电话:, **
1986年9月-1990年7月 北京师范大学物理学系攻读学士学位。
1990年9月-1993年7月 北京师范大学物理学系攻读硕士学位。
1997年9月-2000年7月 北京师范大学物理学系攻读博士学位。主要从事黑洞物理与广义相对论方面的研究工作。
2001年1月-2002年1月 在美国Washington University in St. Louis访问,主要学习和从事中子星相对论性塌缩的数值模拟研究。
1997年7月 北京师范大学物理学系任讲师。
2000年7月 北京师范大学物理学系任副教授。
2008年7月 北京师范大学物理学系任教授。
Liu Wenbiao, Zhao Zheng. Entropy of the Dirac field in a Kerr-Newman black hole. Phys. Rev. D61(2000) No.6, 063003.
Liu Wenbiao, Zhao Zheng. An improved thin film brick-wall model of black hole entropy. Chin. Phys. Lett. 18 (2001) No.2, 310.
Xuefeng Sun, Wenbiao Liu. Improved black hole entropy calculation without cutoff. Modern Physics Letters A 19 (2004) No.9, 677.
Wenbiao Liu. New coordinates for BTZ black hole and Hawking radiation via tunnelling. Physics Letters B 634 (2006) 541.
Li Gao, Wenbiao Liu. The quantum horizon of Garfinkle-Horowitz-Strominger dilatonic black hole. General Relativity and Gravitation 38 (2006) No.5, 963.
Kui Xiao, Wenbiao Liu. The Casimir effect of Reissner-Nordstrom black hole. Chinese Physics 15 (2006) No.12, 3044.
Kui Xiao, Wenbiao Liu, Hongbao Zhang. Anomalies of the Achucarro-Ortiz black hole. Physics Letters B 647 (2007) 482.
Xiaokai He, Wenbiao Liu. Dirac particles' Hawking radiation from a Schwarzschild black hole. Chin. Phys. Lett. 24 (2007) No.8, 2448.
Qian Dai, Wenbiao Liu. Hawking radiation from a spherically symmetric static black hole. Letters in Mathematical Physics 81 (2007) No.2, 151.
Xiaokai He, Wenbiao Liu. Modified Hawking radiation in a BTZ black hole using Damour-Ruffini method. Physics Letters B 653 (2007) No.2-4, 330.
Bo Liu, Gang Wang, Wenbiao Liu. Modified Hawking radiation from a Kerr-Newman black hole due to back-reaction. Modern Physics Letters A 23 (2008) No.4, 281.
Shiwei Zhou, Wenbiao Liu. Charged Dirac particles’ Hawking radiation from a Kerr-Newman black hole. Phys. Rev. D 77 (2008) No.10, 104021.
Shiwei Zhou, Wenbiao Liu. Apparent horizon and event horizon of a Vaidya black hole. Modern Physics Letters A 24 (2009) No.26, 2099.
Zhenfeng Niu, Wenbiao Liu. Hawking radiation and thermodynamics of a Vaidya-Bonner black hole. Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics 10 (2010) No.1, 33.
Gang Wang, Bo Liu, Wenbiao Liu. Coordinates problem of Hawking radiation derivation in a Kerr-Newman black hole using Hamilton-Jacobi equation. General Relativity and Gravitation 42 (2010) No.3, 633.