电子邮箱: sunif@buaa.edu.cn
专著:《Solid Waste Management》第一、四、六章节,Kyoto University Press,2014
1. Sun Y*, Liu L, Oshita K, Zeng X,Wang W, Influence of activated-carbon-supported transition metals on thedecomposition of polychlorobiphenyls. Part II: Chemical and physicalcharacterization and mechanistic study, Chemosphere, 159(2016)668-675.(IF:3.340)
2. Sun Y*, Tao F, Liu L, Zeng X,Wang W, Influence of activated-carbon-supported transition metals on thedecomposition of polychlorobiphenyls. Part I: Catalytic decomposition andkinetic analysis, Chemosphere, 159(2016)659-667. (IF:3.340)
3. Sun Y*, Liu L, Wang Q, Yang X, TuX, Pyrolysis products from industrial waste biomass based on a neural networkmodel, Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, 2016. (IF:3.564)
4. Zhang Y, Buekens A, Liu L, ZhangY, Zeng X, Sun Y*, Suppression of chlorinated aromatics by nitrogen and sulphurinhibitors in iron ore sintering, Chemosphere, 155 (2016) 300-307. (IF:3.340)
5. Sun Y*, Liu L, Fu X, Zhu T,Buekens A, Yang X, Wang Q, Mechanism of unintentionally produced persistentorganic pollutant formation in iron ore sintering, Journal of HazardousMaterials, 306 (2016) 41–49. (IF:4.529)
6. Sun Y, Liu X, Kainuma M, Wang W,Takaoka M, Takeda N, Dechlorination of polychlorinated biphenyls by iron andits oxides, Chemosphere 137 (2015) 78–86 (IF:3.340)
7. Hongyan Wang, Yifei Sun, TianleZhu, Wenzheng Wang, Hua Deng, Adsorption of acetaldehyde onto carbide-derivedcarbon modified by oxidation, Chemical Engineering Journal 273 (2015) 580–587.
8. Fan W, Zhu T, Sun Y, Lv D.Effects of gas compositions on NOx reduction by selective non-catalyticreduction with ammonia in a simulated cement precalciner atmosphere.Chemosphere, 2014 (113) 182–187. (IF:3.340)
9. Yan X, Zhu T, Fan X, Sun Y.Removal of p-chlorophenol in mist by DC corona discharge plasma. ChemicalEngineering Journal, 245 (2014) 41–46. (IF: 4.058)
10. Na H, Zhu H, Liu Z, Sun Y.Promoting effect of Zr on the catalytic combustion of methane over Pd/γ-Al2O3catalyst. Front. Environ. Sci. Eng. 2014, 8(5): 659–665.
11. Sun Y*, Wang D, Yan J, Qiao W,Wang W, Zhu T. Effects of lipid concentration on anaerobic co-digestion ofmunicipal biomass wastes, Waste Management,2014(34)1025–1034. (IF: 2.485)
12. Yin K, Gao X, Sun Y, Zheng L,Wang W. Thermal degradation of hexachlorobenzene in the presence of calciumoxide at 340–400°C, Chemosphere, 2013(93): 1600–1606. (IF:3.340)
13. Sun Y, Fu X, Qiao W, Wang W, LiX, Zhu T. Dechlorination of 2, 2′, 4, 4′, 5, 5′-Hexachlorobiphenyl by ThermalReaction with Activated Carbon-Supported Copper and Zinc, Frontiers ofEnvironmental Science and Engineering, 2013 (7): 827-832.
