

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-04-24



Research interest: Solar and stellar physics (Magnetohydrodynamics in solar/stellarinterior, Physics based prediction of solar cycle, Long-term solar variabilityand its effects in near-Earth space and climate, Stellar magnetic activity)

2007, Ph.D., SolarPhysics, National Astronomical Observatories, CAS
2002, B.S.,Physics, Anhui University

2017.01 -- 至今 北京航空航天大学空间与环境学院
2016.04 --2017.01 中国科学院国家天文台研究员
2010.10 --2016.04 中国科学院国家天文台副研究员
2008.07 --2010.10 德国马普太阳系研究所博士后
2007.07 --2008.07 中国科学院国家天文台助理研究员
Jan 2017 --Present, School of Space andEnvironment, Beihang University
Apr 2016 --Jan 2017 Research Professor, NAOC
Oct 2010 --Jun 2016 Associate Research Professor, NAOC
Jul 2008 --Oct 2010 Max Planck Society fellowship, Max Planck Institute for Solar SystemResearch
Jul 2007 --Jul 2008 Assistant Research Professor, NAOC

Asia-PacificSolar Physics Meeting (APSPM) Best Paper Award
The Committeeon Space Research The Outstanding Paper Award for Young Scientist

1. 第29届IAU大会Focus Meeting13(2015年8月)的科学委员会成员;
2. 第41届COSPAR大会E2.1分会(2016年8月)执行主席;
3. 每年多次为Astronomy &Astrophysics, Solar Physics, Journal of Geophysical Research, Research inAstronomy and Astrophysics, New Astronomy等国际SCI期刊审稿;
Selected ProfessionalServices
SOC member of XXIXIAU General Assembly FM 13: 'Brightness Variations of the Sun and Sun-likeStars' (Aug 2015)
DeputyOrganizer for the 41st COSPAR-E2.1 (Aug 2016)
Referee forAstronomy & Astrophysics, Solar Physics, Journal of Geophysical Research,Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics, New Astronomy

国际会议邀请报告(Invited Talks atInternational Conferences)
1. May 2017, SessionI: Solar photosphere and solar cycle, The First China-Europe Solar PhysicsMeeting, Kunming China.
2. August2016, Global solar dynamo, Conference on Solar and Stellar Magnetic Fields,Goslar Germany.
3. March 2016,Observation-based stochastic effects and nonlinearities in the solarlarge-scale magnetic field evolution, ISSI/VarSITI forum on Futureevolution of solar activity, Bern Switzerland.
4. November2015, Dynamo Models and Solar Cycle Predictions, The third Asia-Pacific solarphysics meeting, Seoul Korea (cancelled due to visa issue)
5. August2015, Primary cause of the weak solar cycle 24, Asia Oceania GeosciencesSociety (AOGS) 12th Annual Meeting, Singapore
6. June 2015, Advancesin dynamo modeling: convective dynamos, NASA LWS Workshop on Solar DynamoFrontiers: Helioseismology, 3D Modeling, and Data Assimilation, HAO USA(cancelled due to visa issue).
7. October2014, Evolution of the solar polar field, SCOSTEP-13th Solar TerrestrialPhysics symposium, Xi'an China.
8. November2013, The roles of the meridional flow in the solar flux transport dynamos,ISSI workshop, The solar activity cycle: physical causes and consequences,Bern Switzerland.
9. October2013, Causes and consequences of the solar polar field around cycle minima, Thesecond Asia-Pacific solar physics meeting, Hangzhou China.
10. April2013, Polar field around cycle minima versus subsequent and preceding solarcycles, AGU Chapman Conference on the Causes and Consequences of theExtended Solar Minimum Between Solar Cycles 23 and 24, Florida USA
11. August2012, Solar-cycle precursors and predictions, IAU Symposium 294--Solarand astrophysical dynamos and magnetic activity, Beijing China.
12. August2012, Solar magnetic field, XXVIII IAU General Assembly Special Session10, Beijing China.
13. August2011, Solar cycle prediction using dynamos and its implication for the solarcycle, International Living with a Star-2011 Workshop (ILWS-2011),Beijing China.
14. April2010, The Current solar minimum, ISSI workshop, Cosmic Rays in theHeliosphere II, Bern Switzerland.
15. October2009, Modeling the Interplanetary Magnetic Field, The 2nd international spaceweather symposium, Nanjing China.
16. July 2006,A Non-axisymmetric Solar Dynamo model, the 36th COSPAR-E2.1.

