

研究生院 免费考研网/2006-09-25

左明雪 教授,博士生导师

  1978 年就读于东北师范大学生物系,1985 年获华东师范大学理学硕士学位,同年在东北师范大学生物学系任教,一直从事发育神经生物学方面的研究。1990.8 ~ 1994.5 先后在美国 Indiana 大学生理医学系和 Rutgers 大学动物行为研究所工作,主要从事高等脊椎动物脑的发育和动物行为方面的研究。2002.5~2003.1 在美国 Florida 大学心理学系,从事成体脑中新生神经元功能的研究。 1994 年 5 月回国后在北京师范大学生物系任教,1995~1998 年任北京师范大学生物学系系主任。现为北京师范大学生命科学学院教授,博士生导师, “神经科学和脑的发育” 北京师范大学重点实验室主任,北京师范大学“生物医学研究所”副所长。

研究领域 :发育神经生物学

研究方向 :神经干细胞的诱导和分化;脑的发育和神经可塑性。

研究内容 : (1) 神经干细胞的增殖、迁移和分化的基因表达和调控。研究胚胎干细胞和成体干细胞的增殖、迁移和分化的分子调控机制。通过构建带有荧光素或 GFP 标记的神经前体细胞表达相关基因,转染神经干细胞,应用异体细胞移植方法,研究胚胎和成体脑中神经干细胞的迁移和分化特征,为临床上脑损伤后组织或细胞移植工程的研究奠定理论基础; (2) 以鸣禽发声控制神经核团的早期发育为模型,研究脑的早期发育,功能脑区格局化的形成和分化,性双态性发育的基因表达、调控及与行为的关系。

  已培养十几名硕士和博士研究生。从 1995 年至今连续获六项国家自然科学基金,一项北京市自然科学基金、教育部高等院校博士点基金及其他多项基金资助。在国内外有影响学术刊物发表论文 70 余篇。编写细胞和分子神经生物学专著一部,主编、参编各类教材 11 部,研究成果分别于 1993 年和 1999 年二次获教育部科技进步二等奖。 1999 年获国务院特殊津贴。目前任中国生理学会比较生理学专业委员会委员、教育部高等学校普通生物学教学指导委员会第二届、第三届委员(1995-2005),北京市动物学会副理事长,北京市神经科学学会常务理事,动物学报解剖学报执行编委,生物学通报编委。


  “脑发育和神经科学实验室” 是 “基因工程药物及生物技术” 北京市重点实验室和重点学科的组成部分,本学科具有生理学(动物行为和神经可塑性)、发育生物学(脑的发育和可塑性)二个博士学位授予权和生理学、神经生物学二个硕士学位授予权。


  ? 干细胞的诱导和分化  胚胎干细胞( ESC )具有全能性,它能分化形成各种特异组织细胞。 ESC 的增殖、分化涉及各种基因的表达和调控因子的相互作用。本方向应用基因重组等细胞和分子生物学方法,重点研究人工诱导的 ESC 定向分化的分子调节机制,以及胚胎和成体干细胞在高等脊椎动物重要脑区迁移和分化的发育机制。

  ? 脑的发育和可塑性  绝大多数高等脊椎动物脑中的神经再生、神经元死亡和神经通路的形成均局限于胚胎期,然而鸣禽前脑中的神经元再生可持续终生,这表明,成年鸣禽前脑中功能脑区的结构和神经网络将终生获得不断更新和重新组合。现在还不清楚这种重新组合的意义,也不清楚成年鸣禽前脑中新产生的神经元类型、影响新神经元产生的基因及激素调控机制,以及这些新神经元是如何取代旧的神经元并建立新的突触连接的。此外,雌雄鸣禽控制发声学习的前脑神经核团在体积、神经元数量及神经联系等方面,存在极显著的性别“双态性”,如雄性前脑控制发声学习的神经核团平均比雌性大 3~5 倍。鸣禽前脑功能脑区早期发育的显著差异,以及成体脑中终生具有神经发生的可塑性变化等现象为在分子水平上揭示功能脑区的发育和分化、中枢神经可塑性机制提供了特殊的动物模型。


“ 动物发声与动物语言形成机理的研究 ”(1993) 国家教委科技进步二等奖 ( No:92-10903 ) 第二完成人
“ 鸟类控制发声学习的神经生物学机制 ” ( 1999 )教育部科技进步二等奖 ( No : 98 - 074 ) 第一完成人