14. Sun Y*, Wang D, Qiao W, Wang W, Zhu T. Anaerobic co-digestion ofmunicipal biomass wastes and waste activated sludge: Dynamic model and materialbalances. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2013 (25) 2112-2122. (IF:1.66)
15. Yan X, Sun Y, Zhu T, Fan X. Conversion of Carbon Disulfide in Air by Non-ThermalPlasma, Journal of hazardous materials, 2013 (261): 669-674. (IF: 4.173)
16. Sun Y, Watanabe N, Wang W, Zhu T.Determination of gaseous semi- and low-volatile organic halogen compounds bybarrier-discharge atomic emission spectrometry. Journal of EnvironmentalSciences, 2013 (1): 213-219. (IF:1.66)
17. Wang M., Sun Y., Zhu T. Removalof NOx, SO2, and Hg from Simulated Flue Gas by Plasma-Absorption Hybrid System,2013 IEEE Transctions on Plasma Science, 2013 (41): 312-318 (IF 1.174)
18. Sun Y, Takaoka M, Takeda N, WangW, Zeng X, Zhu T. Decomposition of 2,2′,4,4′,5,5′-Hexachlorobiphenyl with IronSupported on an Activated Carbon from an Ion-exchange Resin. Chemosphere, 2012(88): 895-902. (IF: 3.206)
19. Qiao W, SunY, Wang W. Treatment of 14 sludge types from wastewater treatment plants usingbench and pilot thermal hydrolysis. Water Science & Technology, 2012 (66):895–902. (IF: 1.122)
20. Fan W, Sun Y, Zhu T, Wen Y.Emissions of HC, CO, NOx, CO2, and SO2 from CivilAviation in China in 2010. Atmospheric Environment, 2012 (56): 52–57. (IF:3.465)
21. Liu X, Gao X, Wang W,Zheng L, Zhou Y, Sun Y. Pilot-scale anaerobic co-digestion of municipal biomasswaste: Focusing on biogas production and GHG reduction. Renewable Energy, 2012(44): 463-468. (IF: 2.978)
22. Fan X, Zhu T, Sun Y, Yan X. Theroles of various plasma species in the plasma and plasma-catalytic removal oflow-concentration formaldehyde in air. Journal of Hazardous Materials ,2011(196): 380– 385. (IF: 4.173)
23. Sun Y, Takaoka M, Takeda N, ZhuT. Analysis of PCBs in Five Kinds of Fly Ash UsingMicrowave-Assisted Extraction. Selected Proceedings of the FifthInternational Conference on Waste Management and Technology, 2011: 500-504.
24. Qiao W, Yan X, Ye J, Sun Y, WangW, Zhang Z. Evaluation of Biogas Production from Different Biomass Wasteswith/without Hydrothermal Pretreatment. Renewable Energy, 2011(36): 3313-3318.
25. An G, Sun Y, Zhu T, Yan X.Degradation of Phenol in Mists by a Non-thermal Plasma Reactor. Chemosphere,2011(84): 1296–1300. (IF:3.206)
26. Sun Y, Watanabe N, Qiao W, Gao X,Wang W, Zhu T. Polysulfide as a Novel Chemical Agent toSolidify/Stabilize Lead in Fly Ash From Municipal Solid Waste Incineration.Chemosphere, 2010(81): 120-126. (IF:3.206)
27. Takaoka M, Fujimori T, Shiono A,Yamamoto T, Takeda N, Oshita K, Uruga T, Sun Y, Tanaka T. Formation ofChlorinated Aromatics in Model Fly Ashes Using Various Copper Compounds. Chemosphere, 2010(80): 144-149. (IF:3.206)
28. Sun Y, Takaoka M, Watanabe N,Ishikawa M, Takeda N. Dynamics Simulation in Polychlorinated BiphenylsDecomposition System with Activated Carbon-Supported Iron. Sardinia, 2007: 1093-1094.
29. 渡辺信久, 高倉晃人, 名久井博之,渡部剛, 孫軼斐.吸着?加熱脱着分析におけるサンプリング前処理に関する検討.環境化学, 2007(17) :461-470.
30. Sun Y, Takaoka M, Takeda N,Matsumoto T, Oshita, K. Application of Microwave-Assisted Extraction to theAnalysis of PCBs and CBzs in Fly Ash from Municipal Solid Waste Incinerators.Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2006(137): 106-112. (IF: 4.173)
31. Sun Y, Takaoka M, Takeda N,Matusmoto T, Oshita K. Kinetics of the Decomposition of PolychlorinatedBiphenyls with Activated Carbon-Supported Iron. Chemosphere, 2006(65): 183-189. (IF: 3.206)
32. Sun Y, Takaoka M, Takeda N,Matusmoto T, Oshita K. Chemical Reactivity on Decomposition of PolychlorinatedBiphenyls with Activated Carbon-Supported Iron. Journal of Kunming Universityof Science and Technology, 2006(31): 50-59.
