

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-04-21

郭旭,男,1988年生。2014年于香港浸会大学获统计学博士学位,现任北京师范大学统计学院副教授,硕士生导师。研究方向为模型检验、高维数据分析、不确定下的行为决策、缺失数据分析等。现担任EconLit收录期刊Theoretical Economics Letters(http://www.scirp.org/journal/TEL/)的副主编,美国《Mathematical Review》评论员,多个统计学和经济学期刊的审稿人。

在统计学顶级期刊Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series B和 Biometrika,统计学主流期刊Statistics and Computing, Journal of Multivariate Analysis, Computational Statistics & Data Analysis和经济学主流期刊 Insurance: Mathematics and Economics, North American Journal of Economics and Finance, Economics Letters, 和Economic Modelling等SCI和SSCI期刊发表论文近30篇。
1. Guo Xu, Wang Tao and Zhu Lixing* (2016). Model checking for parametric single index models: A dimension-reduction model-adaptive approach. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series B. Vol 78, 1013-1035. (Top journal in statistics). (SCI)
2. Wang Tao, Guo Xu, Xu Peirong and Zhu Lixing*(2014). Transformed Sufficient Dimension Reduction. Biometrika. Vol. 101, No. 4, 815-829. (Top journal in statistics).(SCI)
3. Guo Xu, Niu Cuizhen*, Yang Yiping and Xu Wangli(2015). Empirical Likelihood for Single Index Model with Missing Covariates at Random. Statistics. Vol. 49, 588-601. (SCI)
4. Guo Xu, Wang Tao, Xu Wangli and Zhu Lixing*(2014). Dimension Reduction with Missing Response at Random. Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, Vol. 69, 228-242. (SCI)
5. Guo Xu, Xu Wangli and Zhu Lixing*(2014), Multi-index Regression Models with Missing Covariates at Random. Journal of Multivariate Analysis. Vol. 123, 345-363. (SCI)
6. Guo Xu, Xu Wangli and Zhu Lixing*(2015). Model Checking for Parametric Regressions with Response Missing at Random. Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics. Vol. 67, 229-259. (SCI)
7. Guo Xu and Xu Wangli*(2012), Goodness-of-fittests forgeneral linear modelswith covariates missedatrandom. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference. Vol.142, N0. 7, 2047-2058. (SCI)
8. Niu Cuizhen, Guo Xu, Xu Wangli* and Zhu Lixing (2014). Empirical Likelihood Inference in Linear Regression with Nonignorable Missing Response. Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, Vol. 79, 91-112. (SCI)
9. Niu Cuizhen, Guo Xu, Xu Wangli* and Zhu Lixing (2016). Checking nonparametric component for partial linear regression model with missing response. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, Vol. 168, 1-19. (SCI)
10. Zhu Xuehu, Guo Xu, Lin Lu and Zhu Lixing*(2015). Heteroscedasticity Checks for Single Index Models. Journal of Multivariate Analysis, Vol. 136, 41-55.(SCI)
11. Xu Wangli and Guo Xu*(2013). Checking the adequacy of partial linear models with missing covariates at random. Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics. Vol. 65, No 3, 473-490. (SCI)
12. Zhu Xuehu, Guo Xu, Lin Lu and Zhu Lixing*(2016). Testing for positive expectation dependence. Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics. Vol. 68, No. 1, 135-153. (SCI)
13. Zhu Xuehu, Guo Xu, and Zhu Lixing*(2017). An adaptive-to-model test for partially parametric single-index models. Statistics & Computing. Vol. 27, 1193-1204.(SCI)
14. Zhu Xuehu, Chen Fei, Guo Xu, and Zhu Lixing*(2016). Heteroscedasticity Testing for Regression Models: A Dimension Reduction-based Model Adaptive Approach. Computational Statistics & Data Analysis. Vol. 103, 263-283.(SCI)
15. Niu Cuizhen, Guo Xu, and Zhu Lixing*(2017). Enhancements of Nonparametric Generalized Likelihood Ratio Test: Bias-correction and Dimension Reduction. Scandinavian Journal of Statistics. To appear.
16. Guo Xu, McAleer Michael, Wong Wing-Keung* and Zhu Lixing (2017). A Bayesian Approach to Excess Volatility, Short-Term Underreaction and Long-Term Overreaction during Financial Crises. North American Journal of Economics and Finance. Vol 42, 346-358. (SSCI)
17. Guo Xu, Wong Wing-Keung* and Zhu Lixing. (2016). Almost Stochastic Dominance for Risk Averters and Risk Seekers. Finance Research Letters. Vol 19, 15-21. (SSCI)
18. Guo Xu, Li Jingyuan*, Liu Dongri and Wang Jianli (2016). Preserving the Rothschild-Stiglitz Type of Increasing Risk with Background Risk. Insurance: Mathematics and Economics. Vol 70, 144-149. (SCI and SSCI).
19. Guo Xu and Li Jingyuan*. (2016). Confidence Band for Expectation Dependence with Applications. Insurance: Mathematics and Economics. Vol 68, 141-149. (SCI and SSCI).
20. Guo Xu, Wing-Keung Wong, Qunfang Xu* and Xuehu Zhu (2015). Production and Hedging Decisions under Regret Aversion. Economic Modelling. Vol. 51, 153-158. (SSCI)
21. Guo Xu, Post Thierry, Wong Wing-Keung and Zhu Lixing* (2014). Moment Conditions for Almost Stochastic Dominance. Economics Letters. Vol. 124, No 2, 163-167. (SSCI)
22. Guo Xu, Zhu Xuehu, Wong Wing-Keung and Zhu Lixing* (2013). A Note on Almost Stochastic Dominance. Economics Letters, Vol. 121, No. 2, 252-256. (SSCI)
23. Broll Udo*, Guo Xu, Welzel Peter and Wong Wing-Keung (2015). The Banking Firm and Risk Taking in a Two-Moment Decision Model. Economic Modelling. Vol. 50, 275-280. (SSCI)
24. Niu Cuizhen, Guo Xu, Wang Tao and Xu Peirong*. (2014). Regret theory and the competitive firm: a comment. Economic Modelling. Vol. 41, 313-315. (SSCI)
1.国家自然科学基金青年基金, 基于投影的多元非参数回归曲线比较及若干拓展问题,(No.**), 2017.1—2019.12, 主持。
3.江苏省自然科学基金青年基金, 半参数回归模型下两类非参数约束的检验问题, (编号BK**),2015.7—2018.6,主持。
4.中国博士后科学基金第61批面上资助项目, 半参数回归模型下的异方差性和条件方差显著性检验(2017M610058),2017.7-2019.6,主持。
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