现任中国城镇供水排水协会常务理事,中国环境科学学会环境工程分会副主任委员,《环境科学学报》副主编,《北京工业大学学报》副主编,《中国给水排水》、《给水排水》和《Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering in China》等9本杂志的编委。
1.“十一五”国家科技支撑计划重点项目--SBR工艺城市污水处理厂节能降耗关键技术(2006BAC19B03),(2007. 1-2010.12)。
4.国家“863计划”项目--活性污泥微膨胀节能理论与方法及中试研究(2006AA06Z319),(2007. 1-2009.12)。
8.国家自然科学基金---海外青年合作研究基金项目(**)--聚磷菌和聚糖菌在强化生物除磷系统中竞争机理与控制,(2007. 1-2009.12);
9.新加坡环境与水工业协会创新发展项目(EDB S07/1-**)--低溶解氧污泥微膨胀节能理论与方法研究。
10.新加坡环境与水工业发展协会项目(EDB S07/1-**)--CSBR过程控制及强化脱氮除磷研究。
1.G. B. Zhu, S. Y. Wang, W. D. Wang, Y. Wang, L. L. Zhou, B. Jiang, H. J. M. Op den Camp, N. Risgaard-Petersen, L. Schwark, Y. Z. Peng, M. M. Hefting, M. S. M. Jetten,C. Q. Yin.Hotspots of anaerobic ammonium oxidation at land-freshwater interfaces.Nature Geoscience,2013,6(2):103-107.
2.D. W. Gao, Y. Z. Peng,W. M. Wu.Kinetic Model for Biological Nitrogen Removal Using Shortcut Nitrification-Denitrification Process in Sequencing Batch Reactor.Environmental Science & Technology,2010,44(13):5015-5021.
3.S. Y. Wang, G. B. Zhu, Y. Z. Peng, M. S. M. Jetten,C. Q. Yin.Anammox Bacterial Abundance, Activity, and Contribution in Riparian Sediments of the Pearl River Estuary.Environmental Science & Technology,2012,46(16):8834-8842.
4.Q. Yang, X. H. Liu, C. Y. Peng, S. Y. Wang, H. W. Sun,Y. Z. Peng.N2O Production during Nitrogen Removal via Nitrite from Domestic Wastewater: Main Sources and Control Method.Environmental Science & Technology,2009,43(24):9400-9406.
5.Q. Yang, Y. Z. Peng, X. H. Liu, W. Zeng, T. Mino,H. Satoh.Nitrogen removal via nitrite from municipal wastewater at low temperatures using real-time control to optimize nitrifying communities.Environmental Science & Technology,2007,41(23):8159-8164.
6.X. Li, Y. Peng, N. Ren, B. Li, T. Chai,L. Zhang.Effect of temperature on short chain fatty acids (SCFAs) accumulation and microbiological transformation in sludge alkaline fermentation with Ca(OH)(2) adjustment. Water Research,2014,61(34-45.
7.S. J. Ge, Y. Z. Peng, S. Qiu, A. Zhu,N. Q. Ren.Complete nitrogen removal from municipal wastewater via partial nitrification by appropriately alternating anoxic/aerobic conditions in a continuous plug-flow step feed process.Water Research,2014,55(95-105.
8.J. H. Guo, Y. Z. Peng, Z. W. Wang, Z. G. Yuan, X. Yang,S. Y. Wang.Control filamentous bulking caused by chlorine-resistant Type 021N bacteria through adding a biocide CTAB.Water Research,2012,46(19):6531-6542.
9.Y. Ma, Y. Z. Peng, S. Y. Wang, Z. G. Yuan,X. L. Wang.Achieving nitrogen removal via nitrite in a pilot-scale continuous pre-denitrification plant.Water Research,2009,43(3):563-572.
10.Y. Z. Peng, S. J. Zhang, W. Zeng, S. W. Zheng, T. Mino,H. Satoh.Organic removal by denitritation and methanogenesis and nitrogen removal by nitritation from landfill leachate.Water Research,2008,42(4-5):883-892.