33. Sun Y, Takaoka M, Takeda N,Matsumoto T, Oshita K. Application of Water as a Solvent in Microwave-AssistedExtraction for Analysis of PCBs and CBzs in Fly Ash. Journal of SeparationScience, 2005(28): 585-588.(IF: 2.591)
34. Sun Y, Nagao R, Takaoka M, TakedaN, Matusmoto T, Oshita K. Catalytic Degradation of Polychlorinated Biphenylswith Activated Carbon-Supported Iron. 環境化学, 2005(15):259-268.
35. Chen C, Sun Y, Su Q, Liu W, ChenY, Xi F. Polymerization Mechanism of N-Vinylcarbazole with Chirally OrganicSalt as Catalyst. Chinese Journal of Polymer Science, 1998(16): 126-132.
36. Chen C, Sun Y, Su Q, Liu W, ChenY, Xi F. Ion-Pairs Feature of Polymerization Process of N-Vinylcarbazole withChirally Organic Salt as Catalyst. J.M.S.-PURE APPL. CHEM, 1997(A34):2311-2319.
1. 陶飞,刘丽娜, 王激扬,姚鑫华, 王强,孙轶斐*.生物质废物热解过程中气相产物的生成及等离子体重整研究. 环境工程,2016.
1. Sun Y*, ZengX, Liu L, Wang Z, Biogas Conversion using Dielectric Barrier Discharge Non-ThermalPlasma, TINOS 2015, 3rd International Conference on Sustainable Solid WasteManagement: Decision of the Scientific Committee, 2015.
2. Liu L, WangZ, Sun Y, Characteristics of reforming pyrolysis biogas using dielectricbarrier discharge non-thermal plasma, The 2nd Symposium of International WasteWorking Group Asian Regional Branch (IWWG-ARB), 2015.
3. Zhang Y, LiuL, Sun Y, Influence of carbon contents on formation of chlorinated aromaticcompounds in the iron ore sintering process, The 2nd Symposium of InternationalWaste Working Group Asian Regional Branch (IWWG-ARB), 2015.
4. Sun Y*, LiuL, Fu X, Zhu T, Mechanism of the Formation of Chlorinated Organic Compounds inthe Iron Ore Sintering Process, Organohalogen Compounds,2014.
5. Sun Y*, ZhangY, Fu X, Liu L, Zhu T, Formation of Chlorinated Aromatic Compounds at DifferentTemperatures in the Iron Ore Sintering Process, 8th International Conference on Combustion.Incineration / Pyrolysis and Emission Control (i-CIPEC), 2014.
6. Sun Y*, LiuL, Liu X, Zhu T, Conversion of Pyrolysis Biogas Using Dielectric BarrierDischarge Non-Thermal Plasma, 8thInternational Conference on Combustion. Incineration / Pyrolysis and EmissionControl (i-CIPEC), 2014.
7. Liu L, Sun Y,Zeng X, Zhu T, Effects of Carbon Contents and Temperatures to the Formation ofChlorinated Organic Compounds in the Iron Sintering Process, The 11thInternational Symposium on Persistent Toxic Substance, 2014.
8. Sun Y*, TaoF, Zeng X, Zhu T, Catalytic dechlorination of Aroclor1254 using activatedcarbon supported Ni/Cu or Ni/Zn bimetal, The 11th International Symposium onPersistent Toxic Substance, 2014.
9. Sun Y,Liu X, Chen X, Deng Z, Xia Z, Tu X, Wang W, Effects of Gas Products on BiomassWastes Pyrolysis Process, 3RINCs and SWAPI 2014, Kyoto, 2014.
10. Yan J, SunY.*, Zeng X, Qiao W, Wang W, Effects of Lipid Concentration on Anaerobicco-Digestion of Municipal Biomass Wastes, 13thWorld Congress on Anaerobic Digestion, Santiago deCompostela, 2013.
