北京航空航天大学学历:博士研究生毕业学位:博士学位在职信息:在职入职时间:2013-07-06电子邮箱:扫描关注同专业硕导教育经历:EducationBackground工作经历WorkExperience研究方向:ResearchFocus社会兼职:SocialAffiliations切削加工表面完整性控制加工变形控制 ...北京航空航天大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-04-24北京航空航天大学导师教师信息介绍简介-孙洪丽
研究领域当前位置:中文主页>>研究领域开授课程当前位置:中文主页>>开授课程共0条0/0科研项目当前位置:中文主页>>科研项目共0条0/0论文当前位置:中文主页>>论文共0条0/0荣誉及奖励当前位置:中文主页>>荣誉及奖励共0条0/0 ...北京航空航天大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-04-24北京航空航天大学导师教师信息介绍简介-甘文彪
个人信息:PersonalInformation性别:男学位:博士学位所在单位:无人系统研究院扫描关注教育经历:EducationBackground工作经历WorkExperience研究方向:ResearchFocus社会兼职:SocialAffiliations ...北京航空航天大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-04-24北京航空航天大学导师教师信息介绍简介-闫烁
个人简历闫烁,女,北京航空航天大学,新媒体艺术与设计学院讲师。毕业于北京理工大学智能数字表演方向,取得博士学位。读博期间作为国家留学基金委联合培养博士赴美国麻省理工学院媒体实验室(MITMediaLab)的FluidInterfaces小组从事人机交互界面研究,采用智能人机交互技术及用户研究方法创建新型交互模式。主要研究方向包括智能交互、用户感知、人机界面评估、用户体验设计、表演艺术的虚实交互、脑 ...北京航空航天大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-04-24北京航空航天大学导师教师信息介绍简介-李锐星
个人简历人事部高层次留学人才回国工作资助获得者。兼任中国材料研究学会第七届理事会科普工作委员会委员,英国皇家化学会(RSC)会员。分别获东北大学(原东北工学院)学士、五二研究所硕士、(日本)东北大学博士学位。1987年参加工作,曾先后就职于五二研究所、中科院过程工程研究所、(日本)东北大学[助手(AssistantProf.)、副教授],并曾在韩国、美国短期工作。2007--北京航空航天大学。主持 ...北京航空航天大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-04-24北京航空航天大学导师教师信息介绍简介-杨远洪
个人简历长期从事光纤传感及相关理论及技术研究,主持国家自然基金,国家“863”、“973”、国家重点研发计划、国家重点仪器专项、国防预研项目、总装型谱、科工委基础科研和军品配套等项目40余项。长期从事光纤陀螺及相关技术研究,研制出国内首只高精度光纤陀螺原型样机和光子晶体光纤陀螺原型样机。研制出系列化抗辐射高稳定光纤光源产品,解决了高精度光纤陀螺空间应用“瓶颈”问题;开展基于gFBG的超窄线宽DFB ...北京航空航天大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-04-24北京航空航天大学导师教师信息介绍简介-王睿
个人简历王睿,博士,北京航空航天大学硕士生导师,副教授;从事机器视觉与机器学习的研究。已发表相关论文80篇,其中SCI/EI检索60篇,第一发明人已授权国家发明专利12项,排名第一获得软件著作权证书6项,主编国家标准2个,参编国家标准2个;主持科研项目包括国家自然科学基金面上项目,国家重点基础研究发展计划(973计划)子课题,国家高技术研究发展计划(863计划)子课题,航空科学基金、航天创新基金项 ...北京航空航天大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-04-24北京航空航天大学导师教师信息介绍简介-张玉民
个人简历男,1971年生于山东利津。中共党员。2001年至2003年于华中科技大学工学博士毕业;2004年-2005年于东南大学进行博士后研究;2006年至2011年于青岛大学副研究员;2006年至2009年于新加坡淡马锡研究所,ResearchScientist(A);2011年起,就职于北京航空航天大学仪器科学与光电工程学院,副教授,硕士生导师。研究方向主要从事随机非线性系统、神经网络、无人飞 ...北京航空航天大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-04-24北京航空航天大学导师教师信息介绍简介-江洁
个人简历江洁,女,汉族,1973年3月生,工学博士,北京航空航天大学仪器科学与光电工程学院教授,2000年在天津大学获得博士学位,2013年和2017分别入选国家自然基金优秀青年基金和国家自然科学基金杰出青年基金。2019年入选“****”科技创新领军人才,2018年入选科技部中青年科技创新领军人才。主要从事天体敏感器技术、嵌入式实时图像信息处理技术、机器视觉等研究。主要的学术贡献是打破国外技术封 ...北京航空航天大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-04-24