“非鸣禽旁听觉神经通路传出传入神经联系及功能的研究” 1995—1997  国家自然科学基金资助项目 (No: 39470231) 项目主持人
“田鼠嗅觉通讯的行为生态学的研究”1995-1996   教育部博士点专项科研基金项目( N0: 9502712 )合作主持人
“成年鸽脑中新神经元产生及功能的研究” 1996—1998   国家自然科学基金资助项目 (No:39570250) 项目主持人
“鸣禽前脑控制发声学习的神经核团发育和可塑性的研究” 1999-2001 国家自然科学基金资助项目 (No:39870097) 项目主持人
“鸣禽控制发声学习神经核团可塑性的研究” 2000. 5    国家自然科学基金国际合作基金( NO: 30010121145 ) 项目主持人
“成年鸣禽前脑神经干细胞的分化和功能” 2003~2005   国家自然科学基金资助项目( No: 30270449, 20 万) 项目主持人
“鸣禽前脑控制发声学习神经核团性双态性发育的研究” 2004~2006 国家自然科学基金资助项目(No: 30370196, 22万) 项目主持人

细胞和分子神经生物学左明雪(专著) 2000 北京:施普林格-高等教育出版社
细胞和分子神经生物学左明雪(专著) 2003 台湾:艺轩图书出版社
人体及动物生理学王玢 左明雪主编(普通高等教育 “ 九五 ” 国家教委重点教材) 2001  北京:高等教育出版社
人体解剖生理学左明雪 主编  2003  北京:高等教育出版社
近年发表主要论文( SCI 收录) :

Bernstein, P. L., M. X. Zuo and M. F. Cheng. Social condition affects the courship behavior of male ring doves with posterior medial hypothalamic lesions. Behav. Neur.Biology . 1993, 59: 120 ~ 125.
Durand, S. E., M. X. Zuo , S. L. Zhou and M. F. Cheng. Avian auditory pathways show met enkephalin like immunoreactivity. NeuroReport. 1993, 4: 727 ~ 730.
Cheng, M. F. and M. X. Zuo . Proposed pathways for vocal self stimulation: Projections linking the midbrain vocal nucleus, auditory responsive thalamic regions and neurosecretory hypothalamus. J Neurobiol . 1994, 25(4): 361 ~ 379.
Zuo Mingxue. The newborn neurons of the brain of non-songbird. Science bullitin 1995 ,40 (12):1133 ~ 1136
Ling, C. Y, M. X. Zuo , A. Alvarez-Buylia and M. F. Cheng. Neurogenesis in juvenile and adult ring doves. J Comp Neurol . 1997, 379: 300 ~ 312
Zuo Mingxue . The studies of neurogenesis induced by brain injury in adult dove. Cell Res . 1998, 8: 151~158
Ru,L., M.X. Zuo and H. Sakaguchi. Auditory vocal cholineric pathway in zebra finch brain. NeuroReport . 1999, 1:1 ~ 5
M. F. Cheng, M. Chaiken, M. X. Zuo and H. Miller. Nucleus taenia of the amygdala of birds: Anatomical and functional studies in ring doves(Streptopelia risoria) and European Starlings(Sturnus vulgaris). Brain . Behav. Evol . 1999, 53:243 ~ 270
Peng WM, Yu LL, Bao CY, Li XS and Zuo MX . Thansplanted neuronal precursors migrate and differentiate in the developong mouse brain. Cell Res . 2002, 12:223~228
Bao CY, Li XS, Peng WM and Zuo MX . The localization and expression of HNK-1-immunoreactive molecules in chicken embryos. Belgian J Zool. 2003,133: 23-29
Zhao HH, Zhang SY, Zuo MX , Zhou J. Correlations between call frequentcy and ear length in bats belonging to the families Rhinolophidae and Hipposideridae. J Zool Lond . 2003, 259:189-195
Bao CY, Zeng L and Zuo MX . The impact of deafenss to the survival of the newborn cells in the brain of juvenile white-rumped munia, Lonchura striata. Zool Science ( Japan ) . 2003, 20 : 1079-1085
Zeng SJ, Zhang XW, Peng WM and Zuo MX . Immunohistochemistry and neural connectiveity of the Ov shell in the songbird and their evolutionary implications. J Comp Neurol . 2004, 470: 192-209