11. Yan J, SunY.*, Qiao W, Wang D, Wang W, Zeng X, Zhu T, Influence of lipid concentration onanaerobic digestion using lipid-rich municipal biomass wastes, The 1st IWWG-ARBSymposium, Hokkaido University, Japan, 2013.
12. Sun Y, WangD, Chen X, Chen J, Qiao W, Wang W, A Study on Anaerobic co-Digestion UsingBiomass Wastes. The 23rd Annual Conference of Japan Society ofMaterial Cycles and Waste Management, Sendai, 2012.
13. 王典, 孙轶斐,王伟, 朱天乐. 生物质废物中温联合厌氧消化的动力学研究.中国化学学会第28届学术年会,成都, 2012.
14. 付心, 孙轶斐,王伟. 球状铜催化剂作为电子供体促进2,2′,4,4′,5,5′-六氯联苯脱氯的研究. 中国化学学会第28届学术年会,成都, 2012.
15. Sun Y, TianleZhu, Nobuhisa Watanabe, Analysis of semi- and low-volatile organic halogensusing barrier discharge radio frequency helium plasma / atomic emissionspectrometry, International Symposium on Plasma Science and Technology forEnvironmental Applications, Hangzhou, China, Sep. 9-11, 2012.
16. Sun Y, WangD, Wang W, Qiao W, Zhu J, Zhu T, Influence of Lipid Concentration in KitchenGarbage during Anaerobic Co-Digestion of MSW Biomass. InternationalIWA-Symposium on Anaerobic Digestion of Solid Waste and Energy Crops, 2011.
17. 王美艳, 孙轶斐,朱天乐, 王鸿,范维义. 反应条件对非热等离子体氧化气相HgO的影响.浙江大学西湖学术论坛第58次会议-低温等离子体在环境、生物和能源方面的应用研讨会. 2010.
18. Sun Y, Fu X,Zhu T, Mechanism ofActivated Carbon-Supported Transition Metals on Polychlorinated BiphenylsDecomposition, The 7th International Symposium on Persistent ToxicSubstances, Beijing, 2010.
19. Sun Y, Fu X,Zhu T, Mechanistic Characterization of Activated Carbon-Supported Metals onDecomposition of Polychlorinated Biphenyls. OrganohalogenCompounds, 2010.
20. Sun Y, WangC, Zhu T. Low-TemperatureDegradation of Polychlorinated Biphenyls Using Activated Carbon-SupportedTransition Metals. Organohalogen Compounds,2010.
21. SunY, Jing S, Zhu J, Qiao W, Zheng L, Wang W, Zhu T. Effect on Lipid Concentrationin Kitchen Garbage during Anaerobic Digestion. The 18th Seminar of JSPS-MOE Core University Programon Urban Environment, 2010: 529-539.
22. Qiao W, SunY, Wang W, Ye J, Peng C. Evaluation of Biogas Production Potential of BiomassWaste before and after Hy-drothermal Pretreatment. The 18th Seminar of JSPS-MOECore University Program on Urban Environment, 2010: 541-548.
23. Sun Y, WatanabeN, Zhu T. Influence of Oxygen Concentration during Semi- and Low-Volatile Organic HalogenCompounds Decomposition Process by Barrier Discharge AtomicEmission Spectrometry.Organohalogen Compounds,2009: 2477-2480.
24. Sun Y, WatanabeN, Zhu T. Solidification/stabilizationof Heavy metals in Fly ash Using Polysulfide as a NovelChemical Agent.The 16th Seminar ofJSPS-MOE Core University Program on Urban Environment, 2009: 368-377.
25. Sun Y, TakaokaM, Takeda N, ZhuT. Disposal ofPolychlorinated Biphenyls with Novel Activated Carbon-Supported Iron. Proceeding of The 4thInternational Conference on Waste Management and Technology, 2009.
26. Sun Y, WatanabeN, Ishikawa M. Determination of Gaseous Semi-and Low-volatile Organic Halogen Compounds by Barrier Discharge Atomic EmissionSpectrometry. The 15th Seminar of JSPS-MOE CoreUniversity Program on Urban Environment, 2008: 273-284.
