电子邮箱: lixinghua@buaa.edu.cn
[33] XinghuaLi, Bing Ruan, Philip K. Hopke, Tariq Mehmood. On the performanceparameters of PM2.5 and PM1 size separators for ambient aerosol monitoring.Aerosol and Air Quality Research, DOI: 10.4209/aaqr.2019.03.0103.
[32] DongLv, Ying Chen, Tianle Zhua, Tongtong Li, Fangxia Shen, Xinghua Li, TariqMehmood. The pollution characteristics of PM10 and PM2.5 during summer andwinter in Beijing, Suning and Islamabad. Atmospheric Pollution Research 10(2019) 1159–1164.
[31] XinghuaLi, Kaiqiang Yang, Junzan Han, Qi Ying, Philip K. Hopke. Sources ofhumic-like substances (HULIS) in PM2.5 in Beijing: Receptormodelingapproach. Science of the Total Environment, 2019, 671, 765–775.
[30] XinghuaLi*, Junzan Han, Philip K. Hopke, Jingnan Hu, Qi Shu, Qing Chang, and QiYing. Quantifying primary and secondary humic-like substances in urban aerosolbased on emission source characterization and a source-oriented air qualitymodel. Atmos. Chem. Phys., 2019, 19, 2327–2341.
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[28] Ying Chen,Dong Lv, Xinghua Li*, Tianle Zhu. PM2.5-bound phthalates in indoor andoutdoor air in Beijing: Seasonal distributions and human exposure viainhalation. Environmental Pollution, 2018, 241:369-377
[27] Qi Wan,Qiang Yao, Lei Duan, Xinghua Li, Lei Zhang, and Jiming Hao. Comparisonof Elemental Mercury Oxidation Across Vanadium and Cerium Based Catalysts inCoal Combustion Flue Gas: Catalytic Performances and Particulate Matter E?ects.Environ.Sci. Technol. 2018, 52, 5, 2981-2987
[26] Dong Lv,Tianle Zhu, Runwei Liu, Xinghua Li, Yuan Zhao, Ye Sun, Hongmei Wang, FanZhang and Qinglin Zhao. Effects of Co-Processing Sewage Sludge in the CementKiln on PAHs, Heavy Metals Emissions and the Surrounding Environment. Int. J.Environ. Res. Public Health 2018, 15, 698; doi:10.3390/ijerph**
[25] Xue Qiao,Qi Ying, Xinghua Li, Hongliang Zhang, Jianlin Hu,YaTang, Xue Chen.Source apportionment of PM2.5 for 25 Chinese provincial capitals andmunicipalities using a source-oriented Community Multiscale Air Quality model.Science of the Total Environment 612 (2018) 462–471
[24] Qi Ying*, Miao Feng, Danlin Song, Li Wu, Jianlin Hu,Hongliang Zhang, Michael J. Kleeman, Xinghua Li*. Improve regionaldistribution and source apportionment of PM2.5 trace elements in China usinginventory-observation constrained emission factors. Science of the TotalEnvironment, 2018, 624: 355–365.
[23] Longfei Chen, Xin Zhang, Cuiqi Zhang, Mohsin Raza, XinghuaLi*. Experimental investigation of a condensation particle counterchallenged by particles with varying wettability to working liquid. Aerosol andAir Quality Research, 2017, 17: 2743–2750.
[22] Ying Chen, XinghuaLi*,Tianle Zhu*, Yingjie Han, Dong Lv. PM2.5-bound PAHs in three indoorand one outdoor air in Beijing: Concentration, source and health riskassessment. Science of the Total Environment, 2017, 586: 255-264.
[21] Xinghua Li*,Junzan Han, Lei Duan. PM10 emissions from industrial coal-firedchain-grate boilers. Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering,2017, 11 (6) :18
[20] Jianlin Hu, PengWang, Qi Ying, Hongliang Zhang, Jianjun Chen, Xinlei Ge, Xinghua Li,Jingkun Jiang, Shuxiao Wang, Jie Zhang, Yu Zhao and Yingyi Zhang. Modelingbiogenic and anthropogenic secondary organic aerosol in China. Atmos. Chem.Phys., 2017, 17, 77-92.
[19] Nadezda Zíkova, Yungang Wang, Fumo Yang, Xinghua Li*,Mi Tian, Philip K. Hopke*. On the source contribution to Beijing PM2.5concentrations. Atmospheric Environment, 2016, 134: 84-95.
[18] Xinghua Li*, Yanju Chen, Tami C. Bond. Lightabsorption of organic aerosol from pyrolysis of corn stalk. AtmosphericEnvironment, 2016, 144: 249-256.
[17] Yingjie Han, Xinghua Li*, Tianle Zhu*, Dong Lv,Ying Chen, Li’an Hou, Yinping Zhang, Mingzhong Ren. Characteristics andRelationships between Indoor and Outdoor PM2.5 in Beijing: A ResidentialApartment Case Study. Aerosol and Air Quality Research, 2016, 16:2386-2395
[16] Qing Li, Xinghua Li, Jingkun Jiang, Lei Duan, Su Ge,Qi Zhang, Jianguo Deng, Shuxiao Wang, Jiming Hao. Semi-coke briquettes: towardsreducing emissions of primary PM2.5, particulate carbon, and carbon monoxidefrom household coal combustion in China. Scientific Report, 2016, 6, 19306;doi: 10.1038/srep19306.
[15] Huanbo Wang, MiTian, Xinghua Li*, Qing Chang, Junji Cao, Fumo Yang, Yongliang Ma, KebinHe. Chemical Composition and Light Extinction Contribution of PM2.5 in UrbanBeijing for a 1-Year Period, Aerosol and Air Quality Research, 2015, 15:2200-2211.
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2. 李兴华,曹阳,韩军赞. 一种民用炉灶排放大气污染物采样系统. 发明专利, 专利号: ZL 2014 1 **.4
3. 李兴华, 陈隆枢, 姚群,陈志炜等. 脉冲阀性能检测装置及方法.发明专利, 专利号: ZL 2004 1 **.9
4. 郝吉明, 李兴华,段雷, 易红宏, 郭兴明.固定燃烧源排放颗粒物稀释采样系统. 发明专利,专利号: ZL 2005 1 **.6
5. 姚群, 陈隆枢, 韦鸣瑞,熊国新, 王津, 陈志炜,李兴华. 直通导流式袋式除尘器. 发明专利, 专利号:ZL 2004 1 **.4
6. 李兴华,阮兵,谢岩,王威. 一种联合发生单分散气溶胶的PM1切割头性能测试系统. 发明专利,申请号0.4
7. 李兴华,谢岩,杨凯强,阮兵. 一种民用固体燃料燃烧大气污染物排放现场检测装置,发明专利,申请号8.4
1. 郝吉明, 段雷, 易红宏,李兴华, 胡京南著.燃烧源可吸入颗粒物的物理化学特征. 北京: 科学出版社,2008
1. 环境保护部,生物质燃烧源大气污染物排放清单编制技术指南(试行)
2. GB/T 35564-2017,生物质清洁炊事炉具
3. ISO 19867-1, Clean cookstovesand clean cooking solutions - Harmonized laboratory test protocols-Part 1: StandardTest Sequence for emissions and performance, safety, and durability
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