主要SCI期刊文章(Selected publications:
(NASA/ADS link(Personal Libraries):http://adsabs.harvard.edu/cgi-bin/nph-abs_connect?library&libname=personal_papers&libid=510ddb1244)
1. Jiang,J.,Cameron,R.H., Schüssler,M., The Cause of the Weak Solar Cycle 24, Astrophys.J. Lett., 2015, 808, L28 (HMI Science Nugget,http://hmi.stanford.edu/hminuggets/?p=1234)
2. Jiang,J., Hathaway, D. H., Cameron, R. H., Solanki, S. K., Gizon, L., Upton, L.,Magnetic Flux Transport at the Solar Surface, Space Sci. Rev.,,2014,186, 491–523 (Chapter of ISSI book on "The Solar ActivityCycle")
3. Jiang,J., Cameron, R., and Schüssler, M., Effects of the Scatter in Sunspot GroupTilt Angles on the Large-scale Magnetic Field at the Solar Surface, Astrophys.J., 2014, 791, 5
4. Jiang,J., Cameron, R., Schmitt, D., and I?ik, E., Modeling solar cycles 15 to 21using a flux transport dynamo, Astron. Astrophys., 2013, 553, 128
5. Jiang,J., Cameron, R., Schmitt, D. and Schüssler, M., Can Surface Flux TransportAccount for the Weak Polar Field in Cycle 23? Space Sci. Rev., 2013,176, 289-298 (Chapter of ISSI book on "Cosmic Rays in theHeliosphere")
6. Jiang,J., Cameron, R., Schmitt, D. and Schüssler, M., The solar magnetic fieldsince 1700. II. Physical reconstruction of total, polar and open flux, Astron.Astrophys. , 2011, 528, A83
7. Jiang,J., Cameron, R., Schmitt, D. and Schüssler, M., The solar magnetic fieldsince 1700. I. Characteristics of sunspot group emergence and reconstruction ofthe butterfly diagram, Astron. Astrophys., 2011, 528, A82
8. Jiang, J.,I?ik, E., Cameron, R. H., Schmitt, D. and Schüssler, M., The Effect ofActivity-related Meridional Flow Modulation on the Strength of the Solar PolarMagnetic Field, Astrophys. J., 2010, 717, 597-602
9. Jiang,J., Cameron, R., Schmitt, D. and Schüssler, M., Modeling the Sun's OpenMagnetic Flux and the Heliospheric Current Sheet, Astrophys. J., 2010,709, 301-307
10. Jiang,J., Cameron, R., Schmitt, D. and Schüssler, M., Countercell Meridional Flowand Latitudinal Distribution of the Solar Polar Magnetic Field, Astrophys.J., 2009, 693, L96-L99
11. JiangJie and Wang Jing-xiu, Mode selection mechanism and magnetic diffusivity ina non-axisymmetric solar dynamo model, Adv. Space Res., 2008, 41,847-880
12. Jiang,Jie, Choudhuri, Arnab Rai and Wang, Jingxiu, A New Explanation for theOrigin of Trans-equatorial Loops based on a Dynamo Model , Sol. Phys.,2007, 245, 19-25
13. Jiang,J. and Wang, J. X., A dynamo model for axisymmetric and non-axisymmetricsolar magnetic fields, Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc., 2007, 377, 711-718
14. Jiang,Jie, Chatterjee, Piyali and Choudhuri, Arnab Rai, Solar activity forecastwith a dynamo model, Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc., 2007, 381, 1527 -1542
15. Jiang,Jie and Wang, Jing-Xiu, A Non-axisymmetric Spherical α2-Dynamo, Chin. J.Astron. Astrophys., 2006, 6, 227-236
16. Cameron,R. Jiang, J., Schüssler, M., Solar Cycle 25: Another Moderate Cycle? Astrophys.J. Lett., 2016, 823, L22
17.Dasi-Espuig, M., Jiang, J., Krivova, N. A., Solanki, S. K.,Unruh, Y. C.,Yeo, K. L., Reconstruction of spectral solar irradiance since 1700 fromsimulated magnetograms, Astron. Astrophys., 2016, 590, A63
18. Karak, B. Jiang,J., Miesch, M. S., Charbonneau, P., Choudhuri, A. R., Flux TransportDynamos: From Kinematics to Dynamics, Space Sci. Rev. , 2014, 186, 561–602 (Chapterof ISSI book on "The Solar Activity Cycle")
19.Dasi-Espuig, M., Jiang, J., Krivova1, N. A. and Solanki, S. K.,Modelling total solar irradiance since 1878 from simulated magnetograms, Astron.Astrophys., 2014, 570, A23
20. Cameron,R. H., Jiang, J., Schüssler, M. and Gizon L., Physical causes of solarcycle amplitude variability, J. Geophys. Res., 2014, 119, 9
21. Cameron,R. H., Dasi-Espuig, M., Jiang, J., Is?k,E., Schmitt, D. and Schüssler,M, Limits to solar cycle predictability: Cross-equatorial flux plumes, 2013, Astron.Astrophys., 557, A141
22.Wiengarten, T., Kleimann, J. Fichtner, H., Cameron, R. Jiang, J.,Kissmann, R., and Scherer, K., MHD simulation of the inner-heliosphericmagnetic field, J.,Geophys. Res., 2013, 118, 29
23. Cameron,R., Schmitt, D., Jiang, J., and I?ik, E., Surface flux evolutionconstraints for flux transport dynamos, Astron. Astrophys., 2012, 542,127
24. Schrinner,M., Schmitt, D., Jiang, J. and Hoyng, P., An efficient method forcomputing the eigenfunctions of the dynamo equation, Astron. Astrophys., 2010, 519, A80
25. Cameron,R. H., Jiang, J., Schmitt, D. and Schüssler, M., Surface Flux TransportModeling for Solar Cycles 15-21, Astrophys. J., 2010, 719, 264-270
26. Choudhuri,Arnab Rai, Chatterjee, Piyali and Jiang, Jie, Predicting Solar Cycle 24With a Solar Dynamo Model, Phys. Rev. Lett., 2007, 98, 131103 (selectedas "Editors' suggestion" in PRL)

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