27. Sun Y, WatanabeN, Ishikawa M. Solidification/Stabilization of Lead in MunicipalSolid Waste Incineration Fly Ash by Polysulfide Agent. Proceeding of the 5th International Conference onCombustion, Incineration / Pyrolysis and Emission Control (i-CIPEC), 2008: 37.
28. 孫軼斐, 渡辺信久,石川宗孝. 多硫化物薬剤による焼却飛灰中の重金属溶出抑制. 第5 回大阪工業大学環境ソリューションシンポジウム.
29. 孫軼斐, 渡辺信久,石川宗孝. 多硫化物重金属固定化薬剤による鉛溶出抑制の長期安定性について. 第19回廃棄物学会研究発表会講演論文集, 2008: 612-614.
30. 渡辺信久, 孫軼斐,石川宗孝. 多硫化物薬剤の焼却灰重金属固定化剤としての応用. 第19回廃棄物学会研究発表会講演論文集, 2008: 615-617.
31. Watanabe N, Sun Y, Tsuyama T, Takegaki Y. Characteristics of Fluorine Determination by Barrier Discharge Atomic Emission Spectrometry. Organohalogen Compounds,2007(69): 186-189.
32. Sun Y, NagaoR, Shiba H, Takaoka M, Takeda N. Decomposition ofPolychlorinated Biphenyls with Activated Carbon-Supported Iron.Organohalogen Compounds, 2006(68): 367-370.
33. Takaoka M,Shiono A, Yamamoto T, Takeda N. Oshita K, Uruga T, Sun Y, Tanaka T. TheFormation of Chlorinated Aromatics and Dynamic Changes in the Chemical Form ofCopper in Model Fly Ashes Using Various Copper Compounds. OrganohalogenCompounds, 2006(68): 1239-1242.
34. Sun Y, NagaoR, Shiba H, Takaoka M, Takeda N, Matusmoto T, Oshita K. Application of NovelActivated Carbon-Supported Iron for Decomposition of Polychlorinated Biphenyls,Proceeding of the 4th International Conference on Combustion. Incineration /Pyrolysis and Emission Control (i-CIPEC), 2006: 651-654.
35. 孫軼斐, 高岡昌輝,武田信生, 松本忠生,大下和徹. 鉄担持活性炭によるポリ塩化ビフェニルの分解. 第17回廃棄物学会研究発表会講演論文集, 2006: 1068-1070.
36. 柴博文, 高岡昌輝,孫軼斐, 大下和徹,松本忠生, 武田信生.高濃度鉄担持活性炭によるPCBsの分解特性.京都大学環境衛生工学研究会第27回シンポジウム講演論文集, 2005: 203-206.
37. Sun Y,Takaoka M, Takeda N, Matsumoto T, Oshita K. Chemical Reactivity onDecomposition of Polychlorinated Biphenyls with Activated Carbon-Supported Iron.The9-10th Seminar of JSPS-MOE CoreUniversity Program on Urban Environment, 2005: 597-607.
38. 孫軼斐, 高岡昌輝,松本忠生, 大下和徹, 武田信生.マイクロウエーブ抽出法による各種飛灰中PCBsおよびCBzsの抽出率の検討.第13回環境化学討論会講演要旨集, 2004: 110-111.
39. Sun Y, NagaoR, Takaoka M, Matsumoto T, Oshita K, Takeda N. Decomposition of PolychlorinatedBiphenyls with Activated Carbon-Supported Iron. The 7th Seminar of JSPS-MOECore University Program on Urban Environment, 2004: 237-245.
40. Sun Y,Takaoka M, Takeda N, Matsumoto T, Oshita K. Application of Microwave-AssistedExtraction to the Analysis of PCBs and CBzs in Fly Ash from Municipal Solidwaste Incinerators. Organohalogen Compounds, 2004(66): 321-327.
41. 長尾亮治, 高岡昌輝,武田信生, 松本忠生, 大下和徹,孫軼斐. 鉄担持活性炭によるPCBsの分解.第15回廃棄物学会研究発表会講演論文集, 2004: 1325-1327.