11.C. Y. Wu, Y. Z. Peng, S. Y. Wang,Y. Ma.Enhanced biological phosphorus removal by granular sludge: From macro- to micro-scale.Water Research,2010,44(3):807-814.
12.Y. Z. Chen, C. Y. Peng, J. H. Wang, L. Ye, L. C. Zhang,Y. Z. Peng.Effect of nitrate recycling ratio on simultaneous biological nutrient removal in a novel anaerobic/anoxic/oxic (A(2)/O)-biological aerated filter (BAF) system.Bioresource Technology,2011,102(10):5722-5727.
13.D. W. Gao, Y. Z. Peng, B. Li,H. Liang.Shortcut nitrification-denitrification by real-time control strategies.Bioresource Technology,2009,100(7):2298-2300.
14.S. J. Ge, Y. Z. Peng, S. Y. Wang, J. H. Guo, B. Ma, L. A. Zhang,X. Cao.Enhanced nutrient removal in a modified step feed process treating municipal wastewater with different inflow distribution ratios and nutrient ratios.Bioresource Technology,2010,101(23):9012-9019.
15.J. H. Guo, Y. Z. Peng, C. Y. Peng, S. Y. Wang, Y. Chen, H. J. Huang,Z. R. Sun.Energy saving achieved by limited filamentous bulking sludge under low dissolved oxygen.Bioresource Technology,2010,101(4):1120-1126.
16.J. H. Guo, Y. Z. Peng, S. Y. Wang, Y. A. Zheng, H. J. Huang,Z. W. Wang.Long-term effect of dissolved oxygen on partial nitrification performance and microbial community structure.Bioresource Technology,2009,100(11):2796-2802.
17.W. G. Jie, Y. Z. Peng, N. Q. Ren,B. K. Li.Utilization of alkali-tolerant stains in fermentation of excess sludge.Bioresource Technology,2014,157(52-59.
18.Y. Z. Peng,S. J. Ge.Enhanced nutrient removal in three types of step feeding process from municipal wastewater.Bioresource Technology,2011,102(11):6405-6413.
19.Y. Z. Peng, L. Zhang, S. J. Zhang, Y. P. Gan,C. C. Wu.Enhanced nitrogen removal from sludge dewatering liquor by simultaneous primary sludge fermentation and nitrate reduction in batch and continuous reactors.Bioresource Technology,2012,104(144-149.
20.Y. Y. Wang, Y. Z. Peng,T. Stephenson.Effect of influent nutrient ratios and hydraulic retention time (HRT) on simultaneous phosphorus and nitrogen removal in a two-sludge sequencing batch reactor process.Bioresource Technology,2009,100(14):3506-3512.
21.X. Yang, Y. Z. Peng, N. Q. Ren, J. H. Guo, X. X. Tang,J. C. Song.Nutrient removal performance and microbial community structure in an EBPR system under the limited filamentous bulking state.Bioresource Technology,2013,144(86-93.
22.J. H. Guo, Y. Z. Peng, S. Y. Wang, B. Ma, S. J. Ge, Z. W. Wang, H. J. Huang, J. R. Zhang,L. Zhang.Pathways and Organisms Involved in Ammonia Oxidation and Nitrous Oxide Emission.Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology,2013,43(21):2213-2296.
23.J. F. Gao, Q. Zhang, K. Su, R. N. Chen,Y. Z. Peng.Biosorption of Acid Yellow 17 from aqueous solution by non-living aerobic granular sludge.Journal of Hazardous Materials,2010,174(1-3):215-225.
24.Y. K. Gong, Y. Z. Peng, Q. Yang, W. M. Wu,S. Y. Wang.Formation of nitrous oxide in a gradient of oxygenation and nitrogen loading rate during denitrification of nitrite and nitrate.Journal of Hazardous Materials,2012,227(453-460.
