北京农学院 /2013-10-08
Northwest Agricultural and Forestall University
Veterinary Science
Veterinary Science
1987-1992: Lecturer in the Department of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Science of Beijing Agricultural College.
1992-1997: Assistant Professor in the Department of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Science of Beijing Agricultural College.
1999-2011: Associated Professor in the Department of Animal Science and Technology of Beijing Agricultural College.
2011.12- Professor in the College of Animal Science and Technology of Beijing University of Agriculture.
1985-1992: Focusing on teaching Poultry Science and Cattle Science in the Department of Animal Sciences in Beijing Agricultural College, and doing some research work on breeding of light layers, and on the application of some reproductive techniques (such as embryo transfer, embryo freezing, et al.) for sheep and dairy cattles.
1993-1997: Focusing on the nuclear transfer of bovine embryos, and production of transgenic rabbits and goats. Five transgenic rabbits (Human Insulin like Growth Factor-1, hIGF-1) and two transgenic goats (Bovine β-casein) were identified transgenic positively by Southern Blot Hybridization. Microinjection of foreign genes (such as bovine chamosin and hIGF-1) into bovine IVF (in vitro fertilization) embryos was also conducted. Construction of recombinant plasmids for gene transfer and positive transgenic animals were detected by PCR and Southern Blot Hybridization.
1998-2012 Focusing on the mechanism of ovine and bovine oocyte maturation in vitro by researching on the effects of EGF, PG and FSH AND LH on the development of their pre-implantation embryos. In vitro production of transgenic cloning of beef cattles.
Grant Support
National Fund for Natural Sciences of China ( 31072185, PI ) 2011/01/01 – 2013/12/31
The goal of this project is to explore the mechanism of the regulation of differential embryonic expression of IFNτ on different types of bovine embryos, and their in vitro induction of ISG15 on their uterine epithelium cells cultured in vitro. [ $5,600,0]
National Key Scientific and Technological Grant of China for Breeding New Transgenic Animals and Plants---Sub-grant (2009ZX08007-005B, PI ) 2009/01/01—2012/7/31
The goal of this project is to breed a new transgenic clonig beef cattle breed. [ $8,340,0]
National Key Scientific and Technological Grant of China for Breeding New Transgenic Animals and Plants---Sub-grant ( 2011ZX08008-005-03, PI ) 2011/08/01—2012/12/31
The goal of this project is to breed a new transgenic anti-arthritis encephalitis ovine breed. [ $8,340,0]
National Key Scientific and Technological Grant of China for Breeding New Transgenic Animals and Plants---Sub-grant ( 2008ZX08008-005-02, Co-investigator, PI: Liu Yun-hai )
The goal of this project is to breed a new transgenic anti-arthritis encephalitis ovine breed. [ $19,400,0]
National Eleventh “5-year-plan” “863 High Tech Major Plan” of China---Sub-grant ( 2008AA1003, PI)
The goal of this project is to explore the mechanism of in vitro maturation for ovine oocytes . [ $4,500,0]
1. Zhang Shaoyu, Liu Yunhai, Ni Hemin, Wang Hao, Gu Meichao, Yan Peng, Yang Fei,Guo Yong, Gene expression profile analysis of dormant mouse embryos preserved by controlled slow freezing, Acta Laboratorium Animals Scientia Sinica ,2012, 20(5): 15-19,
2. Chen Li-ping, Piao Xue-jiao, Luo Yong, Ni He-min, Liu Yun-hai, Guo Yong, Study on the in-vitro cultured methods for the uterine endometrical cells of dairy cattles and sheep, Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin, 2012, 28(14): 99-104,
3. Li Kai#, Ni He-min#, Liu Yun-hai, Zhao Yan-wei, Qu Yang-yan, Li Xiao-yan, Guo Yong, LH plays a role to enhance the nuclear and cytoplasm synchronization for in vitro maturation of ovine oocytes, Scientia Agricultura Sinica,2011, 10(1):136-141;(#:co-first author, *: correspondence author, indexed by SCIE)
兽医药理学方向 刘凤华,博士,北京农学院动物科技学院教授,动物科学专业及学科负责人,动物科学系主任。动物科技学院基础 ...北京农学院师资导师 北京农学院 2013-10-08090603临床兽医学专业(学术型)导师
中兽医药及疾病防控方向 陈武(1966年~),男,教授,博士。1999年6月中国农业大学与日本麻布大学联合培养临床兽医学中西兽医 ...北京农学院师资导师 北京农学院 2013-10-08中国农业科学院北京畜牧兽医研究所2013年应届生等人员拟录取人选公告
2013年我所公开招聘应届生等人员拟录取人选公告 点击数:944次 新闻作者: 发布时间:2013-04-15 根据农业部和中国农业 ...中国农业科学院复试录取 中国农业科学院 2013-10-07中国农业科学院北京畜牧兽医研究所2013年博士研究生录取名单
我所博士研究生录取名单 序号 姓名 录取专业 录取导师 1 邹兴启 预防兽医学 朱鸿飞 2 白皓 动物遗传育种与繁殖 陈继兰 ...中国农业科学院复试录取 中国农业科学院 2013-10-07中国农业科学院北京畜牧兽医研究所2013年硕士录取人员名单
录取为学术型学位的人员名单 排名 姓名 录取专 ...中国农业科学院复试录取 中国农业科学院 2013-10-07中国农业科学院北京畜牧兽医研究所2013年硕士复试研究生名单
姓名 报考专业名称 总成绩 李敬 农产品加工及贮藏工程 326 魏如雪 动物遗传育种与繁殖 368 赵明礼 动物遗传育种与繁殖 35 ...中国农业科学院复试录取 中国农业科学院 2013-10-07中国农业科学院北京畜牧兽医研究所2013年硕士考生复试的通知
关于中国农业科学院北京畜牧兽医研究所2013年硕士考生复试的通知 一、复试工作安排 1、复试基本分数线按照北京畜牧兽医研 ...中国农业科学院复试录取 中国农业科学院 2013-10-07中国农业科学院北京畜牧兽医研究所2013复试人员名单
序号 考生姓名 报考专业名称 1 邹海涛 预防兽医学 2 邹兴启 预防兽医学 3 刘建东 预防兽医学 4 白皓 动物遗传育种与繁殖 5 ...中国农业科学院复试录取 中国农业科学院 2013-10-07中国农业科学院北京畜牧兽医研究所2013年博士生复试的通知
一、复试工作安排 1、复试时间:2013年4月26-27日 2、体检安排:4月26日上午8点:中关村医院体检中心,请各位考生当日 ...中国农业科学院复试录取 中国农业科学院 2013-10-07中国农业科学院兰州兽医研究所研究生导师简介-殷 宏
殷宏研究员简历殷宏,男,1966年11月出生,研究员,博士研究生导师,担任中国农业科学院兰州兽医研究所所长,家畜疫病病原生物学国家重点实验室主任、甘肃省动物寄生虫病重点实验室副主任,中国畜牧兽医学会理事,中国国际交流与合作学会常务理事,中国畜牧兽医学会家畜寄生虫学分会会常务理事,中国畜牧兽医学会生物 ...中国农业科学院师资导师 中国农业科学院 免费考研网 2013-10-07