42. 孫軼斐, 高岡昌輝,武田信生, 大下和徹. 飛灰中PCBsとCBzsにおけるマイクロウェーブ抽出法とソックスレー抽出法の比較. 第14回廃棄物学会研究発表会講演論文集, 2003: 785-787.
43. Sun Y,Takaoka M, Takeda N, Oshita K. Effect of Irradiation Time, Solvent Combinationand Water Content on Microwave-Assisted Extraction of Fly Ash from MSWIs, The5th Seminar of JSPS-MOE Core University Program on Urban Environment, Shanghai,P.R.China, 2003:227-239.
44. 孫軼斐, 高岡昌輝,大下和徹, 武田信生. 飛灰中PCBsのマイクロウェーブ抽出に対する抽出時間、溶媒組み合わせおよび含水率の影響. 日本分析化学会第52年会発表講演要旨集,2003: 96.
45. 孫軼斐, 高岡昌輝,大下和徹, 武田信生. 飛灰中に含まれるPCBsおよびCBzsに対するマイクロウェーブ抽出法の適用. 第12回環境化学討論会講演要旨集,2003: 614-615.
46. Sun Y,Takaoka M, Takeda N, Oshita K. Application of Microwave-Assisted Extraction tothe Determination of PCBs and CBzs in Solid Samples. Proceedings of The 4thSeminar of JSPS-MOE Core University Program on Urban Environment, 2002: 179-188
47. Sun Y,Takaoka M, Takeda N, Oshita K. Analysis of PCBs and CBzs in Solid Samples byMicrowave-Assisted Extraction. 第13回廃棄物学会研究発表会講演論文集,2002: 1270-1272.
1.孙轶斐,付心,朱天乐.一种制备过渡金属/活性炭催化剂的方法[P]. 中国:CN9.2,2011-05-24.授权专利号:ZL2011 1 **.2,授权公告日2013.3.27
3.孙轶斐,陶飞,朱天乐,付心. 气相中多氯联苯的双元金属活性炭催化剂热催化降解方法[P]. 中国:CN1.9, 2013-1-30. 授权专利号:ZL 1.9,授权公开日:2014.7.30
4.朱天乐, 王美艳,罗宏晶, 孙轶斐.放电等离子体与吸收相结合脱除烟气中多种污染物的方法[P].中国:CNA, 2010-06-02. 授权专利号:ZL 2009 1 **.1 授权公告日2012.12.19
5.朱天乐,孙轶斐, 王美艳.一种高效脱除烟气中NOx的方法[P].中国: CNA, 2010-08-25,授权专利号:ZL2010 1 **.2 授权公告日2012.9.12
6.朱天乐,王美艳, 孙轶斐. 通过改造电除尘器实现高效脱汞的方法[P]. 中国:CNA, 2010-08-25,授权专利号:ZL 2010 1 **.7,授权公告日:2012.7.25
7.朱天乐,孙轶斐, 燕潇.低温等离子体与生物相结合处理难降解有机废气的方法及其装置[P]. 中国:CNA, 2011-05-18,授权专利号ZL 2010 1 **.1 授权公告日2012.12.19
8.朱天乐,范维义,孙轶斐.一种研究新型干法水泥生产分解炉内选择性非催化还原性能[P]. 中国:CN B , 2013-4-8, 授权专利号:ZL2.7 授权公告日2016-1-27
9.朱天乐,任重培,王雷,孙轶斐.一种研究烧结过程气体污染物生消和排放的实验装置及实验方法[P]. 中国:CN A, 2013-7-4 , 授权专利号:ZL7.9 授权公告日2015-04-29
本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-04-24
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梁大为职称\职位:副教授\博士生导师电子邮箱:liangdw@buaa.edu.cn办公电话:办公地址:北航沙河校区实验一号楼211研究领域:1.污水生物处理与资源化;2.微生物电化学系统在水污染控制中的应用;3.持久性污染物(POPs)的微生物降解与生物修复;学习经历:1996.9-2000.7哈尔滨工业大学市政工程专业学士2000.9-2002.12哈尔滨工业大学环境工程专业硕士2002.12 ...北京航空航天大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-04-24北京航空航天大学空间与环境学院导师教师师资介绍简介-朱天乐
