

研究生院 免费考研网/2006-09-25

翟永功 ,工学博士, 1961 年出生。教授。

  1984 年毕业于西北农林科技大学动物科学专业获学士学位。 1992 年获西北农林科技大学动物遗传育种专业硕士学位。 1992 年— 1998 年在西北大学任讲师、副教授。 1999 年获西安交通大学生物医学工程专业工学博士。 1999-2001 年北京师范大学生物学博士后。 2001-2003 年北京师范大学生命科学学院副教授。 2004 年北京师范大学生命科学学院教授。


主要研究方向 细胞与分子药理学和分子生物学。中药是祖国传统医学的瑰宝,其在解毒、抗氧化、抗肿瘤等方面具有广泛的生物活性,但许多中药及其成分治病的分子机理有待深入研究,从细胞和分子水平研究中药及其组分的作用机理,以利于开发新药和指导临床用药。结合新基因功能研究,有利于研究药物作用靶标。

已经完成的科研项目  先后主持承担国家科委新药研究基金项目,国家科委星火计划项目,陕西省科技研究发展计划攻关项目、陕西省九五重大项目和国家科委九五攻关项目。北京市朝阳区政府科技重点项目。

目前正在进行的科研项目  国家 863 新基因功能研究子项目, 企业横向项目 2 项, 教育部专项基金 1项。 发表论文 38 篇,参编著作和教材各一部,获得中国 发明专利一项 。 2000 年获北京市朝阳区人民政府科技进步一等奖。


Yonggong Zhai, Ph.D.

Biomedicine Research Institute

College of Life Sciences

Beijing Normal University

Beijing, 100875


Telephone: 86-01-58806656

FAX: 86-10-58806656

Email: ygzhai@bnu.edu.cn


Ph.D., Institute of Biotechnique & Engineering, Xi"an Jiaotong University.

M. S., Dept. of Animal Sciences, N.W. Sci-Tech University of Agriculture and Forestry.

B. S., Dept. of Animal Sciences, N. W. Sci-Tech University of Agriculture and Forestry.


Teaching Assistant, Department of Animal Sciences, Northwest Sci-Tech University of Agriculture and Forestry, (1984-1986)

Research Trainee, Department of Animal Sciences, (1986-1990)

Lecturer, Department of Animal Science, Northwest Sci-Tech University of Agriculture and Forestry, (1991-1992)

Lecturer, Department of Biology Science, Northwest University, (1992-1996)

Associate Professor , Department of Biology Science, Northwest University, (1997-1999)

Postdoctoral Fellow, Biology Science, Beijing Normal University, Beijing, (1999-2001)

Associate Professor, College of Life Sciences, Beijing Normal University, (1999-2003),

Professor, College of Life Sciences, Beijing Normal University, (2004-present)

Awards and Honors:

Excellent Student in Northwest Sci-Tech University of Agriculture and Forestry, (1983, 1984)

Excellent Master student in Northwest Sci-Tech University of Agriculture and Forestry, (1991)

Excellent Ph.D. Student in Xi"an Jiaotong University, (1998)

Courses Taught and Other Teaching Activities:

1986-1990 Teaching Assistant, Experiment on Animal Biochemistry

1991-1992 Lecturer, Animal Biochemistry (for animal science students)

1991-1992 Lecturer, Economical Animals(Fur and Applied animal)

1993-1996 Lecturer, Economical Animals

1996-1999 Molecular Biology (for Biological students, annually)

2000-2001 Molecular Biological Experiment (for graduate student)

2002-2004 Biotechnological pharmaceutics (for biotechnological students)

2002-2004 Experiment on Molecular & Biomedicine (for graduate students)

Current Graduate Students:

Miao Yu, M.S. candidate (Liaoning Normal University, Undergraduate) Entered 2002

Qiuying Zhang, M.S. candidate (Liaoning Normal University, Undergrad) Entered 2002

Fang Wang, M.S. candidate (Beijing Normal University, Undergrad) Entered 2003

Min Jiang, M.S. candidate (Beijing Normal University, Undergrad) Entered 2003

Chaoqun Niu, M.S. candidate (Beijing Normal University, Undergrad) Entered 2004

Hui Zhang, M.S. candidate (Hebei University, Technician in Institute of Biomedicine, Tsinghua University, Undergrad) Entered 2004

Former Graduate Students:

Xiangming Ci, M.S. 2001-2004.She is working in Beijing.