25.J. H. Guo, Y. Z. Peng, H. J. Huang, S. Y. Wang, S. J. Ge, J. R. Zhang,Z. W. Wang.Short- and long-term effects of temperature on partial nitrification in a sequencing batch reactor treating domestic wastewater.Journal of Hazardous Materials,2010,179(1-3):471-479.
26.J. Ma, Q. Yang, S. Y. Wang, L. Wang, A. Takigawa,Y. Z. Peng.Effect of free nitrous acid as inhibitors on nitrate reduction by a biological nutrient removal sludge.Journal of Hazardous Materials,2010,175(1-3):518-523.
27.Y. Z. Peng, J. H. Guo, H. Horn, X. Yang,S. Y. Wang.Achieving nitrite accumulation in a continuous system treating low-strength domestic wastewater: switchover from batch start-up to continuous operation with process control.Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology,2012,94(2):517-526.
28.Y. Z. Peng,G. B. Zhu.Biological nitrogen removal with nitrification and denitrification via nitrite pathway.Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology,2006,73(1):15-26.
29.J. H. Guo, Y. Z. Peng, X. Yang, C. D. Gao,S. Y. Wang.Combination process of limited filamentous bulking and nitrogen removal via nitrite for enhancing nitrogen removal and reducing aeration requirements.Chemosphere,2013,91(1):68-75.
30.C. Y. Wu, Y. Z. Peng, R. D. Wang,Y. X. Zhou.Understanding the granulation process of activated sludge in a biological phosphorus removal sequencing batch reactor.Chemosphere,2012,86(8):767-773.
31.L. Zhang, S. J. Zhang, Y. P. Gan,Y. Z. Peng.Bio-augmentation to rapid realize partial nitrification of real sewage.Chemosphere,2012,88(9):1097-1102.
32.L. Zhang, S. J. Zhang, S. Y. Wang, C. C. Wu, Y. G. Chen, Y. Y. Wang,Y. Z. Peng.Enhanced biological nutrient removal in a simultaneous fermentation, denitrification and phosphate removal reactor using primary sludge as internal carbon source.Chemosphere,2013,91(5):635-640.
33.W. T. Zhang, Y. Z. Peng, N. Q. Ren, Q. S. Liu,Y. Z. Chen.Improvement of nutrient removal by optimizing the volume ratio of anoxic to aerobic zone in AAO-BAF system.Chemosphere,2013,93(11):2859-2863.
34.Y. Ma, Y. Z. Peng,X. L. Wang.Improving nutrient removal of the AAO process by an influent bypass flow by denitrifying phosphorus removal.Desalination,2009,246(534-544.
35.Y. Z. Peng, X. L. Wang,B. K. Li.Anoxic biological phosphorus uptake and the effect of excessive aeration on biological phosphorus removal in the A(2)O process.Desalination,2006,189(1-3):155-164.
五、 教材与专译著
1. 彭永臻(主编)、崔福义编著,《给水排水工程计算机程序设计》,中国建筑工业出版社(1996);
2. 崔福义,彭永臻,《给水排水工程仪表与控制》,中国建筑工业出版社(1999);
3. 彭永臻主审,《水质工程实验技术》,黑龙江教育出版社(2000);
4. 彭永臻(主编),崔福义编著,《给水排水工程计算机应用》,中国建筑工业出版社(2002),建设部“九五”重点立项教材(代码为JS018);
5. 王淑莹,高春娣,《环境导论》,中国建筑工业出版社(2004)(主审)
8.Ma Yong,Peng Yongzhen,etc. Frontiers in Environmental Research,chapter 1“The Optimization and Control of Pre-denitrification Process to Improve Nitrogen Removal”,Nova Science Publishers of America (2006);
10. 王晓莲,彭永臻著,《A2O法污水生物脱氮除磷处理技术与应用》,科学出版社,(2009);
11.杨庆, 彭永臻编著, 《序批式活性污泥法原理与应用》,科学出版社,(2010);
12.吴昌永,王然登,彭永臻编著, 《污水处理颗粒污泥技术原理与应用》,中国建筑工业出版社(2011);