
北京工商大学计算机与信息工程学院导师教师师资介绍简介-刘翠玲 - Liu Cuiling

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-05-05


Liu Cuiling, female, Ph.D., professor, doctoral tutor. In 2002, she graduated from Harbin Institute of Technology with a major in navigation guidance and control, obtained the doctor of engineering(studied with Professor Wang Zicai, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering). Currently, she is a professor at the School of Computer and Information Engineering and the person in charge of the first-level discipline of control science and engineering. Meanwhile she is also the vice chairman of the Simulation Technology Application Branch of the China Computer User Association, a member of the Expert Advisory Committee of the China Automation Association, a member of the Analytical Instrument Branch of the China Instrument and Control Society, a member of the Rapid Detection Technology and Instrument Professional Committee and so on.
She is involved in the teaching and research of systems simulation and modeling, intelligent inspection and process control engineering.And she teaches "System Identification", "System Modeling and Identification", "Process Control System", "Distributed Control System" and other courses for postgraduate and undergraduate, and guide more than 80 graduate students and undergraduates. In the research of modeling and simulation methods of complex systems, spectral detection technology and data processing, advanced control strategies of production processes she has made certain achievements. Currently, she is mainly engaged in the rapid detection technology and equipment of food and agricultural product quality, multiphase flow detection and modeling, and process control engineering. In recent years, she has presided over the completion of the Beijing Municipal Education Commission's key science and technology planning project "Study on Non-destructive Testing Method for Food Safety Rapid Detection Based on Multispectral",the Beijing Natural Science Foundation Project “Study on Fast and Nondestructive Identification and Classification of Oil Crop Quality Based on Terahertz Technology” and other provincial and ministerial research projects and horizontal research project.She has won 7 scientific research and teaching outstanding achievement awards at the provincial and ministerial level, and more than 10 excellence teaching achievements and scientific research awards at the school level.At the same time, she has published and edited 7 literary works such as "Research on Measurement Techniques and Data Analysis Methods of Spectra Used for Food Quality Detection", "Research on Food Detection Technology Based on Near Infrared Spectroscopy", "Distributed Control System" and other. Moreover, she also has published more than 70 papers in academic journals such as Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis, Food Science, Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery and Instrument Technique and Sensor, and more articles have been included in SCI and EI/ISTP. She has obtained more than 10 software copyright registrations and applied for 7 invention patents, of which2 authorized.In addition, she was awarded the title of Model Worker and Excellent Teaching Worker of Provincial Education System.
Email: sim688@163.com
Normal07.8 磅02falsefalsefalseEN-USZH-CNX-NONE

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