朱天乐职称\职位:教授\博导电子邮箱:zhutl@buaa.edu.cn办公电话:研究领域:大气污染来源、效应与控制,研究方向包括:1)烟气多污染物控制、2)有机废气净化、3)室内污染控制、4)大气污染成因与控制对策学习经历:1979.9-1983.7南昌航空大学化学工程系大学本科1986.9-1989.4西安建筑科技大学大学环境保护系硕士研究生1997.2-2000.12清华大学环境科学与工程系 ...北京航空航天大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-04-24北京航空航天大学空间与环境学院导师教师师资介绍简介-孟淑娟
孟淑娟特别副研究员\卓越百人\博士生导师电子邮箱:mengsj@buaa.edu.cn办公电话:办公地址:北航沙河校区实验一号楼201研究领域胞外透明聚合颗粒物,膜法水处理新技术的研究与应用,膜污染,污泥资源回收技术ResearchInterestsTransparentExopolymerParticles(TEP),membranetechnology,membranefouling,slud ...北京航空航天大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-04-24北京航空航天大学空间与环境学院导师教师师资介绍简介-梁洁
梁洁卓越百人,特别副研究员,博士生导师联系方式:jieliang@buaa.edu.cn研究领域:新型沸石催化材料的设计合成及解构解析,CO2的捕获与分离,多孔材料在生物质催化热解中的应用探索ResearchAreas:Thesynthesisandstructuredeterminationofnovelzeolitecatalysts,CO2captureandseparation,Theap ...北京航空航天大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-04-24北京航空航天大学空间与环境学院导师教师师资介绍简介-Malcolm Wray Dunlop
职称\职位:教授\博导电子邮箱:malcolm.dunlop@stfc.ac.uk/malcolm.dunlop@buaa.edu.cn传真(fax):研究领域:环电流和场向电流/磁层边界层/磁场重联Researchareas:Ringcurrent/Fieldalignedcurrent/Magnetosphericboundary/MagneticfieldreconnectionEducat ...北京航空航天大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-04-24北京航空航天大学空间与环境学院导师教师师资介绍简介-曹晋滨
职称\职位:教授\博导\教育部\电子邮箱:jbcao@buaa.edu.cn办公电话:传真:Prof.Dr.ChangjiangScholarofMinistryofEducationofthePeople'sRepublicofChina研究领域:空间天气学,磁层物理,空间环境探测Researchareas:Spaceweather,Magnetosphericphysics,Explorati ...北京航空航天大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-04-24北京航空航天大学空间与环境学院导师教师师资介绍简介-姜杰
姜杰电子邮箱:jiejiang@buaa.edu.cn研究领域:太阳和恒星物理(主要包括:1、太阳磁周期的产生机理(发电机)和物理预报;2、太阳和日球层磁场的长期变化及其对地球气候的影响;3、类太阳恒星磁活动及磁周期)Researchinterest:Solarandstellarphysics(Magnetohydrodynamicsinsolar/stellarinterior,Physics ...北京航空航天大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-04-24北京航空航天大学空间与环境学院导师教师师资介绍简介-刘焱
刘焱(YanLiu)个人主页(homepage):shi.buaa.edu.cn/yanliu电子邮箱:yanliu@buaa.edu.cn办公室:新主楼B305办公电话:+86-研究领域:高能理论物理,引力理论,量子场论,弦理论Researchareas:theoreticalphysics(hep-th),gravitation,quantumfieldtheory,stringtheory学 ...北京航空航天大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-04-24北京航空航天大学空间与环境学院导师教师师资介绍简介-刘文龙
职称\职位:研究员\博导\青年长江\卓越百人电子邮箱:liuwenlong@buaa.edu.cn办公电话:传真:Prof.Dr.ZhuoyuescholarofBeihangUniversity研究领域:空间天气学,磁层物理Researchareas:Spaceweather,Magnetosphericphysics学习经历:2001年毕业于北京大学,获学士学位2006年在北京大学获博士学位E ...北京航空航天大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-04-24