Zuo Mingxue (English)

Neurobiology Professor

College of Life Sciences

Beijing Normal University

Beijing, 100875

P. R. China

Phone :86-10-62208558       Fax: 86-10-62207721     E-mail: mxzuo@bnu.edu.cn

Research Interests:

Developmental neurobiology of vocal learning in songbirds; Neural stem cells production, migration and differentiation

Description of Research:

(1) Neurogenesis The nervous system in most warm-blooded vertebrates is usually regarded as a tissue that has totally differentiated and neurogenesis occurs only during development. Neurogenesis, neuronal death, and pathway formation are largely restricted to embryogenesis, prior to mature brain function. However, recent work has dramatically altered this perception. Neurogenesis in birds and other higher vertebrate, including primates and humans, continues throughout adulthood. Our interesting is understanding the kinds of neurons produced in Adulthood, neural migrating, and neuronal replacement. The subventricular zone(SVZ) in the mammalian forebrain, or the ventricular zone(VZ) of the forebrain in birds, retains a population of proliferating neural precursors throughout life. Neuronal precursors derived from the SVZ/VZ can migrate out and differentiate into neurons in different brain regions. Rodent and songbirds provide a very useful model system for the research.

(2) Sexual dimorphism in rats or songbirds The plasticity of vocal behaviour and song control system in songbirds is considered the most outstanding model to study animal behavior, the plasticity of central neural system and the neural substrate of speech learning in humans. Song learning and production are controlled by a system of discrete nuclei within the telencephalon. There is dramatic sexual dimorphism in song behavior and its neural nuclei, that is, the volume of nuclei, the size and number of neurons are more 3-5 times in male than that in female. Most of these sex differences arise through processes during sensitive periods in life, but not inherent.

Recently works in our lab demonstrated that sex difference in the morphology of the nucleus robustus archistriatalis (RA) emerges during vocal development. In both male and female white-rumped munia ( Lonchura striata ), the RA volume keeps growing from P5 (postnatal day 5, the birth day is P0) to P35. Moreover, there is not sex difference in RA volume before P35. After P35, the size of RA diverges as it increases in males and regresses in females. Sexual dimorphism in RA volume became very markedly at P45.

We use cDNA-AFLP ( cDNA-amplified restriction fragment length polymorphyism ) method to study of differential expressed genes in controlling the RA development of white-rumped munia. This approach allows us to assess not only the RA development in sexual dimorphism, but also the extent to which the development and differentiation of a specific brain region.

(3) Neural stem cells in embryo and adult Stem cells are self-renewing multipotent progenitors with the broadest developmental potential in given tissue at a given time. Neural stem cells have aroused a great deal of interest not only because of their developmental importance but also for their therapeutic potential. As many report shown, the neuogenesis in vocal-control nuclei of adult songbirds and in olfactory of adult mouse provide us an important experimental model.

In passed a few years, our lab employs a cellular and molecular approach to the study of neurogenesis in avian and mammalian preparations. We are interested in the effects of discrete neurotrophic agents upon neuronal production by adult precursor cells. Related work employs transfection of isolated precursor cells with viruses bearing defined reporter genes, such as Nestin with green fluorescent protein(GFP) maker, to follow the ontogeny and derivation of the newly generated neurons. Our goal is to prepare precursors appropriate for implantation to make our nascent understanding of phenotypic specification to direct neuronal and ologodendrocytic differentiation by these stem cells.

RESEARCH GRANTS( Investigator)

NSFC 39470231(National Natural Science Foundation of China): The neural projections of accessory auditory pathways and function in avian. 1995.1 ~1997.12
NSFC 39570250: Neurogenesis and function in adult brain of pigeons. 1996.1 ~1998.12
NSFC 39870097: The study of development and plasticity in vocal-control forebrain of songbird. 1999.1 ~ 2001.12
BSFC 7992025(Beijing Natural Science Foundation): The neurogenesis, migration and differentiation in the adult rat brain . 1999.9 ~2002.8
NSFC 30270449: The function and differentiation of neuronal stem cells in the forebrain of adult songbird. 2003.1 ~2005.12
NSFC 30370196. The study of sexual dimorphism development of vocal-control nuclei in songbird forebrain. 2004.01~2006.12