
北京工商大学计算机与信息工程学院导师教师师资介绍简介-孔建磊 - Kong Jian-lei

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-05-05

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Kong Jian-lei
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Job Title: Lecturer
Beijing Technology and Business University

School of Computer and Information Engineering
Education: 2007-2011, Beijing Forestry University, Bachelor
2011-2016, Beijing Forestry University,
Research Interests: Information Fusion, Computer vision, 3D laser Scanner
Teaching Courses: Linear Control
Email: kongjianlei_slgc@163.com
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Dr. Kong Jian-lei was born in Anhui in 1989, China and Received his B.Sc. degree in Automation Engineering from Beijing Forestry University in 2011. During 2011 and 2013, he received Master degree of the Forest Engineering from Country College of Technology in Beijing Forestry University. In 2016, he received Ph.D. degree of Forest Engineering in Research Institute of Forestry Vehicle and special Equipment, Beijing Forestry University. Since 2016, he has been a lecturer in College of Computer and Information Engineering, Beijing Technology and Business University. His research lies in the fusion, statistical signal processing of mutli-sensors including computer vision, 3D reconstruction and classification from large-scale point clouds, pattern recognition, artificial intelligence. Currently, his research focus shifts to develop intelligent systems that recognize scenes and obstacles for autonomous robots based on multisensor fusion, supervoxel segmentation and big data tendency analysis. Kong has participated in a number of nation-level and provincial(ministerial)-level scientific research projects including "863",”948” projects , " Eleventh five-Year "Science and Technology support project, and so on. Recently, he published about 10 papers in the pattern recognition, information fusion and image processing journals. And he also hold some software copyrights and patents on obstacle recognition in the real environment.
Sep 2011 –Apr 2016
Beijing Forestry University
MS and PhD, Forest Engineering
Beijing, China

Sep 2007 – Apr 2011
Beijing Forestry University
MS and PhD, Automation Engineering
Beijing, China

1. Jianlei Kong, Xiaokang Ding, Jinhao Liu, et al. New Hybrid Algorithms for Estimating Tree Stem Diameters at Breast Height Using a Two Dimensional Terrestrial Laser Scanner. Sensors 2015, 15, 15661-15683.
2. Jianlei Kong, Jinhao Liu, Lei Yan, et al. Improved Accurate Extrinsic Calibration Algorithm of Camera and Two-dimensional Laser Scanner. Journal of Multimedia, Vol 8, No 6 (2013), 777-783.
3. Jianlei Kong, Li Fan, Jinhao Liu, et al. New Calibration Method of Two-dimensional Laser Scanner and Camera based on LM-BP Neural Network. International Journal of Signal Processing, Image Processing and Pattern Recognition,Vol.8, No.9 .275-286.
4. Kong Jianlei ,Liu Wenquan,Liu Jinhao, Sun Zhibo. The structure of PZT for three-dimensional laser scanner in forest were designed and FEM analysis [J]. Mechanical engineering and automation, 2016(2).
5. Xiaokang Ding, Jianlei Kong, Lei Yan, et al. A novel stumpage detection method for forest harvesting based on multi-sensor fusion [J]. Signal, Image and Video Processing, 2014: 1-8.
6. Lei Yan, Xiaokang Ding, Jianlei Kong, Zheng Yu, Jinhao Liu, Parameters Optimization Algorithms for Improving the Performance of Obstacles Identification in Forest Area, INMATEH-Agricultural Engineering, V 40, n 2, pp. 43-52, 2013.
7. Xiaokang Ding, Lei Yan, Jianlei Kong, Jinhao Liu. A Target Detection Method for Forest Harvesting based on 2D Laser and Images [J]. Forestry Science, 2015(7):129-135.
8. Xiaokang Ding, Lei Yan, Jinhao Liu, Jianlei Kong, Zheng Yu, Obstacles Detection Algorithm in Forest based on Multi-sensor Data Fusion, Journal of Multimedia,Volume 8, n 6, pp.790-795,2013.
9. Lei Yan, Xiaokang Ding, Zheng Yu, Jianlei Kong, Jinhao Liu, A Novel Identification Method of Obstacles based on Multi-sensor Data Fusion in Forest”, Sensors & Transducers, v 155, n 8, pp. 39-46, 2013.
10. Zheng Yu, Lei Yan, Xiaokang Ding, Jianlei Kong, Ning Han. A Novel Image Segmentation Method in Forestry Detection [J]. International Journal of Signal Processing, Image Processing and Pattern Recognition, 2015,8(10):271-278.

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