  The traditional Chinese medicines (TCMs) are essential components of the alternative medicine. Some TCMs, particularly those exhibit general detoxifying, hepato-protective, antitumor and antioxidative activities. The molecular mechanism of the TCM-mediated some gene expression is largely unknown. Research centers on drug cytotoxicity, drug-drug interaction and the molecular mechanism of clinical drugs, Chinese herbal medicines. Current studies are a number of novel podophyllotoxin derivatives and their glucosides. These have been shown a wide range of biological activities, such as antimitotic and antiviral . Subsequently, the successful chemical semisynthetic compounds, etoposide and teniposide, became clinical useful anticancer drugs, triggering further research in this field. Development of alternative and renewable sources of podophyllotoxin is one of the hot topics. The work on podophyllotoxin is focus on the novel natural podophyllotoxin derivatives, which have potent activities of anticancer and antiviral. The study strategies related to apoptosis, which is a form of cell death that occurs during several pathologic situations in multicellular organisms and contribute to cell replacement, tissue remodeling, and removal of damaged cells under normal conditions. It is a complex process characterized by cell shrinkage, chromatin condensation, internucleosomal DNA fragmentation, and formation of “apoptotic bodies”. In numerous studies, it has been documented that the process of apoptosis is regulated by the expression of several proteins. Of these, the P53 protein plays a proapoptotic role following stress in many types of cells and upstream activation induces cell cycle deregulation. Bax, a proapoptotic protein, is expressed abundantly and selectively during apoptosis and promotes cell death. The caspases, a class of cysteine proteases, are considered to play a central role in the apoptotic process and trigger a cascade of proteolytic cleavage events in mammalian cells. The c-myc oncogene is frequently overexpressed in human tumours. Regulation of c-myc expression and activity is associated with multiple cellular functions.

  In collaboration with Dr. Zhijie Chang, Tsinghua University, we focus on the study of novel gene function, which is related to Wnt signaling pathway. Wnt signaling pathways are essential for development and have been implicated in tumourgenesis. Dishevelled (Dvl), an intracellular modular protein, is required for the activation of several Wnt signaling pathways, which is the modulation point and branchpoint of canonical and noncanonical Wnt signaling pathways. We used DEP domain and C terminal of mouse Dvl2 as the bait for yeast-two hybrid screening to find two novel Dvl2 interacting protein. Work is currently underway to understand the function of these proteins. Work on these novel proteins will both provide insights into the molecular biology properties as well as provide a potential target for drug therapy.

  The former research focused on dioctahedral momtmorillonite, which is a non systemic antidiarreal agent. It is mucoprotective and absorbs enterotoxins and rotavirus as demonstrated in animal models. Montmorillonite has been successfully used in children and adults with acute diarrhea. During the acute phase of diarrhea, several changes in the intestinal barrier are noted, such as the loss of mucus, decrease or disappearance of the glycocalyx and microvilli and compete destruction of the enterocytes and exposure of the chorion. Antidiarrheal drugs are usually regarded as less important. Dioctahedral montmorillonite is a non systemic aluminosilicate of phyllitic structure which has been shown to interact with mucus glycoproteins, and to increase the mucus gel, both quantitatively and qualitatively.

  Furthermore, a affatoxins are ubiquitous and have been found as natural contaminants, sometimes in very high concentrations, in a variety of food crops and foods such as peanut butter and other peanut products, breakfast cereals, corn and cornmeal, dairy products and other processed foods. Numerous studies have established that affatoxin is a potent developmental toxin in animals, and it has generated much concern because it is a potent animal carcinogen and has been implicated as a factor in human liver cancer and class 1 human carcinogen. Affatoxin B1 has been reported to exert its liver-specific carcinogenicity by inducing a guanine to thymine substitution at codon 249 on the p53 gene. Because the affatoxins may significantly affect animal and human health, protection of food and feedstuffs from these poisons is a critical need. Previous research has demonstrated that a phyllosilicate clay tightly binds and immobilizes affatoxins in the gastrointestinal tract of animals and markedly reduces the bioavailability and toxicity of affatoxin. Our objective in this study is to utilize the pregnant rat as an in vivo model to compare the potential montmorillonite to prevent the developmental toxicity of affatoxin.

Professional Memberships and Activities:

Member, Shannxi Association for Biomedicine Engineering

Member, Beijing Society for Biology & Technique

Member, Beijing Association for New Medicine Development

Community Service:

Presentation on The Third Barcelona International Exchange Conference on Oriental & Occidental Medicine, 2002

University Service:

Depute Director of Biomedicine Institute, BNU 2003--present